City of Toronto Logo Minutes

Debenture Committee

Meeting No. 6   Contact Patsy Morris, Committee Administrator
Meeting Date Tuesday, June 29, 2010
  Phone 416-392-9151
Start Time 1:30 PM
Location Committee Room 3, City Hall
  Chair   Mayor David Miller  





Ward: All 

Authority to Issue a Debenture to the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation to Secure Capital Program Funding

Committee Decision

The Debenture Committee adopted the following:


1.         The Debenture Committee approved the issue of a fifteen year amortizing debenture in aggregate principal amount of $42,256,242 to CMHC under the Municipal Infrastructure Lending Program, in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in the Commitment Letters and the Loan Agreement entered into by the Mayor and Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer, and in accordance with the report (June 21, 2010) from the Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer.


2.         The Debenture Committee granted authority for the introduction of the necessary bills to the Debenture Committee to authorize the issue of the debenture described in Recommendation 1 above.


3.         The Debenture Committee authorized the appropriate City officials to take the necessary actions to give effect thereto.

(June 21, 2010) Report from the Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer

This report requests authority to issue a debenture for $42,256,242 to the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) to finance eligible project costs within the City’s 2009 and 2010 Capital Budget through CMHC’s Municipal Infrastructure Lending Program.


This amount is within the Council approved $700 million debt issuance limit for 2010.  If approved, the City will have issued $500 million under this authority so far in 2010.

Background Information
Report (June 21, 2010) from the Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer, headed "Authority to Issue a Debenture to the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation to Secure Capital Program Funding"

1 - Motion to Adopt Item moved by Cam Weldon (Carried)

That the Debenture Committee adopt the staff recommendations contained in the report (June 21, 2010) from the Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer.






Enactment of By-laws

Committee Decision

General Bills

The Debenture Committee enacted By-law No. 760-2010.


Confirmatory Bill

The Debenture Committee passed a Confirmatory Bill as By-law No. 761-2010.


Introduction and consideration of bills for enactment as By-laws.

Background Information
Debenture By-law Index for June 29, 2010.

1 - Motion to Introduce and Pass General Bills moved by Joseph Pennachetti (Carried)

That the Debenture Committee pass and declare as by-law Bill No. 762 prepared for the June 29, 2010 meeting of the Debenture Committee:


Bill No.

By-law No.

Title and Authority



By-laws adopted on June 29, 2010



To authorize the borrowing upon issuance of an instalment debentures in the principal amount of $42,256,242.00 to the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation.


Debenture Committee Item 6.1, as adopted by the Debenture Committee on June 29, 2010 under the delegated authority of Section 30-5 of Chapter 30, Debenture Committee, of the City of Toronto Municipal Code.

Vote (Introduce and Pass General Bills)


Result: Carried Majority Required
Yes: 3 Miller (Chair), Pennachetti, Weldon 
No: 0  
Absent: 1 Carroll 

2 - Motion to Introduce and Pass Confirmatory Bill moved by Joseph Pennachetti (Carried)

That the Debenture Committee pass and declare as a by-law, a confirmatory bill to confirm the legislative proceedings of the Debenture Committee acting under delegated authority at its meeting on June 29, 2010:


Bill No.

By-law No.

Title and Authority



By-laws adopted on June 29, 2010



To confirm the proceedings of the Debenture Committee at its meeting held on the 29th day of June, 2010 as it relates to decisions made under delegated authority.


(This final confirming By-law confirms the actions taken by the Debenture Committee under delegated authority at this meeting, including the enactment of any previous confirming By-laws).


Vote (Introduce and Pass Confirmatory Bill)


Result: Carried Majority Required
Yes: 3 Miller (Chair), Pennachetti, Weldon 
No: 0  
Absent: 1 Carroll 

Procedural Motions
3 - Motion to Adopt Minutes moved by Cam Weldon (Carried)

That the Minutes of the Debenture Committee from Meeting 5 held on April 28, 2010, be confirmed.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Mayor David Miller, Chair, Debenture Committee
Meeting Sessions
Session Date Session Type Start Time End Time Public or Closed Session
2010-06-29 Afternoon 1:33 PM 1:36 PM Public
Members were present for some or all of the time period indicated.
Date and Time Quorum Members
1:33 PM - 1:36 PM
(Public Session)
Present Present: Miller (Chair), Pennachetti, Weldon
Not Present: Carroll