The City of Toronto delivers many key services through agencies and corporations. Each agency and corporation has a different mandate, authorities and responsibilities to deliver services on behalf of the City.

Agencies and corporations generally operate at arm’s length or independently of the City.  A Board of Directors supervises the management of the business and affairs of each agency and corporation.

City Council has chosen to deliver services through agencies and corporations for a variety of reasons, including:

  • Adding expertise and experience
  • Meeting legislative or objectivity requirements
  • Leveraging City resources by attracting funding
  • Meeting objectives beyond core municipal services
  • Operating in a commercial market environment
  • Engaging local community and diverse perspectives to guide service delivery

Refer to the City agencies and corporations chart (opens in new window)  for a single-page list of City corporations, partnered corporations, service agencies and adjudicative boards.


Service agencies, partnered agencies and BIA mandates, services and governance.


Mandates, services and governance of City corporations and partnered corporations.

Adjudicative Boards

Mandates, responsibilities and matters decided by City tribunals and committees.

Legislation, Bylaws & Policies

Find provincial legislation, City bylaws and policies relevant to agencies and corporations.

City Support for Agencies & Corporations

Read about support provided by City Council, the City Manager's Office and City Divisions.