City of Toronto Logo Decision Document

Public Works and Infrastructure Committee

Meeting No. 23   Contact Candy Davidovits, Committee Administrator
Meeting Date Wednesday, April 8, 2009
  Phone 416-392-8032
Start Time 9:30 AM
Location Committee Room 1, City Hall
  Chair   Councillor Glenn De Baeremaeker  

The Decision Document is for preliminary reference purposes only.  Please refer to the Committee's Report to City Council or to the Minutes for the official record.


How to Read the Decision Document:

  • Recommendations of the Committee to City Council appear after the item heading.
  • Other action taken by the Committee on its own authority, which does not require Council’s approval, is listed in the decision document under the heading “Decision Advice and Other Information”.
  • Declarations of Interest, if any, appear at the end of an item.


  Minutes Confirmed – Meeting of February 3, 2009







City of Toronto Receives the Canadian Motorcycle Association Government Award
Decision Advice and Other Information

The Public Works and Infrastructure Committee deferred the presentation by the Canadian Motorcycle Association until its next meeting to be held on May 5, 2009.

(January 28, 2009) Letter from Chief Executive Officer, Canadian Motorcycle Association

The Canadian Motorcycle Association (CMA) advising that the Board of Directors has awarded the first CMA Government Award to the City of Toronto in recognition of the enactment of a free parking for motorcycles policy in 2005 and requesting an opportunity to present the award.

Background Information
Letter from Canadian Motorcycle Association

CMA Awards Nomination Information





Ward: All 

3Rs Working Group 2008 Annual Report
Committee Recommendations

The Public Works and Infrastructure Committee recommends that:


1.         City Council amend the 3Rs Working Group Terms of Reference as described in Attachment 1.


2.         Subject to the adoption of Recommendation 1, the General Manager be authorized to enter into amending agreements with the current 3Rs Working Group members, in a form satisfactory to the City Solicitor, to reflect the changes to the Terms of Reference in Recommendation 1 and to reflect the specific term of membership for each current member as set out in Attachment 2.

(March 23, 2009) Report from General Manager, Solid Waste Management Services, and Chair, 3Rs Working Group

The 3Rs Working Group (“3RWG”) Terms of Reference, approved by City Council in November 2007, requires an annual status report submitted jointly with the General Manager of Solid Waste Management Services.  This annual report summarizes the group’s work and activities through 2008, changes to membership and plans for 2009.  This report recommends changes to the 3RWG Terms of Reference regarding rotation schedule, nominating panel composition, and attendance and also recommends the City to enter into amending agreements with the current members of the 3RWG to reflect the change to the Terms of Reference.

Background Information
3Rs Working Group 2008 Annual Report-Staff Report

Attachment 1 - Recommended Changes to 3Rs Working Group Terms of Reference

Attachment 2 - Revised Membership Term of Current Members of 3RWG

(April 8, 2009) presentation from Heather Ducharme, Chair, and Elaine Lepage, Vice Chair, 3Rs Working Group (PW.New.PW23.2.1)





Ward: All 

City Transfer Stations: Loading Services and Fees
Statutory - City of Toronto Act, 2006
Decision Advice and Other Information

The Public Works and Infrastructure Committee recommended to the Budget Committee that:


1.         City Council authorize the General Manager, Solid Waste Management Services to provide waste loading services to the private sector for waste generated within City boundaries and within the Regions of Peel, York and Durham at a rate of $13.00 per tonne, exclusive of G.S.T. beginning May 1, 2009.


2.         Subject to the adoption of Recommendation 1, City Council approve the financial procedures outlined in Attachment 1 and authorize the General Manager to apply these procedures to all customers wishing to utilize the City’s waste loading services.


3.         City Council authorize the General Manager to apply the financial procedures set out in Attachment 1, with any necessary modifications, to all transfer station and Green Lane Landfill customers.


4.         City Council adopt the transfer station fee of $100.00 for the new category of recyclable leaf and yard waste greater than 7.5cm (3”) in diameter shown in Attachment 2.


5.         City Council confirm the revised transfer station fees based on axle weights as shown in Attachment 2.


6.         City Council amend the 2009 Approved Operating Budget for Solid Waste Management Services as indicated in the Financial Impact section of this report.


7.         The General Manager, Solid Waste Management Services ensure that the residual waste received from the private sector under Loading Services and Fees conforms to Landfill Disposal de minimus quantities to encourage waste diversion and report back to the Public Works and Infrastructure Committee in six months on issues of non-compliance.


The Public Works and Infrastructure Committee held a public meeting on April 8, 2009, in accordance with City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 441, Fees and Charges, and notice of the proposed new fee and changes to other Waste Transfer Station Fees was posted on the City’s website for a minimum of 21 days.  No one appeared before the Public Works and Infrastructure Committee.

(March 24, 2009) Report from General Manager, Solid Waste Management Services

The purpose of this report is to seek approval to:


1.         Provide private sector waste collectors and haulers with waste loading services for the transportation and final disposal of their commercially collected waste through the City’s transfer station network and set a fee and payment process for this service.


2.         Implement new transfer station fees and update others.

Background Information
City Transfer Stations: Loading Services and Fees-Staff Report

Attachment 1 - Financial Security Requirements for Waste Loading Customers

Attachment 2 - Transfer Station Fees





Ward: All 

Amendments to Solid Waste Collection By-laws
Committee Recommendations

The Public Works and Infrastructure Committee recommends that:


1.         Council adopt the proposed revisions to Chapter 844, Waste Collection, Residential Properties as found in Appendix “A”;


2.         Council adopt the proposed revisions to Chapter 841, Waste Collection, Commercial Properties as found in Appendix “B”; and


3.         Council direct the City Solicitor to submit the necessary bills to Council to implement the above recommendations.

(March 20, 2009) Report from General Manager, Solid Waste Management Services

This report requests Council’s authority for amendments to Chapters 841, Waste Collection, Commercial Properties and 844, Waste Collection, Residential Properties of the Municipal Code.  These amendments are designed to reflect current Solid Waste Operations, help improve the readability of the Chapters, ensure consistent use of terminology between the Chapters and to clarify the duties and responsibilities of owners, residents and the General Manager under the Chapters.

Background Information
Amendments to Solid Waste Collection By-laws-Staff Report

Appendix A - Proposed Changes to Chapter 844, Waste Collection, Residential

Appendix B - Proposed Minor Changes to Chapter 841, Waste Collection, Commercial





Ward: 2 

Request for Authority to Enter into Crossing Agreements with Oil Pipeline Companies
Committee Recommendations

The Public Works and Infrastructure Committee recommends that:


1.                  The City of Toronto enter into agreements with Enbridge Pipelines Inc., Sarnia Products Pipeline, Sun-Canadian Pipeline and Trans-Northern Pipelines Inc. with Terms and Conditions satisfactory to the Executive Director, Technical Services and in a form satisfactory to the City Solicitor to allow the City’s contractor to install watermains crossing the interprovincial high-pressure oil pipelines as part of the work related to the Irwin Road and Elmhurst Drive Watermain Replacement Project.


2.         The appropriate City officials be authorized and directed to take the necessary action to give effect thereto.

(March 2, 2009) Report from Executive Director, Technical Services

The purpose of this report is to request authority to enter into crossing agreements with oil pipeline companies, specifically Enbridge Pipelines Inc., Sarnia Products Pipeline, Sun-Canadian Pipeline and Trans-Northern Pipelines Inc., to allow the City’s contractor to install watermains crossing the six interprovincial high-pressure oil pipelines on Irwin Road and Elmhurst Drive in Ward 2 - Etobicoke North.

Background Information
Request for Authority to Enter into Crossing Agreements with Oil Pipeline Companies-Staff Report

(Referred from City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009 - MM30.2)




Ward: All 

Number on the Rear of Properties
Decision Advice and Other Information

The Public Works and Infrastructure Committee referred the Member Motion (January 29, 2009) moved by Councillor Moscoe, seconded by Councillor Vaughan, to the Executive Director, Technical Services, for a report to the Public Works and Infrastructure Committee.

(January 29, 2009) Member Motion from City Council

The Toronto Municipal Code requires all homes and buildings in the City of Toronto to display a municipal number.  The City is undertaking measures to ensure that there is universal conformity with this by-law.


There is, however, no requirement to display a municipal number at the rear of a property.  This became a matter of concern during last year's fire on Queen Street West, when firefighters often had difficulty identifying the properties from the rear laneways.


(Submitted to City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009 as MM30.2)

Background Information
Transmitted from City Council - Referral of Member Motion MM30.2

(Referred from City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009 - MM30.11)




Ward: All 

Development Applications - Ensuring Capacity For Snow Clearing Adjacent To Laneways
Decision Advice and Other Information

The Public Works and Infrastructure Committee referred the Member Motion (January 29, 2009) moved by Councillor Moscoe, seconded by Councillor De Baeremaeker, to the Executive Director, Technical Services, for a report to the Public Works and Infrastructure Committee.

(January 29, 2009) Member Motion from City Council

The City of Toronto does not generally clear laneways.  At times new developments are constructed in a manner that makes the clearing of snow difficult and at times impossible. Most of these problems can be resolved with a little foresight.   On new development and site plan applications our evaluation process requires, for example, Public Works to comment on the location of waste and re-cycling bins and permits will not be issued if this item does not comply with City standards. 


 It is my submission that the capacity to remove snow ought to be taken into consideration when a building or complex is being designed.  This will save both the city and the subsequent owners much aggravation after the developer is long gone.


(Submitted to City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009 as MM30.11)

Background Information
Transmitted from City Council - Referral of Member Motion MM30.11





Ward: All 

Sidewalk Clearing
Decision Advice and Other Information

The Public Works and Infrastructure Committee referred the communications from the Toronto Pedestrian Committee, and from Dylan Reid and Councillor Bill Saundercook, Co-Chairs, Toronto Pedestrian Committee, to the General Manager, Transportation Services, for consideration.

(February 17, 2009) Letter from Toronto Pedestrian Committee


The Toronto Pedestrian Committee on February 17, 2009, received a verbal presentation by Peter Noehammer, Director, Transportation Services, regarding sidewalk clearing and forwarded its recommendation to the Public Works and Infrastructure Committee.

Background Information
Letter from Toronto Pedestrian Committee

(April 3, 2009) letter from Dylan Reid, Co-Chair, Toronto Pedestrian Committee (PW.New.PW23.8.1)
(April 8, 2009) letter from Councillor Bill Saundercook, Co-Chair, Toronto Pedestrian Committee  (PW.New.PW23.8.2)





Ward: 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44 

Snow Clearing Update
Decision Advice and Other Information

The Public Works and Infrastructure Committee requested the General Manager, Transportation Services, to:


1.         study and report to the Public Works and Infrastructure Committee on the desirability, legality and impacts of implementing a Scarborough-wide nighttime parking ban during the winter that is consistent with current snow clearing and removal operations, while respecting existing long-term on street parking and policies; and


2.         inform all Councillors of the process for changing parking regulations at Community Councils.


(January 15, 2009) Letter from Scarborough Community Council

The Scarborough Community Council on January 13, 2009, considered a Motion from Councillor De Baeremaeker requesting staff to submit a report regarding snow clearing and overnight street parking policies.

Background Information
Letter from Scarborough Community Council





Ward: All 

Establishment of a Toronto Water Lead Content Mitigation Rebate Program
Committee Recommendations

The Public Works and Infrastructure Committee recommends that:


1.         City Council approve the implementation of a Faucet Filter Rebate Program to assist with the purchase of an NSF/ANSI-053 certified lead filter, including replacement cartridges, that consists of the following:


a.         an annual reimbursement, to a maximum of $100, for residents who are deemed to be ‘at risk’ as a result of meeting certain eligibility criteria as listed in the Implementation Points below; and/or


b.         a one-time reimbursement, to a maximum of $50, for residents who are deemed to be ‘at risk’ as a result of meeting certain eligibility criteria as listed in the Implementation Points below and have had the City-side portion of their water service line that was composed of lead pipe replaced within the past six months.


2.         The combined household income limit for the Faucet Filter Rebate Program be adjusted as the limit of the Water Relief Program changes.


3.         The City Treasurer, in consultation with the General Manager of Toronto Water, investigate options for a voluntary-based loan program to assist homeowners in the replacement of the private side lead service connection and report to the Executive Committee in November 2009.


4.         The General Manager of Toronto Water develop improved communication and notification procedures to give homeowners advanced notice of projects under the Lead Water Service Replacement Program and the Emergency Replacement Program to enable residents to plan and make financial arrangements for private service replacement.


5.         The General Managers of Toronto Water and Transportation Services prepare and forward to all Councillors by June 30, 2009, the plan for lead service replacements in their Wards for the 2009 and 2010 construction seasons and further, the remainder of the 5-year lead service replacement capital plan be completed and forwarded to Councillors as soon as possible.

Decision Advice and Other Information

The Public Works and Infrastructure Committee submitted a copy of the report (March 25, 2009) from the General Manager, Toronto Water, and the Medical Officer of Health to the Board of Health for its information.

(March 25, 2009) Report from General Manager, Toronto Water, and Medical Officer of Health, Toronto Public Health

Recent testing has found some elevated levels of lead in the water supply in homes constructed prior to 1955. Lead in drinking water is considered a health risk for children under the age of six and pregnant women. This report recommends the implementation of a Faucet Filter Rebate Program for residents of this ‘at risk’ group whose combined household income is below $50,000 and has a confirmed lead service (the water line connected to a City’s watermain). The program provides an annual $100 rebate for the purchase of an NSF/ANSI-053 faucet mounted filter certified by the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) to remove lead until the City-side service connection is replaced.


In addition, studies have also shown that when service connections are replaced an increase in lead levels can occur and last up to several months. To reduce this health concern for this period of time, upon completion of the City-side service connection, a one-time rebate of $50 is recommended for the ‘at risk’ group to purchase new cartridges and/or a faucet filter.

Background Information
Establishment of a Toronto Water Lead Content Mitigation Rebate Program-Staff Report

(April 8, 2009) submission from Jack Skupinksi, President, Aquasana Canada (PW.New.PW23.10.1)
(April 8, 2009) submission from Councillor Paula Fletcher, Ward 30 - Toronto-Danforth (PW.New.PW23.10.2)

(Referred from City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009 - MM30.5)
10a Establishment of a Toronto Water "Lead Content Mitigation Subsidy Program"
(January 29, 2009) Member Motion from City Council

Recent reports have underscored the depth and breadth of the lead contamination in Toronto's water supply. Some tests have suggested that literally tens of thousands of Toronto's households may be affected, which poses an ongoing and unacceptable public health risk, particularly to infants and expectant mothers. The creation of a subsidy program, similar to the successful Basement Flooding Prevention Subsidy Program, which grants homeowners funds to initiate measures that mitigate the flooding danger directly and urgently, would help to make Toronto’s tap water safer almost immediately at minimal cost.


There are water filters (NSF/ANSI 53) and other inexpensive measures available which would be ideal to subsidize under such a program, and which will have an immediate impact on the safety of Toronto's drinking water. City Staff estimate that it may take up to 9 years for some lead services to be replaced. Almost a decade is a dangerous and unacceptable amount of time to expect residents to wait for this public health issue to be addressed, especially when innovative ideas like these are available to address the risk very cheaply and quickly.


(Submitted to City Council on January 27 and 28, 2009 as MM30.5)

Background Information
Transmitted from City Council - Referral of Member Motion MM30.5





Ward: All 

Purchase Order Amendment to Contract 47012097, Request for Quotation (RFQ) 6032-06-0194 - Winter Maintenance at various Toronto Fire Services Division Locations
Decision Advice and Other Information

The Public Works and Infrastructure Committee, in accordance with Section 71-11.1.C. of the
City of Toronto Municipal Code (Financial Control By-law), granted authority to increase Contract 47012097 to Lima Gardens & Construction Inc. for Winter Maintenance at various Toronto Fire Services Division locations for the period ending April 15, 2009 by a total estimated amount of $668,000.00 net of GST from $1,958,615.00 net of GST to $2,626,615.00 net of GST and authorized and directed the appropriate officials to take the necessary action to give effect thereto.

(March 17, 2009) Report from Fire Chief and General Manager, Fire Services, and Acting Director, Purchasing and Materials Management Division

The purpose of this report is to request authority to increase the value and to report on the over expenditure against Contract 47012097 for Winter Maintenance at various Toronto Fire Services locations.


The City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 71-11.1.C. (Financial Control By-law), requires that if costs for a commitment exceed the original funding by more than 10 percent and $500,000.00, approval must be obtained from Standing Committee.  As such, ratification of this contract amendment is required by the Public Works and Infrastructure Committee.  The amendments are primarily required due to increased snow maintenance expenditure over the past two years.

Background Information
Purchase Order Amendment to Contract 47012097, Request for Quotation (RFQ) 6032-06-0194-Staff Report





Ward: 44 

Amendment of Purchase Order 6019297 for Additional Professional Engineering Services during Construction for the F.J. Horgan Water Treatment Plant Capacity Expansion to 800 ML/d
Decision Advice and Other Information

The Public Works and Infrastructure Committee, in accordance with Section 71-11.1.C. of the
City of Toronto Municipal Code (Financial Control By-law), amended the purchase order (P.O. 6019297) for professional services with CH2M HILL Canada Limited for services during construction by an additional amount of $2,000,000.00, net of GST, for a revised total of $8,092,151.23, net of GST.

(March 3, 2009) Report from General Manager, Toronto Water, and Acting Director, Purchasing and Materials Management

The purpose of this report is to request the increase of funds for additional professional engineering services during construction for the F.J. Horgan Water Treatment Plant capacity expansion (the “Project”).  The additional engineering services are required for increased site and inspection services during construction and are considered necessary for the effective administration of this Project in a timely manner to meet the water demands anticipated by the continued growth in both the City and the Region of York. 


According to the Financial Control Bylaw, Chapter 71 Section 71.11.1.C, any amendment to a commitment which requires expenditures in excess of $500,000.00 requires approval of Standing Committee prior to making payment. Since the increase exceeds $500,000.00, Standing Committee approval is required.

Background Information
Amendment of Purchase Order 6019297 for Additional Professional Enginering Services-Staff Report

Meeting Sessions
Session Date Session Type Start Time End Time Public or Closed Session
2009-04-08 Morning 9:40 AM 11:55 AM Public
Date and Time Quorum Members
9:40 AM - 11:55 AM
(Public Session)
Present Present: De Baeremaeker, Giambrone, Lee, Palacio, Perks
Not Present: Carroll
Also present (non-members): Davis, Nunziata