Each year, the City Budget invests in the services you rely on every day and make life more affordable.

An orange icon depicting a house, tall buildings and a tree.

Your Toronto Houses

  • Close to 2,650 households moved from the Centralized Wait List into rent-geared-to-income homes in 2024.
  • Helped non-profit organizations convert 300 homes at risk of redevelopment into permanent affordable housing through Multi-Unit Residential Acquisition Program and funding.
  • Moved 3,263 people out of shelters into permanent housing.
  • Provided more than 2,200 loans and grants through Toronto Rent Bank to low-income households who needed help.
  • Unlocked over 7,000 new rental homes in the first phase of the rental housing incentives stream.
  • Implemented new processes to speed up construction timelines, reducing the average review time by about 80 per cent.

A pink icon depicting to hands holding a heart shape.

Your Toronto Cares

  • The addition of the Toronto Community Crisis Service (TCCS), the City’s fourth emergency service, led to a decrease of 4.5 per cent for person in crisis calls to Toronto Police Services.
  • TCCS received more than 19,000 calls and dispatched mobile teams more than 15,000 times to provide in-person mental health supports.
  • Toronto Fire welcomed 97 new Operations Firefighters who respond to thousands of medical emergencies, rescues and other emergencies.
  • Toronto Paramedic Services welcomed 55 new Paramedic and Communication Centre frontline recruits to ensure continuity of care and access to 24-hour pre-hospital emergency care.

    A purple icon depicting a coin above a piggy bank.

    Your Toronto Invests

    • Directly addressing food insecurity for 21,500 students (an increase of 48 new schools in 2025) by adding $6 million in funding to the School Food Program.
    • In total, 842 programs across 644 sites in Toronto are providing nutritious food to 243,685 students.
    • Supported 304 restaurant operator’s participation in CaféTO’s 2024 season, including 60 new operators and 244 returning.
    • Helped more than 29,600 small business with a 15 per cent property tax rate reduction.

    A red icon depicting three cars.

    Your Toronto Moves

    • Deployed traffic wardens achieved a 33 per cent reduction in travel time, a 96 per cent reduction in vehicles blocking intersections and a 25 per cent increase in cars safely travelling through intersections.
    • Froze transit fares and invested in more service, bringing service to 97 per cent of pre-pandemic levels.
    • Made a record investment of $28 million in the TTC’s Community Safety, Security and Well-Being program.
    • Fully funded the Scarborough RT busway with a $56 million investment.

    An icon depicting hands holding a blue open book.

    Your Toronto Reads

    • Added Monday to Saturday hours to eight branches and added Sunday hours to eight branches. 67 library branches are now open on Sundays.
    • Expanded Youth Hubs to 28 locations, a 12 per cent increase, providing welcoming spaces for teens in or near priority neighbourhoods. Teens can drop-in to study, chat with friends, use technology or participate in programs and activities. Helpful staff are always available and nutritious snacks are offered daily.

    A green icon depicting a person swimming.

    Your Toronto Plays

    • The City is the largest provider of recreation programs in Toronto with about 17,000 registered courses and 162,000 spaces.
    • Launched new user-friendly online portal for recreation and cultural program registration that includes facility bookings such as museum rental spaces, ice rinks, fire pits and sports fields.


    A wordmark in blue reading Your Toronto with the last "o" of Toronto replaced by a heart.

    At the heart of your Toronto are hard working City of Toronto employees. Watch these behind-the-scenes, unscripted, personal stories that showcase services and shine a light on programs delivered everyday for Torontonians. These employees have a personal passion for public service and make Toronto a vibrant place to live and work.

    Click the 1/9 playlist icon in the top right of the video to select the next story.