Capacity-Building Grants for Indigenous-led Collectives, and Grassroots Groups Applications are open until September 12, 2024. Apply by July 29 to be considered for the first round of funding.


The City of Toronto’s Indigenous Affairs Office invites Indigenous-led grassroots groups and collectives to apply for capacity-building grants, which can be used to create new projects, enhance existing programs or improve group operations.

Groups can apply for one grant of up to $20,000. There is a total of $450,000 available for this year’s grant program.

  • Indigenous-led* grassroots groups or collectives,** operating on a not-for-profit basis.
  • Grassroots groups or collectives must have a bank account in their group name to receive the funds or have a trustee.
  • Programs and activities must take place in Toronto.
  • Commercial or for-profit organizations or businesses cannot apply. 
  • City staff who are part of a collective or grassroots group cannot apply.  
  • Funds cannot be used for fundraising events, donations to charitable, political or religious organizations, or debt repayment/deficit funding.
  • Grant recipients will be required to sign the Declaration of Compliance of Anti-Harassment/Discrimination City Policy.

* Indigenous-led groups have a majority of leadership that self-identify as First Nations, Inuit and/or Métis. For example, two out of three or four out of seven members of a collective must be First Nations, Inuit or Métis. At least 50 per cent of membership is First Nations, Inuit or Métis.

** Grassroots groups or collectives have two or more community members working together under a group name either on a single project or on an ongoing basis

  • Applications will be accepted anytime until September 12, 2024 and funding will be allocated in two rounds. To be considered for the first round of funding, the deadline to apply is July 29. 
  • An Indigenous selection committee will meet after each deadline to select and administer grants.  
  • Organizations are encouraged to apply early so they may have a chance to receive feedback and resubmit their applications, if necessary. 

To apply for a grant, please complete the application form and submit by the application deadline.  

Applications will be accepted anytime until September 12, 2024.  

Funding will be allocated in two rounds. To be considered for the first round of funding, the deadline to apply is July 29, 2024. 

To submit by video or interview, or if you require other accommodations, please email or call 416-278-4639 to determine an alternative approach. 

Indigenous Affairs Office staff can provide support in completing applications by calling 416-278-4639 or emailing 

The Indigenous Affairs Office hosts monthly drop-in one-on-one sessions with staff, called ‘Tea Talks’, to meet community and colleagues. Tea Talks take place on the first Thursday of every month from 1 – 4 p.m. at Metro Hall.