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Traffic Control on Holmstead Avenue at Squires Avenue


The East York Community Council recommends the adoption of the following report (January 5, 1998) from the Commissioner of Development Services:




To replace an existing yield sign with a stop sign.


Funding Sources, Financial Implications and Impact Statement:


The proposed recommendation can be accommodated within the operating budget.




It is recommended that:


(1) By-law No. 92-93, entitled "To regulate traffic on roads in the Borough of East York", be amended to replace the existing yield sign on Holmstead Avenue at Squires Avenue with a stop sign; and


(2) the appropriate City officials be authorized and directed to take the necessary action to give effect thereto.


Council Reference/Background/History:


The Development Services Department received a request from Mr. Jim Ferrari, 15 Holmstead Avenue, by telephone on September 3, 1997, requesting that the existing yield sign on Holmstead Avenue at Squires Avenue be replaced with a stop sign.


Comments and/or Discussion and/or Justification:


The intersection of Holmstead Avenue and Squires Avenue is a "Tee" type intersection with existing yield control for westbound motorists on Holmstead Avenue. It is departmental practice to install yield signs at intersections that have no control to indicate the right-of-way to motorists. Before the yield sign was installed, the intersection of Holmstead Avenue and Squires Avenue was operating without any signed control. On April 24, 1997, a yield sign was installed.


It is also departmental practice to replace a yield sign with a stop sign where a request has been submitted by a resident of the neighbourhood for such a change. We recommend that the yield sign be replaced with a stop sign to clearly delineate the right-of-way.




It is departmental practice to install yield signs at uncontrolled intersections to indicate to motorists the right-of-way. The intersection of Holmstead Avenue and Squires Avenue is presently controlled by a yield sign on Holmstead Avenue. A resident has made a request to replace the existing yield sign with a stop sign. To clearly indicate which motorists have the right-of-way, it is recommended that this yield sign be replaced with a stop sign.

Contact Name:

Peter Bartos, P.Eng., Transportation Engineer

East York Office



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