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Official Flag for the City of Toronto

The Strategic Policies and Priorities Committee recommends:

(i)that Option 3(b) (gold background with a blue "T" bar and blue crest) be approved as the official flag of the City of Toronto ; and

(ii)the adoption of Recommendations Nos. (2) to (9) embodied in the report (January 19, 1999) from the City Clerk:

The Strategic Policies and Priorities Committee submits the following report (January19,1999) from the City Clerk:


To approve a design for the official flag of the City of Toronto, the policies for flying flags on municipal property and procedures for half-masting.

Funding Sources, Financial Implications and Impact Statement:

The estimated cost for a standard flag measuring 3 feet x 6 feet is $30.00. Operating Departments will phase in the installation of the official flag as existing flags require replacement and as budgets permit. The Purchasing and Materials Management Division of Finance will be requested to issue a request for proposal for a supplier of the official flag for City Departments, Agencies, Boards and Commissions in order that the City may take advantage of bulk buying and consistent quality.


It is recommended that:

(1)the Strategic Polices and Priorities Committee review the official flag design options submitted at Committee on January 26 by staff and recommend one design to Council for approval as the official flag of the City of Toronto;

(2)except as provided in Recommendation No. (5) below, all existing former municipal flags be phased out by July 1, 1999, and replaced by the new City flag as Operating Budgets permits;

(3)the existing courtesy flag poles will fly the flag of nations recognized by the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, on its national day or on the anniversary of a special occasion for up to two weeks, upon written request;

(4)the flag of a non-profit or charitable organization will be flown on a courtesy flagpole for up to two weeks upon the written request of the group or organization;

(5)the former municipal flag be displayed along with the official City of Toronto flag in the Council Chamber of each respective Civic Centre with the exception of Toronto City Hall which will only display the official City of Toronto flag since it is the seat of the new City government;

(6)the Chief of Protocol be delegated authority to approve all flag raisings in accordance with Council policy and that Toronto Protocol, Clerk's Division, Corporate Services Department be responsible for administering the flag raising policies and for the coordination of all flag ceremonies and related events;

(7)City Council approve the guidelines in Appendix A for half-masting flags at all City of Toronto properties;

(8)the recommendations in this report supersede any previous flag policies adopted by the former municipalities or this Council;

(9)the appropriate City of Toronto staff be authorized and directed to take the necessary action to give effect thereto.

Council Reference/Background/History:

Strategic Policies and Priorities Committee Report No. 21, as adopted by the Council of the City of Toronto at its meeting held on October 28, 29 and 30, 1998, requested that the Chief Administrative Officer report to Council on the possibility of incorporating the approved Coat of Arms as the Flag of the City. This report, on behalf of the Chief Administrative Officer, fulfills this request.

The Clause embodied in Report No. 2 of the Scarborough Community Council, as adopted by the Council of the City of Toronto at its meeting held on March 4, 5 and 6, 1998, and the Clause embodied in Report No. 9 of the East York Community Council, as adopted by the Council of the City of Toronto at its meeting held on July 8, 9 and 10, 1998, recommended that the flags of the former City of Scarborough be the flag of the Community of Scarborough and the Borough of East York be the flag of the Community of East York.

Comments and/or Discussion and/or Justification:

The official flag design options have been developed by the Creative Services Unit of Corporate Services in consultation with the Chief Herald of Canada. The Chief Herald has advised that the entire Coat of Arms cannot be used on an official flag but elements of the Coat of Arms can be incorporated if desired by Council. In keeping with the development of the design of the Coat of Arms, the Community Council Chairs were also consulted on the preliminary design options for the flag.

Adopting an official flag is an important means of achieving a clear, coherent identity for an organization. The recommendations provide a timetable for replacing the former municipal flags on the City's outdoor flagpoles while allowing for the continued display of these flags in the Council Chamber of each Civic Service Centre, with the exception of Toronto City Hall which is the seat of government of the new City.

In the past, the former municipalities were requested to raise flags recognizing other nationalities, charities and non-profit groups in recognition of specific dates and events. These flag raising ceremonies have celebrated significant events and activities in the community. The City of Toronto should continue this practice of using the courtesy flag poles at City Hall and the Civic Centres for these objectives. However, the use of the courtesy flag pole neither implies nor expresses support for the politics or policies of these nations and/or organizations, but raises the flag in recognition of those citizens or members that have made the request.

The Federal Department of Foreign Affairs was consulted to ensure the City's guidelines are not in conflict with national flag protocol when flying flags of other countries. Requests to use the courtesy flagpole at Toronto City Hall will be accepted on a first come first served basis. In the event that an additional request for a flag raising is received, preference will be given to the first written request received. The second request will be given the option of flying their flag on a courtesy flag pole at a Civic Centre located nearest to their intended audience. Requests for the flag raisings at a location other than Toronto City Hall will be considered and approved on a first come first served basis.

No other flag should be flown on the same pole as the City flag. Toronto Protocol will provide advice to Departments, Agencies, Boards and Commissions on the display and flying of the Toronto flag in other locations throughout the city.

Appendix A details the procedures for half-masting of flags at City of Toronto properties. It was developed to provide assistance to the Mayor, Members of Council and City Departments, Agencies, Boards and Commissions and to present a consistent and appropriate response to a work related death of a civic employee, or death of an elected official. Toronto Protocol will be responsible for communicating the procedures to the appropriate City of Toronto staff. These guidelines for half-masting City flags were compiled taking into account the size of the organization and the operational challenges the procedure presents.


The policies and guidelines contained in this report are based on the experiences and guidelines of the former municipalities. Provincial and Federal flag guidelines and policies have been consulted during development of these guidelines. The recommendations outlined in this report recognize the combined "best practices" of the municipalities, the Province of Ontario and the Government of Canada.

The adoption of an official flag for the City of Toronto is an important symbol for the City. The corporate standards and procedures for flying the official flag are necessary to ensure consistency within the organization, to prevent diplomatic incidents and as a public relations tool to profile the City in a positive manner.

The Chief Administrative Officer has been consulted and concurs with the recommendations in this report.

Contact Name:

Daphne Gaby Donaldson, Chief of Protocol, 392-4273.


Appendix A: Guidelines regarding half-masting flags at the City of Toronto

Toronto City Hall & Civic Services Centres Additional Location(s) - to be determined in consultation with Toronto Protocol and the Department Head

(in office)

Half-masting will occur immediately upon notification of a death until sunset on the day of the funeral. All Department, Agency, Board & Commission headquarters

Half-masting will occur immediately upon notification of a death until sunset on the day of the funeral.

Member of Council

(in office)

Half-masting will occur immediately upon notification of a death until sunset on the day of the funeral Protocol to make recommendations on additional sites.

eg. civic properties in that Councillor's ward

Half-masting will occur immediately upon notification of a death until sunset on the day of the funeral.

Former Mayor or Chairman Half-masting will occur immediately upon notification of a death until sunset on the day of the funeral. Protocol to make recommendations on additional sites.

eg. civic property named after that Mayor or Chairman

Half-masting will occur immediately upon notification of a death until sunset on the day of the funeral.

Former Member of Council Half-masting will occur immediately upon notification of a death until sunset on the day of the funeral. Protocol to make recommendations on additional sites.

eg. civic property named after that Councillor

Half-masting will occur from sunrise to sunset on the day of the funeral.

City of Toronto Employee

(in a work related incident) including Agency, Board or

Commission Employees

Half-masting will occur immediately upon notification of a death until sunset on the day of the funeral. Department headquarters if different from the seat of government

Employee work site if applicable

Half-masting will occur immediately upon notification of a death until sunset on the day of the funeral.

Toronto City Hall & Civic Service Centres Additional Location(s) - to be determined in consultation with Toronto Protocol and the Department Head
Toronto Member of Federal or Provincial Government in office Half-masting will occur immediately upon notification of a death until sunset on the day of the funeral Protocol to make recommendations on additional sites.

eg. civic facilities named after that member of government

Half-masting will occur immediately upon notification of a death until sunset on the day of the funeral.


-Flags should be half-masted on Remembrance Day, November 11th at the seat of government, Civic Service Centres and all Department, Agency, Board and Commission headquarters.

-The Mayor or in his absence the Deputy Mayor, has final approval on half-masting the flag for individuals not included in above.

-Due to operational considerations, it is not the intention of these guidelines to direct every work location to half-mast their flags.

-All the flags on University Avenue are excluded from these guidelines and are not to be half-masted.

January 1999

(A copy of the flag design options distributed to Members of the Strategic Policies and Priorities Committee at its meeting on January 26, 1999, will be provided to each Member of Council at the meeting of Council to be held on February 2, 1999, and a copy thereof is also on file in the office of the City Clerk.)


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