The Noise Bylaw provides standards for noise in Toronto. This includes decibel limits and time restrictions for some types of noise.

Noise Exemption Permits can be requested for events or activities that may be in contravention of the Noise Bylaw. Examples include:

  • Special events that feature amplified sound or instruments, such as concerts or the use of loud speakers.
  • Construction noises outside the allowable hours, including continuous concrete pouring and large crane work.

Note: Please submit your application at least four weeks in advance of the event or activity.

Application Package

To apply for a Noise Exemption Permit, applicants must submit the following:

Additional Information

Upon review of an application, the City may require:

  • Reasons supporting an exemption permit. Applicant may be requested to provide supplementary reasons in greater detail in addition to the information required in this application.
  • Noise Mitigation Plan. Applicant may be required to submit a noise mitigation plan outlining actions to be taken to reduce and mitigate the impact of the noise event.
  • Statement certified by a professional engineer or acoustical consultant. Applicant may be required to submit a statement for any sounds that are not technically or operationally feasible to control.
  • Other relevant permits such as a Temporary Street Occupation.

Noise Exemption Permit applications can be submitted by email. All applicants must also pay the $100 application fee.


Email the completed application to Once the application has been submitted, applicants will receive an invoice number by email. This invoice can then be paid online at the City of Toronto Licensing Services Payments webpage.

Application Fee

  • $100 (no tax)

Method of Payment

Payments must be made online at the City of Toronto Licensing Services Payments webpage.

Noise Monitoring Fee

This is an additional fee separate from the application fee. During review of an application, the City may determine that noise monitoring is required for permit approval. Noise monitoring is done by Bylaw Enforcement Officers.

The updated monitoring fee as of June 1, 2024, is between $79 to $103 per staff per hour, plus applicable taxes. The fee depends on the staff required and whether overtime or holiday coverage is required. Events may require more than one officer, depending on the time of day, type of event or the size of the event and this is determined during the application review.

Applicants will be advised if this is a requirement, and payment must be received before a permit is issued.

  • Monitoring by bylaw enforcement officer of sound levels at an event or activity:  $79 + tax.
  • Monitoring by bylaw enforcement officer of sound levels at an event or activity, where overtime coverage or statutory holiday applies: $93 + tax.
  • Monitoring by City staff (supervisor) of sounds levels at an event or activity: $87 + tax.
  • Monitoring by City staff (supervisor) of sound levels at an event or activity, where overtime coverage or statutory holiday applies: $103 + tax.

Most applications take three to four weeks to process, which includes two weeks with the local Ward Councillor’s Office for approval (if required). More complex applications such as lengthy construction projects and those requiring noise mitigation plans or noise monitoring could take longer. Please plan accordingly and submit your application at least four weeks in advance of the event or activity.

Approval Process

Noise Exemption Permits are provided in 591-3.2. On receipt of an application that is satisfactory, the City provides notice, in writing, to the local Ward Councillor(s) where the event or activity is to be held. The Councillor(s) has 14 days to review and respond to the notice. The City approves the application if:

  • the Councillor(s) does not respond within 14 days, or responds indicating that they have no objection to the application being approved;
  • the applicant has complied, to the satisfaction of the City, with the last exemption permit issued to them (if applicable);
  • the applicant has provided information as requested by the City (such as the purpose of the exemption permit, the description of any sound equipment, contact information, etc.); and
  • the applicant has paid all required fees.

Under 591-3.2 E (1), where the City refuses to grant Noise Exemption Permit, the applicant is notified in writing that they may appeal the decision to the Community Council which has jurisdiction for the location of the proposed event or activity. The timeline for filing the appeal is 21 days of the date of the notice. The appeal fee must also be paid.

Where an application for a Noise Exemption Permit is made for continuous concrete pouring or large crane work, the application is not sent to the local Councillor(s). An exemption permit for continuous concrete pouring and large crane work may be issued if the information requested by the City is satisfactory and the conditions of the permit have been met.

Displaying Permit

Unless waived by the City, the exemption permit must be posted in a visible location where the noise will occur, seven days before the noise takes place.

Depending on the location of the event, applicants may also require additional permits or approvals, such as a parks permit or a temporary street occupation permit.

Government work and noise due to safety measures are exempt from the Noise Bylaw.

Government work includes construction, rehabilitation or maintenance work conducted by the City, Province of Ontario, Government of Canada and any of its agencies or agents, including the operation of motor vehicles and equipment actually engaged in the work.

Safety measures include bells or sirens operated by police, fire, paramedic services and bells or whistles operated by rail or transit services. This also includes other emergency measures as outlined in the bylaw (591-3.1).