City of Toronto Council and Committees |
All Council and Committee documents are available from the City of Toronto Clerk's office. Please e-mail clerk@toronto.ca.
Authority: Toronto Community Council Report No. 13, Clause
No. 33,
as adopted by City of Toronto Council on October 26 and
27, 1999
Enacted by Council: October 27, 1999
BY-LAW No. 680-1999
To repeal By-law No. 1995-0494 of the former Corporation of the
City of Toronto
being A By-law to designate the property at 123 Eglinton Avenue
as being of architectural value or interest .
WHEREAS the Council of the City of Toronto, at its meeting
of July 24, 1995, passed By-law No. 1995-0494, being A By-law to
designate the property at 123 Eglinton Avenue East as being of
architectural value and interest under the Ontario Heritage Act;
WHEREAS the building at 123 Eglinton Avenue East has been
legally demolished; and
WHEREAS section 34(5) of the Ontario Heritage Act requires
that when demolition of a designated building has been completed,
the council pass a by-law repealing the by-law or part thereof
designating the property ... ;
The Council of the City of Toronto HEREBY ENACTS as follows:
1. By-law No. 1995-0494 of the former Corporation of the
City of Toronto, being A By-law to designate the property at 123
Eglinton Avenue East as being of architectural value and
interest is repealed.
2. The City Solicitor is authorized to cause a copy of
this by-law to be registered in the proper Land Registry Office
against the Union Carbide Building at 123 Eglinton Avenue East
described in By-law No. 1995-0494 and as set out in Schedule A
attached hereto.
3. The City Clerk is authorized to cause a copy of this
by-law to be served upon the owners of the Union Carbide Building
at 123 Eglinton Avenue East and upon the Ontario Heritage
Foundation and to cause notice of this by-law to be published in
a newspaper having general circulation in the City of Toronto as
required by the Ontario Heritage Act.
ENACTED AND PASSED this 27th day of October, A.D. 1999.
Deputy Mayor City Clerk
(Corporate Seal)
Subject: Premises 123 Eglinton Avenue East
Repeal of Heritage Designation
In the City of Toronto and Province of Ontario, being
composed of parts of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 in Block F
according to Plan 653 registered in the Land Registry Office for
the Metropolitan Toronto Registry Division (No. 64), designated
as PARTS 1, 2 and 39 on a plan of survey deposited in the said
Land Registry Office as 64R-14192.
TOGETHER WITH Rights-of-way of Rights in the nature of
easements in, over, along and through parts of Lots 7, 8, 9 and
10 in Block F according to said Plan 653, designated as PARTS 3,
4, 9, 10, 11, 30, 31, 32 and 33 on the said Plan 64R-14192 as set
out in Instrument CA516026;
SUBJECT to a temporary Right-of-way or Right in the nature
of an easement in and through parts of the said Lots 1, 2, 3, 4,
5 and 6 designated as the said PARTS 2 and 39 on Plan 64R-14192
as set out in Instrument CA516026;
AND SUBJECT TO a Right-of-way or Right in the nature of an
easement in, over, along and upon parts of the said Lots 1, 2, 3,
4, 5 and 6 designated as the said PART 2 on Plan 64R-14192 as set
out in Instruments CA516026 and CA404373.
Please note that council and committee documents are provided electronically for information only and do not retain the exact structure of the original versions. For example, charts, images and tables may be difficult to read. As such, readers should verify information before acting on it. All council documents are available from the City Clerk's office. Please e-mail clerk@toronto.ca. |