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As Considered by

The Council of the City of Toronto

on October 1 and 2, 1998



1Alteration of Various Streets in the City of Toronto(York District) by the Installation of Traffic Calming Measures Ward 27, York Eglinton and Ward 28, York Humber

2Tree Removal By-law Ward 27, York Humber and Ward 28, York Eglinton

3(1) Removal of Parking Restrictions on Residential Side Streets in the Cedarvale Area; and(2) Request for Re-installation of Parking Meters on the South side of Eglinton Avenue West Ward 28, York Eglinton

4Implementation of Permit Parking on Cordella Avenue between Weston Road and Louvain Street Ward 27, York Humber

5Removal of No Turns Sign at Winnett Avenue and Ava Road - Ward 28, York Eglinton 12339

61998-1999 Snow Link Program Ward 27, York Humber and Ward 28, York Eglinton

7Installation of All-way Stop Control at Glenholme Avenue and Conway Avenue - Ward 28, York Eglinton

8Turn Prohibition on Vaughan Road at Arlington Avenue Ward 28, York Eglinton

9Request for Disabled Parking Space at 11 Humber Trail - Ward 27, York Humber

10Permit Parking on Feltham AvenueWard 27, York Humber

11Poll Results - Permit Parking on Holmesdale Crescent between Ennerdale Road and Holmesdale Road Ward 28, York Eglinton

12Poll Results - Permit Parking on Kitchener Avenue between Gilbert Avenue and Caledonia RoadWard 28, York Eglinton

13Appeal of Committee of Adjustment Decisions Ward 28, York Eglinton

14Operation of The Wine Shoppe on Sundays, Civic and Statutory Holidays - Ward 27, York Humber

15Eglinton Subway LineWard 27, York Humber and Ward 28, York Eglinton

16Other Items Considered by the Community Council

City of Toronto



(from its meeting on September 16, 1998,

submitted by Councillor Bill Saundercook, Chair)

As Considered by

The Council of the City of Toronto

on October 1 and 2, 1998


Alteration of Various Streets in the City of Toronto

(York District) by the Installation of Traffic Calming Measures

Ward 27, York Eglinton and Ward 28, York Humber

(City Council on October 1 and 2, 1998, adopted this Clause, without amendment.)

The York Community Council recommends that the City Solicitor be authorized and directed to prepare the appropriate by-law to give effect to the following traffic calming measures:

(1)the alteration of the intersection of Alameda Avenue and Belvidere Avenue by raising the pedestrian walkways crossing the north, south, east and west approaches;

(2)the alteration of the intersection of Arlington Avenue and Durham Avenue by raising the pedestrian walkways crossing the north, south, east and west approaches;

(3)the alteration of the intersection of Arlington Avenue and Winnett Avenue by raising the pedestrian walkways crossing the north, south and east approaches;

(4)the alteration of the intersection of Atlas Avenue and Vaughan Road by installing a traffic island on Atlas Avenue immediately north of Vaughan Road, including raising the pedestrian walkway crossing the north approach, together with a curb narrowing immediately east of Atlas Avenue on the north side of Vaughan Road.

(5)the alteration of the intersection of Atlas Avenue and Durham Avenue by raising the pedestrian walkways crossing the north, south and east approaches, together with a throat narrowing immediately north of Durham Avenue on the east side of Atlas Avenue;

(6)the alteration of the intersection of Atlas Avenue and Belvidere Avenue by raising the pedestrian walkways crossing the north, south and west approaches, together with a throat narrowing immediately south of Belvidere Avenue on the west side of Atlas Avenue;

(7)the alteration of the intersection of Atlas Avenue and Ava Road by raising the pedestrian walkways crossing the north, south, east and west approaches, together with a throat narrowing immediately south of Ava Road on the east side of Atlas Avenue;

(8)the alteration of the intersection of Everden Road and Ava Road by raising the pedestrian walkways crossing the north, east, and west approaches;

(9)the alteration of Greenbrook Drive between Keele Street and Trethewey Drive by constructing speed regulator humps having a maximum height of 100 mm, together with planters protected by curbs at four locations;

(10)the alteration of the intersection of Heath Street and Tweedsmuir Avenue/Lower Village Gate by raising the pedestrian walkways crossing the east, west, north and south approaches;

(11)the alteration of the intersection of Winnett Avenue and Durham Avenue by raising the pedestrian walkways crossing the north, south, east and west approaches;

(12)the alteration of the intersection of Winnett Avenue and Ava Road by raising the pedestrian walkways crossing the north, south, east and west approaches;

(13)the alteration of the intersection of Winona Drive and Ava Road by raising the pedestrian walkways crossing the north, south and east approaches;

(14)the alteration of the intersection of Winona Drive and Belvidere Avenue by raising the pedestrian walkways crossing the north, south, east and west approaches;

The York Community Council reports, for the information of Council, having:

(1)held a statutory public meeting on September 16, 1998, and advertised for four consecutive weeks in the Toronto Star, the proposed alterations to the aforementioned streets, and that appropriate notice of this meeting was given pursuant to The Municipal Act and the regulations thereunder.

(2)requested the Commissioner of Economic Development, Culture and Tourism, to direct the General Manager, Parks and Recreation, to conduct a review of the City's locations with landscaped traffic calming measures, and to report on the feasibility of the City initially undertaking the planting of shrubbery and flowers at these sites, and subsequently transferring co-ownership to each of the abutting property owners for continued maintenance.


The following person appeared before the Community Council in connection with item (9) above:

-Mr. Vince Pileggi, 54 Greenbrook Drive, Toronto.


Tree Removal By-law

Ward 27, York Humber and Ward 28, York Eglinton

(City Council on October 1 and 2, 1998, adopted this Clause, without amendment.)

The York Community Council recommends the adoption of the following report (August26,1998) from the Parks and Recreation Divison, York District:


The purpose of this report is to request Council to direct the City Solicitor to prepare a by-law to approve the removal of City-owned trees. The properties and reasons for removal are described in this report.

Funding Sources, Financial Implications and Impact Status:

Removal and planting costs are approved in the 1998 Operating Budget.


That the City Solicitor be authorized to prepare a by-law for the removal of City-owned trees and that forestry staff begin removal and planting.


In accordance with York Policy, attached is a list of locations where trees located on City property have either been removed, or are in need of removal, and the reason for the request.

It should be noted that in each case, where a tree has been removed, the resident has agreed to permit the City to plant a replacement tree.


Upon approval by Council, city forces will begin removal and planting of replacement trees.

Contact Name:

W. N. Kevin Bowser

York Director of Parks

Tel: 394-2487

Fax: 394-2707


(1) Removal of Parking Restrictions on Residential

Side Streets in the Cedarvale Area; and

(2) Request for Re-installation of Parking Meters on

the South side of Eglinton Avenue West

Ward 28, York Eglinton

(City Council on October 1 and 2, 1998, struck out and referred this Clause to the Urban Environment and Development Committee for comment insofar as it relates to City-wide implications only.)

The York Community Council recommends that:

(1)the newly implemented parking restrictions on the residential side streets in the Cedarvale area be removed; and that the regulations which were in place prior to August1998 be reinstated; and

(2)the appropriate City officials be authorized and directed to take the necessary action to give effect thereto.

The York Community Council reports, for the information of Council, having:

(1)requested the Commissioner of Works and Emergency Services to direct the York Manager of Traffic/Parking, to report on the installation of a No Right Turn from Strathearn Road on to Gloucester Grove; and

(2)requested the Commissioner of Economic Development, Culture and Tourism, to direct the York Director of Economic Development, to undertake a study of the Cedarvale area to determine the economic impact on local businesses as a result of the installation or removal of traffic control measures.

The York Community Council also reports, for the information of Council, having had before it the following communications:

(September 10, 1998) from Councillor Rob Davis requesting that the York Community Council reconsider its decision of June 25, 1997, to remove the parking meters on Eglinton Avenue West between Rostrevor Road and Menin Road; advising that several conditions have arisen, which if known at that time, could have had an impact on the original decision; that many of the business owners in the area have contacted his office regarding their concerns and requesting that deputations be made before the York Community Council.

(September 2, 1998) from Councillor Joe Mihevc advising that several residents have complained regarding the No Parking from 8:00 to 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 to 6:00 p.m., seven days a week by-law and signs which have been implemented on Cedarvale streets between Eglinton Avenue West and Dewbourne Avenue; and requesting that the above restrictions be removed in that the two-hour parking by-law allows for sufficient control of parking on these streets.

(September 11, 1998) from Councillor Joe Mihevc advising that in view of the turn restrictions on Eglinton Avenue West on to Strathearn Road from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 to 7:00 p.m., and the possibility of traffic infiltration from Strathearn Road on to GloucesterGrove; and requesting that staff be requested to report on the appropriateness of installing a No Right Turn restriction from Strathearn Road on to Gloucester Grove.

(September 10, 1998) from Mr. Richard R. Kent, 989 Eglinton Avenue West, #322, Toronto, to Councillor Rob Davis, advising that the elimination of the parking and stopping on the south side of Eglinton Avenue West and the removal of the parking meters, will have a severe adverse impact on the seniors who reside in the building of up to 144 units; many of the residents are in wheelchairs, need assistance to taxicabs, Wheel-Trans and other services; the adjacent streets are one-way running south to north which means that vehicles are unable to access these streets from EglintonAvenue West.

(Undated) from Mr. Bryan G. Levman, President, Guidelines Advertising Ltd., 1063 Eglinton Avenue West, objecting to the turn restrictions in the area.

Petitions signed by approximately 38 residents of 989 Eglinton Avenue West, objecting to the removal of the stopping regulation and parking meters in front of their building.

Petitions signed by approximately 209 owners/operators of businesses in the Cedarvale area, opposing the removal of the parking meters which would have a negative effect on the business and residential community; and requesting that the Community Council reconsider this matter immediately.

Petition signed by approximately 122 Forest Hill students who patronize the restaurants in the area, objecting to the removal of parking on the south side of Eglinton Avenue West.

The following persons appeared before the York Community Council in connection with the foregoing matter:

-Dr. George Milne, Chiropractor, and Chair of the Upper Village BIA;

-Mr. George Calabrese, Treasurer, Upper Village BIA;

-Coordinator, Upper Village BIA;

-Dr. Goldstein, 152 Strathearn Road;

-Owner/oprerator, La Lucciola Pizzeria, 965 Eglinton Avenue West, Toronto;

-Resident on Strathearn Road, Toronto;

-Mr. Brian Levman, President, Guidelines Advertising Ltd., 1063 Eglinton Avenue West;

-Mr. Phil Hutchinson, Property Manager, 989 Eglinton Avenue West, Toronto.

-B. Joffe, 24 Rostrevor Road, Toronto;

-Dale Brattney, Menin Road, Toronto;

-Mr. Gil Kezwer, Winnett Avenue, Toronto;

-Mr. Robert Marcovitz, Westover Hill Road, Toronto; and

-Other residents and businesses owners/operators.


Implementation of Permit Parking on Cordella Avenue

between Weston Road and Louvain Street

Ward 27, York Humber

(City Council, on October 1 and 2, 1998, amended this Clause by striking out the recommendation of the York Community Council and inserting in lieu thereof the following:

"It is recommended that the introduction of on-street parking be deferred, pending a staff report from the Works and Emergency Services Department with respect to:

(1)preparing preliminary drawings and cost estimates on the feasibility of establishing boulevard parking on the south side of Cordella Avenue and the north side of Humber Boulevard North, directly fronting the Beech Hill Co-operative; and

(2)changing the current on-street parking regulations from the north side of Cordella Avenue between Weston Road and Louvain Street, and introducing on-street parking.")

The York Community Council recommends that:

(1)on-street permit parking be implemented on Cordella Avenue between Weston Road and Louvain Street, subject to the two local Councillors meeting with the affected residents prior to the October 1, 1998 meeting of City Council; and

(2)the appropriate City officials be authorized and directed to take the necessary action to give effect thereto.

The York Community Council reports, for the information of Council, having directed that the notice of the meeting be sent only to the residents of the affected area.

The York Community Council submits the following memorandum (August 26, 1998) from Councillor Frances Nunziata:

York Community Council, at its meeting held on July 22, 1998, considered a report from the City Clerk (July 13, 1998) which provided favourable poll results, (96% in favour, 4% opposed) from residents on Cordella Avenue regarding the proposal to implement on-street permit parking on Cordella Avenue between Weston Road and Louvain Street. At that time, I moved the implementation of on-street permit parking be approved, based on those results.

However, at that meeting Councillor Saundercook requested, due to the fact that a petition had been received by his office, that this matter be deferred to the September 16th meeting of York Community Council to allow the two (2) Councillors to meet with the residents of the said petition, prior to implementing permit parking.

Since that time, staff from my office has attempted to get a copy of the said petition, as well as to meet with Councillor Saundercook's office, as directed by Community Council, but to date, no arrangements have been made.

As well, my office has received a number of calls from area residents on the status of their request dated back to March 6, 1998, and reiterating the need for off-site parking in that location to accommodate both tenants and property owners.

With that in mind, I am requesting that on-street permit parking be implemented on Cordella Avenue between Weston Road and Louvain Street, based on the favourable poll results embodied in the report dated July 13, 1998 from the City Clerk, and further, that the appropriate Parking Enforcement Unit be advised to layback enforcement on Cordella Avenue until this proposal takes effect.

The Community Council also submits the following report (July 13, 1998) from the City Clerk:


To show results of a poll conducted of residents on Cordella Avenue between Weston Road and Louvain Street, regarding the above proposal.

Funding Sources, Financial Implications and Impact Statement:



For consideration and direction of York Community Council.

Council Reference/Background/History:

Clause 14 (dd) embodied in Report No. 4 of the York Community Council.

York Community Council, at its meeting held on April 1, 1998, directed that residents on Cordella Avenue between Weston Road and Louvain Street be polled to determine interest regarding this matter.

Comments and/or Discussion and/or Justification:

The following is a breakdown of residents polled based on the number of replies returned:

Total No. Polled:117

No. of Replies Received:53 or 45%

No. of Replies Not Counted:0

No. of Replies in Favour:51or 96%

No. of Replies Not In Favour:2 or 4%

The following is an overall breakdown of responses, according to resident owners, non-resident owners and tenants:

Total # Polled No. of Replies Received (%) No. of Replies in Favour (%) No. of Replies Opposed (%)
Resident Owners 47 3(6%) 1(33%) 2(67%)
Non- Resident Owners 1 0 0 0
Tenants 69 50(72%) 50(100%) 0
TOTAL 117 53(45%) 51(96%) 2(4%)

Comments from residents are attached hereto as Appendix 1.


As noted above, the majority of residents, based on the responses received, are in favour of the proposal to implement on-street permit parking on Cordella Avenue between Weston Road and Louvain Street.

Contact Name:

Stephen Brown

York Operations Services/Traffic Division

Tel: 394-2655

Fax: 394-2758

(Copies of Appendix 1 referred to in the foregoing report, were forwarded to all members of Council with the agenda of the York Community Council meeting of September 16, 1998, and copies thereof are on file in the Clerk's Department, York Civic Centre.)


Removal of No Turns Sign at Winnett Avenue

and Ava Road - Ward 28, York Eglinton

(City Council on October 1 and 2, 1998, adopted this Clause, without amendment.)

The York Community Council recommends that:

(1)the No Turn signs at Winnett Avenue and Ava Road be removed; and

(2)the appropriate City officials be authorized and directed to take the necessary action to give effect thereto.

The York Community Council submits the following memorandum (July 28, 1998) from Councillor Joe Mihevc:

I am writing to request that staff bring forward to the next York Community Council previous reports pertaining to traffic at the intersection of Winnett Avenue and Ava Road.

I have received inquiries from residents about the removal of the "NO TURNS" sign at this intersection.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


1998-1999 Snow Link Program

Ward 27, York Humber and Ward 28, York Eglinton

(City Council on October 1 and 2, 1998, adopted this Clause, without amendment.)

The York Community Council recommends that:

(1)the following report (August 14, 1998) from the Director of Professional Services, Works and Emergency Services, York District, be adopted; and

(2)the one-page promotional/information advertisement also be placed in the Bloor West Villager newspaper.


To obtain approval for the 1998-1999 Snow Link Program within the York District.

Funding Sources, Financial Implications and Impact Status:

Funds of $50,000.00 are available in account number 397-467 for this Program.


It is recommended that:

(1)the Snow Link Program for the 1998-99 winter season be continued;

(2)the rebate level and administration of the Program remain unchanged; and

(3)a one-page promotional/information advertisement be placed in the York Guardian Newspaper for a minimum period of two weeks.

Council Reference/Background History:

The former City of York has offered its senior and disabled residents a Snow Link Program since 1983. Under this program private leadwalks, driveways and public sidewalks abutting the residents' property are cleared of snow.

Under the rebate program, eligible registered senior/disabled residents, have been refunded up to 100% of their cost for sidewalk snow removal, to a maximum of $10.00 per storm and a maximum of $65.00 per season.

Comments and/or Discussion and/or Justification:

In 1997-1998, the cost to operate the Snow Link Program was $54,261.00 with 820 residents registering in the program but only 430 actually submitted a rebate claim.

The total amount rebated under the program for 1997-1998 was $14,953.00. The balance of the budget in the amount of $36,954.00 went towards administration costs of the three Community Centres, promotion materials and distribution, registration and claim forms.

The following options have been examined for this program:

(a)maintain the "status quo";

(b)discontinue the Snow Link Program entirely; and

(c)move from individually delivered promotional/information flyers, at an approximate cost of $4,000.00 to a full page promotional/information ad in the York Guardian Newspaper, at an approximate cost of $1,070.00 per week (total cost $2,140.00).

The "link" program for the coming winter season 1998-1999 is again proposed to be administered through three separate community centres: York Fairbank Centre for Seniors, York Community Services, and George S. Syme Seniors' Centre of York. The York District will provide the necessary funds to hire a co-ordinator at each of the community centres and to underwrite the cost associated with administering the program.


Having examined the above options, for the benefit of our seniors, we recommend the continuance of the Program for the 1998-1999 winter season. Due to budget constraints, the Program will be advertised in the York Guardian Newspaper.

Contact Name:

Chi H. Ng

York Director of Professional Services



The York Community Council also submits the following memorandum (August 24, 1998) from Councillor Joe Mihevc:

Please put this item on the agenda for the new York Community Council to be held on September16, 1998.

Snow Link has served as a vital service to seniors during the winter months. I am hereby requesting that the York Community Council allocate funds for the 1998-1999 Snow Link Program. As in 1997, I would ask that $50,000.00 should be allocated to this program.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Installation of All-way Stop Control at Glenholme Avenue

and Conway Avenue - Ward 28, York Eglinton

(City Council on October 1 and 2, 1998, adopted this Clause, without amendment.)

The York Community Council recommends that:

(1)an all-way stop control be implemented at Glenholme Avenue and Conway Avenue for a one-year trial period, and that these controls be reviewed in consideration of proposed traffic calming measures in 1999; and

(2)the appropriate City officials be authorized and directed to take the necessary action to give effect thereto.

The York Community Council submits the following report (August 7, 1998) from the YorkDirector of Professional Services:


Councillor Joe Mihevc is requesting the feasibility of implementing an all-way stop control at the intersection of Glenholme Avenue and Conway Avenue.

Funding Sources, Financial Implications and Impact Statement:

None required.


That an all-way stop control is not warranted at the intersection of Glenholme Avenue and ConwayAvenue and, therefore, not recommended for installation.

Council Reference/Background History:

York Community Council at its meeting held on July 22, 1998, considered a request from CouncillorJoe Mihevc for a report on the feasibility of installing an all-way stop control at the intersection of Glenholme Avenue and Conway Avenue, and directed the York Manager Traffic/Parking to report.

Comments and/or Discussion and/or Justification:

The present geometric layout of the intersection is a "T" type design.

Glenholme Avenue is classified as a local roadway under the City of York Official Plan, traversing between St. Clair Avenue West and Eglinton Avenue West. Glenholme Avenue between St. Clair Avenue West and Rogers Road provides one-way vehicular traffic flow in a northbound direction.

Conway Avenue is classified as a local roadway under the City of York Official Plan, traversing between Glenholme Avenue and Oakwood Avenue providing two-way vehicular traffic flow in an east/westbound direction.

Presently, the intersection is stop controlled for westbound vehicular traffic on Conway Avenue. There is presently a by-lawed and signed reduced speed limit of 40 km/h on Glenholme Avenue, whereas, Conway Avenue has a regulatory unsigned 50 km/h speed limit.

To ensure the overall effectiveness and safety of all-way stop conditions, established warrant criteria are utilized in analyzing the eight (8) hour count data to determine if the warrants are justified.

In order for an intersection to be warranted for an all-way stop control, at least one of the five warrant criteria must be fulfilled one hundred percent . A recent study at the intersection of Glenholme Avenue and Conway Avenue yielded the following results:

(a) a total vehicle volume on all intersection approaches exceeding 350 vehicles for the highest one hour recorded; 113 No
(b) a volume split of 70/25 or greater than 25% for the minor street; 89/11 No
(c) a combined vehicular and pedestrian volume on the minor street exceeding 200 per hour with an average pedestrian delay of 30 seconds or more; 0 No
(d) average of 4 or more collisions per year for a three year period subject to relief through

multi-way stop control;

0 No
(e) minimum traffic control signal warrants are satisfied but cannot be implemented immediately. 0 No


Based on the study results, an all-way stop control is not warranted at the intersection of GlenholmeAvenue and Conway Avenue and is, therefore, not recommended.

Contact Name:

Stephen C. Brown

Manager, Traffic/Parking

Tel: 394-2655

Fax: 394-2888


Turn Prohibition on Vaughan Road at Arlington Avenue

Ward 28, York Eglinton

(City Council on October 1 and 2, 1998, adopted this Clause, without amendment.)

The York Community Council recommends that:

(1)the 7:00 to 9:00 a.m. southbound No Right Turn prohibition remain in effect on Vaughan Road at Arlington Avenue;

(2)the 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. southbound No Right Turn prohibition on Vaughan Road at Arlington Avenue be removed; and

(3)the appropriate City officials be authorized and directed to take the necessary action to give effect thereto.

The York Community Council submits the following report (August 12, 1998) from the YorkDirector of Professional Services:


Councillor Joe Mihevc is requesting staff undertake a traffic count on Arlington Avenue, south of Vaughan Road, for one week, in consideration of the removal of the No Right Turn prohibition during the hours 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. on Vaughan Road at Arlington Avenue.

Funding Sources, Financial Implications and Impact Statement:

Traffic budget.


That the Uniform Traffic By-law be amended to delete the existing No Right Turn prohibition on Vaughan Road at Arlington Avenue during the hours 7:00 to 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 to 6:00 p.m.

Council Reference/Background History:

York Community Council at its meeting held on February 18, 1998, directed staff to undertake a traffic count on Arlington Avenue, south of Vaughan Road, for one week, and that this information be used as the basis for consideration of the removal of the 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. southbound turn restriction on Vaughan Road at Arlington Avenue.

In addition, York Community Council directed staff to report on a 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. No Entry prohibition for southbound vehicles on Arlington Avenue at Earlsdale Avenue.

Comments and/or Discussion and/or Justification:

As previously outlined in our report dated April 15, 1997, the existing morning and afternoon rush hour eastbound right turn prohibition on Vaughan Road at Arlington Avenue was introduced in 1990 as a result of a petition from residents on Arlington Avenue.

Appendix I is a summary of the daily vehicular volume count on Arlington Avenue between Vaughan Road and Earlsdale Avenue commencing Wednesday, March 4, 1998 through to Wednesday, March11, 1998.

In evaluating the impacts of the traffic control measures introduced on Arlington Avenue between Vaughan Road and St. Clair Avenue, including the morning and afternoon eastbound right turn prohibition on Vaughan Road at Arlington Avenue, we have historically summarized in the table below three individual study periods to compare the hourly volumes. This summary compares the hourly volumes before the introduction of the traffic control measures, mid and current study dates, with the rush hour(s) turn prohibition in place :

Hourly Time Duration Vehicular Volume


09/06/8909/28/95 Average

Weekly Count

7 - 8 am 78 15 9

8 - 9 am 129 30 15

11 - 12 noon 95 56 12

12 - 1 pm 158 46 14

1 - 2 pm 82 57 15

3 - 4 pm 104 87 15

4 - 5 pm 132 49 18

5 - 6 pm 102 55 16

As the above vehicular volumes reveal, during the unrestricted time durations (11:00 a.m. to 4:00p.m.), the total vehicular volume in 1989 was 439 vehicles, whereas, currently for the same four one-hour durations, the total vehicular volume is 56, representing a 784% reduction.

In comment to the introduction of a No Entry prohibition on Arlington Avenue at EarlsdaleAvenue, the net result would divert vehicular volumes onto Winnett Avenue between Vaughan Road and Hursting Avenue and, in turn, cause community conflict as a result. It would also be necessary to revert Arlington Avenue between Earlsdale Avenue and Hursting Avenue to provide those residents with two-way ingress/egress to their properties.

For these reasons, we do not support, nor recommend, implementing an internal traffic control measure, which would adversely impact on the community at large.


As the comparison table reveals, overall vehicular volumes on Arlington Avenue, south of VaughanRoad, during the unrestricted time durations (11 a.m. to 4 p.m.), have dramatically been reduced.

Based on the overall daily vehicular volumes on Arlington Avenue, south of Vaughan Road, and the fact that the current morning and afternoon eastbound right turn prohibition negatively impacts on those residents residing on Arlington Avenue between Vaughan Road and St. Clair Avenue, we would support and recommend deleting the right turn prohibition completely.

Contact Person:

Stephen C. Brown

Manager Traffic/Parking

Tel: 394-2655

Fax: 394-2888


Request for Disabled Parking Space at

11 Humber Trail - Ward 27, York Humber

(City Council on October 1 and 2, 1998, adopted this Clause, without amendment.)

The York Community Council recommends the adoption of the following report (August4,1998) from the York Director of Professional Services:


Mr. Mike Bedrin, 11 Humber Trail, through Councillor Bill Saundercook's office is requesting a designated disabled parking space be established directly in front of his residence.

Funding Sources, Financial Implications and Impact Statement:

Traffic budget.


(1)That the York Uniform Traffic By-law No. 2958-94 be amended to prohibit parking anytime on the east side of Humber Trail for one vehicle length, directly in front of 11 Humber Trail; and

(2)that Mr. M. Bedrin receive a copy of this report.

Council Reference/Background History:

Mr. M. Bedrin, through Councillor Bill Saundercook's office, is requesting consideration to establish a designated disabled parking space on the east side of Humber Trail, directly in front of his residence, located at 11 Humber Trail.

Comments and/or Discussion and/or Justification:

Humber Trail is a local roadway, traversing in a north/south direction between Folkes Street and Humberview Road. The street currently provides two-way vehicular traffic flow.

The property municipally addressed as 11 Humber Trail is located on the east side of the street between Folkes Street and Weatherell Street. On-street parking is exclusively permitted on the east side of Humber Trail. A maximum signed one (1) hour parking regulation is in effect during the hours 8:00 am to 7:00 pm, Monday through Friday, with an unsigned three (3) hour parking regulation for all other times, except during the hours 12:00 midnight to 6:00 a.m. when on-street permit parking is in effect for only those vehicles displaying a valid on-street permit stating Humber Trail.

Mr. M. Bedrin is requesting that a designated disabled parking space be established directly in front of his residence, where on-street parking is legally permitted.

As Council is aware, any person currently possessing a valid provincial permit bearing the international symbol of access is exempt from the following on-street traffic regulations:

1.Payment to engage a parking meter;

2."No Parking" for a period longer than 3 hours;

3."No Parking" restrictions, other than rush hour prohibitions,

i.e. 7:00 to 9:00 a.m. or 4:00 to 6:00 p.m.;

4.Signed maximum parking duration regulations, i.e. 1 hour.

A disabled parking permit, however, does not exempt the motorists from parking without an on-street parking permit between 12:00 midnight and 6:00 a.m., on those streets where this restriction is in effect.

Mr. M. Bedrin does possess a valid Province of Ontario Disabled Parking Permit, expiring in October2002.


Based on this information, Mr. M. Bedrin can legally park on the west side of Humber Trail where on-street parking is presently prohibited, which would result in an impediment to the safe two-way vehicular traffic flow on the street.

We are more inclined to recommend prohibiting parking on the east side of Humber Trail, where on-street parking is legally permitted, by establishing a designated disabled parking space directly in front of 11 Humber Trail to accommodate a single motor vehicle. This would enable Mr.M.Bedrin to park in the prohibited disabled parking space by virtue of his provincial permit, without disrupting traffic.

It is therefore recommended that a designated disabled parking space be established directly in front of 11 Humber Trail to accommodate a single motor vehicle.

Contact Person:

Stephen C. Brown

Manager Traffic/Parking

Tel: 394-2655

Fax: 394-2888


Permit Parking on Feltham Avenue

Ward 27, York Humber

(City Council on October 1 and 2, 1998, adopted this Clause, without amendment.)

The York Community Council recommends the adoption of the following report (July31,1998) from the York Commissioner of Operations Services:


Councillor Frances Nunziata is requesting a report on the feasibility of implementing on-street permit parking on Feltham Avenue.

Funding Sources, Financial Implications and Impact Statement:

Traffic budget.


It is recommended that:

(1)By-law No. 3491-80 be amended to introduce on-street permit parking on FelthamAvenue between Spears Street and Avon Avenue; and

(2)the appropriate City officials be authorized and directed to take the appropriate action to give effect thereto.

Council Reference/Background History:

Local residents by petition (Appendix I), through Councillor Frances Nunziata's office are requesting the introduction of on-street permit parking on Feltham Avenue between Spears Street and Avon Avenue.

Comments and/or Discussion and/or Justification:

Feltham Avenue traverses in an east/west direction, between Spears Street and Avon Avenue, providing two-way vehicular traffic flow.

Currently on-street parking on Feltham Avenue between Spears Street and Avon Avenue is legally permitted on the north side, exclusively. The parking duration is an unsigned maximum three (3) hour limit, anytime.

Field surveys reveal there is a total complement of twenty-two (22) curbside parking spaces available on the north side of Feltham Avenue between Spears Street and Avon Avenue.

On-street permit parking provides those residents, without adequate off-street parking facilities to legally park their vehicles on the streets on which they reside for extended periods of time, with impunity from the signed and unsigned parking regulations. We, therefore, support the introduction of on-street permit parking on Feltham Avenue between Spears Street and Avon Avenue.


A review of the petition reveals a total of twenty municipally addressed residences are requesting the service. For Committee's information there is a total of twenty-nine (29) fronting and flanking addresses on Feltham Avenue between Spears Street and Avon Avenue. The petition represents 69% of the total number of properties fronting and flanking Feltham Avenue between Spears Street and Avon Avenue.

On-street permit parking is a service benefit for every municipally addressed taxpayer without adequate off-street parking facilities. We, therefore, support and recommend the implementation of on-street permit parking on Feltham Avenue between Spears Street and Avon Avenue.

Contact Person:

Stephen C. Brown, Manager Traffic/Parking

Tel: 394-2655, Fax: 394-2888

(A copy of Appendix 1 referred to in the foregoing report, was forwarded to all Members of Council with the agenda of the York Community Council meeting of September 16, 1998 and a copy thereof is on file in the Clerk's Department, York Civic Centre.)


Poll Results - Permit Parking on Holmesdale Crescent

between Ennerdale Road and Holmesdale Road

Ward 28, York Eglinton

(City Council on October 1 and 2, 1998, adopted this Clause, without amendment.)

The York Community Council recommends that:

(1)on-street permit parking be implemented on Holmesdale Crescent between EnnerdaleRoad and Holmesdale Road; and

(2)that the appropriate City officials be authorized and directed to take the necessary action to give effect thereto.

The York Community Council submits the following report (August 17, 1998) from the CityClerk:


To show results of a poll conducted of residents on Holmesdale Crescent, between Ennerdale Road and Holmesdale Road, regarding a proposal to implement on-street permit parking.

Funding Sources, Financial Implications and Impact Statement:



For consideration and direction of York Community Council.

Council Reference/Background/History:

Clause No. 14(o) embodied in Report No. 4 of the York Community Council.

The York Community Council, at its meeting held on April 1, 1998, directed that residents on Holmesdale Crescent, between Ennerdale Road and Holmesdale Road, be polled to determine interest in the implementation of on-street permit parking.

Comments and/or Discussion and/or Justification:

The following is a breakdown of responses received, based on the number of replies returned:

Total No. Polled:61

No. of Replies Received:10 or 16%

No. of Replies In Favour:7 or 70%

No. of Replies Not In Favour:3 or 30%

The following is an overall breakdown of responses, according to resident owners, non-resident owners and tenants:

Total # Polled No. of Replies Received (%) No. of Replies in Favour (%) No. of Replies Opposed (%)
Resident Owners 52 10 (19%) 7 (70%) 3 (30%)
Non- Resident Owners 3 0 0 0
Tenants 6 0 0 0
TOTAL 61 10 (16%) 7 (70%) 3 (30)

Comments from residents are attached hereto as Appendix 1.


As noted above, the majority of residents, based on the responses received, are in favour of the proposal to implement on-street permit parking on Holmesdale Crescent, between Ennerdale Road and Holmesdale Road.

Contact Name:

Steve Brown, York Operations Services - Traffic Division

Tel: 394-2655, Fax: 394-2758

(A copy of Appendix 1 referred to in the foregoing report, was forwarded to all Members of Council with the agenda of the York Community Council meeting of September 16, 1998 and a copy thereof is on file in the Clerk's Department, York Civic Centre.)


Poll Results - Permit Parking on Kitchener Avenue

between Gilbert Avenue and Caledonia Road

Ward 28, York Eglinton

(City Council on October 1 and 2, 1998, adopted this Clause, without amendment.)

The York Community Council recommends that:

(1)on-street permit parking be implemented on Kitchener Avenue between GilbertAvenue and Caledonia Road; and

(2)the appropriate City officials be authorized and directed to take the necessary action to give effect thereto.

The York Community Council submits the following report (August 14, 1998) from the CityClerk:


To provide results of a poll conducted of residents on Kitchener Avenue, between GilbertAvenue and Caledonia Road, regarding a proposal to implement on-street permit parking.

Funding Sources, Financial Implications and Impact Statement:



For consideration and direction of York Community Council.

Council Reference/Background/History:

Clause No. 7(h) embodied in Report No. 7 of the York Community Council.

The York Community Council, at its meeting of June 24, 1998, directed that the City Clerk conduct a poll of residents on Kitchener Avenue, between Gilbert Avenue and Caledonia Road, to determine interest in the implementation of on-street permit parking.

Comments and/or Discussion and/or Justification:

The following is a breakdown of responses received, based on the number of replies returned:

Total No. Polled:25

No. of Replies Received:5 or 20%

No. of Replies In Favour:3 or 60%

No. of Replies Not In Favour:2 or 40%

The following is an overall breakdown of responses, according to resident owners, non-resident owners and tenants:

Total # Polled No. of Replies Received (%) No. of Replies in Favour (%) No. of Replies Opposed (%)
Resident Owners 11

4 (36%) 3 (75%) 1 (25%)
Non- Resident Owners 2 1 (50%) 0 1 (100%)
Tenants 12 0 0 0
TOTAL 25 5 (20%) 3 (60%) 2 (40%)

Comments from residents are attached hereto as Appendix 1.


As noted above, the majority of residents, based on the responses received, are in favour of the proposal to implement on-street permit parking on Kitchener Avenue, between Gilbert Avenue and Caledonia Road.

Contact Name:

Steve Brown

York Operations Services - Traffic Division

Tel: 394-2655

Fax: 394-2758

(A copy of Appendix 1 referred to in the foregoing report, was forwarded to all Members of Council with the agenda of the York Community Council meeting of September 16, 1998 and a copy thereof is on file in the Clerk's Department, York Civic Centre.)


Appeal of Committee of Adjustment Decisions

Ward 28, York Eglinton

(City Council on October 1 and 2, 1998, adopted this Clause, without amendment.)

The York Community Council recommends the adoption of the following report (September2,1998) from the Director, Community Planning, West District:


To provide information on appeals of Committee of Adjustment decisions which have been appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board and to recommend whether or not legal and staff representation is warranted.

Funding Sources, Financial Implications and Impact Statement:

There will be financial costs associated with the appeal recommended for legal and staff representation.


It is recommended that:

(1)legal and staff representation be provided for the appeal regarding application No.CA-98-199, 168 Locksley Avenue; and

(2)legal and staff representation not be provided for the appeal regarding application No.CA-98-200, 72 Branstone Road.


The applications and appeals are summarized as follows:

(i)Address:168 Locksley Avenue (Ward 28: York Eglinton)

Applicant:Sylia Smart-James

Appellant:Sylia Smart-James

Hearing Date:To be determined by the OMB

Application:CA-98-199. The applicant proposes to construct a partial second storey addition over the front one storey portion of an existing detached dwelling containing an apartment-in-house. (See Appendix A and B attached). Requested variances are:

By-law Plans

minimum front yard setback1 m less than established2.88 m

minimum side yard width1.2 m0.98 m (south)

no. of parking spaces21

Committee of Adjustment Decision:

(July 7, 1998) Granted with conditions requiring a second parking space to be provided in the rear yard and be delineated on a revised site plan; the asphalt portion of the boulevard to be reinstated to grass; the owner applying to the City for an encroachment agreement for the brick wall within the road allowances; and, the owner applying for a fence permit and making necessary revisions to the existing 1.5 metre high board fence in the boulevard.

Staff Recommendation:

The Planning Division recommended to the Committee that a second parking space in the rear yard be delineated on a revised site plan to the satisfaction of the Chief Building Official prior to issuance of a building permit. This condition was recommended to address the illegal unlicensed parking of two vehicles on a widened portion of the existing driveway within the Ridelle Avenue boulevard. Opportunity and space is available to provide an additional parking space beside the existing parking space on-site, in the rear yard, as opposed to licensing and continuing the boulevard parking. Legal and staff representation is recommended.

(ii)Address:72 Branstone Road (Ward 28: York Eglinton)

Applicant:Jose Franco

Appellant:A and M. Cattelan (70 Branstone Road)

Hearing Date:To be determined by the OMB

Application:CA-200-98 The applicant proposes to construct a new two storey detached dwelling. (See Appendix C and D attached). Requested variances are:

By-law Plans

minimum lot frontage8 m7.62 m

minimum side yard width1.2 m0.76 m (south)

0.5 m0.45 m (north)

Committee of Adjustment Decision:

(July 7, 1998) Granted.

Staff Recommendation:

The Planning Division did not comment to Committee on the application. Legal and staff representation is not recommended.


The subject appeals were reviewed by staff who are of the opinion that item (I) involves substantive planning issues; therefore, legal and staff representation at the Ontario Municipal Board is warranted.

Item (ii) does not involve substantive planning issues. Legal and staff representation at the Ontario Municipal Board is not warranted for this appeal.

Contact Name:

L. Moretto

Director, Development Review

York Civic Service Centre

Tel: 394-2617

Fax: 394-2782

(Copies of Appendices A to D referred to in the foregoing report, were forwarded to all Members of Council with the agenda of the York Community Council meeting of September 16, 1998 and copies thereof are on file in the Clerk's Department, York Civic Centre.)


Operation of The Wine Shoppe on Sundays, Civic and

Statutory Holidays - Ward 27, York Humber

(City Council on October 1 and 2, 1998, adopted this Clause, without amendment.)

The York Community Council recommends that the City of Toronto (York District) has no objection to the operation of The Wine Shoppe, a winery retail store located in the new Loblaws store at 3671Dundas Street West, being open for business on Sundays, CivicHolidays and Statutory Holidays.

The York Community Council submits the following communication (June 24, 1998) from the Administrator of Retail Operations and Leasing, The Wine Shoppe:

The Wine Shoppe - the Retail Division of Andres Wines Ltd. Is presently considering your area for the location of a wine store. The Liquor Control Board of Ontario has ruled that we must obtain the information outlined in their Form 1203 (attached) for approval.

The area that we are interested in is within the new Loblaws store located at 3671 Dundas Street West, York, Ontario M6S 2T3.

At this time, I ask that you please complete the attached form, providing information with respect to whether the area has been annexed or amalgamated to the municipality since 1940, its zoning, and its Wet/Dry Status. As well, I am requesting a letter which indicates that your municipality has no objection to Sunday openings of winery retail stores located within the area. If you have no objection to winery retail stores in the area being open on Civic and Stat Holidays, would you please also include that in your response. We realize that the Retail Business Holidays Act which governs Stat Holiday openings is provincial legislation, but we do require this statement of no objection from you.

Once this form has been completed, signed, and sealed, I would ask that you please fax a copy to (905) 643-1039, and return the original to the undersigned for submission to the L.C.B.O. Questions ma be directed to the undersigned at (905) 643-7333, Ext. 2274.

Thanking you for an anticipated prompt response.

(A copy of the form referred to in the foregoing communication, was forwarded to all Members of Council with the agenda of the York Community Council meeting of September 16, 1998 and a copy thereof is on file in the Clerk's Department, York Civic Centre.)


Eglinton Subway Line

Ward 27, York Humber and Ward 28, York Eglinton

(City Council on October 1 and 2, 1998, deferred consideration of this Clause to the next regular meeting of City Council to be held on October 28, 1998.)

The York Community Council recommends the adoption of the following resolutions:

(August 31, 1998) from Councillor Frances Nunziata:

WHEREAS the former Metro Toronto Council endorsed and approved the construction of the Eglinton and Sheppard Avenue subway lines, which also were to receive financial support from the Ontario Government; and

WHEREAS the subsequent withdrawal of a significant portion of funding by the Harris Government for completion of these two lines resulted in the Eglinton subway line extension being shelved, at a cost to taxpayers of approximately $150 million; and

WHEREAS the Eglinton subway line would be a catalyst for job creation and economic development in the York community and is in the best transportation interest of the City of Toronto as a whole; and

WHEREAS if the Province should decide to provide funding to the City, Mayor Lastman has requested a report from the TTC on cost estimates of three major subway expansions, none of which include the Eglinton subway line expansion;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the York Community Council unanimously request, that the City of Toronto Council endorse and reaffirm its support for completion of the Eglinton subway line as the number one transportation priority, if and when, any financial support is offered to the City by the Provincial Government for major development or projects.

(August 31, 1998) from Councillor Bill Saundercook:

WHEREAS the Eglinton Subway would have created thousands of jobs in the former City of York; and

WHEREAS cancelling the Eglinton Subway meant the loss of many developments, and the decrease in the overall economic revitalization of many areas in York; and

WHEREAS the Eglinton Subway was recommended in the recent past as a compatible means of linking the TTC system to Mississauga Transit and linking the TTC to an airport transit corridor on the Milton/Georgetown GO Transit line; and

WHEREAS studies have shown that passenger demand currently exists along Eglinton Avenue West to support rapid transit, with projected ridership in the year 2011 at 15,000 rides per hour;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the York Community Council endorse and express its continuing support for an Eglinton Rapid Transit Line; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution be sent to the Federal and Provincial Ministers of Transportation, and the Toronto Transit Commission.

(A copy of the newspaper clipping dated August 30, 1998 "Subways top Mel's wish list" and a copy of Councillor Nunziata's letter (August 31, 1998) to Mayor Mel Lastman, were forwarded to all Members of Council with the agenda of the York Community Council meeting of September16,1998 and copies thereof are on file in the Clerk's Department, York Civic Centre.)


Other Items Considered by the Community Council

(City Council, on October 1 and 2, 1998, received this Clause as information, subject to adding thereto the following:

"Notwithstanding subsection 128(5) of the Council Procedural By-law, it is recommended that the Commissioner of Works and Emergency Services be directed to also submit to the Works and Utilities Committee the reports requested by the York Community Council in Item(d), entitled 'Pilot Project for Litter and Garbage Receptacles with Advertising on Streets in Ward 27, York Humber and Ward 28, York Eglinton'.")

(a)Proposed By-law To Close a Portion of Roselawn Avenue between Anastacia Court and Castlefield Avenue for vehicular traffic only, and installation of a Guardrail and Curbing - Ward 28, York Eglinton.

The York Community Council reports having deferred consideration of the proposed by-law, and having requested the Commissioner of Works and Emergency Services, to direct the York Director of Professional Services to report next day on the feasibility of implementing a directional change in traffic, in order to increase the safety of the above intersection, in consultation with Mr. Wajid Khan and Mr. Gordon Patterson.

(i)Notice of a statutory public meeting on September 16, 1998, and advertised for four consecutive weeks in the Toronto Star, regarding the abovementioned proposed alterations to the aforementioned streets, pursuant to The Municipal Act and the regulations thereunder.

(ii)(June 8, 1998) from Mr. Wajid Khan, President, Dufferin Mazda, advising of objections to the parkette planned to block off Roselawn Avenue at Anastasia Court, for the following reasons:

(a)it would cause complete chaos with the residents of over forty new homes trying to get onto a very busy Dufferin Street at anytime, especially during the morning and afternoon rush hours; at present traffic can go either way towards Marlee Avenue via Castlefield Avenue or Dufferin Street via Roselawn Avenue; and closing one artery would be absolutely counter productive and create traffic congestion;

(b)it would block off the entry to their property which is not acceptable;

(c)it will also cause residents of the forty homes to access Castlefield Avenue only via Dufferin Mazda property which is once again unacceptable; andsuggesting that the change is not necessary, and that an alternative acceptable plan be worked out, such as the installation of two traffic signals, one on CastlefieldAvenue and one on Roselawn Avenue; the one on Castlefield Avenue coordinated with the Dufferin Street and Castlefield Avenue signal and the one on Roselawn Avenue, just west of Anastasia Court with a short green of 15 to 20 seconds; that since Roselawn Avenue is already a one-way street there will be no on-coming traffic and there will be no merging required as the Castlefield Avenue traffic would be stopped on the red light while the Roselawn Avenue traffic is exiting and vice versa.


The following persons appeared before the Community Council in connection with the foregoing matter:

-Mr. Wajid Khan, President, Dufferin Mazda, Toronto; and

-Mr. Gordon Patterson, P. Eng., representing Castlefield Estates Inc.

(b)Proposed Recreational Use for Lands at the Rockcliffe Industrial Business Park.

The York Community Council reports having requested the Commissioner of Corporate Services, to direct the Executive Director, Facilities and Real Estate and the York Director of Professional Services, to report to the York Community Council on:

(1)the status of the surplus lands at the Rockcliffe Industrial Park; and

(2)the feasibility of a proposal call instead of the tendering process, in the event the lands are to be offered for sale.

(July 27, 1998) from Mr. John Lajoy, Director of Development, Urban Golf Concepts Inc. advising of their interest in developing the lands at the Rockcliffe Industrial Business Park for recreational use, should the lands be declared surplus and be available for development purposes.

(July 28, 1998) from Councillor Frances Nunziata forwarding the above communication and requesting that representatives of Urban Golf Concepts Inc. be scheduled as deputants.


The following persons appeared before the Community Council in connection with the foregoing matter:

-Mr. John Lajoy, Director of Development, Urban Golf Concepts Inc., Toronto; and

-Mr. Walter Cardozo, Urban Golf Concepts Inc.

(c)TTC 1999 Service Plan - 55 Warren Park - Service on Pasadena Gardens Ward 27, York Humber.

The York Community Council reports having approved the following resolution by Councillor Frances Nunziata:

WHEREAS the TTC has recommended that the Warren Park 55 bus not be re-routed to operate south on Varsity Road, west on St. Mark's Road and north on Pasadena Gardens, instead of the current routing via Varsity Road, Van Stassen Boulevard and Underwood Avenue; and

WHEREAS the residents in the community have not been consulted and may not agree with this recommendation;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the TTC be requested to hold an evening public meeting in the Warren Park community, to receive input on alternating the 55 bus route onto Pasadena Gardens for specified periods, such as annually or every six months; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that should the residents wish an alternating bus route, that the TTC be directed by the decision of that meeting, and implement the re-routing of the 55 Warren Park bus.

(August 20, 1998) from the General Secretary, Toronto Transit Commission, forwarding copy of the report entitled, "1999 Service Plan"; advising of recommended service changes; and requesting that Community Councils forward their comments by October 28, 1998, and that a further public hearing will be held at the first Commission meeting following October28,1998.


Mr. Peter Haskill of the Toronto Transit Commission appeared before the Community Council in connection with the foregoing matter.

(d)Pilot Project for Litter and Garbage Receptacles with Advertising on Streets in Ward 27, York Humber and Ward 28, York Eglinton.

The York Community Council reports having requested the Commissioner of Works and Emergency Services, to direct the General Manager, Solid Waste Management Services, and the York Director of Professional Services, to:

(1)enter into discussions with representatives of the Olifas Marketing Group (OFM), and to identify 20 to 40 locations in Wards 27 and 28 for the placement of the litter and garbage receptacles, for a six-month trial period;

(2)prepare a draft agreement for consideration by the York Community Council, modelled after the agreement with the former City of Etobicoke;

(3)have regard for the type of advertising displayed on the containers;

(4)report back to the York Community Council on the results of the pilot project at the end of the six-month period;

(5)directed that this pilot project have no effect on any York program for the provision of litter and garbage receptacles elsewhere in Wards 27 and 28 at any time and in this area;

(6)directed that in selecting the 20 to 40 locations, consideration be given to the fact that the York-Eglinton BIA has receptacles on order for installation; and

(7)report on the status of the garbage receptacles approved by York last year for installation in Ward 28.

(September 4, 1998) from Councillor Bill Saundercook suggesting pilot project areas in York Humber for placement of stainless steel litter receptacles from the Olifas Marketing Group (OMG), and attaching a copy of an evaluation report (June 12, 1998) from the Director of Operations and Sanitation, City Works Services, approved by the Toronto Community Council.

(September 9, 1998) from Councillor Joe Mihevc, forwarding photographs of the stainless steel litter receptacles from OMG; and requesting that appropriate staff work with OGM to identify 20 to 40 locations in Wards 27 and 28 for a six-month trial period for the placement of the litter receptacles; and that during the trial period, staff draft an agreement for consideration by the York Community Council, modelled on the agreement made with the former City of Etobicoke.

(e)Parking at Rear of 1071 Eglinton Avenue West; and Boulevard parking on Strathearn Road, Ward 28, York Eglinton.

The York Community Council reports having received the following communication:

(September 11, 1998) from Councillor Joe Mihevc advising that the owner of 1071EglintonAvenue West is requesting an agreement with the City for permit parking for 3 to 4 vehicles at the rear of the property by the laneway; and for boulevard parking on Strathearn Road (similar to the building at Flanders Road and Eglinton Avenue West.)

(f)Disconnection of Downspouts; and Locations for more Holding Tanks on various streets in Ward 28, York Eglinton.

The York Community Council reports having requested the Commissioner of Works and Emergency Services to direct the General Manager, Water and Wastewater Services, and the York Director of Professional Services, to report on:

(1)the cost of an educational campaign to aggressively promote the disconnection of downspouts; and

(2)appropriate locations for additional holding tanks that would be desirable in Wards 27 and 28, over the next few budget years, including Harvie, Crang, Chamberlain and Nairn Avenues, Robina and Holland Park Avenues, Holmesdale Road, Earlsdale Avenue, Mulberry Crescent and Westmount Avenue, just north of St.Clair Avenue West.

(August 24, 1998) from Councillor Joe Mihevc requesting that staff support and encourage the disconnection of downspouts onto lawns, so that sewers don't receive extra amounts of water; and that staff also report on appropriate locations for more holding tanks in Ward 28, including Harvie, Crang, Chamberlain and Nairn Avenues, Croham Road, Robina Avenue and Holland Park, Holmesdale Road, Earlsdale Avenue, Mulberry Crescent and Westmount Avenue, just north of St. Clair Avenue West.

(g)Installation of Proposed Historic Plaque at Top of Hill on Humber Hill at Dundas Street West, request from the former York LACAC - Ward 27, York Humber.

The York Community Council reports having requested the Commissioner of Economic Development, Culture and Tourism, to direct staff of the Culture Office, to assist York LACAC with the process regarding the installation of the plaque.

(September 15, 1998) from Councillor Bill Saundercook advising that the former York LACAC is requesting approval of wording for a plaque to be installed at the top of the hill on Humber Hill at Dundas Street West; and that the funding for this plaque will be provided by Loblaws.

(September 16, 1998) from York LACAC advising that at its meeting held on September10,1998, discussions were held regarding the old gas station located on the Loblaws site at 3671 Dundas Street West, had been the original site of the old toll gatehouse; that Loblaws has agreed to assume the cost for the erection of a plaque on the site; that York LACAC would like the have the plaque erected this fall; and requesting that the proposed wording be approved.

(h)Basement Flooding Problems in the York Community - Ward 27, York Humber and Ward 28, York Eglinton.

The York Community Council reports having received the following communication:

(September 15, 1998) from Councillor Bill Saundercook forwarding a resolution advising continuing supporting for any and all future projects that will address York's overflowing sewer problems; and expressing support for the report (September 14, 1998) from the Commissioner of Works and Emergency Services to the Budget Committee, recommending that:

(1)funding in the amount of $300,000.00 be approved for construction of detention facilities on Commodore and Bowie Avenues in the York Community; and

(2)funds be transferred from an approved 1998 Capital Project in the York Community plus the Water Reserve, as follows:

$200,000.00 from Capital Project - Watermain Relining, and

$100,000.00 from Water Reserve Account No. 901-542.

(i)Procedure for Deputations.

The York Community Council reports having deferred consideration of this item to its next regular meeting on October 14, 1998, or before if possible.

Clause No. 7(hh) in Report No. 2 of the York Community Council regarding a procedure for hearing deputations on a six month trial basis.

(j)Request for Removal of Stop Sign on Ava Road at Hill Place - Ward 28, York Eglinton.

The York Community Council reports having requested the City Clerk to undertake a poll of the residents on Ava Road between Glencedar Road and Chiltern Hill Road, to determine interest in the removal of the stop sign.

(September 2, 1998) from Councillor Joe Mihevc advising that some residents have indicated that the stop sign at Ava Road and Hill Place should be removed, as there does not appear to be a problem with volume and speed of traffic.

(k)Request from the Toronto Extrication Team for a Donation regarding Attendance at the 1998 International Auto Extrication Competition and Learning Symposium, Rockford, Illinois.

The York Community Council reports having received the following communication:

(July 27, 1998) C23 (c) in Report No. 8 of the York Community Council which was referred back by Council on July 29, 30, and 31, 1998.

Firefighter Dan Ramsay appeared before the Community Council in connection with the foregoing matter.

(July 27, 1998) from the City Clerk advising that the Municipal Grants Review Committee on July 27, 1998 had considered the York Community Council's request for a donation of $2,500.00 to the Toronto Extrication Team, and that the Municipal Grants Review Committee had received the aforementioned communication, in that the request did not meet the criteria for grants funding; and further requested the Commissioner of Community and Neighbourhood Services to raise the matter of this funding request with the Fire Chief.

(l)Proposal for Increase in Fines for Garbage Related Infractions, Ward 27, York Humber and Ward 28, York Eglinton.

The York Community Council reports having requested the City Solicitor to report on the possibility of doubling the current fines for garbage related infractions.

(August 28, 1998) resolution from Councillor Saundercook advising that garbage is being left out on the street all week and is creating a health hazard; and requesting that staff report to the Community Council on doubling fines for all garbage related infractions.

(m)Emergency Telephones in Parks, Ward 27, York Humber and Ward 28, York Eglinton.

The York Community Council reports having approved the following resolution:

(August 31, 1998) from Councillor Bill Saundercook:

WHEREAS public safety is of prime concern among the residents in Wards 27, York Humber and Ward 28, York Eglinton; and

WHEREAS many residents are afraid to use our parks as they believe attempts for assistance in an emergency situation would be unsuccessful; and

WHEREAS an emergency telephone has been installed in High Park on Spring Road, by the steps leading to the TTC loop;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Commissioner of Economic Development, Culture and Tourism, be requested to direct the General Manager, Parks and Recreation, to consult with appropriate staff and authorities, and:

(1)report on whether or not these telephones are warranted;

(2)should these emergency telephones be considered necessary, report on their proposed installation in parks facilities in Ward 27, York Humber and Ward 28, YorkEglinton;

(3)determine the number of telephones required;

(4)request comments and suggestions of suitable locations for installation of the Distress Phones, from all ratepayer groups and community organizations in Ward 27, York Humber and Ward 28, York Eglinton.

(n)288 and 290 Boon Avenue - Ward 28, York Eglinton.

The York Community Council reports having requested the Commissioner of Urban Planning and Development Services, to direct the Manager of the West District Field Office, to investigate this matter and report to the York Community Council.

(August 26, 1998) advising that in response to a complaint, staff report on whether the eavestrough at 290 Boon encroaches onto the property at 288 Boon Avenue; and that the former City of York issued a building permit to the owner of 290 Boon Avenue approximately seven years ago.

(o)Process for Disposal of City Property.

The York Community Council reports having received the following communication:

(August 18, 1998) from the Commissioner of Corporate Services providing information on the process for disposal of City property as requested by the Budget Committee, and recommending that this report be received for information.

(p)Traffic Calming Measures on Appleton Avenue, Ward 28, York Eglinton.

The York Community Council reports having received the following communications:

(August 12, 1998) from the York Director of Professional Services forwarding a petition signed by approximately 31 residents on Appleton Avenue, expressing support for the traffic calming measures being implemented on the street.

(r)Request for Alternate Side Parking on Criscoe Street, Ward 27, York Humber.

The York Community Council reports having directed the City Clerk to undertake a poll of the residents on Criscoe Street, to determine interest for the implementation of alternate side parking.

(August 13, 1998) from the York Director of Professional Services advising that field surveys reveal that on Criscoe Street, there is a total of seventeen (17) and nineteen (19) curbside parking spaces available on the west and east sides, respectively; and recommending that subject to a poll indicating majority interest, that the Community Council approve the implementation of alternate side parking on Criscoe Street.

(s)Request to Rescind the One-Hour Parking Regulation on Lippincott Street West - Ward 27, York Humber.

The York Community Council reports having directed the City Clerk to undertake a poll of the residents on Criscoe Street, to determine interest in rescinding the one (1) hour maximum parking regulation on Lippincott Street West between Weston Road and Denison Road.

(August 13, 1998) from the York Director of Professional Services advising that rescinding the signed one (1) your parking regulation on Lippincott Street West between Weston Road and Denison Road, would provide the local residents with a longer on-street parking duration of three (3) hours; and recommending that subject to the results of a poll indicating majority interest, that the Community Council approve rescinding the one (1) hour maximum parking regulation on Lippincott Street West between Weston Road and Denison Road, during the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., except Sundays and holidays.

(t)Application for a Liquor Licence - Blue Sky Tavern, 509 Oakwood Avenue - Ward 28, York Eglinton.

The York Community Council reports having directed the City Clerk to forward the departmental comments to the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario.

(September 15, 1998) from the City Clerk, advising that clearances have been received from the Urban Planning and Development Services Department, Fire Department, Health Department, Community Services Department, Municipal Standards Division, and Works and Emergency Services Department.

(u)Application for a Liquor Licence, Bagel Paradise Restaurant, 953 Eglinton Avenue West - Ward 28, York Eglinton.

The York Community Council reports having directed the City Clerk to forward the departmental comments to the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario.

(August 27, 1998) from the City Clerk, advising that clearances have been received from the Urban Planning and Development Services Department, Fire Department, Health Department, Community Services Department, Municipal Standards Division, and Works and Emergency Services Department.

(v)Application for a Liquor Licence, Cascais Bakery, 1728 Eglinton Avenue West - Ward 28, York Eglinton.

The York Community Council reports having directed the City Clerk to forward the departmental comments to the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario.

(September 1, 1998) from the City Clerk, advising that clearances have been received from the Urban Planning and Development Services Department, Fire Department, Health Department, Community Services Department, Municipal Standards Division, and Works and Emergency Services Department; and the Metropolitan Licensing Commission.

(w)Application for a Liquor Licence, Lambton House, 4066 Old Dundas Street West - Ward 27, York Humber.

The York Community Council reports having directed the City Clerk to forward the departmental comments to the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario.

(August 19, 1998) from the City Clerk, advising that clearances have been received from the Urban Planning and Development Services Department, Fire Department, Health Department, Community Services Department, Municipal Standards Division, and Works and Emergency Services Department.

(x)New Development Applications Received, Ward 27, York Humber and Ward 28, York-Eglinton.

The York Community Council reports having received the following report:

(August 27, 1998) from the York Director of Community Planning, West District, advising that Official Plan and Zoning Amendment applications have been received for 310-320 Tweedmuir Avenue, 1945 Lawrence Avenue West; that a Zoning By-law Amendment Application has been received for 450 Gilbert Avenue; and Site Plan Approval Applications for 2433 Dufferin Street, 3601 Dundas Street West, 1400 Weston Road, Block 3, Plan 66M2265, 100 Raglan Avenue and 165-171 Vaughan Road, and 3715 Dundas Street West; and recommending that this report be received.

(y)Proposed Renovations to Playgrounds at Four (4) Toronto Catholic District School Board Sites; St. Matthew, St. Nicholas of Bari, St. John Bosco, and St. Alphonsus - Ward 27, York Humber and Ward 28, York Eglinton.

The York Community Council reports having approved the following report, and having requested the Commissioner of Economic Development, Culture and Tourism, to direct the General Manager, Parks & Recreation Division, to add the St. James Culnan Catholic School to the list of playgrounds for proposed renovations, in the event development plans do not proceed at St. Alphonsus Catholic School:

(September 2, 1998) from the General Manager, Parks & Recreation Division, Economic Development, Culture & Tourism, advising that funds in the amount of $75,000.00 have been placed in the preliminary 1999 Capital Budget; and recommending that:

(1)staff continue to meet with representatives from the Toronto Catholic District School Board to determine the development status and budget provisions for these four playground projects;

(2)the costs of the components of these projects be itemized by the TCDSB and that City of Toronto Parks & Recreation submit a funding request of a 50% share of the playground projects only in the 1999 Capital Budget;

(3)the TCDSB keep the City informed when they do their accommodation review of the four school locations identified in this report; and

(4)that appropriate City officials be authorized to give effect thereto.

(z)Fees Charged to Community Groups for Fairs and Events.

The York Community Council reports having approved the following report:

(September 2, 1998) from the General Manager, Parks and Recreation Division, Economic Development, Culture and Tourism, responding to a request from the York Community Council on July 22, 1998; and recommending that:

(1)the matter of fees charged to community groups for services be the subject of a further report from the Economic Development, Culture and Tourism Department, and that the matter be highlighted for consideration in the 1999 budget process; and

(2)this report be forwarded to the Municipal Grants Review Committee for their information and consideration.

(aa)Procedural By-law Amendment to Permit Request for Recorded Votes at Meetings of Standing Committees and Committees of Council.

The York Community Council reports having received the following communication:

(August 10, 1998) from the City Clerk forwarding a copy of Clause No. 5 in Report No. 10 of the Special Committee to Review the Final Report of the Toronto Transition Team, which was adopted, without amendment, by the Council of the City of Toronto at its meeting held on July 29, 30 and 31, 1998.

(bb)Exemption of Official Plan Amendments from Provincial Approval.

The York Community Council reports having received the following communication:

(August 10, 1998) from the City Clerk forwarding a copy of Clause No. 9 in Report No. 9 of the Urban Environment and Development Committee, which was adopted, without amendment, by the Council of the City of Toronto at its meeting held on July 29, 30 and 31, 1998.

(cc)Interim Third Party Advertising Sign Minor Variance Process for Areas Abutting the F.G. Gardiner Expressway, Eglinton Avenue West, Highway 2, Highway 2A and Highway 27.

The York Community Council reports having received the following communcation:

(August 10, 1998) from the City Clerk forwarding a copy of Clause No. 6 in Report No. 9 of the Urban Environment and Development Committee, which was adopted, without amendment, by the Council of the City of Toronto at its meeting held on July 29, 30 and 31, 1998.

(dd)Guidelines for Determining City-Wide Interests in Planning Matters.

The York Community Council reports having received the following communcation:

(August 10, 1998) from the City Clerk forwarding a copy of Clause No. 2 in Report No. 9 of the Urban Environment and Development Committee, which was adopted, as amended, by the Council of the City of Toronto at its meeting held on July 29, 30 and 31, 1998.

(ee)Issues Regarding Private Roads and Freehold Development within the City of Toronto.

The York Community Council reports having received the following communcation:

(August 10, 1998) from the City Clerk forwarding a copy of Clause No. 7 in Report No. 9 of the Urban Environment and Development Committee, which was adopted, without amendment, by the Council of the City of Toronto at its meeting held on July 29, 30 and 31,1998.

(ff)Recognition of Firefighters.

The York Community Council reports having presented awards recognizing Firefighters Bruce Correa, Kevin Nicholls and Colin Ash, regarding a tragic home fire at 108 Gardenview Crescent.

(gg)Damage to Private Property by City-owned Trees.

The York Community Council reports having requested the City Solicitor to report on:

(1)who should be held liable for costs incurred with regard to the following circumstances:

(a)if a branch from a City-owned tree, or a City tree, causes damage to private property, including a vehicle;

(b)should the owner of the property, or the owner of the vehicle, be responsible for paying their insurance deductible, if a City tree causes the damage;

(c)if the roots from a City-owned tree causes damage to the walkway or any part of a private residence;

(d)the roots from a City-owned tree cause sewer backup on private property; and

(2)recommendations to ensure that residents do not experience undue financial hardship pending the outcome of such claims.

Respectfully submitted,



Toronto, September 16, 1998

(Report No. 10 of The York Community Council, was adopted, as amended, by City Council on October 1 and 2, 1998.)


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