City of Toronto Logo Contents

Considered by City Council on
September 30 and October 1, 2009

Striking Committee

Meeting No. 12   Contact Cathrine Regan, Committee Administrator
Meeting Date Thursday, September 17, 2009
  Phone 416-392-6276
Start Time 1:00 PM
Location Committee Room 3, City Hall
  Chair   Deputy Mayor Joe Pantalone  


ST12.1 Proposed 2010 Schedule of Meetings (Ward: All)  

ST12.2 Council Member Appointment to Social Housing Services Corporation Board of Directors (Ward: All)  

City of Toronto Logo Committee Report

Considered by City Council on
September 30, 2009

Striking Committee

Meeting No. 12   Contact Cathrine Regan, Committee Administrator
Meeting Date Thursday, September 17, 2009
  Phone 416-392-6276
Start Time 1:00 PM
Location Committee Room 3, City Hall
  Chair   Deputy Mayor Joe Pantalone  





Ward: All 

Proposed 2010 Schedule of Meetings
City Council Decision

City Council on September 30 and October 1, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council approve the attached 2010 meeting schedule dates (Attachment 1 to the report dated September 11, 2009 from the City Clerk) and that the published schedule serve as notice for these meetings.


2.                  City Council request the City Clerk to distribute the approved schedule to the City’s agencies and special purpose bodies with a request that they:


a.         avoid scheduling meetings, whenever possible, that conflict with the approved schedule; and


b.         avoid scheduling public meetings, forums, public consultations and large‑scale meetings on days of cultural or religious significance as noted in the approved schedule.


3.         City Council request the City Clerk to write to The Federation of Canadian Municipalities to express Council's concern that the FCM Board Meeting scheduled for September 8-11, 2010 is being held on Rosh Hashanah and request that the meeting date be adjusted to avoid September 8 and 9, 2010.

Committee Recommendations

The Striking Committee recommends that:


1.                 City Council approve the attached 2010 meeting schedule dates (Attachment 1) and that the published schedule serve as notice for these meetings.


2.                 The City Clerk distribute the approved schedule to the City’s agencies and special purpose bodies with a request that they:


a.                  avoid scheduling meetings, whenever possible, that conflict with the approved schedule; and


b.                  avoid scheduling public meetings, forums, public consultations and large‑scale meetings on days of cultural or religious significance as noted in the approved schedule.

(September 11, 2009) Report from City Clerk

This report recommends the 2010 meeting schedule for Council and its Committees.  The proposed schedule is guided by established scheduling assumptions and the directions of Council.

Background Information (Committee)
Report (September 11, 2009) from the City Clerk - Proposed 2010 Schedule of Meetings

Attachment 1 - Proposed 2010 Meeting Schedule

Background Information (City Council)
Approved 2010 Meeting Schedule



Adopted on Consent 


Ward: All 

Council Member Appointment to Social Housing Services Corporation Board of Directors
City Council Decision

City Council on September 30 and October 1, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council nominate Mike Feldman for appointment to the Social Housing Services Corporation Board of Directors for a term of office starting January 1, 2010 and ending December 31, 2012.

Committee Recommendations

The Striking Committee recommends that:


1.         City Council nominate Mike Feldman for appointment to the Social Housing Services Corporation Board of Directors for a term of office starting January 1, 2010 and ending December 31, 2012.


Letter from Roger Maloney, Chair, Social Housing Services Corporation, requesting that the

City of Toronto nominate a Member of Council to serve on the Board of Directors.

Background Information (Committee)
Interested Members - Social Housing Services Corporation

Communications (Committee)
(August 21, 2009) Letter from Roger Maloney, Chair, Social Housing Services Corporation  (ST.Main.ST12.2.1)

Submitted Thursday, September 17, 2009
Deputy Mayor Joe Pantalone, Chair, Striking Committee