The City of Toronto and TRCA will be hosting an online public information session to provide an update on a road ecology study that is being undertaken in High Park. The session will be held on Tuesday, September 10 from 6:30 to 8 p.m.

Weekend and holiday road closures continue to be in effect in High Park. From Monday to Friday, vehicles may enter at Parkside Drive and exit at Bloor Street West. TTC and Wheel-Trans service is available. Visit the Travel Network Changes section for more information.

The High Park Movement Strategy was launched in 2021 to rethink the travel network serving High Park in the context of the city’s growing population, changing travel patterns, and the impacts of COVID-19. The goal of the study was to improve mobility within the park, while prioritizing safety, accessibility and the park’s environment.

City Council approved the High Park Movement Strategy in May 2023 and implementation of travel network changes began in August 2023. The first phase of implementation includes continued weekend and holiday road closures, reductions in parking spaces, and improvements to pedestrian and cycling infrastructure. The next phase of implementation will focus on larger infrastructure and program changes including sidewalk widening, a new shuttle service, and consideration of paid parking. This work will require further design and costing and will be supported by continued community engagement. Staff will be monitoring implementation and will be reporting on further travel network changes before 2027, including the potential for further road closures once key conditions are met.

  • Summer 2021 to Fall 2021: Project launch and background analysis
  • Winter 2021 to Summer 2022: Develop draft strategies for improving the travel network
  • Summer 2022 to Fall 2022: Refine and evaluate draft strategies
  • Winter 2022 to Spring 2023: Select preferred strategy, report to Committee and Council.
  • Summer 2023: Begin implementation of preferred strategy following Council decision

This process is being supported by ongoing engagement with community and stakeholder groups.

The timeline is subject to change.

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Beginning on Saturday, August 5, 2023, there will be a number of improvements to the travel network in High Park.

Download a map of the new travel network.

If you drive

  • Visitor vehicles are permitted within High Park from Monday to Friday
  • The main entrance for visitor vehicles is at Parkside Drive and High Park Boulevard.
  • The main exit for visitor vehicles is at Bloor Street West and High Park Avenue. Visitor vehicles may not enter at this location.
  • Vehicle access to the Children’s Garden and Colborne Lodge via the Queensway is provided Monday to Friday. This location does not provide access through the park.
  • Authorized vehicles, such as TTC, emergency services and operational vehicles are permitted on all park roads at all times.
  • West Road and portions of Colborne Lodge Drive south of Grenadier Café are car-free routes at all times.

There are 276 vehicle parking spaces within High Park:

  • 142 parking spaces are available at Grenadier Café parking lot from Monday to Friday
  • 79 parking spaces are available at the High Park Zoo parking lot from Monday to Friday
  • 34 parallel parking spaces are available along the east side of Colborne Lodge Drive from Monday to Friday
  • 21 parking spaces are available at Spring Road Parking Lot, seven days a week.

There are over 1200 additional parking spaces located within 800 metres of High Park through nearby Green P parking lots and on-street parking, including along Bloor Street West and Parkside Drive.

If you walk or use a mobility device

  • All park entrances and exits will remain open to pedestrians.
  • West Road and a portion of Colborne Lodge Drive (south of Centre Road) will be car-free routes.
  • Pedestrian improvements will be made at various locations including improved crosswalks.
  • Use sidewalks and formal trails to protect natural areas.

If you ride a bike

  • All park entrances and exits will remain open to people cycling.
  • Dedicated bike lanes will be added on Centre Road and Colborne Lodge Drive.
  • West Road and a portion of Colborne Lodge Drive (south of Centre Road) will be car-free routes.
  • Bike Share Toronto operates within and around the park. Visit Bike Share Toronto for a system map.
  • People cycling must obey applicable by-laws and must yield to pedestrians and people using mobility devices on multi-use trails. Slow down, be courteous and be prepared to stop.

If you take transit

  • The TTC operates a number of bus, streetcar and subway routes that connect directly to High Park. Visit the TTC website.
  • The 203 High Park Bus provides seasonal service within High Park, operating on weekends and holidays from mid-June to Labour Day.
  • Wheel-Trans service in High Park is available on weekdays, weekends and holidays. Information on service schedules and locations can be found on Wheel-Trans or by calling the Wheel-Trans Reservation line at 416-393-4222.

Online Public Information Session on TRCA High Park Road Ecology Study

City of Toronto and TRCA staff will be in attendance to share an update on the road ecology study including scope, objectives, methodology and initial findings.

Implementation of a recreational cycling pilot recommended through the HPMS has been paused to allow further due diligence on potential impacts to wildlife. The City is partnering with TRCA to undertake a road ecology study within High Park to better understand existing conditions, potential risk factors to wildlife, and possible mitigation measures. The scope of this study has been informed by conversations with Turtle Protectors, the Indigenous community, and other stakeholder groups.

Spring 2024

Initial discussions were held with stakeholder groups and the Indigenous community to gather feedback on the planned recreational cycling pilot and to better understand opportunities and impacts in High Park.

Through these conversations, concerns have been raised about the potential risks to vulnerable species given the proposed route along West Road (adjacent to known nesting sites), the proposed early morning schedule (time when wildlife may be more active in the park), and the proposed increase in speed (which may increase road mortality for wildlife).

Implementation of a recreational cycling pilot in High Park will be paused in 2024 while further due diligence is conducted in partnership with TRCA to better understand potential wildlife impacts and explore mitigation measures.

Cycling in accordance with relevant by-laws continues to be permitted and encouraged within High Park. Implementation of the recreational cycling pilot will be revisited in 2025 based on further due diligence and staff will also be exploring additional sites across the city that could best support this activity.

December 2023

As part of the Council-approved High Park Movement Strategy, the City will be developing a pilot program to support recreational cycling in High Park during early morning, off-peak park hours. A draft Terms of Reference is currently being developed and will specify pilot parameters such as schedule, route, safety measures and monitoring. The City will be seeking public input on the pilot in 2024 and information on upcoming engagement opportunities will be shared on the project website once available.

Summer 2023

Strategy Implementation

The High Park Movement Strategy will be implemented in phases starting in summer 2023.

Phase 1 will implement permanent car-free routes on West Road and portions of Colborne Lodge Drive. These changes will be supported by new pavement markings and temporary traffic control measures such as bollards and signage.

Subsequent improvements will include permanent changes to physical infrastructure such as widened sidewalks and dedicated cycling infrastructure. These changes will require detailed design work, costing, and funding approval. Infrastructure improvements will align with environmental policies that protect High Park’s ecological integrity.

Proposed changes will be communicated to park users before implementation, with additional community engagement as design work is undertaken.

May 2023

City Council

In May 2023, City Council adopted the recommendations in the High Park Movement Strategy final report (IE3.7) with amendments and directed staff to continue car-free days on Saturdays, Sundays and statutory holidays.

April 2023

Infrastructure and Environment Committee

The Infrastructure and Environment Committee adopted the recommendations of the High Park Movement Strategy final staff report with amendments.

In-Person Open House

An in-person public open house was held on April 3, 2023 from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. to share information about the study process and the preferred strategy. The open house was a drop-in format where attendees could review a series of information boards and background materials including the existing conditions reports. Project staff were available to answer questions, support discussion between participants and collect feedback. The preferred strategy was described through text, maps and conceptual renderings.

Approximately 280 attendees came to the open house and represented a wide variety of interests. An open house summary is being prepared and will be posted online.

Download the open house summary report.

Download the information boards:

February 2023

External Stakeholder Meeting

A meeting was held on February 2, 2023 with the External Stakeholder Group including representatives from local businesses, residents associations, sports leagues, environmental and cultural organizations and other interest groups active in High Park. The purpose of this meeting was to discuss possible changes to the travel network and gather feedback on accommodations that could support mobility needs for these groups. Staff continue to consider the merits of all four draft strategies and final recommendations may incorporate elements from one of more of these options.

November 2022

Summer 2022 Public Engagement Report

A public engagement report was prepared to summarize the feedback gathered, the consultation events that were held and the park users who were reached through a series of public engagements in the Summer of 2022. The findings in this report will not be the sole determinant of study outcomes but will help to inform staff recommendations on the development, evaluation and refinement of a preferred strategy and travel network improvements.

Existing Conditions Summary Report

A summary report was prepared to present key findings from background analysis, including a park profile and transportation assessment. The findings presented in this summary report will be reviewed and considered alongside feedback collected through the consultation process in order to inform final recommendations on improvements to the travel network in High Park.

July/August 2022

Online Survey

A second online survey ran from July 8 to August 19, 2022. This survey gathered input from the public on four possible draft strategies for improving the travel network.

Thank you to everyone who was able to complete the survey, which received over 8000 responses. The project team will analyze these responses and a summary will be shared on the project website. Feedback gathered through this survey will help to inform the evaluation and refinement of a recommended strategy for travel network improvements in High Park.

High Park Pop-ups

  • July 14 near West Road and Spring Road
  • July 16 near West Road and Spring Road
  • August 10 near the entrance to the outdoor pool

Staff were on-site to speak with park visitors about the four strategies.

Online Public Open House

On July 27, 2022, an online public open house was hosted to provide an update on feedback and findings gathered to date, share information about the draft strategies being considered and to answer questions and gather input from park users.

Download the open house presentation.

May 2022

Interim Report

On May 11, 2022, an Interim Report was presented to the Infrastructure and Environment Committee to provide an update on the ongoing High Park Movement Strategy. The report describes the types of travel network changes that will be explored and evaluated as part of the study and summarizes the study process, including information on existing features and facilities, infrastructure and park usage.

A final report that identifies the preferred improvements to the High Park travel network is planned for early 2023.

April 2022

External Stakeholder Workshop

On April 13, 2022, the project team hosted a virtual meeting for external stakeholders including representatives from local businesses, residents associations, sports leagues, environmental and cultural organizations and other interest groups active in High Park. This meeting focused on mobility. Preliminary findings from the background analysis were shared and feedback on potential improvements to the travel network was discussed.

December 2021

External Stakeholder Orientation Session

On December 9, 2021, the project team hosted an orientation session for external stakeholders including representatives from local Business Improvement Areas, residents associations, sports leagues and other special interest groups active in High Park.

November 2021

Internal Stakeholder Orientation Session

On November 9, 2021, the project team hosted an orientation session for internal partners and stakeholders to share information on the study objectives, processes and timelines and to gather early feedback from staff in other divisions.

October 2021

A consultant was hired to support the delivery of the High Park Movement Strategy.

Summer to Fall 2021

Online Survey

From June 30 to October 12, 2021, an online survey ran as part of the first phase of engagement to gather information on people’s experiences traveling to, from and within High Park. The survey prompted respondents to consider how the COVID-19 pandemic may have changed their experiences in visiting the park and their priorities for longer term improvements to the travel network.

The survey received 6,717 responses. The feedback will help shape the objectives, scope and outcomes of the High Park Movement Strategy.

Download the survey snapshot for results.

The City is exploring comprehensive and long-term improvements to the travel network in High Park to better serve park users and the surrounding community. The current weekend and holiday road closures are being evaluated as part of this process.

Four draft strategies were developed to explore different approaches for managing travel within High Park. Each will prioritize safety, accessibility and the park’s natural environment.

Draft Strategies include the following:

  • Full Road Closures: No visitor vehicles allowed
  • Time-based Road Closures: No visitor vehicles at specific times
  • Area-based Road Closures: No visitor vehicles on specific roads
  • Full Road Re-Opening: Visitor vehicles allowed at all times on all park roads.

Certain conditions will be achieved under all strategies, including implementation of traffic calming measures, improvements to pedestrian and cycling infrastructure, improved transit service, changes to parking, and continued access for authorized vehicles including ambulances and operational vehicles. All strategies would maintain vehicle access to the Children’s Garden and Colborne Lodge via the Queensway and the Spring Road Parking Lot via Parkside Drive.

These draft strategies provide a starting point for further consultation, refinement and evaluation. A final preferred strategy will be developed based on feedback, findings from technical analysis (such as transportation assessments and parking studies), and from established City plans and guidelines (such as VisionZero, Toronto Accessibility Design Guidelines and TransformTO). A preferred strategy may incorporate elements from one or more of the draft strategies.

More information on the four draft strategies is available in Appendix B of the Summer 2022 Public Engagement Report.

High Park is one of Toronto’s largest public parks, combining environmentally sensitive areas with maintained parkland, recreational facilities and popular attractions. As a regional destination connected through a range of travel options, High Park is one of the most visited parks in Toronto.

The High Park Movement Strategy focuses on mobility and the travel network within the park including existing roads, driveways and parking lots. The study evaluated the impacts and benefits of road closures as well as other important mobility matters such as reducing conflicts between road users and encouraging active transportation. The study does not represent a master planning exercise and other important park-related topics such as maintenance and operations, conservation efforts, and land use will continue to be addressed through established plans and policies including the Facilities Master Plan, Parkland Strategy and Ravine Strategy.

A related project, the Parkside Drive Study, is exploring improvements to safety and mobility along Parkside Drive with a focus on vulnerable road users like pedestrians and people cycling. The Council-approved recommendations of the High Park Movement Strategy will be closely coordinated with the Parkside Drive Study and inform potential outcomes.