City Clerk's Division
Minutes of the Toronto Cycling Committee
Meeting No. 8
Monday, July 19, 1999.
The Toronto Cycling Committee met on Monday, July 19, 1999, in Committee Room No. 2, City Hall, Toronto,
commencing at 7:10 p.m.
Members Present:
Councillor Jack Layton (Co-Chair)
Mr. Stephen Fisher (Co-Chair)
Ms. Marleen Van Laethem (Co-Chair)
Mr. Steve Beiko
Mr. Israel Chackowicz
Ms. Joan Doiron
Ms. Gillian Flower
Mr. John Fountain
Mr. Ron Hart
Ms. Nina Koskenoja
Mr. Crawford Murphy
Dr. Linda Perkin
Mr. Phil Piltch
Ms. Jannette Porter
Mr. Hamish Wilson
Also Present:
Councillor Irene Jones, Lakeshore-Queensway
Mr. Martin Collier (Alternate)
Mr. Wayne Scott (Alternate)
Staff Present:
Ms. Mary Casini, City Clerk's Division
Mr. David Dunn, Transportation Services Division
Ms. Cynthia Vaz, City Clerk's Division
Ms. Barbara Wentworth, City Planning Division
Mr. Sean Wheldrake, Coordinator, Road and Trail Safety Ambassador Program
Mr. Stephen Fisher in the Chair.
Confirmation of Minutes.
On motion by Councillor Layton, the Minutes of the meetings of the Toronto Cycling Committee held on April 19, 1999;
May 10, 1999; May 17, 1999; and June 21, 1999, were confirmed.
8.1 Bicycle Education in Schools.
The Toronto Cycling Committee again had before it a communication (May 28, 1999) from Ms. Marleen Van Laethem,
Co-Chair, Education and Safety Sub-Committee, submitting, for consideration by the Committee, a proposal from
Mr. Israel Chackowciz, Member, Toronto Cycling Committee, on a "BiKesKool" education program.
The Toronto Cycling Committee also had before it a communication (undated) addressed to City Councillors from Mr.
Chackowicz, providing additional background information regarding his proposal.
The Toronto Cycling Committee was advised by Mr. Stephen Fisher, Co-Chair, that, further to the opinion of Mr. Jim
Anderson, Director, Municipal Law, Legal Services, City of Toronto, regarding the applicability of the Municipal Conflict
of Interest Act to the citizen members of the Toronto Cycling Committee, it was determined that Mr. Chackowicz, not
being a member of a 'local board' as defined by the Act, was not bound by the Act with respect to declaring an interest in
connection with this matter. Mr. Chackowicz decided to proceed with a presentation, despite the fact that he had declared
an interest at the previous meeting, and the Committee concurred with his decision.
Mr. Steve Beiko declared his interest in the foregoing matter, in that he has occasionally been involved with the
"BiKesKool" education program and may have a small amount of consulting and teaching work with "BiKesKool" from
time to time.
Mr. Israel Chackowicz, Member, Toronto Cycling Committee, appeared before the Toronto Cycling Committee, in
connection with the foregoing matter.
On motion by Councillor Layton, the Toronto Cycling Committee:
(1) endorsed the "BiKesKool" education program; and
(2) requested Councillor Layton to contact City Councillors to request their participation, as outlined in the proposal.
(Sent to: Councillor Jack Layton, Co-Chair, Toronto Cycling Committee; Education and Safety Sub-Committee; Mr. Israel
Chackowicz, Member, Toronto Cycling Committee; Mr. Steve Beiko, Member, Toronto Cycling Committee; c. Mr. Daniel
Egan, Manager, Pedestrian and Cycling Infrastructure; Mr. David Dunn, Pedestrian and Cycling Infrastructure; Ms. Monica
Tang, Assistant to Councillor Jack Layton; Mr. Sean Wheldrake, Coordinator, Road and Trail Safety Ambassador Program
- July 21, 1999)
8.2 Video on Bicycle Thefts.
The Toronto Cycling Committee again had before it a proposal (June 21, 1999) submitted by Mr. Anthony Corindia, Small
World Film Company, requesting support, in principle, for his video on bicycle thefts.
The Toronto Cycling Committee also had before it a communication (July 16, 1999) from Mr. Anthony Corindia, again
requesting endorsement of his documentary project studying bicycle theft in Toronto.
On motion by Councillor Layton, the Toronto Cycling Committee deferred consideration of the aforementioned
communications, sine die.
(Sent to: Mr. Anthony Corindia, Small World Film Company - July 20, 1999)
8.3 Election of Chairs of Sub-Committees and
Establishment of Membership.
The Toronto Cycling Committee held elections for the positions of Chairs of Sub-Committees.
Councillor Layton nominated:
(1) Mr. Israel Chackowicz and Mr. Phil Piltch as Co-Chairs of the Education and Safety Sub-Committee;
(2) Ms. Gillian Flower as Chair of the Communications Sub-Committee; and
(3) Ms. Jannette Porter as Chair of the Promotions and Development Sub-Committee.
Mr. Beiko nominated Ms. Nina Koskenoja as Chair of the Network Planning and Facilities Sub-Committee.
On motion by Councillor Layton, the Toronto Cycling Committee:
(1) confirmed the appointments of Co-Chairs and the membership of the Sub-Committees as follows:
(a) Communications Sub-Committee:
Chair: Ms. Gillian Flower;
Members: Mr. John Fountain;
Ms. Nina Koskenoja;
Dr. Linda Perkin;
Mr. Phil Piltch (time permitting);
Ms. Marleen Van Laethem; and
Mr. Hamish Wilson;
(b) Education and Safety Sub-Committee:
Co-Chairs: Mr. Israel Chackowicz; and
Mr. Phil Piltch;
Members: Mr. Steve Beiko;
Ms. Gillian Flower;
Ms. Marleen Van Laethem;
Mr. Crawford Murphy; and
Dr. Linda Perkin;
(c) Network Planning and Facilities Sub-Committee:
Chair: Ms. Nina Koskenoja;
Members: Mr. Steve Beiko (time permitting);
Ms. Joan Doiron;
Mr. Ron Hart;
Mr. Clay McFayden;
Ms. Jannette Porter; and
Mr. Hamish Wilson; and
(d) Promotions and Development Sub-Committee:
Chair: Ms. Jannette Porter;
Members: Mr. John Fountain; and
Ms. Nina Koskenoja; and
(2) requested that at their first meeting, the Sub-Committees, with the exception of the Education and Safety
Sub-Committee, appoint a Co-Chair.
(Sent to: Co-Chairs and Members, Toronto Cycling Committee; c. Mr. Daniel Egan, Manager, Pedestrian and Cycling
Infrastructure; Mr. David Dunn, Pedestrian and Cycling Infrastructure; Ms. Monica Tang, Assistant to Councillor Jack
Layton; Ms. Barbara Wentworth, Bicycle Safety and Education Coordinator; Mr. Sean Wheldrake, Coordinator, Road and
Trail Safety Ambassador Program - July 20, 1999)
8.4 Report of The Toronto Hoof and Cycle Courier Coalition -
"Choking us to Death -- The Air Pollution Crisis and
its Effects on Bicycle Couriers."
The Toronto Cycling Committee had before it a communication (June 18, 1999) from Mr. Joe Hendry, The Toronto Hoof
and Cycle Courier Coalition, respecting the Coalition's report, entitled "Choking us to Death - the Air Pollution Crisis and
its Effects on Bicycle Couriers", regarding smog and its long-term consequences on bicycle couriers and other cyclists.
The Toronto Cycling Committee also had before it the aforementioned report by The Toronto Hoof and Cycle Courier
Coalition and a chart, headed "Toronto's Summer of Smog 1999 - so far", submitted by Mr. Joe Hendry.
Mr. Joe Hendry, The Toronto Hoof and Cycle Courier Coalition, appeared before the Toronto Cycling Committee in
connection with the foregoing matter.
A. Councillor Layton moved that the Toronto Cycling Committee:
(1) recommend to the Environmental Task Force that it research and consider a requirement that cars be turned off at red
lights; (Carried)
(2) recommend to the Planning and Transportation Committee that:
(a) free transit be available on air quality advisory days, particularly for seniors and children; (Carried)
(b) a Smog Action Day be introduced in the City of Toronto, identifying ways and means of reducing smog; (Carried)
(c) the anti-idling by-law be amended, so as to limit the amount of idling time to less than three minutes and remove the
upper limit on the temperature, currently provided for in the by-law at 27 degrees centigrade; (Carried)
(d) air quality advisory messages which alert people to the risk of being outdoors on high risk days, include a request that
motorists refrain from using their vehicles; (Carried)
(e) all City of Toronto enforcement staff, including Parking Enforcement Officers, be fully informed regarding the
importance of ticketing motorists for idling offences, particularly on air quality advisory days; and (Carried)
(f) the report of The Toronto Hoof and Cycle Courier Coalition be forwarded to the senior levels of government, for
information; (Carried)
(3) request the Board of Health to:
(a) invite representatives of The Toronto Hoof and Cycle Courier Coalition, and any other interested representatives of the
courier industry, to make a presentation to the Board respecting the Coalition's report; and (Carried)
(b) participate in assisting the Coalition in the research on the impact of smog on the health of workers in the courier
industry; (Carried)
(4) forward the report of The Toronto Hoof and Cycle Courier Coalition and related recommendations, to the Board of
Health, for information; and (Carried)
(5) referred the following motion to the Education and Safety Sub-Committee for consideration and report thereon to the
Toronto Cycling Committee:
"Moved by Councillor Layton, that the Toronto Cycling Committee investigate ways and means to include the issue of air
quality in its education of cyclists regarding smog.". (Carried)
B. Ms. Doiron moved that the Toronto Cycling Committee recommend to the Environmental Task Force that:
(a) car use reduction be made a major objective of the City of Toronto; and (Carried)
(b) the appropriate staff be requested to submit a monthly report to the Planning and Transportation Committee, on any
initiatives taken to reduce the use of cars and the results of such initiatives. (Carried)
C. Mr. Piltch moved that the Toronto Cycling Committee recommend to the Planning and Transportation Committee that:
(a) special priority be given to bicycle facilities in the suburban part of the City; and (Carried)
(b) all proposals for bicycle lanes be submitted to the Toronto Cycling Committee, wherever possible, for comment prior to
adoption. (Carried)
D. Mr. Wilson moved that the Toronto Cycling Committee forward, for information, the report of the Coalition and related
recommendations to:
(a) Members of Toronto City Council; and (Carried)
(b) Mayors of the Greater Toronto Area. (Carried)
(Sent to: Planning and Transportation Committee; Board of Health; Environmental Task Force; Education and Safety
Sub-Committee; Mr. Joe Hendry, The Toronto Hoof and Cycle Courier Coalition - July 22, 1999)
8.5 Fund to Encourage Active Transportation (FEAT).
The Toronto Cycling Committee had before it a communication (July 2, 1999) from Ms. Angela Bischoff, EcoCity Society,
submitting a proposal regarding the "Fund to Encourage Active Transportation" (FEAT), to build broad support from
groups across the country, who agree to the premise that the Federal Government should be financially supporting
non-motorized, or active transportation; and inviting the Toronto Cycling Committee to sign on the FEAT proposal.
Ms. Angela Bischoff, EcoCity Society, appeared before the Toronto Cycling Committee in connection with the foregoing
On motion by Mr. Chackowicz, the Toronto Cycling Committee decided to sign on to the FEAT proposal.
(Sent to: Ms. Angela Bischoff, EcoCity Society - July 20, 1999)
8.6 Sub-Committee Minutes.
The Toronto Cycling Committee had before it the Minutes of the following Sub-Committees:
(i) Network Planning and Facilities Sub-Committee (May 19, 1999 and June 23, 1999): Mr. Jack Becker; and
(ii) Education and Safety Sub-Committee (June 28, 1999): Ms. Marleen Van Laethem;
On motion by Councillor Layton, the Toronto Cycling Committee:
(1) approved the draft communication addressed to Sergeants Harmsen and Ferguson, Toronto Police Service, embodied in
the Minutes from the meeting of the Education and Safety Sub-Committee held on June 28, 1999, regarding the recent
ticketing campaign involving cyclists not coming to a full stop; and
(2) requested that a letter be prepared by Ms. Van Laethem and Mr. Fisher, in consultation with the Education and Safety
Sub-Committee, and forwarded to Sergeants Harmsen and Ferguson on the issue of vehicles parking in bicycle lanes on
specific streets.
(Sent to: Ms. Marleen Van Laethem, Co-Chair, Toronto Cycling Committee; Mr. Stephen Fisher, Co-Chair, Toronto
Cycling Committee; Education and Safety Sub-Committee - July 21, 1999)
8.7 Schedule of Meetings for 2000.
The Toronto Cycling Committee had before it a communication (July 7, 1999) from the City Clerk, forwarding a proposed
schedule of meetings for the Toronto Cycling Committee for 2000; and noting that the meetings will be held on Mondays
at 7:00 p.m. in Committee Room 2, City Hall, 100 Queen Street West, Toronto:
- January 17;
- February 14;
- March 20;
- April 17;
- May 29;
- June 26;
- July 24;
- August 21;
- September 18;
- October 23; and
- November 20.
On motion by Mr. Chackowicz, the Toronto Cycling Committee adopted the foregoing schedule of meetings for 2000.
(Sent to: Co-Chairs and Members, Toronto Cycling Committee; c. All Interested Parties - July 20, 1999)
8.8 The Prince Edward Drive Model: Healthy,
Environmental Street Design.
The Toronto Cycling Committee had before it a communication (July 2, 1999) from Ms. Joan Doiron, Member, Toronto
Cycling Committee, submitting a proposal promoting a healthy, eco-friendly street design using Prince Edward Drive as a
model; and recommending that:
(1) all road projects be designed and implemented with "green" objectives as the primary goal - that is, reducing the width
of car lanes so that speeding is eliminated, including space for non-motorized vehicles, maximizing water-holding
capacities so that shade trees survive well; and
(2) the Bicycle Network project promote its implementation using these "green" objectives so that its realization is
accomplished through being clearly tied with green transportation and healthy, livable city objectives (i.e., constructing
bicycle lanes through narrowing space for motor vehicles, rather than widening roads).
On motion by Councillor Layton, the Toronto Cycling Committee referred the aforementioned communication to the
Network Planning and Facilities Sub-Committee for consideration and report thereon to the Toronto Cycling Committee.
(Sent to: Network Planning and Facilities Sub-Committee; Ms. Joan Doiron, Member, Toronto Cycling Committee; c. Mr.
Daniel Egan, Manager, Pedestrian and Cycling Infrastructure - July 20, 1999)
8.9 Request for Membership on the Toronto Cycling Committee.
The Toronto Cycling Committee had before it a communication (July 2, 1999) from Mr. Candido Belo, Toronto, advising
of his interest in becoming a member of the Toronto Cycling Committee.
On motion by Councillor Layton, the Toronto Cycling Committee directed that Mr. Belo be thanked for his interest in
writing and be advised that, in accordance with Nominating Committee procedures, the two vacant positions on the
Toronto Cycling Committee will be filled from the remaining short-listed candidates from the previous appointments, and
that he may wish to consider participating on a Sub-Committee until such time as the current term has expired.
(Sent to: Mr. Candido Belo, Toronto - July 20, 1999)
7.10 Resignation from the Toronto Cycling Committee.
The Toronto Cycling Committee had before it a communication (June 20, 1999) from Mr. Jack Becker, submitting his
formal resignation effective July 1, 1999, as his employer is transferring him to another Province; and wishing the Toronto
Cycling Committee much success in shaping Toronto into a greener and cleaner City.
On motion by Councillor Layton, the Toronto Cycling Committee:
(1) accepted Mr. Becker's resignation with regret, extended its appreciation for the time he has spent on various cycling
committees, and for his dedication and commitment to cycling in the former Metropolitan Toronto and the new City of
Toronto; and
(2) requested Councillor Layton to prepare a plaque for Mr. Becker on behalf of the Toronto Cycling Committee.
(Sent to: Mr. Jack Becker; Councillor Jack Layton - July 20, 1999)
8.11 Resignation from the Toronto Cycling Committee.
The Toronto Cycling Committee had before it a communication (July 5, 1999) from Ms. Emily White, submitting her
resignation from the Toronto Cycling Committee, effective immediately.
On motion by Councillor Layton, the Toronto Cycling Committee received Ms. White's resignation and expressed its
appreciation for her participation on the various cycling committees.
(Sent to: Ms. Emily White, Toronto - July 20, 1999)
8.12 Action by City Council - Appointment of Citizen Members
to the Toronto Cycling Committee.
The Toronto Cycling Committee had before it a communication (April 20, 1999) addressed to the Manager, Pedestrian and
Cycling Infrastructure, from the City Clerk advising, for information, that City Council at its meeting held on April 13, 14
and 15, 1999, in adopting, without amendment, Clause No. 1 of Report No. 5 of The Nominating Committee, appointed
the following citizen members to the Toronto Cycling Committee for a term of office expiring April 30, 2001, and/or until
their successors are appointed:
- Jack Becker;
- Steve Beiko (representing Bicycle Couriers);
- Israel Chackowicz;
- Stephen Fisher;
- Gillian Flower;
- Ronald Hart;
- Junya Ho;
- Nina Koskenoja;
- Clay McFayden;
- Dr. Linda Perkin;
- Phillip Piltch;
- Jannette Porter;
- Marleen Van Laethem;
- Emily White; and
- Hamish Wilson.
On motion by Mr. Beiko, the Toronto Cycling Committee received the aforementioned communication.
8.13 Action by the Toronto Pedestrian Committee -
Prince Edward Drive Reconstruction Study -
Bloor Street West to Berry Road.
The Toronto Cycling Committee had before it a communication (June 30, 1999) from the City Clerk advising, for
information, that the Toronto Pedestrian Committee on June 23, 1999:
(1) recommended to City Council that the Toronto Pedestrian Committee be involved in the next design stage of the Prince
Edward Drive Reconstruction Study, for the reasons outlined in the communication; and
(2) advised City Council that it supports the recommendations of the Toronto Cycling Committee from its meeting held on
June 21, 1999, calling for the construction of bicycle lanes on Prince Edward Drive as part of the reconstruction of the road
from Bloor Street to Berry Road.
On motion by Mr. Chackowicz, the Toronto Cycling Committee received the aforementioned communication.
8.14 Action by City Council - Prince Edward Drive
Reconstruction Study Bloor Street West to
Berry Road (Lakeshore-Queensway).
The Toronto Cycling Committee had before it a communication (July 14, 1999) from the City Clerk submitting, for
information, Clause No. 2 of Report No. 8 of The Etobicoke Community Council, headed "Prince Edward Drive
Reconstruction Study Bloor Street West to Berry Road (Lakeshore-Queensway)", which was adopted, as amended, by the
Council of the City of Toronto at its meeting held on July 6, 7 and 8, 1999.
On motion by Mr. Chackowicz, the Toronto Cycling Committee received the aforementioned communication.
8.15 Jones Avenue Bicycle Lanes, Danforth Avenue to
Queen Street East (Don River and East Toronto).
The Toronto Cycling Committee had before it, for information, Clause No. 4 of Report No. 9 of The Toronto Community
Council, headed "Jones Avenue Bicycle Lanes, Danforth Avenue to Queen Street East (Don River and East Toronto)",
which was adopted, without amendment, by the Council of the City of Toronto at its meeting held on July 6, 7 and 8, 1999.
On motion by Mr. Chackowicz, the Toronto Cycling Committee received the aforementioned Clause, for information.
8.16 Newsletter - North York Cycling
and Pedestrian Committee.
The Toronto Cycling Committee had before it, for information, the July 1999 Newsletter of the North York Cycling and
Pedestrian Committee.
On motion by Mr. Chackowicz the Toronto Cycling Committee received the aforementioned Newsletter, for information
The Toronto Cycling Committee adjourned its meeting at 9:40 p.m.