City Clerk's Division
Minutes of the Toronto Cycling Committee
Meeting No. 6
Monday, May 17, 1999.
The Toronto Cycling Committee met on Monday, May 17, 1999, in Committee Room No. 2, City Hall, Toronto,
commencing at 7:10 p.m.
Members Present:
Councillor Jack Layton (Co-Chair)
Mr. Jack Becker (Co-Chair)
Mr. Steve Beiko
Mr. Israel Chackowicz
Ms. Joan Doiron
Mr. Stephen Fisher
Ms. Gillian Flower
Mr. John Fountain
Mr. Ron Hart
Mr. Junya Ho
Ms. Nina Koskenoja
Ms. Clay McFayden
Mr. Crawford Murphy
Dr. Linda Perkin
Mr. Phil Piltch
Ms. Jannette Porter
Ms. Marleen Van Laethem
Mr. Hamish Wilson
Staff Present:
Ms. Mary Casini, City Clerks Division
Mr. Daniel Egan, Manager, Pedestrian and Cycling Infrastructure
Mr. Joao Rolo, Bike Week Coordinator
Mr. Sean Wheldrake, Coordinator, Road and Trail Safety Ambassador Program
Councillor Jack Layton in the Chair.
6.1 Sub-Committee Reports/Minutes.
The Toronto Cycling Committee was advised by the Secretary that there were no Sub-Committee Minutes for
6.2 Bicycle Lanes on Prince Edward Drive.
The Toronto Cycling Committee again had before it a communication (April 19, 1999) from Mr. Ken Riddell, Kingsway
Sunnylea, Residents Association, expressing concerns regarding the decision of the Toronto Cycling Committee on March
22, 1999, to support the installation of bicycle lanes on Prince Edward Drive as part of the Prince Edward Drive
Reconstruction Project; advising that the Kingsway Sunnylea Residents Association was not notified or given an
opportunity to comment on the bicycle lanes or alternatives to cyclists in the neighbourhood; forwarding a communication
dated April 18, 1999, addressed to Mr. John Kelly, Manager, Infrastructure Planning, from Mr. Wayne Evans, President,
The Prince Edward Drive 40 Km Association, opposing bicycle lanes on Prince Edward Drive; and requesting the
Committee to defer its support of bicycle lanes until full consideration of all issues has been given by the Steering
Committee for this project.
The Toronto Cycling Committee also had before it a report, headed "Assessment of Bicycle Route Options, Prince Edward
Drive Reconstruction", submitted by Mr. Daniel Egan, Manager, Pedestrian and Cycling Infrastructure, Transportation
Services Division, Works and Emergency Services.
Mr. Daniel Egan, Manager, Pedestrian and Cycling Infrastructure, made an overhead presentation to the Toronto Cycling
Committee in connection with the foregoing matter.
Councillor Layton appointed Mr. Becker Acting Chair and vacated the Chair.
A. Councillor Layton moved that the Toronto Cycling Committee:
(1) establish a Working Group comprised of Ms. Nina Koskenoja, Ms. Joan Doiron and Mr. Jack Becker to review the
concerns raised by the Kingsway Sunnylea Residents' Association and other area residents respecting the Toronto Cycling
Committee's recommendation for the installation of bicycle lanes on Prince Edward Drive as part of the Prince Edward
Drive Reconstruction Project; (Carried)
(2) request the Working Group to meet, as soon as possible, with the appropriate City staff and other interested parties,
including Mr. Ken Riddell, Ms. Rhona Swarbrick and Mr. Martin Collier; and (Carried)
(3) request the Toronto Transit Commission to reconsider their lane width requirements in order to facilitate the installation
of bicycle lanes, and to submit comments thereon to the Toronto Cycling Committee. (Carried)
Councillor Layton resumed the Chair.
B. Mr. Beiko moved that the Toronto Cycling Committee request the Working Group to consider other alternatives to
bicycle lanes, including alternatives on Prince Edward Drive or on adjacent roads. (Carried)
(Sent to: General Secretary, Toronto Transit Commission; Mr. Ken Riddell, Kingsway Sunnylea Residents' Association;
Ms. Nina Koskenoja, Member, Toronto Cycling Committee; Ms. Joan Doiron, Member, Toronto Cycling Committee;
Mr. Jack Becker, Member, Toronto Cycling Committee; c. Mr. Wayne Evans, President, The Prince Edward Drive 40 Km
Association; Mr. Daniel Egan, Manager, Pedestrian and Cycling Infrastructure, Transportation Services Division, Works
and Emergency Services - May 17, 1999)
6.3 Sunday Bike Day.
The Toronto Cycling Committee had before it a communication (May 17, 1999) from the City Clerk advising that the
Urban Environment and Development Committee on April 19, 1999, amongst other things:
(1) endorsed the concept of a Sunday Bike Day as outlined in a communication (April 19, 1999) from Ms. Lela Gary,
Coordinator, Air Pollution Coalition of Ontario, and referred this proposal to the Toronto Cycling Committee for
consideration; and
(2) requested the Commissioner of Urban Planning and Development Services to submit a report to the Toronto Cycling
Committee for consideration with this matter and subsequent submission to the Urban Environment and Development
Committee, as soon as possible, on an outline of a pilot project for a Sunday Bike Day; such report to also include
information on:
(a) the progress that the Police have made with respect to statistical data on cycling accidents;
(b) issues respecting licensing and enforcement of bicyclists; and
(c) ways of expanding the bicycle path network, both neighbourhood paths and major arterial roads, in all parts of the City
and how it can be ensured that the bicycle path network is taken into consideration when capital monies are expended on
building new roads or reconstructing existing ones.
The Toronto Cycling Committee also had before it a communication (April 19, 1999) addressed to Councillor Jack Layton
from Ms. Lela Gary, Air Pollution Coalition of Ontario, expressing concerns regarding City staff's reaction to her proposal
for a "Sunday Bikeday" during her presentation to the Urban Environment and Development Committee; and forwarding a
copy of her presentation including background information and guidelines for Sunday Bikeday.
Ms. Lela Gary, Coordinator, Air Pollution Coalition of Ontario, appeared before the Toronto Cycling Committee in
connection with the foregoing matter.
On motion by Mr. Becker, the Toronto Cycling Committee deferred consideration of this matter to its next meeting
scheduled to be held on June 21, 1999, for a deputation by Ms. Lela Gary.
(Ms. Lela Gary, Coordinator, Air Pollution Coalition of Ontario - May 17, 1999)
6.4 Bicycle Network Plan.
The Toronto Cycling Committee had before it a communication (May 4, 1999) from Mr. Daniel Egan, Manager, Pedestrian
and Cycling Infrastructure, Transportation Services Division, advising that he would like to make a presentation to the
Toronto Cycling Committee on the draft work plan for producing the Bicycle Network Plan which is to be developed this
year as part of the Cycling Master Plan; and that the purpose of the presentation is to:
- present the draft work plan (including scope, timing, public consultation, finished product);
- receive input from the Toronto Cycling Committee; and
- discuss the Toronto Cycling Committee's involvement in developing the plan.
Mr. Daniel Egan, Manager, Pedestrian and Cycling Infrastructure, Transportation Services Division, Works and
Emergency Services, appeared before the Toronto Cycling Committee in connection with the foregoing matter.
The Toronto Cycling Committee received the aforementioned communication.
6.5 Cycling Vision for the Portlands.
The Toronto Cycling Committee had before it a communication (May 9, 1999) from Mr. Jack Becker, Member, Toronto
Cycling Committee, submitting a report, entitled "Cycling Vision for the Portlands", arising from discussions at a joint
meeting of the Network Planning and Facilities Sub-Committee and the Education and Safety Sub-Committee; and
recommending that the Toronto Cycling Committee:
(1) request the Commissioner of Urban Planning and Development Services to consider the Toronto Cycling Committee's
cycling vision for the Portland's in the development of the plan for the future of the Portlands;
(2) request the Commissioner of Works and Emergency Services to consider and include this vision in the development of
the City's Cycling Network Plan; and
(3) submit this matter as a deputation item to the Toronto Community Committee for consideration with the City staff
presentation respecting the Portlands.
On motion by Mr. Piltch, the Toronto Cycling Committee:
(1) adopted the Recommendations embodied in the aforementioned communication; and
(2) requested the Commissioner, Urban Planning and Development Services, to consider the submission titled "Cycling
Vision for the Portlands" in the development of the plan for the future of the Portlands.
(Sent to: Toronto Community Council; Commissioner, Urban Planning and Development Services; Commissioner, Works
and Emergency Services; c. Mr. Michael Major, Urban Planning and Development Services - May 18, 1999)
6.6 Request from the North York Cycling and Pedestrian Committee
for Status as a Community Cycling Advisory Group.
The Toronto Cycling Committee had before it a communication (May 4, 1999) from Mr. Ron Hart, Co-Chair, North York
Cycling and Pedestrian Committee, requesting that the North York Cycling and Pedestrian Committee receive status as a
Community Cycling Advisory Group; and advising that they would like to include this information on their letterhead and
in a brochure currently being prepared to promote the North York Cycling and Pedestrian Committee.
On motion by Mr. Becker, the Toronto Cycling Committee established the North York Cycling and Pedestrian Committee
as a Community Cycling Advisory Group of the Toronto Cycling Committee, as outlined in the Terms of Reference.
(Sent to: Mr. Ron Hart, Co-Chair, North York Cycling and Pedestrian Committee - May 20, 1999)
6.7 Appointment of City Council Representative
to the Toronto Cycling Committee.
The Toronto Cycling Committee had before it a communication (April 22, 1999) from the City Clerk, advising that the
City of Toronto Council on April 13, 14 and 15, 1999, appointed Councillor Jack Layton to the Toronto Cycling
Committee, for a term of office:
(a) commencing at such time as Council has appointed the 15 citizen members, and the five designated organizations have
named their representatives, as outlined in Clause No. 6 of Report No. 13 of The Urban Environment and Development
Committee, headed "Revised Terms of Reference for the Toronto Cycling Committee"; and
(b) expiring on November 30, 2000, and until his successor is appointed.
The Toronto Cycling Committee received the aforementioned communication.
6.8 City Council 1999 to 2000 Meeting Schedule.
The Toronto Cycling Committee had before it a communication (April 22, 1999) from the City Clerk, forwarding, for
information, a copy of the revised City Council 1999-2000 Schedule of Meetings, commencing on June 14, 1999.
The Toronto Cycling Committee received the aforementioned communication.
6.9 Provision for the Carriage of Bicycles on High Speed
Ferry Service - Toronto to Rochester, New York.
The Toronto Cycling Committee had before it a communication (May 14, 1999) from Mr. Jack Becker, Member, Toronto
Cycling Committee, advising that the Economic Development Committee at its meeting to be held on May 21, 1999, will
be considering a motion for ferry service from Toronto to Rochester, New York; and recommending that the Toronto
Cycling Committee recommend to the Economic Development Committee that any ferry service from the City of Toronto
to any other destination on Lake Ontario include the carriage of bicycles and that a fare be posted.
On motion by Mr. Becker, the Toronto Cycling Committee adopted the Recommendation embodied in the aforementioned
(Economic Development Committee - May 17, 1999)
5.10 Toronto Pedestrian Committee's Appointments
to the Toronto Cycling Committee.
The Toronto Cycling Committee had before it a communication (May 10, 1999) from the City Clerk, advising that the
Toronto Pedestrian Committee on April 30, 1999:
(1) appointed Ms. Joan Doiron as its representative on the Toronto Cycling Committee, and Mr. Wayne Scott, as Alternate;
(2) extended its appreciation to the Toronto Cycling Committee for its education program regarding walking bicycles on
The Toronto Cycling Committee received the aforementioned communication.
6.11 Introduction of Road and Trail Safety Ambassadors.
The Chair introduced the Road and Trail Safety Ambassadors to the Committee and provided background information
respecting the Program.
The Chair suggested that the Coordinator of the Program and the Secretary arrange for an introduction of the Ambassadors
to Councillors at an upcoming meeting of City Council.
The Committee concurred in the foregoing.
6.12 Members' Orientation.
The Toronto Cycling Committee received a comprehensive Orientation by Councillor Layton and various departmental
program staff, at the commencement of the meeting, on the following topics:
(1) Function and Role of City Council and Committees;
(2) Organizational Structure and Responsibilities of City Departments;
(3) Role of the Sub-Committees and Community Cycling Advisory Groups of the Toronto Cycling Committee;
(4) Cycling Program Overview:
(a) safety programs;
(b) physical infrastructure;
(c) collision data (Coroner's Report); and
(d) cycling trends data; and
(5) Toronto Cycling Committee Issues - Past/Present/Future.
The Toronto Cycling Committee adjourned its meeting at 10:00 p.m.