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As Considered by

The Council of the City of Toronto

on June 9, 10 and 11, 1999



1 Appointment of Associate Medical Officers of Health

2 Nomination of Board of Health Member to
Toronto District Health Council

City of Toronto



(from its meeting on June 3, 1999,

submitted by Councillor John Filion, Chair)

As Considered by

The Council of the City of Toronto

on June 9, 10 and 11, 1999


Appointment of Associate Medical Officers of Health

(City Council on June 9, 10 and 11, 1999, adopted this Clause, without amendment.)

The Board of Health recommends the adoption of the following report (May 25, 1999) from the Medical Officer of Health:


To advise the Board of Health on recent appointments of Associate Medical Officers of Health (AMOH's).

Source of Funds:



It is recommended that:

(1) the recommended designations of Associate Medical Officers of Health as outlined in this report be transmitted to City Council and to the provincial Minister of Health for approval; and

(2) the authority be granted to introduce the necessary bill in Council to give effect to the above recommendation.


Toronto Public Health has an approved complement of seven physicians: the Medical Officer of Health (MOH), two Director-level Associate Medical Officers of Health, and four non-management medical specialists. Under the City of Toronto Act No. 2, City Council directly appoints the MOH and AMOH's, and these appointments must be ratified by the provincial Minister of Health. All staff physicians require AMOH status in order to have medico-legal signing authority under the Health Protection and Promotion Act, c.H.7, R.S.O. 1990.

There has been considerable turnover in the physician complement over the past year due to divisional reorganization. Several physicians have exited the corporation and should have their AMOH designations rescinded, while a few have joined the corporation and require AMOH designation in order to have signing authority. As well, three physicians were so appointed by Council "on an interim basis" in March 1998, and their status should be confirmed as permanent. The recommended changes in AMOH designations are outlined in Appendix 1.


Changes in AMOH designations are being recommended in order to reflect physician turnover within Toronto Public Health, such changes requiring the approval of City Council and the provincial Minister of Health.

Contact Name:

Dr. Sheela Basrur

Medical Officer of Health

Tel: 392-7402

Fax: 392-0713

Appendix 1

Schedule 1: New Public Health Physicians Requiring Permanent Appointment as Associate Medical Officers of Health:

Dr. Monir Taha, AMOH/Director of Healthy Environments

Dr. Shelley Deeks, AMOH/Medical Specialist

Schedule 2: Current Public Health Physicians with an Interim Appointment which should be made Permanent:

Dr. Barbara Yaffe, AMOH/Director of Communicable Disease Control

Dr. Elizabeth Rea, AMOH/Medical Specialist*

Dr. Rita Shahin, AMOH/Medical Specialist*

Schedule 3: Former Public Health Physicians whose Appointment as Associate Medical Officers of Health should be Rescinded:

Dr. Colin D'Cunha

Dr. Alwyn Egbert

Dr. Richard Gould

Dr. Bart Harvey

Dr. Ian Johnson

Dr. David McKeown

* Employed on a half-time basis


Nomination of Board of Health Member to

Toronto District Health Council

(City Council on June 9, 10 and 11, 1999, adopted this Clause, without amendment.)

The Board of Health recommends that Councillor Joan King be nominated for reappointment as the Board of Health member on the Toronto District Health Council.

The Board of Health submits the following communication (March 22, 1999) from Mr. Michael J. O'Keefe, Chair, Toronto District Health Council:

This is to advise you that the Order-in-Council for membership on the Toronto District Health Council for City Councillor, Joan King, will expire on May 31, 1999. Ms. King has been providing the perspective of City of Toronto Council and the Board of Health. We request that you provide us with nominations for our Council membership to forward to the Minister of Health. Ms. King may be nominated for reappointment.

The Minister of Health's guidelines require that two candidates must be nominated for each position on Council. District Health Council members are appointed by Provincial Cabinet. The Council, as a multi-stakeholder board, draws upon the personal experience and knowledge of all of its members. However, it is not a representational board. Members must focus on the broader health planning interests and needs of those using the health system.

Approximately 20 percent of our members are to be nominated by the City of Toronto. Council requests that the City of Toronto Council give consideration to providing the following representation:

- one nomination will include a member of the City of Toronto Council;

- one nomination will include a member of the Board of Health; and

- two nominations will include staff members with knowledge of the health, social, and human service issues facing the City of Toronto.

The Toronto District Health Council currently includes two staff members from the City of Toronto: Shirley Hoy and Eric Gam. We are currently asking for nominations for a member of the City of Toronto Council and a member of the Board of Health. Once we have received your nominations, they will be forwarded to the Provincial Government for approval and appointment by Order-in-Council.

Respectfully submitted,



Toronto, June 3, 1999

(Report No. 4 of The Board of Health was adopted, without amendment, by City Council on June 9, 10 and 11, 1999.)


Please note that council and committee documents are provided electronically for information only and do not retain the exact structure of the original versions. For example, charts, images and tables may be difficult to read. As such, readers should verify information before acting on it. All council documents are available from the City Clerk's office. Please e-mail


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