Temporary short term vehicle and bike lane closures ongoing on Bloor Street between Spadina Avenue and Avenue Road to complete restoration, plantings, traffic signal activation and temporary signal removal till end of October 2024. View the Construction Details tab below for more information.

The City of Toronto is reconstructing Bloor Street West between Avenue Road and Spadina Avenue. As part of this work, the City is making a number of improvements to enhance accessibility and safety for all road users.

Improvements on Bloor Street West will include:

  • reconstruction of the road base and replacement of the asphalt surface
  • sidewalk replacement and accessibility upgrades
  • permanent raised cycle tracks
  • construction of a protected intersection at Bloor Street West and St. George Street
  • improvements to existing tree pits and other green infrastructure features

This is the final phase of work planned along this segment of Bloor Street West following the completion of the watermain replacement in August 2021.

July 2023 – Construction Notice

August 2023 – Virtual Public Information Presentation

October 2023 – The City’s contractor is commencing north side road reconstruction on Bloor Street West between Avenue Road and Spadina Avenue on November 6, 2023 anticipating to be complete by the end of 2023.

April 2024 – The City’s contractor will recommence construction on April 22nd and is anticipated to be complete by middle of August 2024.

Map of work area along Bloor Street West between Avenue Road to Spadina Avenue. Please contact Mark De Miglio at 416 395 7178 or mark.demiglio@toronto.ca for more information.

Map of work area along Bloor Street West between Avenue Road to Spadina Avenue.

Schedule and Travel Impacts

The project will begin in July 2023 and is expected to be complete by August 2024.

Phase 1 – Advance Work and North side sidewalk Reconstruction – Complete

One shared vehicle and cycle lane open in each direction through the work zone. Temporary access for pedestrians.

Phase 2 – Sidewalk Reconstruction on South Side – Complete

One shared vehicle and cycle lane open in each direction through the work zone. Temporary access for pedestrians

Phase 3 – Reconstruction of road and cycle track on South Side – Complete

One shared vehicle and cycle lane open in each direction through the work zone. Temporary access for pedestrians

Phase 4 – Reconstruction of road and cycle track on North Side – Complete

One travel lane and cycle track open for eastbound travel only. No westbound travel from Avenue Road to Spadina Avenue.

Winter shut down – End of 2023 to Early Spring 2024

Both east and west bound cycle tracks and vehicle lanes will be open.

Phase 4b – April 22 to July 8 2024

Work Scope

  • Reconstruction of road and cycle track on North side between Bedford Road and Avenue Road.
  • Sidewalk reconstruction on Bedford Road both east and west side 50 meters north of Bloor.
  • Intersection reconstruction of Bedford Road and Bloor Street West.
  • Sidewalk, utility relocations, signal work and cycle lane construction on Bloor Street at St. George Street.
  • Sidewalk reconstruction on Spadina Avenue intersection and Huron Street intersection, all corners.
  • Emergency watermain connection between Madison Avenue and Huron Street.

Closure of westbound cycle track and vehicle movement from Avenue Road to Madison Avenue. Closure of north bound travel on St. George Street between Sussex Avenue and Prince Arthur Avenue. Access to businesses maintained. Pedestrian access maintained and detours provided when needed. Bike detour will be in place, please refer to map A below.

Map of work area along Bloor Street between Avenue Road and Spadina Avenue. Emergency watermain work between Madison Avenue and Huron Street. Please contact Mark De Miglio at bloorstreetconstruction@toronto.ca or call 416 395 7178 for more information.

Phase 5a – July 8 to end of July 2024

Consecutive full week long intersection closures of the following intersections;

  1. Huron Street and Bloor Street West – morning of July 8 to morning of July 15.
  2. Spadina Avenue and Bloor Street West – morning of July 15 to morning of July 22.

Full closures of intersection (cyclists’ dismount and vehicles detour). Pedestrian access maintained. Access to businesses maintained. Bike detour will be in place, please refer to map B below.

Map of work area along Bloor Street between Spadina Avenue and Huron Street. Please contact Mark De Miglio at bloorstreetconstruction@toronto.ca or call 416 395 7178 for more information.

TTC Service

Image of 510 and 310 Spadina Bus detour. Indicates that northbound bus goes: north Spadina Avenue, east Harbord Street, north St. George Street, to St. George Station. and Southbound goes: north St. George Street, east Prince Arthur Avenue, south Bedford Road, west Bloor Street West, south St. George Street, west Harbord Street, south Spadina Avenue to route. Please contact Mark De Miglio at 416 395 7178 or mark.demiglio@toronto.ca for more information.

Please visit TTC’s Spadina Avenue webpage for latest transit service information.

Phase 5b – July 22, 2024 to August 19, 2024

Work Scope

  • All utility duct work, streetlight installation and traffic signal pole installations throughout the intersection.
  • Curb modifications at intersection corners. Crews will reconstruct not only the sidewalk curbs, but also the protected intersection. islands/curb/truck aprons, and the raised cycle track, at the same time.
  • All remaining sidewalks.
  • Hydrant installation on the southeast corner of Bloor Street and St. George Street.

Westbound vehicle lanes and the westbound cycle track on Bloor Street will be closed from Huron Street to Bedford Road.

St. George Street will be closed to northbound vehicle travel from Sussex Avenue to St. George Station.

Eastbound vehicle lanes and cycle track will remain open. The existing bicycle detour will remain in place for people cycling.

Full closures of intersection (cyclists’ dismount and vehicles detour). Pedestrian access maintained. Access to businesses maintained. Bike detour will be in place, please refer to map A below.

Map of work area along Bloor Street at St George Street intersection. Please contact Mark De Miglio at bloorstreetconstruction@toronto.ca or call 416 395 7178 for more information.

Phase 5C – August 19 to August 24 end of day.

Full week long intersection closures of the following intersection;

  • St George Street and Bloor Street West

Full closures of intersection (cyclists’ dismount and vehicles detour). Pedestrian access maintained. Access to businesses maintained. Bike detour will be in place, please refer to map A below.

Map of work area along Bloor Street at St George Street intersection. Please contact Mark De Miglio at bloorstreetconstruction@toronto.ca or call 416 395 7178 for more information.

Temporary short term vehicle and bike lane closures ongoing on Bloor Street between Spadina Avenue and Avenue Road to complete restoration, plantings, traffic signal activation and temporary signal removal till end of October 2024.

Detour Cycling Routes

There will be two signed detour cycling routes that will change depending on the phase of construction.

Detour A signs will be posted directing people cycling to use this detour to pass the work zone. People cycling should consider traveling on Brunswick Avenue, Harbord Street/Hoskin Avenue, Wellesley Street, and Bay Street as detour routes during construction.

Map showing alternate cycling route along Brunswick Avenue, Harbord Street/Hoskin Avenue, Wellesley Street, and Bay Street as detour routes during construction. Please contact Mark De Miglio at 416 395 7178 or mark.demiglio@toronto.ca for more information.

Detour B signs will be posted directing people cycling to use this detour to pass the work zone. People cycling should consider traveling on Brunswick Avenue, Harbord Street/Hoskin Avenue, and St George Street as detour routes during construction.

Map showing detour cycling route along Brunswick Avenue, Harbord Street/Hoskin Avenue, and St George Street as detour routes during construction. Please contact Mark De Miglio at 416 395 7178 or mark.demiglio@toronto.ca for more information.

Work Hours

During all phases, work will take place 7 a.m. to 11 p.m., 7 days a week. Excavation activities and heavy breaking of concrete will be carried out at various times throughout the day. All concrete breaking activities will occur between 7 a.m. and 11 p.m. on weekdays and 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on weekends. Line marking will occur overnight.


The City has been working with businesses and property management representatives to accommodate delivery and loading activities during construction. If you have not yet discussed your delivery needs with the project team, please contact the staff person listed on this webpage as soon as possible.

Accessible Accommodation

The City’s contractor must ensure safe and accessible walkways and entryways are maintained. Any temporary access disruptions will be communicated as soon as possible. If you experience a disruption, have a specific access need or related accommodation request, contact the City staff listed on this webpage.

Pedestrian Access

Pedestrian access will always be maintained.

Vehicle Access

Efforts will be made to manage traffic in the area for the safety of workers, motorists, cyclists and pedestrians. People driving and cycling should expect delays and increased traffic on nearby major streets.

There will be no on-street parking within Road Closed signs; Green P parking will remain accessible and open for use

TTC Impacts

As a result of the planned traffic restriction on Bloor Street West during phase 4, TTC will require the following adjustments:

  • the flexibility and use of Bedford Road, Prince Arthur Avenue and St George Street for shuttle bus routing around this area — in the event of unscheduled/emergency subway closures only.
  • 300 Bloor Danforth buses will divert westbound via west Bloor Street West, south Queens Park Circle, west Hoskins Avenue, west Harbord Street, and north Spadina Avenue to regular routing.

Map of Bloor street west road improvements project with timelines. Please contact Mark De Miglio for more information at mark.demiglio@toronto.ca or 416 395 7178.

This is the final phase of work planned along this segment of Bloor Street West following the completion of the watermain replacement in August 2021 and the installation of permanent cycle tracks from Bathurst Street to Spadina Avenue in 2019.

Permanent Cycle Tracks

The Bloor Street Bike Lane Pilot Project was approved by City Council in May 2016 and were made permanent in 2017. The existing cycle tracks will be raised on both sides, similar to the Bloor Street West section just east of Lippincott Street implemented in 2019.

Image of Bike Lanes before reconstruction on Bloor Street West. Please contact Paul Martin for more information at paul.martin@toronto.ca

Image of Bike Lanes after reconstruction on Bloor Street West. Please contact Paul Martin for more information at paul.martin@toronto.ca

Design features of the permanent cycle track:

  • Barrier curb between vehicle curb lane/parking lane and raised cycle track, where feasible, on the north side of Bloor Street.
  • Bevelled (rolled) curb between cycle track and sidewalk to provide separation while still allowing access across the cycle track for people using mobility devices.
  • Precast concrete medians at the ends of parking sections.

The construction of cycle tracks between Spadina Avenue and Avenue Road is the continuation of cycling infrastructure improvements started on Bloor Street West in 2019.

Sidewalk Replacement & Accessibility Upgrades

Sections of sidewalk of Bloor Street West will be replaced in areas where needed.

Image of current sidewalk condition on Bloor Street West. Please contact Paul Martin for more information at paul.martin@toronto.ca

Image of current sidewalk condition on Bloor Street West. Please contact Paul Martin for more information at paul.martin@toronto.ca

Transit stops at Madison Avenue and Bedford Road will be upgraded to accommodate the new cycle track and meet current standards for accessibility. Existing bus stops will be replaced with 30 metre-long raised platforms where buses will pull up alongside the cycle track. People cycling will yield to people boarding and exiting buses.

Image of existing TTC bus stop at Bloor Street West and Bedford Street on south side. Please contact Paul Martin for more information at paul.martin@toronto.ca
Existing TTC bus stop at Bloor Street West and Bedford Street on south side.

The planned improvements will require some changes to street parking:

  • Reduction of parking spots to accommodate longer bus stop platforms
  • East of Spadina Avenue on street parking will be moved to the south side
  • East of St George Street on street parking will be moved to the south side
  • East of St George Street, parking will be moved to the south side of Bloor Street

Road Reconstruction

The road from Avenue Road to Spadina Avenue will be reconstructed and resurfaced from curb to curb. This work will involve full road excavation, reconstruction and resurfacing.

Image of existing road conditions on Bloor Street West. Please contact Paul Martin for more information at paul.martin@toronto.ca

Image of existing road conditions on Bloor Street West. Please contact Paul Martin for more information at paul.martin@toronto.ca
Existing road conditions on Bloor Street West

Protected Intersection at Bloor Street West & St George Street

A protected intersection will be implemented at the intersection of Bloor Street West and St. George Street.

Artist rendering of intersection showing traffic and pedestrian safety features incorporated into protected intersection. Please contact Paul Martin for more information at paul.martin@toronto.ca
Traffic and pedestrian safety features incorporated into protected intersection

Protected intersections keep people cycling separated from motor vehicle traffic, providing a high degree of comfort and safety. Pedestrians also benefit because it shortens the crossing and the tight curb radii slows down motor vehicle traffic.

Protected intersections:

  • Reduce the likelihood of high speed vehicle turns.
  • Improve sightlines between all road users.
  • Reduce the distance and time during which people cycling and walking are exposed to conflicts with vehicles.

Green Infrastructure Enhancements

As part of the planned road work the City will

  • Enlarge existing tree pit openings to improve overall health of trees by increasing oxygen, water filtration and biological activity.
  • Replace existing non-porous paving between trees with permeable pavers to provide passive irrigation via rain runoff within the tree root zones.
  • Upgrade existing small precast planters with slightly larger ones to increase soil volume of each tree.
  • Construct bioretention planters on the north side of Bloor St West in front of Exhibit Condo and at TTC platform locations at St George Street and Madison Avenue.
  • Bioretention planters also provide traffic calming, increases planting biodiversity and aesthetic benefits.
  • Install permeable asphalt at key TTC platform locations that will allow stormwater to filter into the ground, reducing the volume and speed of runoff into the City’s storm sewer system.
  • Permeable asphalt is also beneficial at TTC platforms with utility and grading challenges.
Image of an enlarged pit opening and permeable pavers between trees. Please contact Paul Martin for more information at paul.martin@toronto.ca
Enlarged tree pit openings and permeable pavers between trees.
Image of upgraded precast planters. Please contact Paul Martin for more information at paul.martin@toronto.ca
Upgraded precast planters.
Image of bioretention planters with pollinator species. Please contact Paul Martin for more information at paul.martin@toronto.ca
Bioretention planters with pollinator species.


Public Information Event

The City held a virtual Public Information Event on May 5, 2022 to present an update on the project and provide an opportunity for the public to ask questions.

Event Notice PDF

Presentation PDF

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