Authority:Toronto Community Council Report No. 14, Clause No. 42
as adopted by Council on November 25, 26 & 27, 1998
Enacted by Council:
Bill No. 838
BY-LAW No. - 1998
To amend the former City of Toronto Municipal Code Ch. 400,
Traffic and Parking, with respect to speed control zones.
The Council of the City of Toronto HEREBY ENACTS as follows:
- Municipal Code Chapter 400, Traffic and Parking, of the former City of Toronto is
amended as follows:
- By adding the following Subsection 400-28B(185), after subsection 400-28B(184)
(185) 421F-5251 and 421F-5252
- By adding the following Subsection 400-28B(185), to Schedule XVII (Speed Control
Zones) in §400-70 after Subsection 400-28B(184)
(185)Lane system bounded by Davenport Road, Laughton Avenue, Uxbridge Avenue and
Pelham Avenue (Ward 21), as shown on Drawing No. 421F-5251 and 421F-5252.
ENACTED AND PASSED this day of , A.D. 1998.
MayorCity Clerk