City of Toronto Logo Contents

Considered by City Council on
April 29 and 30, 2009

Economic Development Committee

Meeting No. 20   Contact Merle MacDonald, Committee Administrator
Meeting Date Wednesday, April 22, 2009
  Phone 416-392-7340
Start Time 9:30 AM
Location Committee Room 1, City Hall
  Chair   Councillor Kyle Rae  


ED20.3 Agenda for Prosperity – Economic Metrics (Ward: All)

ED20.5 2009 Business Improvement Area Operating Budgets: Report No. 4 (Ward: 11, 20, 22)

ED20.6 Business Improvement Areas (BIA) Board of Management Nominations and Various Additions and Deletions (Ward: 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 22, 25)

ED20.7 Intention to Designate the Baby Point Gates Business Improvement Area (BIA) Poll Request (Ward: 13)

ED20.8 Intention to Expand the St. Clair Gardens Business Improvement Area (BIA) (Ward: 17)

ED20.9 Intention to Rename the Dundas-Bathurst Business Improvement Area (BIA) to the Trinity Bellwoods BIA (Ward: 19)

ED20.10 Toronto Artscape – Multi-Year Agreement (Ward: All)

ED20.11 Use of Nathan Phillips, Metro Hall and Yonge Dundas Squares by the Toronto International Film Festival (Ward: All)

ED20.12 Bloor-Yorkville Business Improvement Area Boundary Amendment (Ward: 27)

City of Toronto Council and Committee Committee Report
City of Toronto Logo Contents

Considered by City Council on
April 29 and 30, 2009

Economic Development Committee

Meeting No. 20   Contact Merle MacDonald, Committee Administrator
Meeting Date Wednesday, April 22, 2009
  Phone 416-392-7340
Start Time 9:30 AM
Location Committee Room 1, City Hall
  Chair   Councillor Kyle Rae  


ED20.3 Agenda for Prosperity – Economic Metrics (Ward: All)

ED20.5 2009 Business Improvement Area Operating Budgets: Report No. 4 (Ward: 11, 20, 22)

ED20.6 Business Improvement Areas (BIA) Board of Management Nominations and Various Additions and Deletions (Ward: 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 22, 25)

ED20.7 Intention to Designate the Baby Point Gates Business Improvement Area (BIA) Poll Request (Ward: 13)

ED20.8 Intention to Expand the St. Clair Gardens Business Improvement Area (BIA) (Ward: 17)

ED20.9 Intention to Rename the Dundas-Bathurst Business Improvement Area (BIA) to the Trinity Bellwoods BIA (Ward: 19)

ED20.10 Toronto Artscape – Multi-Year Agreement (Ward: All)

ED20.11 Use of Nathan Phillips, Metro Hall and Yonge Dundas Squares by the Toronto International Film Festival (Ward: All)

ED20.12 Bloor-Yorkville Business Improvement Area Boundary Amendment (Ward: 27)

City of Toronto Amended Committee Report
City of Toronto Logo Committee Report

Considered by City Council on:
April 29 and 30, 2009

Economic Development Committee

Meeting No. 20   Contact Merle MacDonald, Committee Administrator
Meeting Date Wednesday, April 22, 2009
  Phone 416-392-7340
Start Time 9:30 AM
Location Committee Room 1, City Hall
  Chair   Councillor Kyle Rae  





Ward: All 

Agenda for Prosperity – Economic Metrics
City Council Decision

City Council on April 29 and 30, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council request Statistics Canada through the Federal Minister of Industry to enhance the monthly Labour Force Survey by:


a.         adding a question to identify the municipality in which the respondent works; and


b.         increasing the survey sample size within the Toronto region and other major urban regions to provide more detailed information about the economy.


2.         City Council request the Federal Minister of Industry and Ontario Minister of Economic Development to:


a.         establish a federal, provincial, City table to collaboratively identify key urban economic metrics and improve data collection and dissemination; and


b.         as one of the first steps, establish and conduct, on a regular basis, a 'job vacancy' survey based on data available in major electronic job boards.

Committee Recommendations

The Economic Development Committee recommends that:


1.         City Council request Statistics Canada through the Federal Minister of Industry to enhance the monthly Labour Force Survey by:


a.         adding a question to identify the municipality in which the respondent works; and


b.         increasing the survey sample size within the Toronto region and other major urban regions to provide more detailed information about the economy.


2.         City Council request the Federal Minister of Industry and Ontario Minister of Economic Development to:


a.         establish a federal, provincial, City table to collaboratively identify key urban economic metrics and improve data collection and dissemination; and


b.         as one of the first steps, establish and conduct, on a regular basis, a 'job vacancy' survey based on data available in major electronic job boards.

(April 22, 2009) Report from General Manager, Economic Development, Culture and Tourism

This report responds to City Council’s request for a report on the feasibility of reporting clear and understandable metrics on the City’s economic health on a regular basis.  City staff already prepare reports, summaries and presentations on a wide variety of data, which provide both snapshot and time series perspectives on the City’s and region’s economic health.  Examples of some of these reports are contained in Appendix G.  These and other data, available on the City’s web site and/or distributed electronically, are used by businesses, potential investors, researchers and others.  Staff also undertake special purpose or custom analysis and prepare reports and presentations to support business start-ups, expansions, provide input to the City’s bond rating as well as policy and program development and investment attraction.


Council’s request for regular public reporting of economic metrics is timely and appropriate.  Reporting clear and understandable metrics requires access to accurate, reliable data on an ongoing basis and staff resources to undertake the necessary analysis.  Unfortunately, suitable data are not always available, in part, due to the high cost of collecting and analyzing data for large, complex urban areas; and, in part, due to the economic transformation from a national industrial to a global knowledge-based economy, which requires new data sets to be developed.  For example, there is very limited data about a number of emerging sectors and professions, particularly in the information technology, green and creative industries.  In fact, there is no uniform definition for some sectors and occupations.  There are also limited staff resources.


As a consequence, much of the available data are aggregated geographically (e.g. Toronto Census Metropolitan Area (CMA)) or by issue (e.g. total unemployment rate not unemployment rate by sector).  Data on discrete activities (i.e. for small areas, sectors, individual firms) are expensive to collect and maintain.  The Canadian Census, the most complete demographic and socio-economic survey in Canada, is conducted only every five years.  It is very useful for examining long-term trends and the impact of existing policies and programs, but less helpful for analyzing short-term economic shocks and opportunities.


Notwithstanding the need for new and better data, City staff will report semi-annually (Spring and Fall) using the best available data.  Staff will also continue to seek out new data sources to respond to Council’s questions (e.g. number of businesses created, lost and downsized).  To provide Council with additional information and insights, the metrics and analysis provided by City staff will be supplemented through presentations by invited guest speakers, such as Don Drummond, Senior Vice-President and Chief Economist, TD Financial, and Roger Martin, Dean, Rotman School of Management and Chair or the Ontario Task Force on Competitiveness, Productivity and Economic Progress, who shared their views at Economic Development Committee earlier this year.


The Interdivisional Economic Growth Team has convened an Outcomes and Performance Measures Work Group and will be reviewing our internal data collection and analysis initiatives to look for ways to both improve the quality and reduce costs.  In view of the integrated nature of economic activity and the importance of major urban centres to the economic health of Ontario and Canada, it would also be beneficial to all to establish a federal, provincial, City table to explore better ways to share existing data and develop new data sets.

Background Information (Committee)
Agenda for Prosperity - Economic Metrics

Presentation by Mike Williams, General Manager, Economic Development, Culture and Tourism



Adopted on Consent


Ward: 11, 20, 22 

2009 Business Improvement Area Operating Budgets: Report No. 4
City Council Decision

City Council on April 29 and 30, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council adopt and certify the 2009 expenditure requests and levy requirements of the following Business Improvement Areas:


Business Improvement Area

2009 Expenditure



    2009 Levy

Funds Required


Mount Dennis



Mount Pleasant



Queen Street West




Committee Recommendations

The Economic Development Committee recommends that:


1.         City Council adopt and certify the 2009 expenditure requests and levy requirements of the following Business Improvement Areas:


Business Improvement Area

2009 Expenditure



    2009 Levy

Funds Required


Mount Dennis



Mount Pleasant



Queen Street West




(April 2, 2009) Report from Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer

This report brings forward Business Improvement Area (BIA) annual operating budgets for approval by Council as required by the City of Toronto Act, 2006.  Council approval is required to permit the City to collect funds through the tax levy on behalf of the BIAs.


Complete budgets and supporting documentation received by March 30, 2009, have been reviewed and are reported herein; BIA Operating Budgets received after this date will be brought forward in later reports.  Of the 68 established BIAs, a total of 63 BIA budgets have been approved by City Council to-date; three BIA budgets are submitted for approval in this report; one BIA has yet to submit an operating budget; and one BIA is inactive.


The recommendations reflect 2009 Operating Budgets approved by the respective BIAs’ Boards of Management and have been reviewed by City staff to ensure BIA budgets reflect Council’s approved policies and practices.

Background Information (Committee)
2009 Business Improvement Area Operating Budgets: Report No. 4 and Appendix A and B



Adopted on Consent


Ward: 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 22, 25 

Business Improvement Areas (BIA) Board of Management Nominations and Various Additions and Deletions
City Council Decision

City Council on April 29 and 30, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council establish a Board of Management for the Oakwood Village BIA as set out in Attachment 1 of the report (March 25, 2009) from the General Manager, Economic Development, Culture and Tourism.


2.         City Council approve nominations to the Oakwood Village BIA and additions and deletions to the Junction Gardens and Uptown Yonge BIAs Boards of Management as set out in Attachment 2 of the report.


3.         Schedule A of the Municipal Code Chapter 19, Business Improvement Areas, be amended to include the new Oakwood Village BIA and to reflect changes to the BIA Boards of Management.

Committee Recommendations

The Economic Development Committee recommends that:


1.         City Council establish a Board of Management for the Oakwood Village BIA as set out in Attachment 1 of the report (March 25, 2009) from the General Manager, Economic Development, Culture and Tourism.


2.         City Council approve nominations to the Oakwood Village BIA and additions and deletions to the Junction Gardens and Uptown Yonge BIAs Boards of Management as set out in Attachment 2 of the report.


3.         Schedule A of the Municipal Code Chapter 19, Business Improvement Areas, be amended to include the new Oakwood Village BIA and to reflect changes to the BIA Boards of Management.

(March 25, 2009) Report from General Manager, Economic Development, Culture and Tourism

The purpose of this report is to recommend that Council establish a Board of Management for the Oakwood Village BIA, appoint members to the Board and approve additions and deletions to the Junction Gardens and Uptown Yonge BIA Boards of Management.

Background Information (Committee)
Business Improvement Areas Board of Management Nominations and Various Additions and Deletions



Adopted on Consent


Ward: 13 

Intention to Designate the Baby Point Gates Business Improvement Area (BIA) Poll Request
City Council Decision

City Council on April 29 and 30, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council approve the designation of the area described in Attachment 1 of the report (March 25, 2009) from the General Manager, Economic Development, Culture and Tourism (Maps 1 to 5), as the Baby Point Gates Business Improvement Area (BIA), under Chapter 19 of the City of Toronto Municipal Code.


2.         City Council authorize and direct the City Clerk to send out a notice of Council's intention to pass a by‑law designating the area described in Attachment 1 (Maps 1 to 5) as a Business Improvement Area (BIA), in accordance with Chapter 19 of the City of Toronto Municipal Code.


3.         City Council request the Executive Director of Technical Services to prepare designation by-law maps of the area as described in Attachment 1 (Maps 1 to 5), and submit them to the City Solicitor.

Committee Recommendations

The Economic Development Committee recommends that:


1.         City Council approve the designation of the area described in Attachment 1 of the report (March 25, 2009) from the General Manager, Economic Development, Culture and Tourism (Maps 1 to 5), as the Baby Point Gates Business Improvement Area (BIA), under Chapter 19 of the City of Toronto Municipal Code.


2.         The City Clerk be authorized and directed to send out a notice of Council's intention to pass a by‑law designating the area described in Attachment 1 (Maps 1 to 5) as a Business Improvement Area (BIA), in accordance with Chapter 19 of the City of Toronto Municipal Code.


3.         The Executive Director of Technical Services be requested to prepare designation by-law maps of the area as described in Attachment 1 (Maps 1 to 5), and submit them to the City Solicitor.

(March 25, 2009) Report from General Manager, Economic Development, Culture and Tourism

The purpose of this report is to recommend that the City Clerk conduct a poll to determine if there is sufficient support to designate the properties fronting on Jane Street, between Henley Street and Humberview Road and properties fronting on Annette Street, between Jane Street and Runnymede Road as the Baby Point Gates Business Improvement Area (BIA).


Upon the completion of the poll, the General Manager of Economic Development, Culture and Tourism will report on the results to the Economic Development Committee.  Subject to a positive poll result, staff shall prepare the necessary by-law and bills to give effect thereto.

Background Information (Committee)
Intention to Designate the Baby Point Gates Business Improvement Area Poll Request

Baby Point Gates Business Improvement Area Poll Request - Maps 1 to 5



Adopted on Consent


Ward: 17 

Intention to Expand the St. Clair Gardens Business Improvement Area (BIA)
City Council Decision

City Council on April 29 and 30, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council authorize and direct the City Clerk to send out a notice of Council’s intention to expand the boundary of the St. Clair Gardens Business Improvement Area (BIA) to include the area shown in Attachment 1 of the report (March 26, 2009) from the General Manager, Economic Development, Culture and Tourism, in accordance with Chapter 19 of the City of Toronto Municipal Code.


2.         City Council request the Executive Director of Technical Services to prepare designation by‑law maps of the area, as described in Attachment 1, and submit them to the City Solicitor. 

Committee Recommendations

The Economic Development Committee recommends that:


1.         City Council authorize and direct the City Clerk to send out a notice of Council’s intention to expand the boundary of the St. Clair Gardens Business Improvement Area (BIA) to include the area shown in Attachment 1 of the report (March 26, 2009) from the General Manager, Economic Development, Culture and Tourism, in accordance with Chapter 19 of the City of Toronto Municipal Code.


2.         The Executive Director of Technical Services be requested to prepare designation by‑law maps of the area, as described in Attachment 1, and submit them to the City Solicitor. 

(March 26, 2009) Report from General Manager, Economic Development, Culture and Tourism

The purpose of this report is to recommend that the City Clerk conduct a poll to determine if there is sufficient support to expand the boundaries of the St. Clair Gardens Business Improvement Area (BIA).


Upon the completion of the poll, the General Manager, Economic Development, Culture and Tourism will report on the results to Economic Development Committee.  Subject to a positive poll result, staff shall prepare the necessary by-laws and bills to give effect thereto.

Background Information (Committee)
Intention to Expand St. Clair Gardens BIA, including Maps 1 and 2



Adopted on Consent


Ward: 19 

Intention to Rename the Dundas-Bathurst Business Improvement Area (BIA) to the Trinity Bellwoods BIA
City Council Decision

City Council on April 29 and 30, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council approve renaming the Dundas-Bathurst BIA, as defined by the boundaries described in Attachment 1 of the report (March 25, 2009) from the General Manager, Economic Development, Culture and Tourism, as the Trinity Bellwoods BIA.


2.         Schedule "A" of the Municipal Code, Chapter 19, Business Improvement Areas, be amended to reflect the BIA name change to Trinity Bellwoods BIA.

Committee Recommendations

The Economic Development Committee recommends that:


1.         City Council approve renaming the Dundas-Bathurst BIA, as defined by the boundaries described in Attachment 1 of the report (March 25, 2009) from the General Manager, Economic Development, Culture and Tourism, as the Trinity Bellwoods BIA.


2.         Schedule "A" of the Municipal Code, Chapter 19, Business Improvement Areas, be amended to reflect the BIA name change to Trinity Bellwoods BIA.

(March 25, 2009) Report from General Manager, Economic Development, Culture and Tourism

The purpose of this report is to authorize changing the name of the Dundas-Bathurst  Business Improvement Area (BIA) to the Trinity Bellwoods BIA.

Background Information (Committee)
Intention to Rename Dundas-Bathurst BIA to Trinity Bellwoods BIA

Rename Dundas-Bathurst BIA to Trinity Bellwoods BIA Maps 1 and 2





Ward: All 

Toronto Artscape – Multi-Year Agreement
City Council Decision

City Council on April 29 and 30, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council grant authority to enter into a multi-year agreement with Toronto Artscape Inc., subject to:


a.         The satisfaction of the General Manager, Economic Development, Culture and Tourism, the City Solicitor and the Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer.


b.         The following Terms and Conditions:


i.          Artscape shall use the grant funds for the following programming and administrative activities:


-           development and management of Artscape’s (Toronto-based) portfolio of arts and cultural facilities;


-           proposal development to create and manage affordable artist live/work space;


-           preliminary exploration of cultural facility development; and


-           advice (as the go-to organization) on policy and program development related to creative spaces, places and the economy.


ii.          City funding guidelines as established by Council Policy.


iii.         Artscape shall submit its annual funding request through the General Manager of Economic Development, Culture and Tourism to the Economic Development Committee for review and forwarding through the Budget Process to Council for consideration.


iv.         Artscape shall submit its annual report and financial audit to the General Manager, Economic Development, Culture and Tourism for review.


v.         The agreement shall be for a term of five years.


2.         City Council request the General Manager, Economic Development, Culture and Tourism, to report to the Economic Development Committee with the list of projects that Artscape is initiating in 2009.

Committee Recommendations

The Economic Development Committee recommends that:


1.         City Council grant authority to enter into a multi-year agreement with Toronto Artscape Inc., subject to:


a.         The satisfaction of the General Manager, Economic Development, Culture and Tourism, the City Solicitor and the Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer.


b.         The following Terms and Conditions:


i.          Artscape shall use the grant funds for the following programming and administrative activities:


-           development and management of Artscape’s (Toronto-based) portfolio of arts and cultural facilities;


-           proposal development to create and manage affordable artist live/work space;


-           preliminary exploration of cultural facility development; and


-           advice (as the go-to organization) on policy and program development related to creative spaces, places and the economy.


ii.          City funding guidelines as established by Council Policy.


iii.         Artscape shall submit its annual funding request through the General Manager of Economic Development, Culture and Tourism to the Economic Development Committee for review and forwarding through the Budget Process to Council for consideration.


iv.         Artscape shall submit its annual report and financial audit to the General Manager, Economic Development, Culture and Tourism for review.


v.         The agreement shall be for a term of five years.


Committee Decision Advice and Other Information

The Economic Development Committee referred the following motion by Councillor Hall, on behalf of Councillor Nunziata, to the Board of Directors for Toronto Artscape Inc. for consideration:




1.         In future proposal development as listed in Recommendation 1b.i. of the report (March 30, 2009) from the General Manager, Economic Development, Culture and Tourism, entitled “Toronto Artscape – Multi-Year Agreement”, Artscape focus on the 13 priority neighbourhoods.


2.         Artscape be directed to consult and work with the local Ward Councillor of the area for which projects are being proposed.

(March 30, 2009) Report from General Manager, Economic Development, Culture and Tourism

This report seeks authority for the city to enter into a multi-year agreement with Toronto Artscape Inc. (“Artscape”) in a partnership program of the Community Partnership and Investment Program (CPIP) similar to agreements the City has with other cultural organizations.


Celebrating its 22nd anniversary, Artscape is a not-for-profit enterprise engaged in culture‑led regeneration. Artscape is unique since it and Artspace, located in Minneapolis, Minnesota, are the only two not-for-profit organizations in North America that create, foster and preserve affordable space for artists and arts organizations.  In recent years, Artscape has played a catalytic role in the regeneration of some of Toronto’s most important creative communities including the Distillery Historic District, Queen Street West, Liberty Village and Toronto Island.


The proposed multi-year funding agreement will allow for a structured link between the City and Toronto Artscape.  It will enable planning and service delivery that offers an increased degree of stability, accountability to Council, and sets out the City's terms and conditions for the coming years.  Specific requirements and deliverables from Toronto Artscape will be included in the formal agreement based on the nature of the arts and culture services provided to the City, its residents and visitors to Toronto.


Toronto Artscape is very important to the City.  Entering into a formal agreement is consistent with the Major’s Platform, the Agenda for Prosperity and the supporting document entitled the Creative City Planning Framework.  Such an agreement will assist the City in future collaborations with Artscape.

Background Information (Committee)
Toronto Artscape - Multi-Year Agreement



Adopted on Consent


Ward: All 

Use of Nathan Phillips, Metro Hall and Yonge Dundas Squares by the Toronto International Film Festival
City Council Decision

City Council on April 29 and 30, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council approve the use by the Toronto International Film Festival of a portion of Nathan Phillips Square from May 25, 2009 to September 21, 2009, for one tent, and from August 10 to September 21, 2009 for a second tent.


2.         Staff be directed to work with TIFF to implement, to the greatest extent possible, their request.


3.         Authority be granted to staff to accommodate the TIFF request for 2009 at Nathan Phillips and Metro Hall Squares including permitting activities outside of the routine as long as the decisions do not compromise public safety or existing agreements with other users.


4.         The Municipal Code Chapter 237, “Nathan Phillips Square”, be amended to permit the selling of tickets and merchandise on Nathan Phillips Square.


5.         The Board and staff of Yonge Dundas Square be requested to consider TIFF as a partner, and not just a client, and make all best efforts to minimize fees and charges.

Committee Recommendations

The Economic Development Committee recommends that:


1.         City Council approve the use by the Toronto International Film Festival of a portion of Nathan Phillips Square from May 25, 2009 to September 21, 2009, for one tent, and from August 10 to September 21, 2009 for a second tent.


2.         Staff be directed to work with TIFF to implement, to the greatest extent possible, their request.


3.         Authority be granted to staff to accommodate the TIFF request for 2009 at Nathan Phillips and Metro Hall Squares including permitting activities outside of the routine as long as the decisions do not compromise public safety or existing agreements with other users.


4.         The Municipal Code Chapter 237, “Nathan Phillips Square”, be amended to permit the selling of tickets and merchandise on Nathan Phillips Square.


5.         The Board and staff of Yonge Dundas Square be requested to consider TIFF as a partner, and not just a client, and make all best efforts to minimize fees and charges.

(April 6, 2009) Report from General Manager, Economic Development, Culture and Tourism

Year after year, leading international film festivals around the world establish a City-wide presence that commands local and global attention. Internationally, the Toronto International Film Festival is known simply as “Toronto”. To TIFF the host city is an important part of the fabric of the festival. Filmmakers, journalists, and producers alike praise the unique atmosphere created by our appreciative, savvy, sophisticated audiences.


In 2008 the festival continued to grow with 1,080 screenings on 36 theatre screens, welcoming 3,172 industry delegates and 1,000 members of the international and domestic press. TIFF is interested in building their relationship with the City and working in partnership to showcase the best that Toronto has to offer while the attention of national and international media and film industries is on the City.


For ten days each September all eyes are on Toronto. As the world's largest public film festival TIFF is recognized around the world as a major hub of industry activity each year. Festival films arrive from over 50 countries and are screened in 50 languages. This year's festival the 34th runs from September 10-19 inclusive.


Two of the Festival Group's key goals are to lead the world in building markets and audiences for Canadian works and to build Toronto as a landmark international destination for the moving image. TIFF's industry services and programming, press delegation, Canadian film programming, international film selections, community support, and economic impact make a great contribution at every Festival.


For this year's festival TIFF would like to establish a larger presence to increase the City-wide public impact of the festival by utilizing Nathan Phillips Square (NPS), Metro Hall Square (MHS), and Yonge-Dundas Square (YDS). This request is not standard. It is believed, however, that the plan has merit. It is fully congruent with and will work towards the advancement of the Council approved Agenda for Prosperity. It is also reflective of the circumstance in which TIFF finds itself this year where its new home is still under construction and the real estate market is not receptive to its request for temporary space. Adoption is recommended and at the same time implementation will need thoughtful decision making, careful monitoring and good tracking of outcomes so that any future requests can be reviewed and evaluated based on experience.

Background Information (Committee)
Use of Nathan Phillips, Metro Hall and Yonge Dundas Squares by the Toronto International Film Festival



Adopted on Consent


Ward: 27 

Bloor-Yorkville Business Improvement Area Boundary Amendment
City Council Decision

City Council on April 29 and 30, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council approve the designation of the area described in Attachment 1 of the report (April 6, 2009) from the General Manager, Economic Development, Culture and Tourism, as the amended BloorYorkville Business Improvement Area (BIA), under Chapter 19 of the Toronto Municipal Code.


2.         City Council direct the City Solicitor to submit a by-law to designate the area described in Attachment 1 as a Business Improvement Area.


3.         Schedule A of the Municipal Code Chapter 19, Business Improvement Areas, be amended to reflect the amended boundary of the Bloor‑Yorkville BIA.

Committee Recommendations

The Economic Development Committee recommends that:


1.         City Council approve the designation of the area described in Attachment 1 of the report (April 6, 2009) from the General Manager, Economic Development, Culture and Tourism, as the amended BloorYorkville Business Improvement Area (BIA), under Chapter 19 of the Toronto Municipal Code.


2.         City Council direct the City Solicitor to submit a by-law to designate the area described in Attachment 1 as a Business Improvement Area.


3.         Schedule A of the Municipal Code Chapter 19, Business Improvement Areas, be amended to reflect the amended boundary of the Bloor‑Yorkville BIA.

(April 6, 2009) Report from General Manager, Economic Development, Culture and Tourism

The purpose of this report is to recommend technical amendments to the boundaries of the Bloor-Yorkville Business Improvement Area (BIA) to reflect property consolidations and subdivisions which have resulted in properties and buildings being split by the BIA boundary.  These amendments will ensure that those properties which were previously levied will continue to be levied.  Those properties not previously levied will be excluded from the BIA.

Background Information (Committee)
Bloor-Yorkville Business Improvement Area Boundary Amendment

Submitted Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Councillor Kyle Rae, Chair, Economic Development Committee