City Clerk's Division
Minutes of the Toronto Cycling Committee
Meeting No. 2
Monday, February 15, 1999.
The Toronto Cycling Committee met on Monday, February 15, 1999, in Committee Room No. 3, City Hall, Toronto,
commencing at 7:03 p.m.
Members Present:
Councillor Jack Layton, Co-Chair
Mr. Jack Becker, Co-Chair
Ms. Andrea Bowker, Co-Chair
Mr. Paul Rappell, Co-Chair
Mr. Steve Beiko
Mr. Alan Burke
Mr. Israel Chackowicz
Ms. Joan Dorion
Mr. Stephen Fisher
Mr. John Fountain
Mr. Ron Hart
Mr. Clay McFayden
Mr. Walter Melynk
Mr. Crawford Murphy
Mr. Andrew Schulz, Alternate (representing Mr. John A. Sherk)
Mr. Hamish Wilson
Also Present:
Mr. Edward Clarke (Alternate)
Staff Present:
Ms. Mary Casini, City Clerk's Division
Mr. Mark Edelman, Policy and Development Division
Mr. Daniel Egan, Transportation Services
Ms. Barbara Wentworth, City Planning Division
Mr. Sean Wheldrake, Coordinator, Cycling Ambassador Program
Mr. Jack Becker in the Chair.
Confirmation of Minutes.
On motion by Ms. Bowker, the Minutes of the meeting of the Toronto Cycling Committee held on January 18, 1999, were
confirmed subject to amending Minute No. 1.9 by deleting the words, "Education and Facilities Sub-Committee" and
inserting in lieu thereof the words "Network Planning and Facilities Sub-Committee".
2.1 Sub-Committee Minutes.
The Toronto Cycling Committee had before it the following Sub-Committee Minutes:
(I) Network Planning and Facilities Sub-Committee; and
(ii) Education and Safety Sub-Committee.
The Toronto Cycling Committee was advised by Ms. Andrea Bowker that Mr. Joao Rolo had been appointed as Bike Week
Coordinator. Mr. Rolo invited Members of the Committee to contact him at (416) 392-7592 with any ideas for Bike Week
On motion by Mr. Beiko, the Committee:
(1) received the aforementioned Sub-Committee Minutes; and
(2) expressed its appreciation to Ms. Patricia Viggiani, Graphic Artist, Communications Section, Urban Planning and
Development Services, for her support in the formatting of the 1998 Cycling Ambassador Report.
(Ms. Patricia Viggiani, Graphic Artist, Communications Section, Urban Planning and Development Services - February 19,
2.2 Hydro/Rail Corridor Bike Trail--Project Priority List.
The Toronto Cycling Committee had before it a report (January 22, 1999) from Mr. Jack Becker, Chair, Network Planning
and Facilities Sub-Committee, advising that the Working Group on the Hydro/Rail Corridor Bike Trail Project requested
that the Toronto Cycling Committee develop a priority list of projects that should be addressed first; and recommending
that the Toronto Cycling Committee endorse the priority list, outlined in the report, for the Hydro/Rail Corridor Bike Trail
The Toronto Cycling Committee was advised by Mr. Becker that the Network Planning and Facilities Sub-Committee will
be providing input to the Working Group on the Hydro/Rail Bike Trail Project over the next few months respecting the
Toronto Cycling Committee's priority list of projects.
On motion by Mr. Rappell, the Committee endorsed the priority list for the Hydro/Rail Corridor Bike Trail Project,
embodied in the aforementioned report.
(Mr. Jack Becker, Chair, Network Planning and Facilities Sub-Committee; Mr. Brian Rutherford, Manager of Parks and
Recreation Planning; c. Mr. Mark Edelman, Supervisor, Open Space System Planning; Mr. Daniel Egan, Manager,
Pedestrian and Cycling Infrastructure - February 19, 1999)
2.3 1998 Annual Report on the Cycling Ambassador Program.
The Toronto Cycling Committee had before it a communication (February 2, 1999) from Ms. Barb Wentworth, Bicycle
Safety and Education Coordinator, submitting, as requested by the Toronto Cycling Committee on September 22, 1998, the
1998 Cycling Ambassador Annual Report with information on the Cycling Ambassador Program, including SPACE,
CAN-BIKE and the Anti-Sidewalk Riding Campaign.
Mr. Sean Wheldrake, Coordinator, Cycling Ambassador Program, and Ms. Kara Spence, Cycling Ambassador, gave a
video presentation in connection with the foregoing matter.
At this point in the proceedings the Toronto Cycling Committee decided to table the discussion on the Cycling
Ambassador Program until later in the meeting to provide an opportunity for Councillor Jack Layton to address the
Committee respecting the Capital and Operating Budget (See Minute No.10).
Later in the meeting, the Toronto Cycling Committee resumed discussion on the Cycling Ambassador Program.
A. Mr. Chackowicz moved that the Committee request the Education and Safety Sub-Committee to submit a report to the
Toronto Cycling Committee on past and present strategies for the implementation of cycling policies at the school board
level and at the local school level.
B. Mr. Fisher moved that the Committee direct that the Cycling Ambassador Program focus its efforts respecting cycling
on sidewalks in areas where problems exist or where sidewalk cycling is a problem.
Mr. Becker appointed Mr. Rappell Acting Chair and vacated the Chair.
C. Mr. Becker moved that Schedule B to the 1998 Cycling Ambassador Annual Report be amended to provide that the
'Education and Safety Sub-Committee' and 'Community Cycling Advisory Groups' be included as sub-groupings of the
Toronto Cycling Committee under the heading "Community Advisory Team".
Mr. Becker resumed the Chair.
Upon the question of the adoption of the foregoing motions A., B., and C., they were carried.
(Co-Chairs, Education and Safety Sub-Committee; Mr. Sean Wheldrake, Coordinator, Cycling Ambassador Program -
February 28, 1999)
2.4 Ten Best Cycling Cities.
The Toronto Cycling Committee had before it a communication (February 2, 1999) from Ms. Barb Wentworth, Bicycle
Safety and Education Coordinator, submitting, for information, a press release and article from the March 1999 issue of
"Bicycling Magazine" honouring the ten best cycling cities in North America; advising that the City of Montreal was
selected as the No. 1 Cycling City in North America; and that the City of Toronto has been ranked at number five--down
from its number one position awarded in the last competition in 1995.
On motion by Mr. Rappell, the Committee requested Councillor Jack Layton, Co-Chair, Toronto Cycling Committee, to
submit a Notice of Motion to City Council requesting that Council acknowledge the City of Montreal's achievement as the
No. 1 Cycling City in North America and issue a 'friendly' challenge to the Mayor of the City of Montreal toward the City
of Toronto regaining its status as No. 1.
(Councillor Jack Layton, Co-Chair, Toronto Cycling Committee; Ms. Barb Wentworth, Bicycle Safety and Education
Coordinator; c. Mr. Daniel Egan, Manager, Pedestrian and Cycling Infrastructure - February 22, 1999)
2.5 Bicycle Parking--Street Hardware.
The Toronto Cycling Committee had before it a communication (January 6, 1999) from Ms. Karen Yukich, Toronto,
submitting comments on bicycle parking facilities in the City of Toronto; and requesting that the appropriate City
Department be instructed to consider multiple purposes in any future designs for bicycle parking street hardware.
On motion by Mr. Rappell, the Committee referred the aforementioned communication to the Chair, Network Planning and
Facilities Sub-Committee, for consideration.
(Ms. Karen Yukich, Toronto; Mr. Jack Becker, Chair, Network Planning and Facilities Sub-Committee - February 22,
2.6 Hydro/Rail Corridor Bicycle Trails.
The Toronto Cycling Committee had before it a communication (January 6, 1999) from Ms. Karen Yukich, Toronto,
respecting the proposal to use railway corridors for bicycle trails; requesting that proper inventories are made of the land in
question before any plans are finalized; commenting that with all the efforts that are being made to restore habitats, we
need to take great care to preserve those that already exist; and recommending qualified experts, e.g., through the Ministry
of Natural Resources, and naturalist groups be consulted before proceeding to alter these lands.
On motion by Mr. Rappell, the Committee referred the aforementioned communication to the Chair, Network Planning and
Facilities Sub-Committee, and to the Director, Policy & Development Division, Economic Development, Culture &
Tourism, for consideration.
(Ms. Karen Yukich, Toronto; Mr. Jack Becker, Chair, Network Planning and Facilities Sub-Committee; Director, Policy &
Development Division, Economic Development, Culture & Tourism; c. Mr. Mark Edelman, Policy & Development
Division - February 22, 1999)
2.7 Strategy for Implementing the Recommendations
of the Coroner's Report on Cycling Fatalities.
The Toronto Cycling Committee had before it a communication (February 15, 1999) from the Acting Manager, Pedestrian
and Cycling Infrastructure, Works and Emergency Services, reporting as requested by the Toronto Cycling Committee on
October 27, 1998, on a strategy for implementing the recommendations of the Coroner's Report on Cycling Fatalities;
advising that staff of Works and Emergency Services and Urban Planning and Development Services are preparing a report
for the March 31, 1999 meeting of the Urban Environment and Development Committee; and that the strategy for
implementing the recommendations which are within the City's mandate and outlining actions undertaken by other
agencies regarding the recommendations which fall under their mandate will form part of the staff presentation on this
On motion by Mr. Rappell, the Committee received the aforementioned communication and invited interested Members of
the Committee to contact staff directly with any comments.
2.8 Leave of Absence.
The Toronto Cycling Committee had before it a communication (February 15, 1999) from Ms. Barb Wentworth, Bicycle
Safety and Education Coordinator, advising that she will be on a leave of absence from March 15 to July 16, 1999; that she
will be taking part in "The Canadian Heritage Interactive Journey"; that she has been structuring programs to carry on
successfully during her absence.
On motion by Mr. Rappell, the Committee received the aforementioned communication.
2.9 Update on the Toronto International Bike Show.
The Toronto Cycling Committee received an oral update from Mr. Jack Becker on the status of the planning for the
Committee's booth at the Toronto International Bike Show to be held from March 5 to 7, 1999, at the National Trade
Centre, Exhibition Place.
The Toronto Cycling Committee reviewed proposals for design, layout and concept for the booth.
On motion by Mr. Beiko, the Committee endorsed the plans discussed by the Committee respecting the booth and called
for volunteers to identify themselves to attend at the booth during the Bike Show.
2.10 Update on the Capital and Operating Budget.
The Toronto Cycling Committee was advised by Councillor Jack Layton, Co-Chair, that monies have been allocated in the
Capital Budget for cycling-related expenditures and that the fact the Committee's submission was so well prepared
facilitated its approval; that because of the postponement of the F. G. Gardiner East Dismantling Project, funds will be
allocated to the cycling and traffic calming budget; and that the final Capital Budget will be approved by City Council on
March 2, 1999.
Councillor Layton also advised the Committee that the Operating Budget process will take place between now and April
1999, and he suggested that a Working Group be established, comprised of representatives of the Committee, to work with
himself and the appropriate staff, on the preparation of the budget submission from the Toronto Cycling Committee.
2.11 Staff Support for Bicycle Commuter Program.
The Toronto Cycling Committee had before it a communication (February 11, 1999) from the Director, City Planning,
Transportation, advising that Ms. Sue Zielinski's role as Transportation Planner will focus on Sustainable Transportation
with an emphasis on the ongoing Moving the Economy initiative as well as other transportation policy and development
work, including coordinating the Sustainable Transportation Working Group of the City's Environmental Task Force; that
she will no longer be available to provide staff support to the Bicycle Commuter Program; and that she will secure staffing
for this year's Bike Week.
On motion by Ms. Bowker, the Committee received the aforementioned communication.
The Toronto Cycling Committee adjourned its meeting at 10:00 p.m.