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Decision Document


Community Development and Recreation Committee

Meeting No.




Candy Davidovits, Committee Administrator

Meeting Date

Thursday, April 16, 2009




Start Time

9:30 AM




Committee Room 1, City Hall



Councillor Janet Davis  

The Decision Document is for preliminary reference purposes only.  Please refer to the Committee’s Report to City Council or to the Minutes for the official record.


How to Read the Decision Document:


     Recommendations of the Committee to City Council appear after the item heading

     Other action taken by the Committee on its own authority, which does not require Council’s approval, is listed in the decision document under the heading “Decision Advice and Other Information” .

     Declarations of Interest, if any, appear at the end of an item.


Minutes Confirmed – February 6, 2009


(Deferred from February 6, 2009 - 2009.CD22.5)







Ward: All 


Elimination of the State of Good Repair Backlogs for Parks, Forestry and Recreation’s Indoor and Outdoor Ice and Swimming Pool Facilities



Decision Advice and Other Information

The Community Development and Recreation Committee:


1.         requested the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation, and the City Manager,  to explore the feasibility of accessing the Government of Canada's Recreational Infrastructure Fund to fund the state of good repair for the arenas and pools; and


2.         referred the following motion by Councillor Parker to the Budget Committee for consideration during the 2010 capital budget process:


Moved by Councillor Parker:


“That the City make the state of good repair and construction of new swimming pools and ice rinks a higher priority in the Capital Budget and that this be reflected in the 2010 capital budget and future capital budgets; and


That the state of good repair 2010 capital budget be doubled.”




(January 21, 2009) Report from General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation




The purpose of this report is to provide information on how to adjust the Parks, Forestry and Recreation (PF&R) Capital Plan in order to eliminate the state of good repair backlog for arenas, outdoor artificial ice rinks (AIRs) and indoor and outdoor swimming pools.  The report will also provide basic costing information on the construction of any new ice and pool facilities.



Background Information

Elimination of the State of Good Repair Backlogs for Parks, Forestry and Recreation's Indoor and Outdoor Ice and Swimming Pool Facilities - Staff Report


(Referred from City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009 - MM30.20)







Ward: All 


Continued Operation and Maintenance of Toronto District School Board Pools



Decision Advice and Other Information

The Community Development and Recreation Committee:


1.         referred this matter to the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation, with the request that she report to a future meeting of the Community Development and Recreation Committee when she has any recommended changes to the City’s use of school pools that result in no net cost increases to the City;


2.         requested staff to continue participation in the Toronto Lands Corporation (TLC) Aquatics Working Group (AWG); and


3.         referred the following motion by Councillor Jenkins to the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation, for inclusion in her upcoming report:


Moved by Councillor Jenkins:


“That the appropriate City staff be requested to prepare a report on how the City of Toronto, the Toronto District School Board, and the Provincial Government, as three interested parties,  can work together to keep our school and community pools operational, using as a framework for that report the four recommendations:


1.         that the Provincial Government provide funding, including $12 million for capital repairs;


2.         that the parties seek operational cost savings;


3.         that the parties seek opportunities for increased revenues; and


4.         that the parties seek a new governance structure for school and community pools.”




(January 29, 2009) Member Motion from City Council




School pools are an important part of Toronto's infrastructure and recreational programming.  Toronto is unique in that historically the municipality combined resources with the school board to build pools for schools and community use.  These assets support non-profit swim clubs, camps and community swim needs in addition to regular programming by the school board and the City.


On August 27, 2008 the Toronto District School Board (TDSB) moved the following motion:


143. Swimming Pools


a.         That the Board thank David Crombie for his work on finding possible funding sources to operate school swimming pools;


b.         That, based on the Provincial transition funding for pools announced on August 7, 2008:


(i)         that the pools slated for decommissioning this fall remain open for the 2008-09 school year and that aquatics instructors and caretaking staff be hired as soon as possible, subject to confirmation that Provincial funding has been received by the TLC;


(ii)        that the Board participate fully in the Toronto aquatic workgroup proposed by Mr. Crombie;


(iii)       that the Toronto Lands Corporation be given responsibility for providing operational oversight and licensing/permitting services for the 39 pools that are currently unfunded; and


(iv)       that the Director instruct staff to assist the Toronto Lands Corporation in collecting more precise data on the operating costs of individual pools.


c.         That the Chair of the Board forward a copy of the Board's decision and a copy of the letter from Mr. Crombie to the City of Toronto's Community and Social Services Committee for their possible review and comment.


(Submitted to City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009 as MM30.20)



Background Information

Transmitted from City Council - Referral of Member Motion MM30.20

Attachment - Letter dated August 7, 2008 from David Crombie




(March 31, 2009) e-mail from Natalie Lychy, President, North York Aquatics Centre, on behalf of Michelle Williams (CD.New.CD23.2.1)
(April 9, 2009) e-mail from Suzan Cameron (CD.New.CD23.2.2)
(April 9, 2009) e-mail from Jennifer Colleran (CD.New.CD23.2.3)
(April 11, 2009) e-mail from Donna Anglin (CD.New.CD23.2.4)
(April 12, 2009) e-mail from Laurie Grant (CD.New.CD23.2.5)
(April 14, 2009) letter from D. Hawkinson, on behalf of Humberside Collegiate Institute School Council (CD.New.CD23.2.6)
(April 16, 2009) e-mail from Ellen Valter (CD.New.CD23.2.7)
(April 16, 2009) submission from Nancy Abbey, on behalf of Let's Make Waves (CD.New.CD23.2.8)
(April 16, 2009) letter from Cameron Rothery (CD.New.CD23.2.9)
(April 16, 2009) e-mail from Brigitte Nowak (CD.New.CD23.2.10)
(April 16, 2009) submission from Heidi Wilson, on behalf of Monica Reddon (CD.New.CD23.2.11)
(April 16, 2009) letter from David MacLeod (CD.New.CD23.2.12)
(April 16, 2009) submission from Peter La Mantia (CD.New.CD23.2.13)
(April 16, 2009) e-mail from Sue Oakes (CD.New.CD23.2.14)
(April 17, 2009) e-mail from Sharon Lymer (CD.New.CD23.2.15)
(April 16, 2009) submission from Nancy Abbey (CD.New.CD23.2.16)
(April 16, 2009) submission from Gail Kelly (CD.New.CD23.2.17)
(April 19, 2009) submission from Raquel Cader (CD.New.CD23.2.18)
(April 19, 2009) e-mail from Mirka Macalik (CD.New.CD23.2.19)
(April 19, 2009) submission from Karen Maguire (CD.New.CD23.2.20)
(April 19, 2009) e-mail from Alice Chan (CD.New.CD23.2.21)
(April 20, 2009) submission from Janet Dabrus (CD.New.CD23.2.22)
(April 20, 2009) submission from Livia Hunter (CD.New.CD23.2.23)


(Deferred from February 6, 2009 - 2009.CD22.1)







Ward: All 


Hospital Offload Delay Status Update



Decision Advice and Other Information

The Community Development and Recreation Committee received this item for information.




(January 15, 2009) Report from Chief and General Manager, Toronto EMS




Hospital offload delay refers to the delay in transferring a patient's care from paramedics to the receiving hospital.  The purpose of this report is to update Committee on the current status of hospital offload delay as it affects Toronto EMS and to provide an overview of the recent strategies undertaken by the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (MOHLTC).


Hospital offload delay is the number one operating pressure for Toronto EMS.  Paramedic crews are delayed in emergency departments for extended periods of time, caring for their patients while waiting for an available hospital stretcher.  Toronto EMS in-hospital times have increased from an average of 35 minutes in 2000 to nearly 70 minutes, in April of 2008.  This additional time has had a negative impact on EMS resources available to provide service to the community within appropriate and acceptable time frames.  However, as a result of the offload nurse program, which hospitals began implementing in August 2008, hours lost as a result of offload delays has improved.



Background Information

Hospital Offload Delay Status Update - Staff Report




(January 21, 2009) letter from Councillor Howard Moscoe, Ward 15 - Eglinton-Lawrence (CD.Main.CD23.3.1)
(February 5, 2009) letter from Tom Closson, President and Chief Executive Officer, Ontario Hospital Association (CD.Main.CD23.3.2)






Ward: All 


Appointment to Fill Vacancy on the Advisory Committee on Long-Term Care Homes and Services



Confidential Attachment - Personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees



Committee Recommendations

The Community Development and Recreation Committee recommends that:


1.         City Council approve the appointment of the selected individual listed in a confidential report (February 12, 2009) from the General Manager, Long-Term Care Homes and Services, to the Advisory Committee on Long-Term Care Homes and Services for a period of four years, with the provision for an extension of an additional term, as outlined in the terms of reference.


2,         The appropriate City officials be authorized and directed to take the necessary action to give effect thereto.


3.         City Council authorize the City Clerk to make the appointee’s name public once appointed by City Council.




(February 27, 2009) Letter from Advisory Committee on Long-Term Care Homes and Services




The Advisory Committee on Long-Term Care Homes and Services on February 27, 2009, considered a confidential report (February 12, 2009) from the General Manager, Long-Term Care Homes and Services, entitled "Proposed New Member – Advisory Committee on Long-Term Care Homes and Services" and forwarded its recommendations to the Community Development and Recreation Committee.



Background Information

Letter from Advisory Committee on Long-Term Care Homes and Services






Ward: All 


Cost Effective Ways for Parks, Forestry and Recreation to Finance Capital Projects



Decision Advice and Other Information

The Community Development and Recreation Committee received, for information, the report (March 20, 2009) from the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation.




(March 20, 2009) Report from General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation




The purpose of this report is to provide information on cost effective ways the City of Toronto can finance the construction of new or expanded recreation facilities for multi-sports activities in a single facility and accelerate some of its state-of-good repair projects.


Many municipalities, including the City of Toronto, have been moving to multi-purpose recreation facilities instead of stand alone, single-purpose facilities.  In such facilities, rinks, pools, gymnasiums and tracks may be accommodated in one single building, providing economies of scale in terms of staffing, parking and utilities.


As its infrastructure ages, Parks, Forestry and Recreation has already identified the need to develop and provide multi-use recreation facilities, both through the Capital Plan and through inter-divisional and private partnership opportunities, however, finding suitable sites and financing for these facilities remains an ongoing challenge for the Parks, Forestry and Recreation Division.


The Division will also be exploring infrastructure funding opportunities under the federal government’s newly announced Recreational Infrastructure Canada Fund (RinC) program. The $500 million national fund is scheduled for implementation over two years, starting this spring. At the time of this report, program details for this fund have not been disclosed, including eligibility and application criteria. However, the 2009 Federal Budget notes that the RinC program will be a fifty-fifty cost share initiative, to be administered through regional development agencies.  The Parks, Forestry and Recreation Division will work closely with the City Manager’s Office to explore funding opportunities under this program for priority recreational projects as soon as the federal government puts out a call for proposals.



Background Information

Cost Effective Ways for Parks, Forestry and Recreation Staff Report to Finance Capital Projects - Staff Report






Ward: 11 


Incident at Hollis Resource Child Care Centre, 71 Guestville Avenue



Decision Advice and Other Information

The Community Development and Recreation Committee referred the letter (March 23, 2009) from Councillor Frances Nunziata to the General Manager, Children's Services, for a report to the Community Development and Recreation Committee.




(March 23, 2009) Letter from Councillor Frances Nunziata, Ward 11 - York South-Weston




Councillor Frances Nunziata expressing concerns regarding a recent incident at the Hollis Resource Child Care Centre and recommending that staff submit a report to the Community Development and Recreation Committee.



Background Information

Letter from Councillor Frances Nunziata






Ward: 12 


Board of Management Governance Model for the Operation of 1652 Keele Street Community Alliance



Decision Advice and Other Information

The Community Development and Recreation Committee referred the letter (March 25, 2009) from Councillor Frances Nunziata and Councillor Frank Di Giorgio to the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration, for a report to the Community Development and Recreation Committee.




(March 25, 2009) Letter from Councillor Frances Nunziata, Ward 11 - York South-Weston and Councillor Frank Di Giorgio, Ward 12 - York South-Weston




Councillors Frances Nunziata and Frank Di Giorgio forwarding a recommendation regarding the establishment of a community-based Board of Management governance model for the operation of the community use portion of 1652 Keele Street.



Background Information

Letter from Councillors Frances Nunziata and Frank Di Giorgio






Ward: All 


Ontario Energy Board’s Recent Decision on the Installation of Sub-meters in Residential Rental Units



Decision Advice and Other Information

The Community Development and Recreation Committee referred the letter (March 25, 2009) from the Tenant Defence Sub-Committee to the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration, with the request that he forward a Briefing Note to all Members of Council on this issue.




(March 25, 2009) Letter from Tenant Defence Sub-Committee




The Tenant Defence Sub-Committee on March 25, 2009, discussed the fact that the Ontario Energy Board had recently made a decision on the installation of Sub-meters in residential rental units and forwarded its recommendation to the Community Development and Recreation Committee.



Background Information

Letter from Tenant Defence Sub-Committee on Sub-Meters






Ward: 14 


The Residential Tenancies Act and the Tax Notification Program



Decision Advice and Other Information

The Community Development and Recreation Committee:


1.         referred the letter from the Tenant Defence Sub-Committee to the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration, for a report to the June 11, 2009, meeting of the Community Development and Recreation Committee; and


2.         requested the Acting Treasurer to report to the June 11, 2009, meeting of the Community Development and Recreation Committee with advice on how to provide supports to the tenant population affected by the failure to provide rent reduction notice to Parkdale Pilot Project rooming houses.




(March 25, 2009) Letter from Tenant Defence Sub-Committee




The Tenant Defence Sub-Committee on March 25, 2009, considered a communication (March 16, 2009) from Councillor Gord Perks, Ward 14, Parkdale-High Park, entitled "The Residential Tenancies Act and the Tax Notification Program", and forwarded its recommendation to the Community Development and Recreation Committee.



Background Information

Letter from Tenant Defence Sub-Committee - 50 Rosehill Avenue

Attachment - Letter from Councillor Gord Perks



Notification of rent reductions in Parkdale




(April 8, 2009) Letter from Councillor Gord Perks, Ward 14, Parkdale-High Park




Submitting comments respecting the notification of rent reductions in Parkdale and requesting that staff report back to the May meeting of the Community Development and Recreation Committee on measures that can be taken to support the populations that may have been affected by the failure to send these rent reduction notices.



Background Information

Letter from Councillor Gord Perks, Ward 14, Parkdale-High Park






Ward: 22 


Tenants of 50 Rosehill Avenue – Request for Assistance to Defend Against Landlord’s Court Appeal



Decision Advice and Other Information

The Community Development and Recreation Committee referred the letter (March 25, 2009) from the Tenant Defence Sub-Committee to the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration, for a report to the May 8, 2009, meeting of the Community Development and Recreation Committee.




(March 25, 2009) Letter from Tenant Defence Sub-Committee




The Tenant Defence Sub-Committee on March 25, 2009, considered a communication (March 25, 2009) from Councillor Michael Walker, Ward 22, St. Paul's, entitled "Tenants of 50 Rosehill Avenue - Request for Assistance to Defend Against Landlord's Court Appeal", and forwarded its recommendation to the Community Development and Recreation Committee.



Background Information

Letter from Tenant Defence Sub-Committee re 50 Rosehill Avenue

Attachment - Letter from Councillor Michael Walker






Ward: All 


Mental Health Commission of Canada Research Demonstration Project: Request for Authority to Implement Toronto Site Project and Provide National Streets to Homes Training



Committee Recommendations

The Community Development and Recreation Committee recommends that:


1.         The General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration, in consultation with the City Solicitor, be authorized to enter into a four-year, $0 net  contribution agreement with the Mental Health Commission of Canada to receive funding for certain activities as Service Coordinator of the Toronto Research Demonstration Project in Mental Health and Homelessness.


2.         Once the contribution agreement is in place, the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration, be authorized to enter into agreements with other City divisions, community agencies, private expert individuals and any other agreements which may be required to administer and deliver services in accordance with the terms and conditions of the $0 net contribution agreement.


3.         Once the contribution agreement is in place, the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration, report to Budget Committee on the final budget allocations ($0 net) for the Toronto Research Demonstration Project in Mental Health and Homelessness.


4.         The General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration, in consultation with the City Solicitor, be authorized to enter into such agreements with the Mental Health Commission of Canada as may be required to fulfill its role as National Trainer on the Streets to Homes Intensive Case Management model for all demonstration project sites across Canada.


5.         The General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration, report back to the Community Development and Recreation Committee on the findings of the Toronto Research Demonstration Project in Mental Health and Homelessness in 2013, or as soon as they become available; an interim report for information to be provided in 2011.




(March 30, 2009) Report from General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration




This report advises that a subsequent report will be included on the Supplementary Agenda for the April 16, 2009 meeting of the Community Development and Recreation Committee.  The report will seek approval of a number of recommendations related to a Shelter, Support and Housing Administration (SSHA) joint proposal with the Centre for Research on Inner City Health at St. Michael’s Hospital (CRICH) to undertake a research demonstration project, under a national program of the Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC).



Background Information

Mental Health Commission of Canada Research Demonstration Project - Staff Report



Mental Health Commission of Canada Research Demonstration Project: Request for Authority to Implement Toronto Site Project and Provide National Streets to Homes Training




(April 9, 2009) Report from General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration




Shelter, Support and Housing Administration (SSHA), in partnership with the Centre for Research on Inner City Health at St. Michael’s Hospital (CRICH), has been selected to undertake a four-year, approximately $22,500,000 research demonstration project, under a national program of the Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC), to examine and document the benefits of certain service models on the health and well being of mentally ill homeless individuals (approximately $9.4M will be directed to the providers of support services, about $4M will be directed to CRICH for the research component, and the remaining $9.1M allocated to SSHA).  This report requests certain authorities be granted to permit SSHA to proceed with implementation of the demonstration project.


In addition, the Streets to Homes Unit of SSHA has been requested to support the MHCC as a National Trainer on the Streets to Homes Intensive Case Management (ICM) model for all demonstration project sites across Canada. This report requests certain authorities be granted to permit staff to take on the national trainer role, including entering into an agreement for funding anticipated to be in the range of $400,000 over four years.



Background Information

Mental Health Commission of Canada Research Demonstration Project - Supplementary Staff Report



Meeting Sessions


Session Date

Session Type

Start Time

End Time

Public or Closed Session



9:35 AM

12:35 PM




1:40 PM

4:30 PM






Date and Time



9:35 AM - 12:35 PM
(Public Session)


Present: Ainslie, Augimeri, Davis, Jenkins, Mihevc, Parker
Also present (non-members):Minnan-Wong, Walker, Perks, Saundercook, Nunziata and Stintz

1:40 PM - 4:30 PM
(Public Session)


Present: Ainslie, Augimeri, Davis, Jenkins, Mihevc, Parker
Also present (non-members):Minnan-Wong, Walker, Saundercook, Nunziata and Stintz