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  City of Toronto Council and Committees
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Certified to be a true copy of amendments to:

Report No. 11 of The Community and Neighbourhood Services Committee,

Report No. 16 of The Corporate Services Committee,

Report No. 17 of The Corporate Services Committee,

Report No. 5 of The Economic Development Committee,

Report No. 6 of The Economic Development Committee,

Report No. 12 of The Emergency and Protective Services Committee,

Report No. 13 of The Emergency and Protective Services Committee,

Report No. 13 of The Urban Environment and Development Committee,

Report No. 10 of The Works and Utilities Committee,

Report No. 23 of The Strategic Policies and Priorities Committee,

Report No. 24 of The Strategic Policies and Priorities Committee,

Report No. 16 of The East York Community Council,

Report No. 17 of The East York Community Council,

Report No. 18 of The East York Community Council,

Report No. 11 of The Etobicoke Community Council,

Report No. 12 of The Etobicoke Community Council,

Report No. 12 of The North York Community Council,

Report No. 13 of The North York Community Council,

Report No. 14 of The North York Community Council,

Report No. 11 of The Scarborough Community Council,

Report No. 13 of The Toronto Community Council,

Report No. 14 of The Toronto Community Council,

Report No. 13 of The York Community Council,

Report No. 14 of The York Community Council,

Report No. 1 of The Audit Committee,

Report No. 13 of The Board of Health,

Report No. 8 of The Striking Committee, and

Joint Report No. 1 of The Community and Neighbourhood Services Committee and

The Emergency and Protective Services Committee,

and Notices of Motions, as adopted by the Council of the City of Toronto at its meeting held onNovember 25, 26 and 27,1998.



Clause No. 2-"Provincial Homelessness Initiatives Fund".

The foregoing Clause was amended by adding thereto the following:

"It is further recommended that the Commissioner of Community and Neighbourhood Services be requested to submit a report to the Community and Neighbourhood Services Committee on the potential for utilizing funds from the Provincial Homelessness Initiatives Fund to assist those persons who are being housed in motels in the Kingston Road Corridor."

Clause No. 5-"Increasing Demand on the City of Toronto's Homemakers and Nurses Services Program".

The foregoing Clause was amended by:

(1)adding to the end of Recommendation No. (2) embodied in the report dated September24, 1998, from the General Manager, Homes for the Aged, the words "and further, that the CCACs and the provincial government be requested to continue funding for those seniors and disabled persons who still require services but do not meet the present eligibility criteria for the CCACs", so that such recommendation shall now read as follows:

"(2)the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Long Term Care be requested to convene a meeting between the Executive Directors of the six Community Care Access Centres (CCACs) within the City of Toronto to develop a plan to address the variances in service access, scope, and level being felt by Toronto citizens; and that this plan include the development of a communication network amongst the six CCACs, and further, that the CCACs and the provincial government be requested to continue funding for those seniors and disabled persons who still require services but do not meet the present eligibility criteria of the CCACs;"; and

(2)adding thereto the following:

"It is further recommended that the Premier of Ontario be requested to intervene to ensure equitable funding is available for services for the elderly in the City of Toronto."


Clause No. 1-"John Street Roundhouse - Request for Expressions of Interest (Ward 24 - Downtown)".

The foregoing Clause was amended by adding thereto the following:

"It is further recommended that the Chair of Heritage Toronto be requested to submit a report to the Corporate Services Committee, prior to the Spring of 1999, on any provisions necessary in the negotiation process with TrizecHahn in order to ensure the protection of heritage features and other structural elements of the John Street Roundhouse."

Clause No. 2-"Toronto City Hall - Accommodation of Press Gallery (Ward24-Downtown)".

The foregoing Clause was amended by adding thereto the following:

"It is further recommended that the following recommendation of the Strategic Policies and Priorities Committee embodied in the communication dated October 21, 1998, from the City Clerk, be adopted:

'The Strategic Policies and Priorities Committee recommends that Council approve the construction of the Press Gallery with funding to be taken from the Transition Reserve Fund.' "


Clause No. 1-"Separation Program - Executive, Management and Excluded Staff".

The foregoing Clause was amended by striking out Recommendation No. (1) of the Corporate Services Committee and inserting in lieu thereof the following:

"(1)the adoption of the confidential report dated August 27, 1998, from the Executive Director of Human Resources;",

so that the recommendations of the Corporate Services Committee shall now read as follows:

"The Corporate Services Committee recommended to Council:

(1)the adoption of the confidential report dated August 27, 1998, from the Executive Director of Human Resources, embodying the following recommendations:

'It is recommended that:

(1)the Position Termination approach under the Separation Program for Executive, Management and Excluded staff be amended to provide for:

(a)the separation payment to be paid out over the period of separation or until the separating employee receives alternate comparable employment, whichever occurs first; if the separated employee secures comparable full-time employment during the period of separation payment, the employee shall be paid one-half of the remaining separation payment, including one-half of benefit contributions;

(b)payments to be made on either a salary continuation or a lump-sum monthly basis;

(c)the separating employee to sign a declaration that they will advise the City when they receive alternate comparable employment; and

(d)an option for outplacement counselling, but not for a cash payment in lieu of outplacement counselling;

(2)the amendments in the Program be effective March 1, 1999, and that notice be given to all employees about these amendments; and

(3)the Executive Director of Human Resources be authorized to modify the approach when, after having received legal advice, the individual circumstances require a different approach.'; and

(2)the adoption of the joint confidential report dated October 15, 1998, from the Chief Administrative Officer and the Executive Director of Human Resources, subject to amending Recommendation No. (3) by deleting therefrom the date 'February 28, 1999' and inserting in lieu thereof the date 'March 31, 1999', so that the recommendations embodied in such report shall now read as follows:

'It is recommended that:

(1)Council consider the recommendations contained in the report dated August27, 1998, to the Strategic Policies and Priorities Committee, and attached, on the Separation Program for Executive, Management and Excluded Staff;

(2)should Council adopt the recommendations in the August 27, 1998 report, the implementation date of the revised Separation Program be March 1, 1999; and

(3)should Council adopt Recommendations Nos. (1) and (2) in this report, the Separation Program elements available to eligible employees of the former City of Toronto under the COTAPSAI Memorandum of Understanding be extended for those eligible employees until March 31, 1999.' "

Clause No. 2-"Conditions of Employment - Council Staff Members".

The foregoing Clause was amended:

(1)by adding to Recommendation No. (1)(a) of the Personnel Sub-Committee, as amended by the Corporate Services Committee, the words "permanent Council staff members employed by a former municipality which had a severance practice greater than two weeks per year of service be grandparented at the level of severance payment through the former practice for their service prior to January 1, 1998", so that such recommendation shall now read as follows:

"(1)adoption of the report (October 15, 1998) from the Executive Director of Human Resources subject to:

(a)amending Recommendation No. (3) to provide that an employee would be eligible for three weeks' severance per year of service and be required to follow the City's policy of not being re-hired during the next two years by either the City or its Agencies, Boards or Commissions, and permanent Council staff members employed by a former municipality which had a severance practice greater than two weeks per year of service be grandparented at the level of severance payment through the former practice for their service prior to January1, 1998;";

(2)to provide that:

(a)Executive Assistants and Constituency Assistants who work in excess of their regularly scheduled work day or work week be compensated in the form of lieu time or overtime pay at straight time, provided that the total time shall not exceed 105hours in the calendar year, subject to the approval of their respective Councillor;

(b)Council Administrative Assistants and Clerical Assistants who work in excess of their regularly scheduled work day or work week be compensated in the form of lieu time or overtime pay at time-and-a-half, provided that the total time shall not exceed 70 hours in the calendar year, subject to the approval of their respective Councillor;

(c)any overtime payments to Executive Assistants and Constituency Assistants who work for Members of Council be paid from the Councillor's global office budget; and any overtime payments to Administrative Assistants and Clerical Assistants be made in accordance with current practice; and

(d)this policy be designated as the policy for non-union Council staff members only, and shall not be applicable to either the bargaining unit staff in the Councillors' offices or to the Corporate staff, the latter of which remains subject to the compensation study to be considered in 1999; and

(3)by adding thereto the following:

"It is further recommended that the Executive Director of Human Resources be requested to ensure that the review currently underway of the job descriptions and salary levels for Executive Assistants and Constituency Assistants to Members of Council is completed by the consultants no later than the end of February, 1999."

Clause No. 3-"Legal Counsel - Coroner's Inquest Into the Death of EdmondYu".

The foregoing Clause was amended by adding thereto the following:

"It is further recommended that Council urge the Police Services Board to consider sending separate legal counsel to the Edmond Yu inquest after the Divisional Court decision."

Clause No. 5-"Property Tax Bill Designs".

The foregoing Clause was amended by:

(1)striking out that portion of the Clause pertaining to the design of the Final Tax Bill, and referring it back to the Assessment and Tax Policy Task Force for further consideration; and

(2)adding thereto the following:

"It is further recommended that:

(a)the report dated November 25, 1998, from the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer, embodying the following recommendations, be adopted:

'The Work Group recommends that the Interim and Supplementary Tax Bill Designs be adopted with the following amendments, and that staff be directed to continue work and focus group testing on the design of the Final Tax Bill:

(1)the Ward Number be included on the bills, provided that staff is able to ensure reasonable accuracy;

(2)"arrows" be added to each end of the directional lines;

(3)"+" signs be added where appropriate to show where figures are being added together;

(4)the following statement be added to the Interim Tax Bill, just below the assessment and tax rate information:

"This rate is ____% of the rate used for total 1998 taxes.";

(5)the following statement be added to the first box on the side flap of the Interim Tax Bill:

"Assessment x Interim Rate = Interim Tax.";

(6)the following statement be added to the first box on the side flap of the Supplementary Tax Bill:

"Assessment x City Tax Rate = City Taxes.";

(7)the following statement be added to the second box on the side flap of the Supplementary Tax Bill:

"Assessment x Education Tax Rate = Education Taxes.";

(8)the description for line "B" on the Interim Tax Bill be deleted and line "B" be customized to read "50% of Increases to be Phased-In in future years" or "50% of Decreases to be Phased-In in future years"; and

(9)the description for line "D" on the Supplementary Tax Bill be deleted and line "D" be customized to read "Increases to be Phased-In in future years" or "Decreases to be PhasedIn in future years".'; and

(b)in addition to the current languages used on public brochures produced by the Finance Department, Ukrainian translations be added for any brochure which contains languages in addition to English and French."

Clause No. 6-"Provision of Food Services at City Hall".

The foregoing Clause was amended by adding thereto the following:

"It is further recommended that the Commissioner of Corporate Services, in consultation with appropriate staff, be requested to submit a report to the Corporate Services Committee at the end of the first 12 consecutive months of operation, on the gross sales and on the City's percentage thereof."

City Council at its in-camera meeting held on November 27, 1998, also issued confidential instructions to staff, such instructions to remain confidential in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Act.

Clause No. 11-"Sale of Surplus Spadina Project Property at 48 Heathdale Road-(Ward 28 - York Eglinton)".

The foregoing Clause was amended by adding thereto the following:

"It is further recommended that the name 'Josephine M. Fenn' be added as a Purchaser of 48Heathdale Road."

Clause No. 14-"City-Owned Vacant Lands, Part of the Closed Road Allowance Known as Summerhill Avenue, and Lands Acquired by the City as Part of the Yonge/Summerhill Development Review Process, Declaration as Surplus and Proposed Land Exchange (Ward23-Downtown)".

The foregoing Clause was amended by amending the report dated November 4, 1998, from the Commissioner of Corporate Services:

(1)to provide that Recommendation No. (7) embodied therein shall now read as follows:

"(7)(a)the City Solicitor be authorized to complete this transaction according to the terms and conditions to be incorporated in a Land Exchange Agreement between the City and 1209011 Ontario Inc. and pay those costs incidental to the closing with 1209011 Ontario Inc. paying Land Transfer Tax and GST; and

(b)the completion of the land exchange is conditional upon 1209011Ontario Inc. constructing or agreeing to construct the berm and acoustic fence as shown on Appendix D along the south side of the railway right-of-way, and further, provided that 1209011 Ontario Inc:

(i)constructs or agrees to construct on the top of the berm along the south side of the railway line, a sound attenuation wall;

(ii)provides plants for both the north and south slopes of the berm; and

(iii)provides a water line;";

(2)to delete from the body of such report, under the heading "Comments", the following paragraph(a):

"(a)revise the construction of the berm to address the concerns of the residents north of the Canadian Pacific Railway Line on the slope of the berm;"; and

(3)to append to such report a new Appendix D, being a sketch depicting measurements and elevations for the acoustic fence.

Clause No. 17-"5182 and 5200 Yonge Street Sam-Sor Enterprises Inc.".

The foregoing Clause was amended to provide that the following excerpt from the confidential report dated November 4, 1998, from the Commissioner of Economic Development, Culture and Tourism be incorporated into the recommendation of the Corporate Services Committee:

"Economic Development, Culture and Tourism Comments:

The Parks and Recreation Division has indicated that the community meeting space required in the Sam-Sor site Zoning By-law is not considered a high priority in the immediate area, as there is sufficient space in the vicinity for community needs to access. Furthermore, Parks and Recreation staff is concerned with the cost of finishing, furnishing, staffing and maintaining the facility required under the current by-law. As an alternative, a cash contribution was recommended, the expenditure of the funds to be at the discretion of the Commissioner of Economic Development, Culture and Tourism, in consultation with the two Ward Councillors."

Clause No. 20-"Request for Proposal for Microcomputer Hardware, Software and Services".

The foregoing Clause was amended by adding thereto the following:

"It is further recommended that the Commissioner of Corporate Services be requested to submit a further report to the Economic Development Committee on the hardware and systems configuration."

Clause No. 24-"Actuarial Valuation Results - The City of York Employee Pension Plan".

Consideration of the foregoing Clause was deferred to the next regular meeting of City Council to be held on December 16, 1998.


Clause No. 1-"Bank Mergers - Impact on Toronto as a Financial Centre and Legislation Respecting Canadian Financial Institutions".

The foregoing Clause was amended by striking out the recommendation of the Economic Development Committee and inserting in lieu thereof the following:

"It is recommended that the Commissioner of Economic Development, Culture and Tourism be requested to prepare a more definitive position for the City of Toronto respecting bank mergers, taking into account the most recent Hearings on this matter, and report thereon to the Economic Development Committee."


Clause No. 3-"Revision to Parkland Naming Policy".

The foregoing Clause was amended:

(1)in accordance with the following recommendations embodied in the report dated November23, 1998, from the Commissioner of Economic Development, Culture and Tourism:

"It is recommended that:

(a)the policy for parkland naming be amended as follows:

(i)the contributions of the individual or group must be well documented and broadly acknowledged within the community and staff will contact the relevant professional, religious, fraternal, philanthropic, social, recreational or other organizations to verify this information;

(ii)a direct relationship should exist between one place of residence/activity of an individual/group and the park named;

(iii)City Parks and Recreation staff will exercise due diligence in researching and providing detailed background information to members of the local community, including ratepayer associations and any other interested persons who would have direct input into the naming process;

(iv)the agreement of the individual or next of kin in the case of deceased individuals, and of the duly-elected senior representatives, in the case of groups, shall be obtained;

(v)name duplication, similar sounding or cumbersome names should be avoided. Names which may be interpreted as an advertisement or being either discriminatory or connoting political affiliation must not be used;

(vi)existing parks named after individuals shall not be altered or changed;

(vii)the advice of the relative municipal heritage organization and other relevant individuals or organizations shall be obtained;

(viii)the process of naming and renaming parks should be within the purview of the Community Councils to recommend; and

(b)the appropriate City Officials take the necessary action to give effect thereto."; and

(2)by adding thereto the following:

"It is further recommended that the City Clerk be requested to forward a copy of the letter to the Editor of the Beaches Town Crier respecting the denial of a request that a park be named after an individual, to the Anti-Hate and Anti-Racism Committee, with a request that it determine whether such letter should be forwarded to the Hate Crimes Unit of the Toronto Police Services."

Clause No. 7-"Millennium Grants Program".

The foregoing Clause was amended by adding thereto the following:

"It is further recommended that the application form for the Millennium Grants Program clearly state, in bold type, the following statement:

'This is a one-time-only grant.' "



Clause No. 1-"Other Item Considered by the Committee".

The foregoing Clause was struck out and referred back to the Emergency and Protective Services Committee for further consideration.

Clause No. 2-"By-law to Amend By-law No. 20-85 - Accident Towing - Mandatory Drop and Accreditation of Vehicle Repair Facilities".

The foregoing Clause was amended by adding thereto the following:

"It is further recommended that the City Clerk be requested to ensure that the report previously requested by City Council from the City Auditor on Auto Collision Centres, be brought forward as requested."



Clause No. 1-"Final Report of the Task Force to Review the Taxi Industry".

The foregoing Clause was amended by:

(1)adopting the report dated November 25, 1998, from the Commissioner of Urban Planning and Development Services, entitled "Response to the Emergency and Protective Services Committee Respecting the Report on the Review of the Taxicab Industry", subject to including a provision that Ambassador licences be issued only from the drivers' list, and subject further to:

(a)inserting in Recommendation No. (1)(v), after the word "personal", the words "and survivor income", so that such recommendation shall now read as follows:

"(v)an outline of personal and survivor income insurance coverage issues be included in the Ambassador training program and the taxicab industry retraining programs;";

(b)adding to Recommendation No. (1)(ii) the words "and that this criteria be only applicable to Standard Licences which elected to accept the new Ambassador Class Designation", so that such recommendation shall now read as follows:

"(ii)the amendment to Recommendation No. (16) in the Report on the Review of the Taxicab Industry, as outlined in Recommendation (d) of the Emergency and Protective Services Committee, not be adopted and that the recomendations, as provided for in the Report on the Review of the Taxicab Industry whereby a Designated Ambassador Cab may abandon its Ambassador Cab Designation and continue to operate as a Standard Licensed Taxicab, be adopted, and that this criteria be only applicable to Standard Licences which elected to accept the new Ambassador Class Designation;"; and

(c)amending Appendix 1 to such report by:

(i)deleting Recommendation No. (11) and inserting in lieu thereof the following new Recommendation No. (11):

"(11)new Ambassador Taxicab licenses shall be issued to eligible persons at a rate of 100 licenses annually to be issued from the drivers' list only;"; and

(ii)adding to Recommendation (14)(d) the following new paragraph:

"Standard Licence owners shall not be permitted to sell, transfer, lease or assign a licence to a corporation that owns one licence or more, effective immediately.";

(2)adding thereto the following:

"It is further recommended that:

(1)in addition to whatever licences are issued under the regular or Ambassador class, 25additional licences be issued yearly for accessible cabs, and that this provision continue until such time as 10percent of all taxicabs are accessible, or until such time as Council is satisfied that community needs have been met; and in order to assist the taxicab industry, Council establish a lower license and renewal fee at no more than 50percent of that charged for regular or Ambassador licenses, or make grants available equivalent to similar amounts;

(2)training programs for drivers include education on the needs of persons with disabilities, especially those with guide dogs or other working dogs, as well as an emphasis on the fact that drivers cannot refuse to provide service to these individuals and their animals;

(3)the Commissioner of Urban Planning and Development Services be requested to submit a report to the Emergency and Protective Services Committee, in consultation with appropriate City staff, representatives of the disabled community and the taxi industry, within three months, on the issue of accessible taxicabs and mechanisms which could be employed in order to achieve the community's needs, as outlined in Recommendation No. (1), above;

(4)all efforts be made to monitor the income of drivers/owners;

(5)the new meters being introduced be programmed to monitor the income of drivers, and that it be a requirement that the City of Toronto be provided with this information on an annual basis;

(6)By-law No. 20-85 be amended to provide that failure to provide the annual income information to the City of Toronto shall be an offence;

(7)the General Manager, Toronto Licensing Commission be requested to:

(a)develop a formula to address the future issuance, over and above the 100 new Ambassador Taxicab licences to be issued annually, and report to the Emergency and Protective Services Committee and Council for approval in one year;

(b)monitor changes in plate values, leasing rates, operating costs, and drivers' incomes;

(c)increase enforcement efforts and seek assistance from the Toronto Police Service in order to strictly enforce unlicensed and out-of-town taxicabs that are picking up passengers within the boundaries of the City of Toronto and report to the Emergency and Protective Services Committee on the procedures the Toronto Licensing Commission proposes to implement in this regard; and

(d)submit reports to Council, through the Emergency and Protective Services Committee, on:

(i)mechanisms to ensure compliance with Recommendation No. (14)(d) of Appendix 1; and

(ii)the provision of a driver-funded benefits package that includes long-term disability coverage and spousal benefits; and

(8)the Commissioner of Urban Planning and Development Services be requested consult with various financial institutions, and submit a report to the Emergency and Protective Services Committee on the feasibility of the City of Toronto buying back all outstanding plates with an appropriate financing mechanism, and the City of Toronto subsequently acting as the leasing agent."

In addition, Council referred:

(1)the following motions to the Emergency and Protective Services Committee:

Moved by Councillor Balkissoon:

"That the Clause be amended to provide that Recommendation No. (2) of the Emergency and Protective Services Committee be amended to read as follows:

'(2)Council adopt a firm commitment to having an annual review of this issue by the appropriate City staff and the City Auditor, and that such review be completed, and the reports thereon be submitted to the Emergency and Protective Services Committee and Council, prior to the issuance of the second allotment.' "

Moved by Councillor Bossons:

"It is further recommended that the Commissioner of Urban Planning and Development Services be requested to submit a report to the Emergency and Protective Services Committee on a mechanism which would permit the owner of an Ambassador License to designate an alternate driver in the case of a medical or accident emergency, such emergency to be certified by a medical doctor chosen by the Toronto Licensing Commission."

Moved by Councillor Shiner:

"That the Clause be amended by striking out Recommendation No. (14)(c) embodied in Appendix 1 to the report dated November 25, 1998, from the Commissioner of Urban Planning and Development Services, and inserting in lieu thereof the following:

'(14)(c)(i)leasing of taxicabs and/or taxi licenses be prohibited effective January1, 2004;

(ii)with the following exception, notwithstanding the general prohibition, that owners/drivers, and in the case of their death, their spouse or other directed family members, be permitted to lease their taxicabs; and

(iii)the Commissioner of Urban Planning and Development Services, in consultation with the appropriate City officials, be directed to submit an implementation plan to the Emergency and Protective Services Committee.' "; and

(2)the following motion to the Review Panel for a report thereon to Council, through the Emergency and Protective Services Committee:

Moved by Councillor Fotinos:


(1)the Commissioner of Urban Planning and Development Services and the Chief Administrative Officer attempt to establish a flexible time, comprehensive taxi driver education and training program, outlined in Recommendation No. (25) in Appendix 1, through the Community Colleges, so as to allow for greater access to interested parties;

(2)this training program be implemented for 1999, or as quickly as possible thereafter;

(3)all operators and drivers of taxicabs be required to enroll in these courses within three years of the time that they are offered;

(4)all new recipients of City-issued licences be required to have completed the aforementioned training program and be required to drive the taxi for at least five years;

(5)City-issued licences be limited to one per lifetime, per individual;

(6)after January 1, 2001, the sale or transfers of taxi licences be restricted to persons who have successfully completed the training course, who have a valid taxicab drivers' licence, and who will be able to demonstrate that they are active in the taxi industry;

(7)all taxi licence holders be notified that, after 2001, the leasing of taxicabs shall be strictly monitored and that the leasing of plates shall result in immediate revocation of the taxi licence;

8)the age of vehicles recommended in the report be amended so that the maximum age of a vehicle be restricted to six model years for owner driven cabs and five model years for leased vehicles, and that a vehicle of up to four model years be permitted to be placed on the road as a taxicab;

(9)the issue of Ambassador taxi plates be referred to the Taxicab Advisory Committee; and

(10)the City issue 100 more licences in 1999, and that staff work with the Taxicab Advisory Committee to bring forward a formula for issuing licences in the future."



Clause No. 1-"Trial Installations of Community Safety Zones".

The foregoing Clause was amended by:

(1)amending Recommendation No. (3)(a) of the Urban Environment and Development Committee by:

(a)deleting therefrom the following Parts (vi) and (vii):

"(vi)all of Parkside Drive; and

(vii)Annette Street, in the vicinity of St. Cecilia's Public School;"; and

(b)adding thereto the following new Parts (vi), (vii) and (viii), with the provision that upon completion of the trial project and contingent upon it being successful, such additional locations be given high priority for designation as a permanent community safety zone:

"(vi)Courcellette Street;

(vii)Blantyre Avenue; and

(viii)Fallingbrook Road.";

(2)amending Recommendation No. (2) embodied in the report dated October 16, 1998, from the General Manager, Transportation Services, by:

(a)deleting the date "February 1, 1999" and inserting in lieu thereof the date "January1,1999"; and

(b)adding thereto the following new Parts (x) and (xi):

"(x)all of Parkside Drive, from Bloor Street to Lake Shore Boulevard; and

(xi)Annette Street, in the vicinity of St. Cecilia's Public School;",

so that such recommendation shall now read as follows:

"(2)the following test locations be designated as community safety zones on January 1, 1999, to be in effect at all times:

(i)Keele Street, between Bloor Street West and Annette Street;

(ii)East Avenue, between Lawrence Avenue East and Island Road;

(iii)O'Connor Drive, between Woodbine Avenue and Pape Avenue;

(iv)Scarlett Road, between St. Clair Avenue West and Eglinton Avenue West;

(v)Dundas Street West, between Montgomery Road and 100 metres east of OldOakRoad;

(vi)Bathurst Street, between Kenton Drive and Hounslow Avenue;

(vii)Finch Avenue West, between Goldfinch Court and Endell Avenue;

(viii)Bathurst Street, between the north limit of Steeles Avenue West and 100metres south of Greenwin Village Road;

(ix)Steeles Avenue West, between 100 metres west of Carpenter Road and 100metres east of Bathurst Street;

(x)all of Parkside Drive, from Bloor Street to Lake Shore Boulevard; and

(xi)Annette Street in the vicinity of St. Cecilia's Public School;"; and

(3)amending Recommendation No. (3) embodied in the report dated October 16, 1998, from the General Manager, Transportation Services, by deleting the words "in the fall of 1999" and inserting in lieu thereof the words "in June 1999", so that such recommendation shall now read as follows:

"(3)staff report to the Urban Environment and Development Committee in June 1999 on the effectiveness of the trial community safety zones;".

Clause No. 3-"Toronto Transit Commission Support for Alternative Funding Mechanisms for Municipal Public Transit".

The foregoing Clause was amended by adding thereto the following:

"It is further recommended that copies of the Clause be forwarded to:

(1)the National Climate Change Secretariat, in particular the Municipalities Table and the Transportation Table; and

(2)the Board of Directors of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities."

Clause No. 6-"Revised Terms of Reference for the Toronto Cycling Committee".

The foregoing Clause was amended by adding to Part (6), headed "Quorum", of the Terms of Reference for the Toronto Cycling Committee, the following paragraph:

"Notwithstanding subsection 9(4) of the Council Procedural By-law, if there is no quorum present 30 minutes after the start of the meeting, the Clerk shall call the roll and record the names of the Members present."

Clause No. 10-"Installation of Traffic Control Signals on Fleet Street Between Bathurst Street and Lake Shore Boulevard West".

The foregoing Clause was amended by adding thereto the following:

"It is further recommended that, subject to the availability of funding in the 1999 Budget, this installation be included in Category 1(b), entitled 'Traffic Control Signals Funded by Others', of Appendix 1, entitled '1998 Approved Traffic Control Signals and Committed for 1998 Installation', to the report dated October 9, 1998, from the General Manager, Transportation Services, as embodied in Clause No. 11 of Report No. 13 of The Urban Environment and Development Committee, headed 'Installation of Approved Traffic Control Signals: Status Report'."

Clause No. 11-"Installation of Approved Traffic Control Signals: Status Report".

The foregoing Clause was amended by adding thereto the following:

"It is further recommended that the following motion be referred to the Commissioner of Urban Planning and Development Services for report thereon to the Urban Environment and Development Committee on the budget implications thereof:

Moved by Councillor Flint:

'It is further recommended that all traffic control signals approved in 1998 for which funding is not available in 1998, be installed in 1999.' "


Clause No. 1-"Environment Days".

The foregoing Clause was amended by striking out and referring Recommendation No. (2) of the Works and Utilities Committee to the Commissioner of Works and Emergency Services for a report to the Works and Utilities Committee on a revised distribution program.

Clause No. 2-"Sewer Connection Blockage Inspection and Repair Program, and Tree Root Removal and Grant Policy".

The foregoing Clause was struck out and referred to all Community Councils for further consideration, with a request that the Community Councils forward their recommendations with respect to the Repair Program, and Tree Root Removal and Grant Policy to the Works and Utilities Committee.


Clause No. 1-"Service Level Harmonization".

The foregoing Clause was amended by adding thereto the following:

"It is further recommended that:

(1)all reports on harmonization be first submitted to the Community Councils for comment, prior to consideration of such reports by Standing Committees; and

(2)comments from Community Councils be included in the reports to Standing Committees."


Clause No. 2-"Year 2000 Business Continuity Plan".

The foregoing Clause was amended by striking out and referring Recommendation No. (2) embodied in the confidential report dated November 22, 1998, from the City Solicitor, back to the Strategic Policies and Priorities Committee for further consideration, such recommendation to remain confidential in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Act.

Clause No. 5-"Economic Development Partnership Program - Final 1998 Grant Allocation Recommendations".

The foregoing Clause was amended by adding thereto the following:

"It is further recommended that the Chief Administrative Officer be requested to submit a report to the Economic Development Committee on the results of grant allocations under the Economic Development Partnership Program over the past few years."

Clause No. 8-"Disposition of 'Property Houses' Owned by the City of Toronto".

The foregoing Clause was struck out and referred back to the Corporate Services Committee for further consideration at its meeting to be held in January, 1999.

Council also adopted the following recommendations:

"It is recommended that:

(1)the Chief Operating Officer of the Toronto Housing Company be requested to submit a report to the Corporate Services Committee, for consideration with this matter, on the number and type of houses that would have to be retained in the portfolio in order to allow the Company to rent as many units as possible to low income tenants; and

(2)none of the 'Property Houses' be sold until Council has considered the report of the Chief Operating Officer."

Clause No. 9-"Tenant Tax Notification".

Consideration of the foregoing Clause was deferred to the next regular meeting of City Council to be held on December 16, 1998.

Clause No. 10-"Other Items Considered by the Committee".

The foregoing Clause was received as information, subject to:

(a)striking out and referring Item (c), entitled "Extending the Termite Control Program Across the City of Toronto", back to the Strategic Policies and Priorities Committee for further consideration; and

(b)striking out and referring Item (d), entitled "Court Ordered Recount in Scarborough Malvern- Ward 18", together with the additional documentation submitted by Councillor Berardinetti, back to the Strategic Policies and Priorities Committee for further consideration and report thereon to Council for its next regular meeting to be held on December 16, 1998.


Clause No. 11-"Resident Notification of Proposed Traffic Control Devices".

The foregoing Clause was struck out and referred to the Urban Environment and Development Committee for further consideration; and the City Clerk was requested to submit a report to the Committee, for consideration therewith, on the cost implications of implementing a City-wide program in this regard.


Clause No. 1-"Process for Disposal of City Property".

The foregoing Clause was amended in accordance with the following Motion which was adopted by Council:

Moved by:Councillor Flint

Seconded by:Councillor Feldman

"WHEREAS City Council at its meeting held on October 1 and 2, 1998, reopened and held Clause No. 1 of Report No. 11 of The Corporate Services Committee, headed 'Acquisition and Disposal of Real Property'; and

WHEREAS the acquisition and disposal of small parcels of Real Property can be of special interest and significance to Councillors and Community Councils; and

WHEREAS Councillors can often provide beneficial and helpful insight into local real estate matters;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the recommendations in North York Community Council Report No. 12, Clause No. 1, be struck out and the following substituted therefor:

"that the report dated May 11, 1998, from the Commissioner of Corporate Services, as amended by City of Toronto Council at its meeting held on July29, 30, 31, 1998, be adopted subject to:

(1)amending Appendix C, embodied therein, entitled 'Processes for Declaring Properties Surplus', by:

(a)adding to section (1) the following: '(d) identified by a Councillor', so that section (1) now reads:

'(a)corporate asset reviews such as space rationalization;

(b)department reorganization, reduction in staffing or program change;

(c)a new tax sale property; and

(d)identified by a Councillor;';

(b)adding to section (2) the words 'the local Councillor(s)', so that section (2) now reads: 'a review to be undertaken by the Facilities and Real Estate Division, consulting with other departments and the local Councillor(s) to determine applicable consideration, ....';

(c)adding to section (4)(a)(i) 'and the local Councillor(s)', so that it now reads: 'report is submitted by the Executive Director to Property Management Committee and the local Councillor(s) on submissions of interests.';

(d)adding to sections (4)(e)(i) and (4)(e)(ii) the letter 's' to the word owner, so that it now reads: 'and sold to the abutting owners' and 'if the owners are not interested, ....';

(e)adding to section (5) the words 'appropriate Community Council', so that it now reads: 'on the agenda of the appropriate Community Council or the Corporate Services Committee.';

(2)Amending Appendix D, embodied therein, entitled 'Processes for Acquisition', by:

(a)adding to section (3)(a)(i) the words 'and local Councillor(s)', so that it now reads: 'report is submitted by the Commissioner of Corporate Services to the Property Management Committee and the local Councillor(s) on alternatives and recommendations.';

(b)adding to section (3)(b)(i) the words 'and the local Councillor(s)', so that it now reads: 'report is submitted by the Executive Director of Facilities and Real Estate to the Property Management Committee and the local Councillor(s) on alternatives and recommendations.';

(c)adding to section (3)(c)(i) the words 'and the local Councillor(s)', so that it now reads: 'report is submitted by the Executive Director of Facilities and Real Estate to the Property Management Committee and the local Councillor(s) on alternatives and recommendations.';

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the buying and selling of real estate valued up to $500,000.00 or otherwise deemed by a local Councillor, the Chief Administrative Officer and the Commissioner of Corporate Services to be of local significance, be considered by the appropriate Community Council for recommendation to City Council; and that authorization be granted for the introduction of any Bills necessary to give effect thereto;

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT adoption of this Motion be deemed to be notice to amend the Council Procedural By-law in order to give effect thereto."

Clause No. 2-"Sign By-law Variance Request - First Floor Wall Signage andRoof Level Signage - Trimark Trust and Steel Art Signs-5140 Yonge Street - North York Centre".

The foregoing Clause was amended by striking out and referring back to the North York Community Council, that portion of the Clause pertaining to the sign on the south side of 5140 Yonge Street which faces onto Mel Lastman Square.


Clause No. 16-"Amendments to the Downsview Area Transportation Master Plan -North York Spadina".

The foregoing Clause, together with the communication dated November12, 1998, from the City Clerk, and the communication dated November 20, 1998, from the General Secretary, Toronto Transit Commission, was struck out and referred to the Commissioner of Urban Planning and Development Services for further consideration, with a request that she, in consultation with the affected Ward Councillors, the Commissioner of Works and Emergency Services and the Chief General Manager, Toronto Transit Commission, submit a joint report thereon to Council, through the North York Community Council and the Urban Environment and Development Committee.

Clause No. 22-"Official Plan and Zoning Amendment Application UDOZ-95-17 -Albert De Luca - 129 Willowdale Avenue - Ontario Municipal Board Appeal - Retention of Outside Planning Consultant - North York Centre".

The foregoing Clause was amended by:

(1)striking out the recommendation of the North York Community Council and inserting in lieu thereof the following:

"It is recommended that a maximum of $10,000.00 be allocated to the Legal Division from the Corporate Contingency Account to retain a planning witness with respect to the pending Ontario Municipal Board appeal on 129 Willowdale Avenue."; and

(2)adding thereto the following:

"It is further recommended that when a staff report is submitted which recommends that funds be provided from the Corporate Contingency Account, the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer be requested to submit a report on the appropriateness of that funding source."


Clause No. 8-"Proposed Plan of Subdivision T98006 - 776669 Ontario Limited (Anson Investments) East of Brimley Road, North of St. Clair Avenue, Cliffcrest Community - Ward 13 - Scarborough Bluffs".

The foregoing Clause was amended by adding thereto the following:

"It is further recommended that the report dated November 17, 1998, from the Director of Community Planning, East District, embodying the following recommendation, be adopted:

'It is recommended that an additional condition of draft approval be added requiring the applicant to submit an undertaking to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor, to use best efforts to screen light intrusion to 10 Anson Avenue from vehicles leaving the proposed road.' "

Clause No. 9-"Andre Adams - 128 Scarboro Avenue - Ontario Municipal Board Appeal A252/97, Retention of Outside Planning Consultant".

The foregoing Clause was amended by adding thereto the following:

"It is further recommended that the report dated November 24, 1998, from the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer, embodying the following recommendation, be adopted:

'It is recommended that the cost to retain a planning consultant to a maximum of $10,000.00 with respect to the Ontario Municipal Board appeal on 128 Scarboro Avenue be provided from the Legal program's approved 1999 Operating Budget.'"


Clause No. 1-"Construction at 411 Duplex Avenue/33 Orchard Park Boulevard (North Toronto)".

Council adopted the following Recommendation No. (3) of the Toronto Community Council:

"The Toronto Community Council recommends that:

(3)officials from the City Works and Emergency Services, Noise Section, Urban Planning and Development Services, Inspections Division and Public Health be instructed to give the issues raised by the tenants at the public meeting held on October 6, 1998, the highest priority by dedicating staff to bringing the intolerable situation to an end."


Clause No. 6-"Variances from Chapter 297, Signs, of the former City of Toronto Municipal Code - 40 Bay Street (Downtown)".

Consideration of the foregoing Clause was deferred to the next regular meeting of City Council to be held on December 16, 1998.

Clause No. 17-"Hearing - Closing of the Portion of Eastern Avenue - Linking Queen Street East and the Eastern Avenue/Kingston Road Extension and the Public Lane -1641 Queen Street East (East Toronto)".

Consideration of the foregoing Clause was deferred to the first meeting of City Council to be held in January, 1999, in order to provide sufficient time for the Minister of the Environment and Energy to issue his decision on the "bump-up" request by the owner of Premises No. 1641 Queen Street East.

Council also adopted the following motion:

Moved by Councillor Jakobek:

"Recognizing that the elimination of the jogged intersection of Eastern Avenue and Kingston Road at Queen Street East by means of extending Eastern Avenue easterly has resulted in safer and more efficient traffic operations; and

That the planning of this project was ongoing over a three-year period through the land exchange, Rezoning and Plan of Subdivision processes, with public notice provided throughout; and

That the proposed closing of the redundant section of Eastern Avenue is the final stage in the implementation of this longstanding initiative and the closing in itself does not affect traffic patterns, and may arguably improve the urban environment and pedestrian conditions; and

That, with the construction of the proposed motion picture cinema on the property fronting Queen Street East on the east side of the road section to be closed, the business at Premises No. 1641 Queen Street East (Harvey's restaurant) will be exposed to a substantial increase in people in the area; and

That the owner and lessee of Premises No. 1641 Queen Street East did not respond to notice of the proposed road closure sent to them in early July, 1998, pursuant to the screening procedures established under Schedule B of the Class Environmental Assessment for Municipal Road Projects until November, 1998; and

That the property also has direct driveway access from Queen Street East that is not affected by the proposed closure and the City has offered to maintain vehicular access to the current side driveway of the site by means of granting a right-of-way over a portion of the closed road allowance from Queen Street East;

Therefore be it resolved that Toronto City Council:

(1)respectfully advise the Minister of the Environment and Energy that it feels the request for 'bump-up' of this Schedule B undertaking as set out in the letter of November 17, 1998, from Mr. Stephen F. Waque, Borden & Elliot, Barristers and Solicitors, is without basis, and further that Council strongly objects to the attempts to secure compensation for the proposed road closure;

(2)respectfully request the Minister to rule on this matter as expeditiously as possible; and

(3)direct the appropriate City staff to forward to the Minister the necessary background materials to refute the matters raised in the above-noted November17, 1998 letter."

Clause No. 23-"Boulevard Cafe -718 College Street (Trinity-Niagara)".

The foregoing Clause was amended by striking out Recommendations Nos. (2) and (3) of the Toronto Community Council, viz.:

"(2)the licensed boulevard cafe area at 720 College Street be reduced to 2.3 m in width, consistent with the width of the cafe area proposed for 718 College Street; and

(3)the cafe operator at 720 College Street be notified of the proposed reduction in the width of the cafe area and be given the opportunity to appear before the Toronto Community Council."

Clause No. 41-"Installation of Speed Humps - Shaw Street from Bloor Street West to College Street (Trinity-Niagara)".

The foregoing Clause was amended by adding thereto the following:

"It is further recommended that the Commissioner of Urban Planning and Development Services be requested to consult with the affected Ward Councillors and submit a report to the Toronto Community Council on alternative ways to address the cycling demands in the Shaw Street area resulting from the loss of bicycle lanes."

Clause No. 51-"Retention of Sign - Casa do Alentejo (Portuguese Community Centre) - 1130 Dupont Street (Davenport)".

The foregoing Clause was amended by adding thereto the following:

"It is further recommended that permission be granted for the sign at 1130 Dupont Street to be replaced and be permitted to remain in place."

Clause No. 55-"Status Report - 2230, 2324 and 2336 Gerrard Street East (East of Main) (East Toronto)".

Council adopted the following recommendation:

"It is recommended that the report dated November 23, 1998, from the City Solicitor, embodying the following recommendations, be adopted:

'It is recommended that:

(1)City Council adopt Recommendations Nos. (1) to (4) of the report dated November 23, 1998, addressed to the City Solicitor, from the planning firm of Urban Strategies Inc., containing the recommended concept plan and Official Plan provisions to be placed before the Ontario Municipal Board at the hearing to commence January 11, 1999, viz:

"It is recommended that City Council:

(1)adopt the attached plan Map 1, as the basis for the new Official Plan for the subject lands, north of Gerrard Street East and east of Main Street, to replace the Special Development Area designation, and redesignate the subject lands to a Low Density Residence Area designation with a general maximum density of 1.0 times the lot area;

(2)authorize its consultants to prepare, in consultation with the City Solicitor, an Official Plan and Zoning By-law to implement the plan shown on Map 1 to place before the Ontario Municipal Board at the hearing which is to commence on January 11, 1999, based upon the following principles:

(a)integrate the new community with the existing neighbourhood to the south to the extent possible:

(i)through reflecting the pattern of streets and blocks of the existing neighbourhood within the new development;

(ii)through permitting a similar form and scale of residential development; and

(iii) through ensuring that the lands along Gerrard Street, immediately abutting the subject lands to the south, form a logical extension of the new development and create opportunities forneighbourhood-appropriate development along Gerrard Street, should those properties be redeveloped in the longer term;

(b)requiring that all streets and lanes be publicly owned and encouraging the majority of parking to be accessed from rear laneways. Tightening up the slope of the berm required adjacent to the rail corridor, and incorporating it into the public right-of-way along the new public laneway;

(c)requiring that all dwelling units be 'house-form', and have front doors facing directly onto public streets. Making the intensity of development similar to that found in the existing community:

(i)through an appropriate mix of housing types, as follows: a minimum of 20percent of lots for single detached houses; if only 20percent of the lots are for single detached houses, then at least 25percent of the remaining lots are to be for semi-detached houses; the remaining lots may be for row houses; and

(ii)providing for 30percent of the new housing units to be intrinsically affordable by satisfying the City's maximum unit size requirements. These units may be created by duplexing row houses, so that the number of units created is equivalent to a total of 30percent of the overall units in the development;

(d)provide a total of approximately 6.65 acres of parkland, of which 1.5 acres is to be purchased by Canada Lands Corporation from the land owner:

(i)adding approximately 2.2 acres to the north end of the existing park at the corner of Main and Gerrard Streets, and creating a new park block of approximately 4.45 acres at the east end of the new community;

(ii)ensuring that the new park is visible along Gerrard Street by extending a portion of it out to Gerrard Street; and

(iii)providing at least three public street frontages around each of the park blocks; and

(e)include in the Official Plan a Section 37 policy to secure the park dedication and park improvements, an agreement between the owner and the Toronto School Board regarding a contribution to school improvements in the area, off-site traffic improvements and other public benefits, as appropriate;

(3)authorize staff of the City Solicitor, Works and Emergency Services, Urban Planning and Development Services, Economic Development, Culture and Tourism, and the Medical Officer of Health, to assist in the preparation of the policies in Recommendation No. (2) above and to attend as necessary at the Ontario Municipal Board to provide expert testimony; and

(4)request the Ontario Municipal Board to refer the Draft Plan of Subdivision and Conditions back to staff for resolution of appropriate conditions and to implement the Official Plan and Zoning By-law."; and

(2)funds in the amount of $148,000.00 be provided from the Corporate Contingency Account to extend the retainer of Urban Strategies Inc., in connection with the East of Main Ontario Municipal Board hearing.' "

Clause No. 58-"Interim Control By-Law Exemption - 45 Berryman Street (Midtown)".

Council received this Clause.


Clause No. 4-"Appeal of Committee of Adjustment Decision Shell Station, 1586Bathurst Street - New Gas Bar and Sales Kiosk - Ward 28, York Eglinton".

The foregoing Clause was amended by adding thereto the following:

"It is further recommended that the report dated November 24, 1998, from the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer, entitled 'Shell Station - 1586 Bathurst Street - Ontario Municipal Board Appeal, Retention of Outside Planning Consultant', embodying the following recommendation, be adopted:

'It is recommended that the cost to retain a planning consultant to a maximum of $10,000.00 with respect to the Ontario Municipal Board appeal on 1586 Bathurst Street be provided from the Legal program's approved 1999 Operating Budget.' "

Clause No. 6-"Snow Link Program for Seniors and the Disabled, Ward 27, York Humber and Ward 28, York Eglinton".

The foregoing Clause was amended by amending the recommendations of the York Community Council to read as follows:

"The York Community Council recommends that:

(1)the current method of snow removal for seniors and the disabled through its Snow Link Program be endorsed for the 1998/1999 winter season;

(2)the current Snow Link Program be endorsed as the preferred additional method for providing winter maintenance services for seniors and the disabled for future winter seasons;

(3)the Snow Link Program continue to be administered by the York Fairbank Centre for Seniors, the York Community Services and the George S. Syme Seniors' Centre for York for 1998/1999; and

(4)consideration be given to expanding the snow removal program for the former City of Toronto and Borough of East York areas of the new City of Toronto."

Clause No. 8-"Other Items Considered by the Community Council".

The foregoing Clause was received as information, subject to striking out and referring Item (b), entitled "Official Plan Policies and Related By-laws regarding the Conversion to Condominium and Demolition of Rental Housing", embodied therein, back to the York Community Council for further consideration.


Clause No. 1-"Phasing Out Pesticide Use in the City of Toronto".

Consideration of the foregoing Clause was deferred to the next regular meeting of City Council to be held on December 16, 1998, pending the recommendations of the Works and Utilities Committee and the Economic Development Committee in this regard.


Clause No. 3-"1999 Schedule of Meetings".

The foregoing Clause was amended by:

(1)striking out the recommendations of the Striking Committee and inserting in lieu thereof the following:

"It is recommended that, in light of the fact that the issue of the Council-Committee governance structure has not yet been resolved, as an interim measure it is recommended that Recommendations Nos. (1), (2) and (6) embodied in the report dated November 12, 1998, from the City Clerk be adopted, subject to amending Recommendation No. (1) to provide that City Council approve the status quo four-week meeting cycle for the first four months of 1999, as outlined in the attached Appendix 'I', providing for City Council meetings on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, so that such recommendations shall now read as follows:

'It is recommended that:

(1)City Council approve the status quo four-week meeting cycle for the first four months of 1999, as outlined in the attached Appendix "I", providing for City Council meetings on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday;

(2)a copy of the 1999 Schedule of Meetings for the first four months of 1999 be circulated to the City's agencies, boards, commissions, Council-appointed task forces, special committees and sub-committees with a request that wherever possible, they avoid scheduling meetings which conflict with City Council meetings and the Standing Committees to which they report; and

(6)the appropriate City Officials be authorized and directed to take the necessary action to give effect thereto.' "; and

(2)adding thereto the following:

"It is further recommended that the balance of the 1999 Schedule of Meetings be referred to the next meeting of the Strategic Policies and Priorities Committee to be held on December15, 1998, for consideration."


Clause No. 1-"Squeegee Diversion Strategy for Street-Involved Homeless Youth".

The foregoing Clause was amended:

(1)by amending the recommendations embodied in the joint report dated October 22, 1998, from the Commissioner of Community and Neighbourhood Services and Commissioner of Works and Emergency Services, as amended by the Joint Committee, as follows:

(a)by deleting from the lead-in phrase of Recommendation No. (3) the words "as soon as the Provincial Government enacts the necessary enforcement legislation", so that such recommendation now reads as follows:

"(3)Council provide $250,000.00 to develop and support an integrated service model for a subgroup of homeless street-involved youth who are not currently served by the existing service system. This service model will:

(a)provide a single point of access for homeless street-involved youth in both the east and west ends of the City, recognizing that there are currently no services available in the west end;

(b)create a new employment training program that will be specifically targeted to address the unmet and complex needs of homeless street-involved youth and divert them from squeegeeing and panhandling activity; and

(c)combine all of the existing and new program elements, including stabilization services, pre-employment training, and specialized employment training initiatives into one overall program;

and that this service model be audited and assessed for its value after twelve months by the City Auditor;";

(b)by referring Recommendation No. (7) to the Medical Officer of Health for report thereon to the Board of Health, viz:

"(7)Council request the Provincial Government to amend the Mental Health Act to ensure that mentally-ill youth living on the street can be taken into health care at the request of parents and doctors;";

(c)by adding to Recommendation No. (8) the words "where it is staff's view that it is in the best interest of the youth", so that such recommendation now reads as follows:

"(8)Council request the Commissioner of Community and Neighbourhood Services to develop a policy which will see every effort being made to contact the parents of youth who are on the street where it is staff's view that it is in the best interest of the youth; and

(2)to provide that funding for this program in the amount of $250,000.00 be given prior budget approval in order for this initiative to be implemented immediately; and

(3)by adding thereto the following:

"It is further recommended that:

(1)Council request the federal government and the provincial government to provide $250,000.00 each in order to develop a service delivery model for squeegee kids;

(2)Mayor Lastman be requested to approach the private sector to fund-raise the sum of $250,000.00;

(3)the Chief Administrative Officer be requested to communicate with other major municipalities with respect to their strategy for dealing with inner-city street youth, and report thereon to the Community and Neighbourhood Services Committee;

(4)the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer and the Commissioner of Community and Neighbourhood Services be requested to develop and administer a scheme whereby the City of Toronto will match donations from the private sector, to a maximum of $1.0 million, to implement programs in the diversion strategy; and

(5)a copy of this Clause, as amended, be forwarded to all Members of Parliament and Members of Provincial Parliament, whose ridings are located in the City of Toronto."


The Enquiry dated September 30, 1998, addressed to the City Solicitor from Councillor Moscoe, together with the Answer thereto dated November 20, 1998, from the City Solicitor, was referred to the Corporate Services Committee for consideration.


See Clause No. 1 of Report No. 12 of The North York Community Council, headed "Process for the Disposal of City Property", for Council's action with respect to Notice of Motion F.


(1)Moved by:Councillor Walker

Seconded by:Councillor Adams

"WHEREAS the landlord of the apartment building at 675 Roselawn Avenue made an application to the Committee of Adjustment on September 1, 1998, to seek several variances from the Zoning By-law; and

WHEREAS the Committee of Adjustment refused this application as not being reasonable, nor minor; and

WHEREAS the Committee of Adjustment recognized 'that the building already exceeds the maximum coverage allowed and any further increase, in its opinion, would result in an over development of the property and cannot be regarded as desirable, appropriate or within the general intent and purpose of the Zoning By-law' (see attached); and

WHEREAS the applicant has appealed the decision of the Committee of Adjustment to the Ontario Municipal Board; and

WHEREAS there is an urgency on the part of City Council to respond quickly because the Ontario Municipal Board hearing date has been set for December 8, 1998; and

WHEREAS the new Tenant Protection Act has created a motivation for landlords to replace existing tenants with new ones upon whom they can charge whatever rent they want, better known as V.D. (Vacancy Decontrol); and

WHEREAS in order to do this, the owner must evict the existing tenants because their rents are still controlled by the current legislation; and

WHEREAS if approved, this will certainly set a precedent for landlords and developers in our City as an easy mechanism to force tenants who still have rental protection out of their homes; and

WHEREAS it is important that the City sends a clear message to the Ontario Municipal Board that there is no way landlords should be allowed to evict tenants through these types of applications for intensification in order to increase their profits; and

WHEREAS several residents living at 675 Roselawn Avenue petitioned the City of Toronto for assistance in upholding the Committee of Adjustment decision;


(1)instruct the City Solicitor to attend the Ontario Municipal Board hearing on December 8, 1998, to uphold the decision of the Committee of Adjustment of September 1, 1998, regarding 675 Roselawn; and

(2)authorize the City Solicitor to retain professional staff as deemed necessary both externally and/or internally for this Ontario Municipal Board hearing."

Disposition:The foregoing Motion was adopted, subject to adding to the Operative Paragraph, the following new Recommendation No.(3):

"(3)authorize an expenditure of up to a maximum of $10,000.00 from the Corporate Contingency Account to retain outside professional staff."

(2)Moved by:Councillor Adams

Seconded by:Councillor Bossons

"WHEREAS the owner of 170 Roxborough Drive applied for permission to remove one private tree to make room for a two-storey rear addition and a below grade garage with terrace above; and

WHEREAS the City's Committee of Adjustment decision of October 14, 1998, has not been appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board and, therefore, is final and binding; and

WHEREAS the applicant is willing to plant four replacement red oak trees on his property; and

WHEREAS the 1998 construction season is rapidly coming to an end and any delay in dealing with this application will cause a hardship;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT City Council approve the application for a permit to remove the one tree, conditional upon the issuance of a demolition and building permit, and upon the applicant agreeing to plant four replacement red oak trees at least 20 millimetres in diameter on his property."

Disposition:The foregoing Motion was adopted, without amendment.

(3)Moved by:Councillor Silva

Seconded by:Councillor Pantalone

"WHEREAS a report dated November 6, 1998, from Works and Emergency Services, identifies a public safety matter on Churchill Avenue that can be addressed through an amendment to the parking regulations on that street; and

WHEREAS this matter needs to be dealt with expeditiously to avoid the onset of winter weather which will increase the risk to public safety;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council give consideration to the report dated November 6, 1998, from the Director, Transportation Services District 1, Works and Emergency Services, and that such report be adopted."

Disposition:The foregoing Motion was adopted, without amendment, and in so doing, Council adopted, without amendment, the report dated November 6, 1998, from the Director, Transportation Services District 1, Works and Emergency Services, embodying the following recommendations:

"It is recommended that:

(1)the parking prohibition at anytime on the south side of Churchill Avenue from a point 31.2 metres west of Ossington Avenue to a point 10.8 metres further west, be rescinded;

(2)standing be prohibited at anytime on the south side of Churchill Avenue from a point 31.2 metres west of Ossington Avenue to a point 10.8 metres further west; and

(3)the appropriate City Officials be requested to take whatever action is necessary to give effect hereto, including the introduction in Council of any Bills that are required."

(4)Moved by:Councillor Disero

Seconded by:Councillor Fotinos

"WHEREAS City Council, at its in camera portion of its meeting held on October 28, 29 and 30, 1998, adopted the recommendations contained in a confidential report (October 26, 1998) from the Commissioner of Works and Emergency Services in relation to the agreement with Harbour Remediation Transfer, and by so doing requested the Commissioner of Works and Emergency Services, in consultation with the City Solicitor to report back to Council at its next meeting; and

WHEREAS the Commissioner of Works and Emergency Services and the City Solicitor have submitted a confidential report (November 23, 1998) on this matter, as requested;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT in accordance with subsection 27(3) of the Council Procedural By-law, Council give consideration to the confidential joint report dated November 23, 1998, from the Commissioner of Works and Emergency Services and the City Solicitor, at its in camera session to be held on November 25, 1998."

Disposition:The foregoing Motion was adopted, without amendment.

Council, at the in-camera portion of its meeting, subsequently received the confidential joint report dated November 23, 1998, from the Commissioner of Works and Emergency Services and the City Solicitor, for information, such report to remain confidential in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Act.

(5)Moved by:Councillor Bossons

Seconded by:Councillor Adams

"WHEREAS the owner of 416 Russell Hill Road began construction of a decorative wall which included the placement of decorative boulders and a sprinkler system within the City boulevard; and

WHEREAS neither a permit, nor an encroachment agreement was obtained from the City; and

WHEREAS City Works staff inspected the site and issued a stop work order; and

WHEREAS staff are now in agreement with the completion of this work; and

WHEREAS the owner has obtained from directly-affected neighbours, their written agreement to this work being completed; and

WHEREAS this work needs to be completed before winter freeze-up;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council give consideration to the report dated November 18, 1998, from the Commissioner of Works and Emergency Services, and that such report be adopted."

Disposition:The foregoing Motion was adopted, without amendment, and in so doing, Council adopted, without amendment, the report dated November 18, 1998, from the Commissioner of Works and Emergency Services, embodying the following recommendation:

"It is recommended that City Council approve the construction of the decorative stone wall, installation of a sprinkler system and maintenance of the feature boulders within the City street allowance fronting 416 Russell Hill Road and on the Kilbarry Road flankage, subject to the owner entering into an agreement with the City of Toronto, as prescribed under Chapter 313 of the former City of Toronto Municipal Code."

(6)Moved by:Councillor Minnan-Wong

Seconded by:Councillor Duguid

"WHEREAS City Council at its meeting held on October 28, 29 and 30, defeated Notice of Motion J(13) (attached) as moved by Councillor Walker and seconded by Councillor Layton, by a vote of 17-15;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT, in accordance with Section 46 of the Council Procedural By-law, Clause No. 13 of Report No. 7 of The Corporate Services Committee be re-opened in order to permit Council to give consideration to the attached motion."

Disposition:The foregoing motion was not adopted.

(7)Moved by:Councillor Adams

Seconded by:Councillor Balkisssoon

"WHEREAS the Assessment and Tax Policy Task Force on November 20, 1998 gave consideration to a report titled 'City of Toronto 1996 Current Value Assessment' produced by the Ontario Ministry of Finance, Property Assessment Division; and

WHEREAS each copy of the three volumes of the report contains the wording that 'Any sale or reproduction in whole or in part, without the prior consent of the Division is strictly prohibited'; and

WHEREAS the Ministry of Finance has written to the City of Toronto Finance Department to ensure that although the information is for use by City Council, the report is not to be further reproduced or distributed; and

WHEREAS there is a concern that the report is not being made readily available to the public and that copies can only be obtained by submitting a request in writing to the Property Assessment Division in Oshawa; and

WHEREAS once the request is submitted and reviewed applicants have to travel to Oshawa and pay $950 for Residential Properties Volume I and the price of the other two volumes is $350 each; and

WHEREAS the deadline to appeal has been extended to December 31, 1998, and the public has a right to know what is contained in these volumes and should have ready access to this information; and

WHEREAS the Assessment and Tax Policy Task Force in its consideration of the various reports before it on November 20, 1998 requested the Chair and the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer, in consultation with the City Clerk, if necessary, to develop a consolidated response and a request for additional information with respect to the report titled 'City of Toronto 1996 Current Value Assessment' taking into consideration the issues discussed during the meeting;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT City Council request the Ontario Minister of Finance to provide a commitment in writing that the information contained in the report titled 'City of Toronto - 1996 Current Value Assessment' will be freely made available at little or no cost to individual taxpayers on request; and that the Minister of Finance provide copies of the report to public libraries."

Disposition:The foregoing Motion was adopted, without amendment.

(8)Moved by:Councillor Adams

Seconded by:Councillor Kinahan

"WHEREAS the Assessment and Tax Policy Task Force on November 20, 1998 gave consideration to a report (November 16, 1998) from the City Solicitor and a communication from the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) regarding Bill 79 - The Fairness for Property Taxpayers Act, 1998; and

WHEREAS many of the amendments made by Bill 79 do not apply to the City of Toronto because City Council passed a by-law in July adopting the 2.5percent cap on the commercial, industrial and multi-residential property classes pursuant to Part XXII.1 of the Municipal Act, as enacted by the Small Business and Charities Protection Act (Bill 16); and

WHEREAS, this by-law cannot be amended, and the City of Toronto is consequently precluded from adopting the 10-5-5percent cap pursuant to Bill 79; and

WHEREAS the City of Toronto is also precluded from raising the tax rate on any of the capped classes, and must raise the rate on the residential class should it require additional revenue in 1999 or 2000 to meet its estimated expenditures; and

WHEREAS while any other municipality opting for the 2.5percent cap faces the same restrictions, all municipalities other than the City of Toronto have the option of choosing instead the 10-5-5percent cap and thereby not facing such restrictions; and

WHEREAS Bill 79 is being considered this week by the Ontario Legislation;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT City Council request the Province to enact legislation or amend Bill 79 so that the City of Toronto is treated equally with municipalities that adopt the 10-5-5percent cap to permit the City of Toronto to increase the tax rate on the capped property classes if the City of Toronto needs to increase the municipal tax rate."

Disposition:The foregoing Motion was referred to the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer for a report thereon to the next meeting of Council to be held on December 16, 1998.

(9)Moved by:Councillor Filion

Seconded by:Councillor Minnan-Wong

"WHEREAS thousands of residents have purchased tickets from Livent for performances which have been cancelled at the North York Performing Arts Centre; and

WHEREAS numerous community theatre groups have paid deposits to Livent for performances at the North York Performing Arts Centre; and

WHEREAS the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC) has effectively seized all of this money as a result of Livent's filing for bankruptcy; and

WHEREAS it is customary for such funds to be held in trust so that ticket and deposit money can be refunded if performances are not held; and

WHEREAS CIBC should not have had access to this money totalling approximately $2.0million; and

WHEREAS this money rightfully belongs to the theatre patrons and community groups;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City of Toronto request the CIBC to return these funds to the North York Performing Arts Centre so that it can be used either to reschedule concerts or return the money to ticket purchasers and community groups."

Disposition:The foregoing Motion was adopted, without amendment.

(10)Moved by:Councillor Jakobek

Seconded by:Councillor Ootes

"WHEREAS the Budget Committee on November 18, 1998, met to review various urgent items referred by Standing Committees; and

WHEREAS it was impossible to schedule a Strategic Policies and Priorities Committee meeting to deal with certain emergency items from the Budget Committee, as attached:

(a)Communication (November 19, 1998) from the City Clerk regarding Solid Waste Management - Marketplace Management Program, Adjustment to Consultants Work Plan and Budget;

(b)Communication (November 19, 1998) from the City Clerk regarding the award of Tender No. 104-98 - Collection and Transportation of Recyclable Materials, York Community Council Area;

(c)Communication (November 19, 1998) from the City Clerk regarding the award of Tender No. 358 - Bulk Lift Collection Services, North York and Scarborough Community Council Areas;

(d)Communication (November 19, 1998) from the City Clerk regarding the added cost of expanding shelter services for the homeless; and

(e)Communication (November 19, 1998) from the City Clerk regarding the acquisition of the Ontario Hydro Corridor - Kennedy Road to Birchmount Road, (Scarborough City Centre);

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council give consideration to the above-noted reports on an emergency basis at this meeting of Council and that Council adopt the recommendations set out in each of the reports."

Disposition:The foregoing Motion was adopted, without amendment, and in so doing, Council adopted the recommendations of the Budget Committee as follows:

(a)Communication (November 19, 1998) from the City Clerk regarding Solid Waste Management - Marketplace Management Program, Adjustment to Consultants Work Plan and Budget:


The Budget Committee on November 18, 1998 recommended to the Strategic Policies and Priorities Committee and Council:

(1)the adoption of the report (November 3, 1998) from the General Manager, Solid Waste Management Services, with the following amendment:

"that the cost of the 3Rs waste diversion/options, as listed in Recommendation No. (1), be included in the existing budget of $1,142,500.00."; and

(2)the use of consultants be scaled back and that the necessary work be carried out in-house and within the budget.

(b)Communication (November 19, 1998) from the City Clerk regarding the award of Tender No. 104-98 - Collection and Transportation of Recyclable Materials, York Community Council Area:


The Budget Committee on November 18, 1998 recommended to the Strategic Policies and Priorities Committee and Council the adoption of the joint report (November 2, 1998) from the Commissioner of Works and Emergency Services and the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer.

(c)Communication (November 19, 1998) from the City Clerk regarding the award of Tender No. 358 - Bulk Lift Collection Services, North York and Scarborough Community Council Areas:


The Budget Committee on November 18, 1998 recommended to the Strategic Policies and Priorities Committee and Council the adoption of the joint report (November 2, 1998) from the Commissioner of Works and Emergency Services and the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer.

(d)Communication (November 19, 1998) from the City Clerk regarding the added cost of expanding shelter services for the homeless:


The Budget Committee on November 18, 1998 recommended to the Strategic Policies and Priorities Committee and Council the adoption of the joint report (November 2, 1998) from the Commissioner of Community and Neighbourhood Services.

(e)Communication (November 19, 1998) from the City Clerk regarding the acquisition of the Ontario Hydro Corridor - Kennedy Road to Birchmount Road, (Scarborough City Centre):


The Budget Committee on November 18, 1998, recommended to the Strategic Policies and Priorities Committee and Council the adoption of the recommendations of the Corporate Services Committee embodied in the transmittal letter dated November 10, 1998, from the City Clerk, subject to amending Recommendation No. (2) in the report (October 22, 1998) from the General Manager, Water and Wastewater Services, addressed to the Works and Utilities Committee, to read as follows:

"2.that Council authorize staff to negotiate the purchase of the priority 1 areas identified in the report from XCG Consultants Ltd., and report back."

(11)Moved by:Councillor Jakobek

Seconded by:Councillor Ootes

"WHEREAS the Budget Committee on November 18, 1998, meet to review various urgent items referred by Standing Committees; and

WHEREAS it was impossible to schedule a Strategic Policies and Priorities Committee meeting to deal with the following item:

Examination of Service Levels for Road Maintenance and Related Budget Implications; and

WHEREAS the Budget Committee dealt with the issue of snow clearing for seniors recommending for the winter season of 1998/1999 providing a sidewalk and windrow clearing service to all senior citizens over the age of 65 and disabled residents residing in single family residences, without any administration fee, from the Corporate Contingency Account;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the seniors and disabled snow clearing, Recommendation No. (1)(a)(v) of the report dated October 15, 1998, from the General Manager, Transportation Services Division, as amended by the Urban Environment and Development Committee, be adopted, and that the balance of the Recommendations embodied in the such report be referred back to the Budget Committee for consideration during the 1999 Operating Budget."

Disposition:The foregoing Motion was adopted, subject to striking out the Operative Paragraph and inserting in lieu thereof the following:


(1)the seniors and disabled snow clearing, Recommendation No. (1)(a)(v) of the report dated October 15, 1998, from the General Manager, Transportation Services Division, as amended by the Urban Environment and Development Committee, be adopted, viz.:

'(1)(a)(v)The City provide a sidewalk and and windrow clearing service to all senior citizens over the age of 65 years, and disabled residents residing in single-family residences. This service is subject to no other occupant who is under the age of 65years residing in the same house and who is capable of removing snow. This service to be provided at no charge to eligible recipients.';

(2)the balance of the Recommendations embodied in such report be referred to the Budget Committee for consideration, with the provision that no citizen will suffer a reduction in snow removal services as a result of this referral;

(3)the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer, in consultation with the Commissioner of Works and Emergency Services, be requested to submit a report to the Budget Committee, for consideration therewith, on ways and costs of adopting a uniform program, to commence on January1, 1999, for all residents in the City of Toronto; and

(4)the Budget Committee be requested to submit a report to Council for its meeting to be held on December 16, 1998, outlining their recommendations in this regard."

(12)Moved by:Councillor Layton

Seconded by:Councillor Jones

"WHEREAS the Province of Ontario will shortly end its consultation regarding the issue of Ontario Hydro's Stranded Debt; and

WHEREAS the Province's decisions regarding the Stranded Debt issue will have significant implications on the ability of Toronto Hydro and the City of Toronto to offer and support renewable energy initiatives; and

WHEREAS the Commissioner of Works and Emergency Services reported to the Environmental Task Force on November 23, 1998 (attached); and

WHEREAS the Environmental Task Force at its November 23, 1998 meeting asked City Council to consider the attached recommendations;


(1)express its concern at the high stranded debt approach being adopted by the Province, as this approach seriously compromises environmentally advantageous energy supply sources such as renewables;

(2)advise the Province that it favours the lowest possible estimate of 'stranded debt' to establish fairness and enable a more equal playing field for competition;

(3)request the Legal Division to investigate actions taken by cities and consumer groups concerning high stranded debt approaches in the United States of America and report back to the Environmental Task Force; and

(4)express its support for a Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard."

Disposition:Consideration of the foregoing Motion was deferred to the next regular meeting of City Council to be held on December 16, 1998.

(13)Moved by:Councillor Feldman

Seconded by:Councillor Filion

"WHEREAS The North York Performing Arts Centre Corporation ('NYPACC') is a corporation without share capital established through special legislation, to wit, City of North York Act, 1988 (No. 2), ('Special Act') obtained by the City of North York (now the City of Toronto) from the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario in 1988; and

WHEREAS the Ford Centre for the Performing Arts ('Ford Centre') is owned by the City of Toronto; and

WHEREAS NYPACC manages and operates the Ford Centre on behalf of the City of Toronto; and

WHEREAS, pursuant to subsection 12(1) of the Special Act, all contracts exceeding $500,000.00 that NYPACC proposes to enter are required to be submitted to Council for its approval; and

WHEREAS, pursuant to subsection 12(3) of the Special Act, NYPACC can enter into an agreement with any person to manage, operate or maintain the Ford Centre or any part thereof but the prior approval of Council is required in respect of any proposed agreement to operate the Apotex Theatre of the Ford Centre; and

WHEREAS, pursuant to subsection 15(3) of the Special Act, the annual budget of NYPACC is subject to the approval of Council, and, except with the approval of Council, no obligation other than normal operating expenses may be incurred or expenditure may be made by the corporation prior to that approval; and

WHEREAS, pursuant to section 16 of the Special Act, NYPACC can requisition Council for any sums of money it requires to carry out its objects and duties, and Council may approve the sums so requisitioned or such other amounts as it determines; and

WHEREAS, pursuant to section 18 of the Special Act, NYPACC cannot incur any indebtedness or obligation, contingent or otherwise, or expend any moneys except as authorized by the Special Act, but, within the limits of its budget, as approved by Council, NYPACC can expend such moneys and incur such obligations as are necessary to carry out its objects, powers and duties; however, NYPACC can, with the approval of Council, incur indebtedness and other obligations and expend moneys in excess of the approved budget for any fiscal period; and

WHEREAS NYPACC is in an emergency situation due to the termination, for cause, of its agreements with The Live Entertainment Corporation of Canada, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Livent Inc., (collectively 'Livent') which had managed and operated several facilities in the Ford Centre for NYPACC, and due to the subsequent filing of Livent for court protection under the Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act; and

WHEREAS the Chair of the NYPACC Board of Directors has requested the Council of the City of Toronto to assist NYPACC in this transitional period while NYPACC is managing and programming the Ford Centre on an interim basis and in the longer term is looking for a new operator of the Ford Centre in the longer term and is exploring other options; and

WHEREAS, for this purpose, the Council desires to establish and appoint an emergency committee of Councillors and delegate to it authority on terms and conditions set out in this motion;


(1)as a preliminary matter, the formalities set out in the City's Procedural By-law be waived in order for this motion to be presented and proceed;

(2)a committee be established to assist NYPACC in the transitional period following the termination of its agreements with Livent while NYPACC is managing and programming the Ford Centre on an interim basis and is looking for a new operator of the Ford Centre in the longer term and is exploring other options;

(3)this committee be an ad hoc committee of Council and be subject to all by-laws, procedures and other laws relating to such committees of Council;

(4)this committee be called the NYPACC Emergency Committee and consist of six Members of Council;

(5)the following Members of Council be appointed to the NYPACC Emergency Committee:

(a)Councillor Saundercook,

(b)Councillor Feldman,

(c)Councillor Minnan-Wong

(d)Councillor Filion (as Chair)

(e)Councillor Berger, and

(f)Councillor Augimeri;

(6)the NYPACC Emergency Committee be given the authority to do the following:

(a)to authorize NYPACC to make expenditures or incur indebtedness out of the operating budget (including operating reserves) for NYPACC approved by Council earlier this year (or at any other time) where the expenditure or indebtedness was not described or provided for in that operating budget (including operating reserves) and arises in connection with the present emergency situation (which authority may be exercised retroactively), provided that no such expenditure or indebtedness shall exceed $500,000.00 which expenditure remains subject to prior Council approval in accordance with the Special Act;

(b)to authorize NYPACC to enter into contracts that were not contemplated when its operating budget (including operating reserves) was approved by Council earlier this year (or at any other time), but are now or in the future proposed to be paid for out of that operating budget (including operating reserves), and that arise in connection with the present emergency situation (which authority may be exercised retroactively), provided that no such contract shall exceed $500,000.00 and no such contract relates to the hiring of an operator for the Apotex Theatre which contracts remain subject to prior Council approval in accordance with the Special Act; and

(c)to provide NYPACC with whatever advisory or other non-financial assistance that it may request;

(7)the NYPACC Emergency Committee report to Council at each of its regularly scheduled meetings on the expenditures and contracts that it authorized pursuant to this authority and such other matters as it considers advisable relating to the operation of the Ford Centre;

(8)the NYPACC Emergency Committee continue until such time as it is dissolved by Council; and

(9)this be effective immediately following the passage of the confirmation by-law for this meeting of Council."

Disposition:The foregoing Motion was adopted, without amendment.

(14)Moved by:Councillor Nunziata

Seconded by:Councillor Saundercook

"WHEREAS the former City of York on October 1, 1997, enacted By-law No. 3623-97, being a by-law to amend the City of York General Zoning By-law No. 1-83; and

WHEREAS By-law No. 3623-97 provides for amendments to Sections 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 16 and 18 of said By-law No. 1-83 with respect to residential zoning regulations and development standards; and

WHEREAS the area of Caesar Avenue, Deakin Avenue and Rockcliffe Boulevard ('the Rockcliffe Boulevard/Caesar Avenue Area') is zoned R2-Residential District; and

WHEREAS this area has been developed and maintained with one storey detached houses; and

WHEREAS the residents in the Rockcliffe Boulevard/Caesar Avenue Area, in Ward 27, York Humber, have expressed concerns regarding the provisions of By-law No. 3623-97 with respect to permitted semi-detached house uses in R2 zones and the by-law regulations regarding their height and density, which impacts negatively on the present character of the area as reflected by the existing homes; and

WHEREAS in a report dated November 18, 1998, the Director of Community Planning, West District, advises that it would be prudent to focus a review of the R2 zoning and regulations as they apply to the Rockcliffe Boulevard/Caesar Avenue Area;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT City Council, in consideration of the concerns of the residents, direct the Chief Planner and Executive Director of Urban Planning to review the present R2 zoning of the area and the R2 zoning regulations introduced by By-law No. 3623-97 with a view to preserving the area as a single detached house area and to report on the review no later than October 31, 1999;

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT City Council grant authority to impose, for a period of one year from passage, interim control restrictions to enact an interim control by-law to give effect hereto, and that authority be granted for the introduction of the necessary bill in Council to give effect thereto."

Disposition:The foregoing Motion was adopted, without amendment.

(15)Moved by:Councillor Mihevc

Seconded by:Councillor McConnell

"WHEREAS Hurricane Mitch has had a devastating impact on numerous communities in El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua; and

WHEREAS over two million people have been made homeless in the aftermath of the hurricane; and

WHEREAS Hurricane Mitch has killed over 11,000 people in these countries, with another 15,000 to 20,000 persons missing; and

WHEREAS the Hispanic communities in Toronto are an important part of the social fabric of the City; and

WHEREAS the Hispanic members of our community have turned to the City of Toronto for assistance in the rebuilding of the countries of their loved ones;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City of Toronto undertake a broad public appeal for urgently needed cash donations to participate in the international assistance for the victims of Hurricane Mitch;

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the City undertake a 'Toronto Cares' campaign of which the immediate focus be a special appeal for cash donations from citizens and the corporate sector in Toronto;

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT Toronto residents be encouraged to make donations to the development agencies;

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the City of Toronto use all its internal and external communications vehicles, including the City web site, to appeal to the public and to employees;

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT all City Councillors be encouraged to undertake activities with the communities in their wards to assist in the relief effort;

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the City co-ordinate its efforts with the federal and provincial governments and the international and local non-governmental organizations working with the affected areas;

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the Chief Administrative Officer be requested to report back to Council on possible longer-term technical works and medical assistance in partnership with agencies, corporations and other levels of government (including the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, Canadian Urban Institute and CIDA) that the City might be able to provide to the municipalities in the four affected countries."

Disposition:The foregoing Motion was adopted, without amendment.


(1)Moved by:Councillor Saundercook

Seconded by:Councillor Brown

"WHEREAS the Rexdale-Thistletown community was saddened to learn of the tragic death of Mr. Carlton Gonsalves, a 63-year-old senior citizen from Rexdale; and

WHEREAS on November 17, 1998, at 7:25 p.m., Carlton was hit by a car while crossing Albion Road, just west of Kipling Avenue, at the designated pedestrian cross-over; and

WHEREAS Carlton was rushed to Etobicoke General Hospital where he was later pronounced dead; and

WHEREAS no charges have been laid, however, the Toronto Police Traffic Services Unit is investigating; and

WHEREAS police are appealing to any witnesses to come forward with whatever information they have about the accident or the events leading up to the collision; and

WHEREAS Carlton will be especially missed by the 200+ children at Greenholme Junior School in Northern Etobicoke where he cooked and served breakfast as a volunteer of the Thistletown Community Breakfast Club, a program of Albion Neighbourhood Services, local United Way agency;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City Clerk be directed to convey on behalf of the Members of City Council, an expression of sincere sympathy to the family of Carlton Gonsalves."

Disposition:The foregoing Motion was adopted unanimously.

(2)Moved by:Councillor Mihevc

Seconded by:Councillor Nunziata

"WHEREAS Alan Avery was a long time resident of York; and

WHEREAS Alan Avery was a very dedicated volunteer who gave tirelessly of his time, talent and energy; and

WHEREAS York benefitted tremendously from his contributions to community groups; an active volunteer with City of York Community and Agency Social Planning Council (Y-CASP), Syme Seniors' Centre, Beech Hall Housing Co-operative, York West Meals-on-Wheels, Special Seniors Games and so on; and

WHEREAS Alan Avery died peacefully on November 11, 1998, at the age of 79;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the York Community and the City of Toronto express its condolences to Alan Avery's family."

Disposition:The foregoing Motion was adopted unanimously.

(3)Moved by:Councillor King

Seconded by:Councillor O'Brien

"WHEREAS we are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Mr. Joe Hadbavny, on Tuesday, November 17, 1998; and

WHEREAS Mr. Hadbavny was an integral part of the taxi industry for over forty years through Co-op Cabs; and

WHEREAS Mr. Hadbavny was a founding member of the TaxiWatch Committee, formerly Taxis on Patrol, and his participation will be sadly missed;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City Clerk be directed to convey, on behalf of the Members of Toronto City Council, an expression of condolence and sincere sympathy to the Hadbavny family."

Disposition:The foregoing Motion was adopted unanimously.

Toronto, OntarioCity Clerk

December 2, 1998



(as adopted by City Council on November 25, 26 and 27, 1998)

January, 1999





4 5 6



(Eastern Rite)



(Eastern Rite)


10 11

Urban Environment and Development Committee


Emergency and Protective Services



Works and Utilities



Community and Neighbourhood Services Committee



Development Committee

17 18

Corporate Services Committee


Budget Committee


East York C.C.

Etobicoke C.C.

North York C.C.

Scarborough C.C.

Toronto C.C.

York C.C.


East York C.C.

Etobicoke C.C.

North York C.C.

Scarborough C.C.

Toronto C.C.

York C.C.

22 23



Strategic Policies

and Priorities Committee


28 29 30



9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.; 2:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.; 8:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. (Tuesdays and Wednesdays) 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.; 2:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.

9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.; 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. (Thursdays)Community Councils:

9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.; 2:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.; 8:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.

February, 1999









5 6


Urban Environment and Development Committee


Emergency and Protective Services



Works and Utilities



Community and Neighbourhood Services Committee



Development Committee

14 15

Corporate Services Committee








East York C.C.

Etobicoke C.C.

North York C.C.

Scarborough C.C.

Toronto C.C.

York C.C.


East York C.C.

Etobicoke C.C.

North York C.C.

Scarborough C.C.

Toronto C.C.

York C.C.


Budget Committee *


22 23

Strategic Policies

and Priorities Committee

24 25 26 27

* Rescheduled from Tuesday, February 16 (Chinese New Year) to Friday, February 19.

March, 1999


1 2












--------------- MARCH














--------------- MARCH









21 22

Urban Environment and Development Committee


Emergency and Protective Services Committee


Community and Neighbourhood Services Committee


Works and Utilities Committee****


Corporate Services Committee *



Development Committee



Budget Committee **


East York C.C. ***

Etobicoke C.C.

North York C.C.

Scarborough C.C.

Toronto C.C.

York C.C.


East York C.C.

Etobicoke C.C.

North York C.C.

Scarborough C.C.

Toronto C.C.

York C.C.



To accommodate Passover and Good Friday -

* Rescheduled from Monday, March 29 to Thursday, March 25.

** Rescheduled from Tuesday, March 30 to Monday, March 29.

*** Rescheduled from Thursday, April 1 to Tuesday, March 30.

****Community and Neighbourhood Services Committee and Works and Utilities Committee meeting on the same day on Wednesday, March 24.

April, 1999












Strategic Policies

and Priorities Committee

7 8 9






12 13






16 17
18 19

Urban Environment and Development Committee


Emergency and Protective Services



Works and Utilities



Community and Neighbourhood Services Committee



Development Committee



Corporate Services Committee


Budget Committee


East York C.C.

Etobicoke C.C.

North York C.C.

Scarborough C.C.

Toronto C.C.

York C.C.


East York C.C.

Etobicoke C.C.

North York C.C.

Scarborough C.C.

Toronto C.C.

York C.C.



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