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The personal information on this form is collected under the authority of the City of Toronto Act, 2006. The information is used to allow the City to send you an e-mail to confirm your wish to subscribe to a City of Toronto e-notice. Questions about this collection may be directed to the Marketing Supervisor, Economic Development & Culture Division, City of Toronto, Toronto City Hall, 6th floor, West Tower, Toronto M5H 2N2. By subscribing to one of the City of Toronto’s e-updates you are providing express consent, as defined by the Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL), to receive email updates from the City of Toronto.
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Receive periodic updates on the Green Will Initiative, the first cohort, future cohorts, and collaboration opportunities. Looking to unsubscribe? In each e-newsletter you receive, there will be a link to unsubscribe.
The personal information on this form is collected by the Environment & Climate Division under the authority of the City of Toronto Act, 2006, s.136 (c) and By-law 890-2007. By subscribing to one of the City of Toronto’s e-updates you are providing express consent, as defined by the Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL), to receive email updates from the City of Toronto. Questions about this collection can be directed to the Program Manager – Environment, Environment & Climate at Metro Hall (C/O Union Station East Wing), 55 John Street, Toronto, M5V 3C6 or 416-397-0311.
Subscribe to receive electronic messages from Live Green Toronto, a program of the Environment, Climate and Forestry Division of the City of Toronto, including invitations to programs and events, promotions, as well as other notifications. (You may withdraw your consent at any time).
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Subscribe to receive updates, reports and information on upcoming meetings related to the City of Toronto’s Retail Main Streets Study.
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Subscribe to receive electronic messages from Taking Action on Tower Renewal Program. (You may withdraw your consent at any time).
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The personal information on this form is collected under the authority of the City of Toronto Act, 2006. The information is used to allow the City to send you an e-mail to confirm your wish to subscribe to this e-notice. Museums & Heritage Services uses a third-party service, which will not re-use your email address for any other purpose. Your email address will not be shared with any other organization or with other service areas within Museums & Heritage Services or sold for commercial purposes. Questions about this collection may be directed to:
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Stay informed about TransformTO to learn what the City of Toronto and its partners are doing to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the city. Regular updates sent monthly. You may unsubscribe at any time.
Subscribe to receive updates about the Vacant Home Tax, including reminders to submit an annual declaration of your residential property’s occupancy status and notices of important due dates.
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Revenue Services collects your personal email address under the legal authority of the City of Toronto Act, 2006, Section 8 and Part XII.1, and the City of Toronto Municipal Code, Chapter 778, Taxation, Vacant Home Tax. The information will be used to inform subscribers through email about the Vacant Home Tax including reminders for important submissions dates and due dates. Questions about this collection can be directed to Manager, Customer Service, Revenue Services, 5100 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario, M2N 5V7 or by telephone at 416-395-1048.
Sign-up to receive E-Updates on Warming Centres, including notifications when they open and close.
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Shelter, Support and Housing Administration collects personal information on this form under the legal authority of Toronto City Council Item 2023.EC3.13, as confirmed by the City of Toronto By-law 395-2023. The information will be used to subscribe you to a City of Toronto e-notice for Warming Centres, including when they open and close to new admissions throughout the winter season. By subscribing to one of the City of Toronto’s e-updates you are providing express consent, as defined by the Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL), to receive email updates from the City of Toronto. Questions about this collection can be directed to the General Manager’s Office, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration, Metro Hall, 6th Floor, 55 John Street, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 3C6, or by telephone at 416-392-8741.