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As Considered by

The Council of the City of Toronto

on February 2, 3 and 4, 1999



1Kosmor Construction - OMB Pre-hearing Conference - Phase Il

2Appeals to the Ontario Municipal Board regarding By-law No. 847-1998 in connection with Official Plan Amendment No. 16 and By-Law No. 848-1998 regarding the Zoning Amendment for 1590 O'Connor Drive

3Appointments to the Agnes Macphail Award Community Selection Committee

4Parking Restrictions on Randolph Road between McRae Drive and Markham Avenue

5Parking Concerns on Fulton Avenue From Pape Avenue to the Former City of Toronto Boundary

6Other Items Considered by the Community Council

City of Toronto



(from its meeting on January 20, 1999,

submitted by Councillor Michael Prue, Chair)

As Considered by

The Council of the City of Toronto

on February 2, 3 and 4, 1999


Kosmor Construction - OMB Pre-hearing

Conference - Phase Il

(City Council on February 2, 3 and 4, 1999, adopted this Clause, without amendment.)

The East York Community Council recommends that City Council request the Ontario Municipal Board not to consider the new application submitted by Kosmor Construction at the pre-hearing conference scheduled for February 18, 1999, but to defer consideration of the matter until the Municipality has had the opportunity to review the new proposal and to hold public meetings with respect thereto.

The East York Community Council reports, for the information of Council, having had before it the following:

(i)confidential report (January 19, 1999) from the City Solicitors, East York, a copy of which was forwarded to Members of Council under separate cover; and

(ii)communication (January 15, 1999) from Ms. Cynthia A. MacDougall, McCarthy Tetrault, on behalf of Kosmor Construction Inc., forwarding the following materials:

(a)Notice of Pre-hearing Conference for February 18, 1999; Practice Direction No. 6 and Draft Procedural Order;

(b)a copy of the proposed Amending By-law and Explanatory Note; and

(c)an explanatory note setting out the nature of the proposed Official Plan Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision.


Appeals to the Ontario Municipal Board regarding

By-law No. 847-1998 in connection with Official Plan

Amendment No. 16 and By-law No. 848-1998 regarding

the Zoning Amendment for 1590 O'Connor Drive

(City Council on February 2, 3 and 4, 1999, adopted this Clause, without amendment.)

The East York Community Council recommends that the City Solicitor be requested to attend hearings of the Ontario Municipal Board in order to defend the position of the East York Community Council and City Council as and when necessary.

The East York Community Council submits the following report (January 6, 1999) from the City Clerk:


To inform the East York Community Council that appeals were received in connection with the Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments with respect to 1590 O'Connor Drive.

Funding Sources, Financial Implications and Impact Statement:

The costs associated with the appeals have been secured from the appellant.


It is recommended that the report of the City Clerk be received for information.

Comments and/or Discussion and/or Justification:

The Council of the City of Toronto passed By-law No. 847-1998 and By-law No. 848-1998 on November 26, 1998, regarding Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments with respect to the property at 1590 O'Connor Drive.

The purpose and effect of Official Plan Amendment No. 16 is to:

*redesignate a 2.25 hectare parcel of land from "Light Industrial" to "Main Streets Commercial Residential" and "Low Density Residential";

*permit the development of these lands with up to 34 mixed commercial residential units located along the frontage of O'Connor Drive; a minimum of 8 semi-detached, and up to 58townhouse dwellings behind O'Connor Drive along 3 newly proposed residential streets; and

*permit a park located at the southern boundary of the site adjacent to O'Connor Drive.

The purpose and effect of the Zoning By-law Amendment is to:

*rezone a currently vacant 2.25 hectare site, located at the south-west corner of O'ConnorDrive and Northline Road from: "High Performance Industrial" - (HPI) zoning to "Mixed Residential-Commercial - Site Specific" - (MRC.2) zoning, "Residential-SiteSpecific" - (R2A.35) zoning, and to a "Park" - (G) zoning;

*set out the permitted range of uses; and

*set out the appropriate site specific development standards.

The rezoning is intended to facilitate the development of this site with:

*a corner parkette;

*a maximum of 31 street front multiple attached dwellings which are required to incorporate commercial units; and

*a maximum of 63 multiple attached and semi-detached dwellings with a proviso that a minimum of 8 of the 63 units be semi-detached dwellings.

The appeal period for By-law No. 847-1998 and for By-law No. 848-1998 ended on December31,1998 and one appeal objecting to both of these By-laws was received within the time period allowed. Attached for your information are the notices of appeal from Mr. Dennis A. Trinaistich, McMillan Binch, Suite 3800, South Tower, Royal Bank Plaza, Toronto, both dated December 18, 1998, on behalf of Nabisco Ltd., the owner/operator of the Christie Brown& Co. - Peek Frean plant located at 5 Bermondsey Road.


Once an appeal has been received, the municipality has fifteen (15) days in which to forward the appeal and a record of the passing of the By-laws to the Ontario Municipal Board. In accordance with the Planning Act, the appeals will be forwarded to the Ontario Municipal Board by no later than January 15, 1999.

Contact Name:

Janette McCusker

East York Office

Clerk's Division



Mr. Murray Goldman, Toronto, appeared before the East York Community Council in connection with the foregoing.


Appointments to the

Agnes Macphail Award

Community Selection Committee

(City Council on February 2, 3 and 4, 1999, adopted this Clause, without amendment.)

The East York Community Council recommends that the following persons be appointed to the Agnes Macphail Award Community Selection Committee for a term to expire on March31, 1999, and until their successors are appointed:

(i)Dr. S. Chow, a former member of the East York Mayor's Committee on Community and Race Relations; and

(ii)Mr. M. Tziretas, a former member of the Borough of East York Council.

The East York Community Council submits the following report (January 20, 1999) from Mrs. Lorna Krawchuk, Chairperson, Agnes Macphail Committee:

At its meeting held on October 28, 1998, City Council approved Clause No. 1 of Report No. 15 of the East York Community Council regarding the 1999 Agnes Macphail Award.

As per the Council decision, the East York Community Council is requested to appoint the following two members to the Agnes Macphail Community Selection Committee:

(1)one East York citizen who is a current or former member of a Council appointed board or committee; and

(2)one former member of the Borough of East York Council.

For your information the following people have previously participated in the selection process:

1994Willis BlairWayne Maddever

1995Bill BuckinghamSusan MacLeod

1996John RidoutJohn Carter

1997Alan RedwayJackie Aherne

1998Norm CroneCindy Anthony

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.


Parking Restrictions on Randolph Road

between McRae Drive and Markham Avenue

(City Council on February 2, 3 and 4, 1999, adopted this Clause, without amendment.)

The East York Community Council recommends:

(a)the implementation of Alternate Side Overnight Permit Parking on Randolph Road between McRae Drive and Markham Avenue; and

(b)the introduction of the necessary Bill in Council to give effect thereto.

The East York Community Council submits the following report (January 5, 1999) from the City Clerk:


To report on the results of a traffic poll conducted on Randolph Road between McRae Drive and Markham Avenue with respect to the removal of the existing "No Parking, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m." restriction and also regarding the implementation of alternate side overnight permit parking in this area.

Funding Sources, Financial Implications and Impact Statement:

The proposed changes can be accommodated from within the existing Operating Budget.


It is recommended that the report of the City Clerk be received for information.

Council Reference/Background/History:

The East York Community Council at its meeting held on October 14, 1998, requested the City Clerk to poll the residents on Randolph Road between McRae Drive and Markham Avenue with respect to the removal of the existing "No Parking, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m." restriction and also regarding the implementation of alternate side overnight permit parking in this area.

Comments and/or Discussion and/or Justification:

The results of the poll are as follows:

With respect to the removal of the existing "No Parking, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m." restriction:

Number of residents polled 68

Number of responses27


Number in favour9

Number opposed18

No opinion0

With respect to the implementation of Alternate Side Overnight Permit Parking:

Number of residents polled 68

Number of responses28


Number in favour17

Number opposed10

No opinion1

Comments returned with the poll have been provided to the Councillors representing East York, Ward One.


The East York Community Council be requested to consider the poll results in determination of the proposal with respect to the removal of the existing "No Parking, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m." restriction and also the implementation of alternate side overnight permit parking on Randolph Road between McRae Drive and Markham Avenue.

Contact Name:

Janette McCusker

East York Office

Clerk's Division



Parking Concerns on Fulton Avenue

From Pape Avenue to the Former City

of Toronto Boundary

(City Council on February 2, 3 and 4, 1999, adopted this Clause, without amendment.)

The East York Community Council recommends:

(a)the implementation of Alternate Side Overnight Permit Parking on Fulton Avenue from Pape Avenue to the former City of Toronto boundary; and

(b)the introduction of the necessary Bill in Council to give effect thereto.

The East York Community Council submits the following report (January 4, 1999) from the City Clerk:


To report the results of a traffic poll conducted on Fulton Avenue from Pape Avenue to the former City of Toronto boundary with respect to the implementation of alternate side overnight permit parking.

Funding Sources, Financial Implications and Impact Statement:

The proposed changes can be accommodated from within the existing Operating Budget.


It is recommended that the report of the City Clerk be received for information.

Council Reference/Background/History:

The East York Community Council at its meeting held on October 14, 1998, requested the City Clerk to poll the residents on Fulton Avenue from Pape Avenue to the former City of Toronto boundary with respect to the implementation of alternate side overnight permit parking.

Comments and/or Discussion and/or Justification:

The results of the poll are as follows:

Number of residents polled 53

Number of responses20


Number in favour14

Number opposed6

No opinion0

Comments returned with the poll have been provided to the Councillors representing East York, Ward One.


The East York Community Council be requested to consider the poll results in determination of the proposal to implement alternate side overnight permit parking on Fulton Avenue from Pape Avenue to the former City of Toronto boundary.

Contact Name:

Janette McCusker

East York Office

Clerk's Division



Other Items Considered by the Community Council

(City Council on February 2, 3 and 4, 1999, received this Clause, for information.)

(a)Subdivision Agreement: Governor's Bridge Subdivision.

The East York Community Council reports having deferred consideration of the following report and communications until its next meeting scheduled to be held on February 17, 1999, at 7:00 p.m.

(January 5, 1999) from Mr. Quinto M. Annibale, Loopstra, Nixon and McLeish, seeking permission to enter into a subdivision agreement with the owner of the Governor's Bridge Subdivision located at Bayview Avenue, south of Nesbitt Drive; forwarding a copy of a draft subdivision agreement for Governor's Bridge Subdivision; advising that the owner has agreed to reimburse the City for all costs associated with this application; and recommending that the City enter into a subdivision agreement, substantially in the form set out in Appendix "A" of this report, with the owner of the Governor's Bridge Subdivision as soon as the owner has satisfied all outstanding accounts for consultant costs, all outstanding taxes and has withdrawn its appeal with respect to fees paid under protest pursuant to s. 69 of the Planning Act.

(January 19, 1999) from Mr. Donald Lake, East York, recommending that the Subdivision Agreement be tabled until legal counsel for the Municipality and the Ontario Municipal Board appellant can consider differences in the drafting of the agreement as currently proposed and the drafting proposed at the Ontario Municipal Board.

(January 19, 1999) from Mr. Gord Martineau, Executive Director, Governor's Bridge Ratepayers' Association, East York, recommending that City Council obtain an independent expert consultation in tree preservation and removal in the new subdivision at the cost of the developer.


Mr. Jeffrey Davies, Toronto, appeared before the East York Community Council in connection with the foregoing.

(b)Implementation of a Disabled Parking

Space Adjacent to 470 Main Street.

The East York Community Council reports having received the following report dated May 11, 1998, from the Commissioner of Development Services, East York; and, further, having requested the Commissioner of Works and Emergency Services to advise the applicant that the matter is no longer before the East York Community Council and should she require a disabled parking space in the future, she should submit a new application.

(May 11, 1998) from the Commissioner of Development Services, East York, reporting on the proposed implementation of a disabled parking space adjacent to 470MainStreet.

(January 18, 1999) from Mr. Mike Smith, East York, objecting to the proposed implementation of a disabled parking space adjacent to 470 and 453 Main Street.

(c)Conflict in Law - Fence By-law No. 81-89

and Zoning By-laws No. 1916 and No. 6752.

The East York Community Council reports having:

(a)adopted the following report; and

(b)requested the City Clerk to arrange public meetings in accordance with the Planning Act with respect to the proposed amendments to Zoning By-laws Nos.1916 and 6752, as amended.

(January 4, 1999) from the Director, Municipal Standards, Urban Planning and Development Services, reporting, as requested, by the East York Community Council on December9,1998, with respect to a fence at 1028 Greenwood Avenue; advising that a conflict between East York Zoning By-law No. 1916, Section 5.7(1), Zoning By-law No.6752, Section 5.6(H) and the Fence By-law No. 81-89, Section 2.3.2 was discovered; that Planning, Buildings and Municipal Standards sections have reviewed this report and concur with its recommendations insofar as they are satisfied that the Fence By-law will satisfy the zoning criteria for fences on decks and unenclosed porches, further advising that it is anticipated circulation and advertising costs will result in approximately $1,800.00 for each By-law amendment for a total of $3,600.00 and recommending that the East York Community Council request the Planning Division, East District, to prepare amendments to Zoning By-laws No. 1916 and No.6752, as amended, so as to remove reference to fence and screen heights on decks.


Mr. Roger Hart, East York, appeared before the East York Community Council in connection with the foregoing.

(d)Sewer Connection Blockage Inspection

and Repair Program, and Tree Root

Removal and Grant Policy.

The East York Community Council reports having recommended to the Works and Utilities Committee that Recommendation No. (2) of the report (October 21, 1998) from the General Manager, Water and Wastewater Services, be amended to provide that the proposed harmonized Tree Root Removal and Grant Policy be consistent with the policy of the former City of York.

(December 11, 1998) from the City Clerk, forwarding Clause No. 2, of Report No. 10 of The Works and Utilities Committee, headed "Sewer Connection Blockage Inspection and Repair Program, and Tree Root Removal and Grant Policy", which City Council, at its meeting on November 25, 26, and 27, 1998, struck out and referred to all Community Councils, with a request that the Community Councils forward their recommendations with respect to the Repair Program, and Tree Root Removal and Grant Policy to the Works and Utilities Committee.

(e)Policies to Standardize and Update the

Uses Permitted on Commercial Facilities.

The East York Community Council reports having referred the following communication to the Commissioner of Urban Planning and Development Services with a request that she submit a report thereon to the East York Community Council.

(December 8, 1998) from Councillor Michael Prue, East York, recommending that appropriate City staff be requested to submit a report to the East York Community Council on policies to standardize and update the uses permitted on commercial facilities.

(f)Replacement of a Flagpole

at Trace Manes Park.

The East York Community Council reports having received the following communication:

(January 4, 1999) from Councillor Jane Pitfield, East York, requesting the Manager of Parks and Recreation, East District, to submit a report to the East York Community Council with respect to the replacement of a flagpole at Trace Manes Park.

(g)Senior's Assistance Program.

The East York Community Council reports having received the following communications; and, further, having requested the Commissioner of Works and Emergency Services to either:

(a)immediately arrange for the loan of a snow-blower and ice picks to EYGRES to assist the volunteers to remove the plow drifts blocking driveways of seniors in the community; or

(b)if such loan of equipment cannot be arranged, submit a report thereon to the next meeting of the East York Community Council scheduled to be held on February 17, 1999.

(January 4, 1999) from Mr. Christopher Salmond, Managing Director, East York General Radio Emergency Service (EYGRES), reporting on clearing the snow from the walks of seniors in the community and requesting:

(1)funds to cover the costs of refreshments for the volunteers; and

(2)the loan of a snow blower and ice-picks to remove the "plow drifts" which close off driveways; and

(January 17, 199) from Mr. Christopher Salmond, Managing Director, East York General Radio Emergency Service (EYGRES), requesting that funds, in the amount of $100.00 to $120.00 be provided to cover the costs of expenses for volunteers who cleared snow from the sidewalks, pathways, and driveways of the seniors, similar to the Yard Clean-up Program.

(h)"East Yorker" Publication.

The East York Community Council reports having referred the following communications to the Commissioner of Corporate Services with the request that she submit a report thereon to the next meeting of the East York Community Council scheduled to be held on February 17, 1999; and, further, directed that the local media be so advised.

(January 8, 1999) from Councillor Jane Pitfield, East York, requesting appropriate staff to submit a report to the meeting of the East York Community Council scheduled to be held on February17,1999, with respect to the feasibility of producing a four-page version of the "East Yorker" four times a year.

(January 15, 1999) from Ms. Julie Wang Morris, The New Town Crier Markham Communicator, providing comments with respect to Councillor Pitfield's request to resurrect the "East Yorker".

(i)Safety Concerns at 55 Eldon Avenue.

The East York Community Council reports having directed the Commissioner of Urban Planning and Development Services:

(a)to advise the property owners that if the necessary repairs to comply with the Order previously issued, have not been completed by January 31, 1999, charges will be laid against them;

(b)in the event the aforementioned Order has not been complied with by January31, 1999, to take appropriate legal action under the Property Standards By-law; and

(c)to submit a report thereon to the next meeting of the East York Community Council scheduled to be held on February 17, 1999.

(January 6, 1999) from East District Manager, Municipal Standards providing a status report on the safety concerns at the garage located at 55 Eldon Avenue which has been damaged by fire; advising that Municipal Standards has issued an Order requiring appropriate repairs; that the owner has indicated that they will do the necessary repairs before the end of January; that staff will monitor the situation until compliance is met; and recommending that this report be received for information.


Ms. Maureen Lindsay, East York, appeared before the East York Community Council in connection with the foregoing.

(j)New Planning Applications Received.

The East York Community Council reports having received the following report.

(December 23, 1998) from the Director of Community Planning, East York, advising of new Planning applications received.

(k)Site Plan Control Approvals East York - Ward One.

The East York Community Council reports having received the following report:

(December 24, 1998) from the Director of Community Planning, East York, advising of Site Plan Approvals granted by the Director of Community Planning, East District.

(l)Tax Appeals - Section 442 and 443 of the Municipal Act

- Creation of A Committee of Council for Tax Appeals.

The East York Community Council reports having received the following communication:

(January 4, 1999) from the City Clerk, forwarding Clause No. 35 contained in Report No.26 of The Strategic Policies and Priorities Committee headed "Tax Appeals - Section 442 and 443 of the Municipal Act - Creation of a Committee of Council for Tax Appeals", which was adopted, without amendment, by the Council of the City of Toronto at its meeting held on December 16 and 17, 1998.

(m)Application For A Provincial Certificate

Of Approval, Waste Disposal Site

(Transfer/Processing) - 25 Esandar Drive.

The East York Community Council reports having referred the following report back to the General Manager, Solid Waste Management Services, with a request that he submit a further report to the meeting scheduled to be held on February 17, 1999, such report to include a detailed breakdown of costs to remove any debris left on the property should the owner abandon such property.

(January 14, 1999) from the General Manager, Solid Waste Management Services, reporting to the East York Community Council to an inquiry on the adequacy of the financial assurance in the amount of $6,000.00, as suggested by the proponent, Delta Disposal Systems Ltd.


The following persons appeared before the East York Community Council in connection with the foregoing:

-Mr. Joseph Bonfa, Richmond Hill; and

-Ms. Maureen Lindsay, East York.

(n)Illegal Front Yard Parking Pads

on Sammon Avenue.

The East York Community Council reports having requested the City Clerk to advise Mrs. Curran if and when the City initiates legal action against any of the property owners with illegal parking pads outlined in the following report.

(January 19, 1999) from the Director, Transportation Services, District One, responding to a request of the East York Community Council to report on illegal front yard parking pads on Sammon Avenue between Greenwood Avenue and Linsmore Avenue.


Mrs. Nora Curran, East York, appeared before the East York Community Council in connection with the foregoing.

(o)Long Term Care Facility, Leisureworld Inc.,

Health Care Division.

The East York Community Council reports having indicated its support for the building of a long term care facility in North York, just outside the boundaries of East York, as outlined in the draft letter addressed to the Minister of Long Term Care.

(January 19, 1999) from Mr. Seppo Kanerva, Sedun and Kanerva Architects Inc., forwarding a draft letter, addressed to the Minister of Long Term Care, from the Members of the EastYork Community Council, advising of the difficulty in finding a site for a long term care facility in East York; that a suitable site has been found just outside the boundary of EastYork which could serve the residents of East York as well as if were within the boundaries; and indicating the Members' support of the development of such facility.


Mr. Seppo Kanerva, Sedun and Kanerva Architects Inc., East York, appeared before the EastYork Community Council in connection with the foregoing.

(p)Traffic Calming Measures

Woodville Avenue.

The East York Community Council reports having requested the Commissioner of Works and Emergency Services to submit a report to the East York Community Council on the feasibility of introducing traffic calming measures in the area of Woodville Avenue.

(Undated) petition signed by approximately 65 residents requesting a speed reduction device to be installed on Woodville Avenue.


Ms. Sylvia Huizinga, East York, appeared before the East York Community Council in connection with the foregoing.

Respectfully submitted,



Wednesday, January 20, 1999

(Report No. 1 of The East York Community Council was adopted, without amendment, by City Council on February 2, 3 and 4, 1999.)


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