You can subscribe to City of Toronto e-updates on a variety of topics. Choose from the list below and follow the instructions to subscribe.

You can also unsubscribe from an e-update at any time.

Select an e-update from the list by clicking in the checkbox beside it, type (do not copy and paste) your email into the box below and click Subscribe. You will then receive an email with instructions to confirm your request.

The personal information on this form is collected under the authority of the City of Toronto Act, 2006. The information is used to allow the City to send you an email to confirm your wish to subscribe to a City of Toronto e-notice. Questions about this collection may be directed to the ListServ Administrator, Strategic Communications Division, City of Toronto, Toronto City Hall, 7th floor, West Tower, Toronto M5H 2N2. Email: By subscribing to one of the City of Toronto’s e-updates you are providing express consent, as defined by the Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL), to receive email updates from the City of Toronto.

News Releases

Subscribers receive news releases and media advisories issued by the City. The number of news releases and media advisories vary. Subscribers receive about 10 media notices weekly.

City Update

Subscribe to stay connected with the City of Toronto. Read about the City’s latest services, events and environmental initiatives. The City Update e-newsletter is issued six times a year.

City Planning

Subscribe to stay informed about key neighbourhood and city-wide City Planning issues, projects, studies, public meetings, and events. The City Planning Division helps to guide the way the city looks and grows. City Planning works with the community and other City divisions to set goals and policies for development, while keeping important social, economic and environmental concerns in mind. Updates are typically monthly.

City-wide Heritage Survey

Subscribers will receive monthly updates about a feasibility study for a city-wide survey of heritage properties in Toronto. The study will make recommendations to Council for a heritage survey that could engage communities to identify sites that have cultural heritage value.

Digital Infrastructure Plan

Subscribers will receive updates and information about digital governance, privacy and data stewardship in Toronto.

Dog Attack Safety Notices

Information about severe dog attack or bite incidents in Toronto, where the dog(s) and/or the dog owner(s) involved have not been located.

Downtown East Action Plan

Subscribe to receive updates about the Downtown East Action Plan.

Dundas-Sherbourne Neighbourhood Revitalization Plan

Subscribe to receive updates about the Dundas-Sherbourne Neighbourhood Revitalization Plan.

Energy & Water Reporting and Benchmarking (EWRB) for Large Buildings

Subscribers receive reminders, update announcements and information on helpful resources available to building owners and other individuals reporting building energy and water use to the Ministry of Energy, under the provincial Energy and Water Reporting and Benchmarking (EWRB) regulation (O.Reg. 506/18).

Fairbank-Silverthorn Storm Trunk Sewer System

The City of Toronto, with support from the Government of Canada, is protecting against basement flooding in the Fairbank-Silverthorn community for more than 4,656 homes. Subscribe to receive regular project updates.

Gardiner Expressway Rehabilitation – Section 2 Dufferin to Strachan

The City is rehabilitating the Gardiner Expressway between Dufferin Street to Strachan Avenue. Subscribe to receive details of construction activities that may be disruptive.

Gardiner Expressway Rehabilitation – Section 3 Early Works on Five Bridges

The City is rehabilitating the Gardiner Expressway between Highway 427 to Humber River Subscribe to receive details of construction activities that may be disruptive.

Growing Glencairn

Subscribe to receive updates about the Growing Glencairn study, as new information is released.

Jane Finch Initiative

Subscribe for periodic updates about project milestones, as well as information on opportunities to participate in the Jane Finch Initiative.

Kennedy Crossing Regeneration Area Study

Subscribe to receive updates related to the Kennedy Crossing Regeneration Area Study, including project milestones and opportunities to participate in the process through meetings and events.

Licensing Bylaw Review

Subscribe to receive electronic updates and information on the Licensing Bylaw Review.

Maps and Geospatial Data

Subscribe to receive updates about the City’s Geospatial Information System (GIS) applications, maps, data, updates, and events.

Multi-Tenant Housing Review

Subscribe to stay informed on the proposed framework for multi-tenant housing and details on the consultation events and how people can get involved and provide feedback.

Modular Housing – 150 Dunn Avenue

Subscribe to receive updates about the modular supportive housing project at 150 Dunn Avenue (the former parking lot for UHN’s EW Bickle Centre for Complex Continuing Care).

Modular Housing – 175 Cummer Avenue

Subscribe to receive updates about the modular supportive housing project at 175 Cummer Avenue (to be located next to Willowdale Manor).

New affordable supportive housing at 4626 Kingston Road

Subscribe to receive information about the affordable supportive homes proposed at 4626 Kingston Road.

North York at the Centre

Subscribe for periodic updates about project milestones, as well as information on opportunities to participate in the North York at the Centre.

Official Plan Maps

Subscribe to receive notices of meetings and status updates related to the City’s review of Map 4 of the Official Plan.

Our Plan Toronto

Subscribe for regular updates on the various components of the Municipal Comprehensive Review, which is described in the work plan report (Item PH14.4). These updates will provide notice and further information on scheduled consultation events, reports to Planning and Housing Committee, and others.

Parking Requirements for New Development

Subscribe to receive notices of meetings and status updates related to the City’s review of the parking requirements for new developments.

Rehabilitation of Eastern & Adelaide Bridges

The City is rehabilitating the bridges and elevated roads near Eastern Avenue and Adelaide Street East. Subscribe to receive details of construction activities that may be disruptive.

Short Term Rental Updates

Subscribe to receive updates on short term rental regulations.

Snow Clearing Service Requests

Subscribe to receive updates about the availability of winter-related service requests at the beginning and end of a snow event.

Supportive Housing – 65 Dundas Street East

Subscribe to receive information about the permanent affordable rental and supportive homes at 65 Dundas Street East.

Toronto’s Action Plan to Confront Anti-Black Racism

Subscribe to receive monthly updates about how the City is implementing its interim action plan to confront anti-Black racism.

Toronto Island Ferry

Subscribe to receive updates about the Jack Layton Ferry Terminal including changes and disruptions to ferry service. Updates may be provided daily.

Toronto Urban Design Awards

Subscribers will receive periodic email updates about the Toronto Urban Design Awards and deadlines.

Update Downsview

Subscribe to receive updates related to the City’s work on Update Downsview, including project milestones and opportunities to participate in the process through meetings and events.

Vehicle for Hire Review

Subscribe to receive key updates and information about upcoming public consultation opportunities from Municipal Licensing and Standards related to the Vehicle-for-Hire Review.

Toronto’s Vision Zero Road Safety Newsletter

Toronto’s Vision Zero Road Safety is an initiative led by Transportation Services in collaboration with multiple agencies, organizations and stakeholder groups. The Vision Zero Road Safety Plan is a comprehensive five year (2017-2021) action plan focused on reducing traffic-related fatalities and serious injuries on Toronto’s streets.

youthTO News

If you are a Toronto youth age 13 – 29, subscribe to learn about City of Toronto and community services and events for youth. The timing of newsletters and e-updates varies.

Select an e-update from the list by clicking in the checkbox beside it, type (do not copy and paste) your email into the box below and click Subscribe. You will then receive an email with instructions to confirm your request.

The personal information on this form is collected under the authority of the City of Toronto Act, 2006. The information is used to allow the City to send you an email to confirm your wish to subscribe to a City of Toronto e-notice. Questions about this collection may be directed to the ListServ Administrator, Strategic Communications Division, City of Toronto, Toronto City Hall, 7th floor, West Tower, Toronto M5H 2N2. Email: By subscribing to one of the City of Toronto’s e-updates you are providing express consent, as defined by the Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL), to receive email updates from the City of Toronto.


Get Involved

Subscribe to this bi-weekly newsletter to receive updates on upcoming opportunities to provide your input and ideas to the City on a range of issues through community consultation sessions, public meetings, pop-up engagements, listening sessions and public surveys (in person and online).

Affordable Housing Opportunities

Subscribe to receive notifications when new affordable housing opportunities become available.

Agincourt Mall Planning Framework Review

Subscribe to receive periodic updates about upcoming meetings and events.

Alexander St. Park Improvements

Alexander Street Parkette will be improved to meet the evolving needs of the community. The improvements may include new pathways, lighting, seating, planting, site furnishings and features, protection of existing trees and enhancements to overall safety for park users.

Ashbridges Bay Treatment Plant (ICMC)

The Implementation and Compliance Monitoring Committee (ICMC) assists the City with the implementation of aspects of the Environmental Assessment Approval for the Ashbridges Bay Treatment Plant. Subscribers receive meeting invitations and minutes, usually bi-monthly.

Ashbridges Bay Treatment Plant (NLC)

The Neighbourhood Liaison Committee (NLC) facilitates communication between the City and the community around the Ashbridges Bay Treatment Plant. Committee members provide input on issues related to the plant’s operation and changes to the site that affect the community. Subscribers receive meeting invitations and minutes, usually bi-monthly.

Automated Vehicles

Subscribe to receive project updates and information about upcoming public consultation opportunities related to Automated Vehicles.

Avenues and Mid-rise Study

Subscribe for periodic updates about project milestones, as well as information on opportunities to participate in the future consultations regarding progress on the Housing Action Plan action items that relate to Avenues, expanding Mixed Use Areas, and as-of-right zoning for Avenues.

Billy Bishop Toronto City Airport Review

The City is conducting a review of a request from Porter Airlines to permit jet-powered aircraft operations at Billy Bishop Toronto City Airport. This list will provide study updates and invitations to provide input. Two to three messages will be sent every few months at key stages of the study.

Bloor-Yorkville Secondary Plan

Subscribers will receive updates related to the City’s work on creating the Bloor-Yorkville Secondary Plan, including project milestones and opportunities to participate in the process through meetings and events.

Body Rub Parlours and Holistic Centres: Bylaw Review

Subscribers will receive updates related to the City of Toronto’s review of the bylaw governing Body Rub Parlours and Holistic Centres.

Cashman Park Improvements

Subscribe to receive periodic email notifications about opportunities to share your feedback and inform the future improvements to Cashman Park.

Community Funding Mailing List

Sign up for the Community Funding List to receive news from our team and notices of upcoming funding opportunities.

Design Review Panel

This e-update is used to provide subscribers with Design Review Panel updates, including meeting agendas and project highlights. Subscribers receive messages once every 3 to 4 weeks.

Don Mills & Eglinton Area Study

Subscribe to the Don Mills and Eglinton Area Study eUpdate to receive periodic updates and notices about upcoming meetings and events.

Expanding Housing Options In Neighbourhoods

Subscribe for periodic updates about project milestones, as well as information on opportunities to participate in the Expanding Housing Options in Neighbourhoods study process.

Green Line Implementation Plan

Approximately five kilometres in length, the Green Line is a rare opportunity to create a linear park system in an active hydro-electric corridor that will contribute to the broader open space network in midtown and west Toronto. The construction of new parks and revitalization of existing parks in the Green Line are guided by the Green Line Implementation Plan final report.

George Hislop Park Improvements

The George Hislop Park improvements will be guided by the Yonge Street Linear Park Master Plan 2017 and updated as required to meet the community’s needs. The improvements will include new pathways, lighting, seating, planting, site furnishings and features, and protection of existing trees. A new integrated public artwork will celebrate 2SLGBTQ+ history and resilience.

Growing Up: Planning for Children in New Vertical Communities

Subscribers will receive information about City Planning’s study that seeks to explore opportunities to better accommodate children and youth in new multi-unit developments.

Inclusionary Zoning

Subscribe to receive key updates and information about upcoming public consultation opportunities for the City’s inclusionary zoning policy consultation. Proposed new official plan policies will require residential developments to include a certain percentage of affordable units.

Investing in Toronto’s Future: Toronto’s Long-Term Financial Plan

Subscribers will receive information about the City’s Long-Term Financial Plan engagement and consultation initiative, information about upcoming opportunities for public input, and directions to the engagement initiative’s background information resources.

Joseph Burr Tyrrell Park & Playground Improvements

Subscribe for ongoing project updates related to the Joseph Burr Tyrrell Park and playground improvements.

Keele & Finch Planning Study

City Planning is undertaking a study to determine how to best leverage investment in new transit infrastructure (subway and light rail transit) at Keele and Finch for the benefit of the community and city. Subscribers will receive updates on a periodic basis of approximately one/month, with more updates around consultations.

King Parliament Secondary Plan Review

Subscribe to the King Parliament Secondary Plan Review E-Update list and receive periodic updates about project milestones, and upcoming meetings and events.

L’Amoreaux Kidstown Water Park Redesign & Replacement

Subscribe to receive notification of upcoming opportunities to participate in Kidstown’s redesign. Subscribers will also receive updates on the project’s progress at the start of each new phase of engagement.

Licensing and Zoning for Restaurants, Bars and Entertainment Venues

Subscribe to receive key updates and information related to the City of Toronto’s licensing and zoning for restaurants, bars and entertainment venues.

New Park at 60 Howard Street

Subscribers receive updates about the park design for a new 1,305 m2 park at 60 Howard St. in the Bloor and Parliament area.

Night Economy

Subscribe to stay informed of key updates, information, and resources connected to the City of Toronto’s multi-divisional Night Economy initiatives.

Official Plan Review

The City is undertaking an Official Plan Review and Municipal Comprehensive Review. This exercise will not create a new Official Plan, but will review and adjust the Plan where necessary. Subscribers receive updates on a periodic basis, with more updates around public consultation meetings.

Parks and Recreation Facilities Master Plan

Subscribe to stay informed about updates and public consultation activities in the development of the Parks and Recreation Facilities Master Plan. Parks and recreation facilities support participation in activities that keep people active, healthy and connected to their communities. This 20-year plan will guide decision-making and future investment, and is being developed to support sustainable and equitable access to high quality parks and recreation facilities across the city. Updates are typically monthly.

Parkland Strategy

Stay informed about public consultation activities and surveys regarding Toronto’s Parkland Strategy. The Parkland Strategy is a long-term vision and investment strategy for the enhancement of Toronto’s park system through the creation of new parks and the expansion and improved access to existing parks. Updates will be sent regularly.

Plaza Point of View (POV)

City Planning is studying commercial strip plazas (or “strip malls”) across Toronto to understand how they serve local communities and contribute to the city’s economy. Subscribers will receive updates related to PlazaPOV Study including notices about upcoming meetings, events, ways to participate and get involved, project milestones and Council and Committee decisions.

Policing Reform

Subscribers will stay engaged on necessary changes required to rebuild community trust and confidence in our police services. Learn more about upcoming consultations and engagement opportunities.

Property Standards and Apartment Buildings Review

Subscribers will receive updates related to the City of Toronto’s review of the bylaws governing housing, apartment buildings (RentSafeTO) and property standards.

Poverty Reduction Strategy

Stay informed about what the City of Toronto and its partners are doing to reduce poverty in the city. Regular updates sent monthly.

Rail Deck Park

Subscribers received the latest updates on the Rail Deck Park projects including upcoming engagement events, news releases, staff reports, and Council decisions. Timing and frequency of emails will vary depending on relevant events and updates.

Reimagining the Gardens – Edwards Gardens and Toronto Botanical Garden Master Plan

Reimagining the Gardens is an initiative led by Parks, Forestry and Recreation in partnership with the Toronto Botanical Garden. to develop a Master Plan Study for the long-term planning for Edwards Gardens (as City parkland), the ravine system, and the Toronto botanical Garden complex within Edwards Gardens.

Ready, Set, Midtown

Subscribe for periodic updates about project milestones, as well as information on opportunities to participate in Ready, Set, Midtown.

Richmond-Adelaide Cycle Track Study

The City is studying the potential for physically separated bicycle lanes in the Richmond-Adelaide corridor, from Bathurst Street to Sherbourne Street. A north-south cycling connection between the existing Beverly Street bicycle lanes and the waterfront will also be studied. This study is following an Environmental Assessment process. Two to three messages will be sent every few months at key stages of the project.

Scarborough Centre on the Move

The City of Toronto is undertaking a Transportation Master Plan study for Scarborough Centre. The study will support the vision and evolution of Scarborough Centre into a walkable and connected urban centre, with an efficient, safe, and balanced transportation network. Subscribers will receive updates and notifications of meetings on a periodic basis, especially around public consultation meetings.

St Lawrence Market North Redevelopment

Subscribers receive information about the redevelopment of an iconic landmark – the St. Lawrence Market North Building. The City has launched a design competition to find the best architectural design for the redevelopment of this property. The number of e-updates varies.

Topham Park Basement Flooding Protection Program

As part of the ongoing Basement Flooding Protection Program, the City will be modifying and upgrading storm and sanitary sewers on St. Clair Avenue East and various streets in the Topham Park neighborhood. Subscribe to receive details of construction activities that may be disruptive.

Toronto Housing Plan

Receive invitations to consultations and updates on the new plan to address affordable housing and homelessness in Toronto. Approximately 1-3 emails per month.

Transit-oriented Communities

Subscribe to receive key updates related to transit-oriented communities

Wabash Community Recreation Centre

Subscribe for ongoing project updates related to the Wabash Community Recreation Centre.

Waterfront Transit Network Expansion

Subscribe for ongoing project updates related to the expansion of the transit network along the waterfront.

West Toronto Railpath Extension

The City is studying a preferred route for extending the West Toronto Railpath from Dundas Street West, along the Georgetown GO Transit rail corridor, to Strachan Avenue. This study is following an Environmental Assessment process. One to two messages will be sent every few months at key stages of the project.

Woodside Square Planning Review

Subscribe to receive updates on the Woodside Square Planning Review.

Yonge Street Linear Park Improvements

The Yonge Street Linear Park network provides vital green space and a popular pedestrian route parallel to Yonge Street in the Church-Wellesley neighbourhood. The revitalization project includes George Hislop Park, Norman Jewison Park and Alexander Street Parkette. The park improvements will be guided by the Yonge Street Linear Park Master Plan 2017.

Subscribe to receive weekly BusinessTO newsletters.

Subscribe to receive monthly email updates on City-produced festivals and events. Updates feature arts and culture, food, heritage, music and spectacle for all ages so everyone can Celebrate Toronto! #xoTO

Email (required):

The personal information on this form is collected under the authority of the City of Toronto Act, 2006. The information is used to allow the City to send you an e-mail to confirm your wish to subscribe to a City of Toronto e-notice. Questions about this collection may be directed to the Marketing Supervisor, Economic Development & Culture Division, City of Toronto, Toronto City Hall, 6th floor, West Tower, Toronto M5H 2N2. By subscribing to one of the City of Toronto’s e-updates you are providing express consent, as defined by the Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL), to receive email updates from the City of Toronto.

Looking to unsubscribe? In each e-newsletter you receive, there will be a link to unsubscribe.

Subscribe to Circular Economy E-Updates to receive information and updates related to sustainable consumption and circular economy initiatives and opportunities.

Subscribe to receive announcements, links to meeting agendas, decisions, minutes, supplementary materials, meeting schedule changes, posting of notices and other information related to Toronto City Council and committees.

Subscribe to receive weekly CultureTO newsletters. The newsletter focuses on resources and supports available to help mitigate the impact of COVID-19 on Toronto’s arts and culture sector.

Receive periodic updates on the Green Will Initiative, the first cohort, future cohorts, and collaboration opportunities. Looking to unsubscribe? In each e-newsletter you receive, there will be a link to unsubscribe.

The personal information on this form is collected by the Environment & Climate Division under the authority of the City of Toronto Act, 2006, s.136 (c) and By-law 890-2007. By subscribing to one of the City of Toronto’s e-updates you are providing express consent, as defined by the Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL), to receive email updates from the City of Toronto. Questions about this collection can be directed to the Program Manager – Environment, Environment & Climate at Metro Hall (C/O Union Station East Wing), 55 John Street, Toronto, M5V 3C6 or 416-397-0311.

Subscribe to receive electronic messages from Live Green Toronto, a program of the Environment, Climate and Forestry Division of the City of Toronto, including invitations to programs and events, promotions, as well as other notifications. (You may withdraw your consent at any time).


The personal information on this form is collected by the Environment, Climate & Forestry Division under the authority of the City of Toronto Act, 2006, s.136 (c) and By-law 890-2007. This information will not be shared with any other business or government entity and is only used to provide you a card, regular newsletter and to inform you of upcoming events and promotions.

Questions about this collection can be directed to the Program Manager – Partnerships & Innovations, Environment, Climate & Forestry at Metro Hall, 2nd Floor, 55 John Street, Toronto, M5V 3C6 or 416-392-9714.

Subscribe to receive project updates and information about upcoming public consultation opportunities related to the Long Term Waste Management Strategy.

Subscribe to receive email updates about new Development Applications within one or more city of Toronto wards. To subscribe, follow the steps below.

Step 1

Select one or more of the following wards:

Etobicoke North
Etobicoke Centre
Parkdale-High Park
York South-Weston
York Centre
Humber River-Black Creek
Spadina-Fort York
Toronto-St. Paul’s
Toronto Centre
Don Valley West
Don Valley East
Don Valley North
Beaches-East York
Scarborough Southwest
Scarborough Centre
Scarborough North
Scarborough-Rouge Park

Step 2

Type (do not copy and paste) your email address into the box below and click Subscribe:


Step 3

An email with instructions to confirm your subscription request will be sent to your email. 

The personal information on this form is collected under the authority of the City of Toronto Act, 2006. The information is used to allow the City to send you an email to confirm your wish to subscribe to a City of Toronto e-notice. Questions about this collection may be directed to the ListServ Administrator, Strategic Communications Division, City of Toronto, Toronto City Hall, 7th floor, West Tower, Toronto M5H 2N2. Email: By subscribing to one of the City of Toronto’s e-updates you are providing express consent, as defined by the Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL), to receive email updates from the City of Toronto.

Select an e-update from the list by clicking in the checkbox beside it, type (do not copy and paste) your email into the box below and click Subscribe. You will then receive an email with instructions to confirm your request.

The personal information on this form is collected under the authority of the City of Toronto Act, 2006. The information is used to allow the City to send you an email to confirm your wish to subscribe to a City of Toronto e-notice. Questions about this collection may be directed to the ListServ Administrator, Strategic Communications Division, City of Toronto, Toronto City Hall, 7th floor, West Tower, Toronto M5H 2N2. Email: By subscribing to one of the City of Toronto’s e-updates you are providing express consent, as defined by the Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL), to receive email updates from the City of Toronto.

Cricket Strategy

Subscribe for ongoing project updates related to the City’s Cricket Strategy.

Curling Strategy

Subscribe for ongoing project updates related to the City’s Curling Strategy.

Parks Infrastructure Policy Updates

Subscribe to receive project updates and meeting notifications.


Subscribe to our eNewsletter to receive updates and information about recreation programs, services, and upcoming events in Parks, Forestry and Recreation.

Toronto Island Ferry

Subscribe to receive updates about the Jack Layton Ferry Terminal including changes and disruptions to ferry service. Updates may be provided daily.

Subscribe to receive updates, reports and information on upcoming meetings related to the City of Toronto’s Retail Main Streets Study.

Select an e-update from the list, type (do not copy and paste) your email into the box below and click Subscribe. You will then receive an email with instructions to confirm your request.


The personal information on this form is collected under the authority of the City of Toronto Act, 2006. The information is used to allow the City to send you an email to confirm your wish to subscribe to a City of Toronto e-notice. Questions about this collection may be directed to the ListServ Administrator, Strategic Communications Division, City of Toronto, Toronto City Hall, 7th floor, West Tower, Toronto M5H 2N2. Email: By subscribing to one of the City of Toronto’s e-updates you are providing express consent, as defined by the Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL), to receive email updates from the City of Toronto.

Subscribe to unscheduled road / lane incident and closure information for City of Toronto expressways and major arterials from this page in three easy steps. The number of emails sent to subscribers is unpredictable and reflect current traffic conditions.

Select one or more of the following e-publications.

 F. G. Gardiner Expressway

 Don Valley Parkway

 W. R. Allen Road

 Lake Shore Blvd.

 All Other Arterials

Subscribe to receive electronic messages from Taking Action on Tower Renewal Program. (You may withdraw your consent at any time).


We use a marketing automation platform in order to manage our client relationship and send you commercial electronic messages. By clicking to “Subscribe”, you acknowledge that the information you provide will be transferred to us in accordance to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.

Subscribe to receive public health updates including Communiqué, Surveillance Alerts, Weekly Influenza News, and West Nile Virus Bulletin.

Subscribe to the Toronto History Museums eNewsletter:
Email (required): Postal Code (optional):

The personal information on this form is collected under the authority of the City of Toronto Act, 2006. The information is used to allow the City to send you an e-mail to confirm your wish to subscribe to this e-notice. Museums & Heritage Services uses a third-party service, which will not re-use your email address for any other purpose. Your email address will not be shared with any other organization or with other service areas within Museums & Heritage Services or sold for commercial purposes. Questions about this collection may be directed to:

Looking to unsubscribe? In each e-newsletter you receive, there will be a link to unsubscribe.

Stay informed about TransformTO to learn what the City of Toronto and its partners are doing to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the city. Regular updates sent monthly. You may unsubscribe at any time.


The personal information on this form is collected by the Environment & Energy Division under the authority of the City of Toronto Act, 2006, s.136 (c) and By-law 890-2007. This information will not be shared with any other business or government entity and is only used to provide you a card, regular newsletter and to inform you of upcoming events and promotions.

Questions about this collection can be directed to the Program Manager – Partnerships & Innovations, Environment & Energy at Metro Hall, 2nd Floor, 55 John Street, Toronto, M5V 3C6 or 416-392-9714.

Subscribe to receive updates about the Vacant Home Tax, including reminders to submit an annual declaration of your residential property’s occupancy status and notices of important due dates.

Type (don’t copy and paste) your email into the box below and then click “Subscribe”. You will receive an email with instructions to confirm your request.

You can unsubscribe at any time.
Revenue Services collects your personal email address under the legal authority of the City of Toronto Act, 2006, Section 8 and Part XII.1, and the City of Toronto Municipal Code, Chapter 778, Taxation, Vacant Home Tax. The information will be used to inform subscribers through email about the Vacant Home Tax including reminders for important submissions dates and due dates. Questions about this collection can be directed to Manager, Customer Service, Revenue Services, 5100 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario, M2N 5V7 or by telephone at 416-395-1048.

Sign-up to receive E-Updates on Warming Centres, including notifications when they open and close.

Type (don’t copy and paste) your email into the box below, check the box next to the e-update description and then click “Subscribe”. You will receive an email with instructions to confirm your request.

You can unsubscribe at any time.

Shelter, Support and Housing Administration collects personal information on this form under the legal authority of Toronto City Council Item 2023.EC3.13, as confirmed by the City of Toronto By-law 395-2023. The information will be used to subscribe you to a City of Toronto e-notice for Warming Centres, including when they open and close to new admissions throughout the winter season. By subscribing to one of the City of Toronto’s e-updates you are providing express consent, as defined by the Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL), to receive email updates from the City of Toronto. Questions about this collection can be directed to the General Manager’s Office, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration, Metro Hall, 6th Floor, 55 John Street, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 3C6, or by telephone at 416-392-8741.