Every 30 seconds someone visits an emergency department in Ontario due to an injury. Approximately 95% of all injuries are both predictable and preventable. By recognizing unsafe environments, conditions and behaviours, most injuries can be prevented.

There is much we can do as individuals, families and caregivers to avoid injury and reduce the burden of injury.


Fall Prevention E-Learning Module
Are you caring for an older adult? Take this Step Ahead to Fall Prevention E-Learning Module to learn about age-related changes and the modifiable risk factors associated with falling.

Car Seats

Information on car seat safety and the installation of car seats.

Fall Prevention

Information on how to prevent fall and injuries in children and older adults.

Pedestrian Safety

Information for the parents and caregivers about road safety, walking safety and traffic rules.

Helmet Safety

Information on helmet use and safety.

Wheeled Sport Safety

Information on how to keep children safe during wheeled sports.