Authority: Toronto Community Council
Report No. 2(28), March 4, 5 and 6, 1998
Intended for first presentation to Council: March 4, 1998
Adopted by Council:
Bill No. 106
BY-LAW No. - 1998
To amend former City of Toronto By-law No. 1997-0549 being "A-By-law To further amend By-law No. 602-89, being A By-law To authorize the construction, widening, narrowing, alteration and repair of sidewalks, pavements and curbs at various locations, respecting the alteration of Hudson Drive by narrowing the pavement north of Heath Street East".
WHEREAS it is recommended that former City of Toronto By-law No. 1997-0549 be amended to permit the alteration of the west side of Hudson Drive rather than the east side of Hudson Drive.
The Council of the City of Toronto HEREBY ENACTS as follows:
1. Former City of Toronto By-law No. 1997-0549 being "A-By-law To further amend By-law No. 602-89, being A By-law To authorize the construction, widening, narrowing, alteration and repair of sidewalks, pavements and curbs at various locations, respecting the alteration of Hudson Drive by narrowing the pavement north of Heath Street East", is amended by:
A. deleting from Column 2, Side or Location, the word "West" and replacing it with the word "East";
B. deleting from Column 4, From, the numbers "5.1" and replacing them with "6.5"; and
C. deleting from Column 6, Drawing No./Date, the words and numbers "421F-4945 dated April 8, 1997" and replacing them with "421F-5058 dated June 13, 1997".
ENACTED and PASSED this ______ day of ______________, A.D. 1998.
Mayor City Clerk
(Corporate Seal)