The City of Toronto is reviewing the business licensing and zoning rules for pet establishments that work with and/or keep live animals on their premises. Share your feedback through an online survey and virtual consultations on February 11 and 13.

Adopt a Pet

Find and adopt a pet online or from one of the City's animal shelters. Check out our Second Chance Dogs, a new adoption program for dogs that have training needs.

Lost & Found Pets

Is your pet lost? Did you find someone else's pet? Learn what to do.

Pets in the City

Learn how pet owners can make their pets and communities safe.

Donate & Volunteer

Donate or volunteer your time to help animals in the city get the care they need.

Enforcement & Assistance

Learn how animal bylaws are enforced and how the City assists within the community.

Wildlife in the City

Find out how you can protect your property and live in harmony with Toronto's wildlife.

Pet Licensing

Get or renew a licence for your dog or cat.

Spay & Neuter Services

Find out about our spay and neuter programs for feral cats and for high priority neighbourhoods.

Animal Shelters

Book an appointment at a City animal shelter for emergencies, adoption, pet redemption, pet surrender and fostering.

BluePaw Pet Licensing Discount Program

Exclusive offers and discounts on pet-related products and services for owners who licence their dogs and cats. Learn about how to become a BluePaw vendor.