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Considered by City Council on
May 11, 2010
May 12, 2010

Economic Development Committee

Meeting No. 29   Contact Merle MacDonald, Committee Administrator
Meeting Date Thursday, April 22, 2010
  Phone 416-392-7340
Start Time 9:30 AM
Location Committee Room 1, City Hall
  Chair   Councillor Kyle Rae  


ED29.3 Design Exchange (DX) 2010 Annual Grant Review (Ward: All)  

ED29.4 Holiday Shopping (Ward: All)  

ED29.5 Business Improvement Areas (BIAs) Boards of Management - Various Additions and Deletions (Ward: 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 22, 25)  

ED29.6 Emery Village Business Improvement Area (BIA) Expansion Poll Results (Ward: 7)  

ED29.7 Intention to Expand the Mimico Village Business Improvement Area (BIA) (Ward: 6)  

City of Toronto Logo Committee Report

Considered by City Council on
May 11, 2010
May 12, 2010

Economic Development Committee



Adopted on Consent 


Ward: All 

Design Exchange (DX) 2010 Annual Grant Review
City Council Decision

City Council on May 11 and 12, 2010, adopted the following:


1.         City Council approve the Design Exchange’s 2010 grant of $500,000 plus accrued interest as per the terms of the City’s grant agreement with the Design Exchange.


2.         City Council recognize the Design Exchange for its work in promoting the value of design.


3.         City Council request the President and CEO of the Design Exchange, together with a representative of the Design Exchange Board of Directors, to report back to the General Manager of Economic Development and Culture in six months on a concrete strategy to raise funds to offset the expiry of the developer’s grant in 2013, to ensure the long term sustainability of the Design Exchange.

Committee Recommendations

The Economic Development Committee recommends that:


1.         City Council approve the Design Exchange’s 2010 grant of $500,000 plus accrued interest as per the terms of the City’s grant agreement with the Design Exchange.


2.         City Council recognize the Design Exchange for its work in promoting the value of design.


3.         City Council request the President and CEO of the Design Exchange, together with a representative of the Design Exchange Board of Directors, to report back to the General Manager of Economic Development and Culture in six months on a concrete strategy to raise funds to offset the expiry of the developer’s grant in 2013, to ensure the long term sustainability of the Design Exchange.

(April 8, 2010) Report from General Manager, Economic Development and Culture

A development agreement with the TD Centre requires the developer to pay $500,000 per year to the City until 2013 for the purpose of running a design showcase/centre on the site of the former stock exchange.  These funds are placed in a reserve fund to pay the Design Exchange (DX) grant which is revenue neutral to the City.  The DX has requested a grant of $500,000 plus interest, as per the grant agreement, for 2010.  This report recommends that Council approve the 2010 grant to the Design Exchange, and recognize the DX for its work in promoting the value of design.


Given the difficult financial climate, the DX conservatively forecast a surplus before amortization of $10,057 for 2009, as compared to $162,654 in 2008.  Cost control and tight management kept variances to a minimum and the actual surplus was $12,271.  For 2010 the DX has forecast an achievable surplus of $8,946.


The DX is working to identify new sources of funds, including investments from the federal and provincial governments, as well as the private sector, to offset the expiry of the developer’s grant in 2013 and ensure long-term sustainability of the operation.

Background Information (Committee)
Design Exchange (DX) 2010 Annual Grant Review - Staff Report and Attachment 1

Communications (Committee)
(April 22, 2010) Submission from Samantha S. Sannella, President and CEO, Design Exchange (ED.New.ED29.3.1)





Ward: All 

Holiday Shopping
City Council Decision

City Council on May 11 and 12, 2010, referred this Item back to the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture with a request to conduct further public consultation with all stakeholders, including Business Improvement Areas, existing community groups, the Workers Action Centre, Legal Clinics and others who represent employees, and Members of Council, on the issue of holiday shopping for report to the Economic Development Committee in the next term of Council.

Committee Recommendations

The Economic Development Committee recommends that:


1.         City Council allow all retail stores to open or close on Public Holidays including New Year’s Day, Good Friday, Victoria Day, Canada Day, Labour Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, Easter Sunday and Family Day at the discretion of the owner and/or manager.


2.         City Council authorize the City Solicitor to bring forward amendments to Municipal Code Chapter 510, Holiday Shopping to reflect this recommendation.

(March 30, 2010) Report from General Manager, Economic Development and Culture

This report recommends amending Municipal Code Chapter 510 Holiday Shopping to allow all retail stores to open or close on public holidays at the discretion of the owner and/or manager.


The enactment of the City of Toronto Act in 2006 meant that the (Ontario) Retail Business Holidays Act (RBHA) which regulates the operation of retail stores on Public Holidays would no longer apply within the City of Toronto. Consequently, as a temporary measure, City Council adopted a by-law to in essence maintain the status quo until a review of holiday shopping practices in Toronto could be completed.


This review, including extensive research and consultation, was undertaken in 2007 and a staff report submitted to the Economic Development Committee for consideration at its February 20, 2008 meeting.  The Committee’s recommendations were considered by City Council at its meeting on March 3, 4 and 5, 2008. City Council voted to receive the item for information only.  Thus, the status quo remains in effect.


Since that time, the issue of retail closures on public holidays has been raised on numerous occasions by businesses in discussions with City staff.  The Toronto Association of Business Improvement Areas (TABIA), Oxford Properties/Yorkdale Shopping Centre and Sherway Gardens wrote to the City, in January and February 2010 respectively, expressing concern about the “inconsistent, confusing and unfair business climate” created by the current policy framework and asking that Council establish a level playing field for retail operations.


In summary, the inequities in the current policy framework arise from the facts that:


           The requirement for privately owned businesses to close on public holidays applies only to the retail sector.  Employers and employees in all other sectors are permitted to make their own decisions.


           Within the retail sector, subject to compliance with the Employment Standards Act, the (Ontario) Retail Business Holidays Act and the City’s Municipal Code Chapter 510 provide numerous exemptions, including stores selling foodstuffs, tobacco, antiques, handicrafts, gasoline/motor oil, nursery stock, flowers, fresh fruit, books, newspapers, periodicals and art galleries, of less than 2,400 square feet and employing less than four persons; pharmacies less than 7,500 square feet, restaurants, hotels, laundromats and other coin-operated services, automobile and boat rental establishments and service/repair facilities. Movie theatres, casinos, attractions and places of entertainment are also permitted to open on public holidays.


           Within the City of Toronto, several areas (Eaton Centre and Hudson Bay Company Queen Street Store, Downtown Yonge BIA, Bloor-Yorkville, Queen’s Quay Terminal, and The Distillery Historic District, applied for and received tourism area exemptions under the RBHA (prior to the City of Toronto Act).


           Chapter 510 of the Municipal Code does not provide a process for any other areas within the City to apply for an exemption.


           Also within the City, many retail operators are either unaware or choose to disregard the provisions of Chapter 510 and open on public holidays.


           Retail stores in other Ontario municipalities, still subject to the RBHA, have applied for and received exemptions.


           Different areas within the City are subject to different competitive pressures, e.g. Sherway Gardens, Yorkdale, Splendid China, Fairview Mall and other suburban retail areas directly compete with retail operators in surrounding municipalities that have been exempted from provisions of the RBHA.


           British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Yukon Territories, Nunavut, Northwest Territories and most US States permit retailers to make their own choice to open or close on public holidays.


This report recognizes that Toronto is one of the most diverse, multi-cultural cities in the world today and that not everyone experiences holidays in the same way, and recommends that retail businesses, like those in other sectors, be permitted to make their own choice to open or close on public holidays.  In a city the size of Toronto, some individuals will choose to use some public holidays as a day of rest as the best way to improve their quality of life, others will choose to take advantage of additional hours of commerce, or employment at a wage premium, for the same reason.  This report recommends a course of action that respects both choices and provides for a harmonized, fair and equitable regime for operating retail stores on Public Holidays in Toronto.  The right of all employees in all sectors, including retail, to refuse to work on public holidays without repercussion is protected by the (Ontario) Employment Standards Act.

Background Information (Committee)
Holiday Shopping - Staff Report and Attachment 1

Communications (Committee)
(January 18, 2010) Letter from John Kiru, Executive Director, Tabia, Toronto Association of Business Improvement Areas (ED.Main.ED29.4.1)
(February 3, 2010) Letter from Anthony Casalanguida, General Manager, Yorkdale Shopping Centre (ED.Main.ED29.4.2)
(March 8, 2010) Letter from Andy Traynor, General Manager, Sherway Gardens (ED.Main.ED29.4.3)
(April 21, 2010) Letter from Deborah Etsten, Executive Director, Beach BIA (ED.New.ED29.4.4)
(April 20, 2010) E-mail from Bill Carter, Konstant (ED.New.ED29.4.5)
(April 21, 2010) Letter from Larry Perlman (ED.New.ED29.4.6)
(April 21, 2010) Letter from Al Smith, Executive Director, St. Lawrence Market Neighbourhood BIA (ED.New.ED29.4.7)
(April 22, 2010) Letter from Ian Bacque, Toronto Automobile Dealers' Association (ED.New.ED29.4.8)
(April 22, 2010) E-mail from Sinn Yee Chong (ED.New.ED29.4.9)
(April 22, 2010) Submission from Russell Lazar, General Manager, Honest Ed's Ltd. (ED.New.ED29.4.10)
(April 22, 2010) Submission from Shalini Srivastava, Albion Islington Square BIA (ED.New.ED29.4.11)
(April 22, 2010) Submission from Keith Denning, on behalf of Tony Cauch, Chair, Roncesvalles Village BIA (ED.New.ED29.4.12)
Communications (City Council)
(April 29, 2010) Letter from Masum Hossain, Chair, Weston Village Business Improvement Association, submitted by Councillor Kyle Rae, Ward 27, Toronto Centre Rosedale  (CC.Main.ED29.4.13)
(April 27, 2010) Letter from Lorna Dueck, President, Listen Up TV (CC.Main.ED29.4.14)
(April 26, 2010) Letter from Juanita Weller (CC.Main.ED29.4.15)
(May 3, 2010) Letter from David Mirvish, Honest Ed's Limited  (CC.Supp.ED29.4.16)
(May 3, 2010) Letter from Russell Lazar, General Manager, Honest Ed's Limited and Chair, Mirvish Village Business Improvement Area  (CC.Supp.ED29.4.17)
(May 4, 2010) E-mail from Subbu Chintaluri, Manager, Gerrard India Bazaar, submitted by Councillor Kyle Rae, Ward 27, Toronto Centre Rosedale  (CC.Supp.ED29.4.18)
(May 5, 2010) E-mail from Bev Don, Chair, Yonge Lawrence Village Business Improvement Area, submitted by Councillor Kyle Rae, Ward 27, Toronto Centre Rosedale  (CC.Supp.ED29.4.19)
(May 5, 2010) E-mail from Faiza R. Ansari, Senior Manager, Operations, GreekTown on the Danforth Business Improvement Area / Taste of the Danforth, submitted by Councillor Kyle Rae, Ward 27, Toronto Centre Rosedale  (CC.Supp.ED29.4.20)
(May 5, 2010) E-mail from David Mirvish, Honest Ed's Limited, submitted by Councillor Kyle Rae, Ward 27, Toronto Centre Rosedale  (CC.Supp.9ED29.4.21)
(May 5, 2010) E-mail from Connie Lamanna, Chair, Corso Italia Business Improvement Area, submitted by Councillor Kyle Rae, Ward 27, Toronto Centre Rosedale  (CC.Supp.ED29.4.22)
(May 5, 2010) E-mail from John Scheffer, Chair, Lakeshore Village Business Improvement Area, submitted by Councillor Kyle Rae, Ward 27, Toronto Centre Rosedale  (CC.Supp.ED29.4.23)
(May 6, 2010) E-mail from Michael Costantino, Office Co-Ordinator, York-Eglinton Business Improvement Area, submitted by Councillor Kyle Rae, Ward 27, Toronto Centre Rosedale  (CC.Supp.ED29.4.24)
(May 7, 2010) E-mail from Al Smith, Executive Director, St. Lawrence Market Neighbourhood Business Improvement Area, submitted by Councillor Kyle Rae, Ward 27, Toronto Centre Rosedale  (CC.Supp.ED29.4.25)
(May 7, 2010) E-mail from Russell Lazar, General Manager, Honest Ed's Limited and Chair, Mirvish Village Business Improvement Area, submitted by Councillor Kyle Rae, Ward 27, Toronto Centre Rosedale  (CC.Supp.ED29.4.26)
(May 10, 2010) E-mail from Nabeel Haque, Barrister and Solicitor, forwarding a letter from Shalini Srivastava, Manager, Albion Islington Square Business Improvement Area (CC.New.ED29.4.27)
(May 11, 2010) E-mail from Kristen Crawford, Office of Public Relations and Communications, Archdiocese of Toronto, attaching a statement from His Grace, Archbishop Thomas Collins (CC.New.ED29.4.28)
(April 29, 2010) Submission from Catholic Insight Magazine, submitted by Councillor Frances Nunziata, Ward 11, York South-Weston (CC.New.ED29.4.29)
(May 10, 2010) E-mail from Ken Lewenza, National President, CAW - Canada, submitted by Councillor Frances Nunziata, Ward 11, York South-Weston (CC.New.ED29.4.30)
(May 11, 2010) E-mail from Mary-Ellen Tardif-Douglas, Catholic Insight Magazine, submitted by Councillor Frances Nunziata, Ward 11, York South-Weston (CC.New.ED29.4.31)
(May 10, 2010) Fax from Ken Lewenza, President, CAW - Canada, submitted by Councillor Frances Nunziata, Ward 11, York South-Weston (CC.New.ED29.4.32)
(May 11, 2010) Petition from Councillor Raymond Cho, containing the signatures of approximately 368 individuals opposed to holiday shopping (CC.New.ED29.4.33)
Speakers (Committee)

John J. Kiru, Executive Director, Toronto Association of Business Improvement Areas (Submission Filed)
Deborah Etsten, Executive Director, Beach BIA (Submission Filed)
Russell Lazar, General Manager, Honest Ed's and Chair, Mirvish Village BIA (Submission Filed)
Keith Denning, Coordinator, Roncesvalles Village BIA (Submission Filed)
Akeel Jaffer, Pharmacist, Shoppers Drug Mart
Kenny Tan, Shoppers Drug Mart
Larry Perlman (Submission Filed)
Laura Schaefer, Coordinator, Queen Street West BIA
Peter Thoma, Urbanmetrics, on behalf of Oxford Properties
Shalini Srivastava, Manager, Albion Islington Square BIA (Submission Filed)
Al Smith, Executive Director, St. Lawrence Market Neighbourhood BIA (Submission Filed)
Andy Traynor, General Manager, Sherway Gardens (Submission Filed)
Councillor Howard Moscoe, Ward 15, Eglinton-Lawrence
Councillor Giorgio Mammoliti, Ward 7, York West





Ward: 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 22, 25 

Business Improvement Areas (BIAs) Boards of Management - Various Additions and Deletions
City Council Decision

City Council on May 11 and 12, 2010, adopted the following:


1.         City Council approve additions and deletions to the Fairbank Village, Junction Gardens and Uptown Yonge Business Improvement Areas (BIAs) Boards of Management as set out in Attachment 1 of the report (March 22, 2010) from the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture.


2.         City Council amend Schedule A of the Municipal Code Chapter 19, Business Improvement Areas (BIAs), to reflect changes to the BIA Board of Management.

Committee Recommendations

The Economic Development Committee recommends that:


1.         City Council approve additions and deletions to the Fairbank Village, Junction Gardens and Uptown Yonge Business Improvement Areas (BIAs) Boards of Management as set out in Attachment 1 of the report (March 22, 2010) from the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture.


2.         City Council amend Schedule A of the Municipal Code Chapter 19, Business Improvement Areas (BIAs), to reflect changes to the BIA Board of Management.

(March 22, 2010) Report from General Manager, Economic Development and Culture

The purpose of this report is to recommend that Council approve additions and deletions to the Fairbank Village, Junction Gardens and Uptown Yonge Business Improvement Areas (BIAs) Boards of Management.

Background Information (Committee)
Business Improvement Areas (BIAs) Boards of Management - Various Additions and Deletions - Staff Report and Attachment 1



Adopted on Consent 


Ward: 7 

Emery Village Business Improvement Area (BIA) Expansion Poll Results
City Council Decision

City Council on May 11 and 12, 2010, adopted the following:


1.         City Council designate the area described by Attachment 1, and detailed in Attachment 2, of the report (March 22, 2010) from the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture, as the amended Emery Village Business Improvement Area (BIA), under Chapter 19 of the Toronto Municipal Code.


2.         City Council direct the City Solicitor to submit a by-law to designate the area described in Attachment 1, and detailed in Attachment 2, of the report (March 22, 2010) from the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture, as a Business Improvement Area (BIA).


3.         City Council amend Schedule A of the Municipal Code Chapter 19, Business Improvement Areas (BIAs), to reflect the expanded boundary of the Emery Village Business Improvement Area (BIA).


4.         City Council direct the Emery Village Business Improvement Area (BIA) Board of Management to amend its Capital Improvement Master Plan and Streetscape Manual for Landowners to address streetscape improvements, historical identity, branding and other Humber Summit issues.


5.         City Council direct the Emery Village Business Improvement Area (BIA) Board of Management to amend its constitution in accordance with Attachment 3 of the report (March 22, 2010) from the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture, to reflect agreed upon changes addressing Humber Summit concerns.

Committee Recommendations

The Economic Development Committee recommends that:


1.         City Council designate the area described by Attachment 1, and detailed in Attachment 2, of the report (March 22, 2010) from the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture, as the amended Emery Village Business Improvement Area (BIA), under Chapter 19 of the Toronto Municipal Code.


2.         City Council direct the City Solicitor to submit a by-law to designate the area described in Attachment 1, and detailed in Attachment 2, of the report (March 22, 2010) from the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture, as a Business Improvement Area (BIA).


3.         City Council amend Schedule A of the Municipal Code Chapter 19, Business Improvement Areas (BIAs), to reflect the expanded boundary of the Emery Village Business Improvement Area (BIA).


4.         City Council direct the Emery Village Business Improvement Area (BIA) Board of Management to amend its Capital Improvement Master Plan and Streetscape Manual for Landowners to address streetscape improvements, historical identity, branding and other Humber Summit issues.


5.         City Council direct the Emery Village Business Improvement Area (BIA) Board of Management to amend its constitution in accordance with Attachment 3 of the report (March 22, 2010) from the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture, to reflect agreed upon changes addressing Humber Summit concerns.

(March 22, 2010) Report from General Manager, Economic Development and Culture

The purpose of this report is to recommend the expansion of the Emery Village Business Improvement Area (BIA) boundaries and to direct the BIA Board of Management to amend its Streetscape Manual for Landowners, Capital Master Plan and constitution to incorporate the expansion area.

Background Information (Committee)
Emery Village Business Improvement Area (BIA) Expansion Poll Results - Staff Report and Attachments 1-3

Communications (Committee)
(April 21, 2010) Letter from Larry Perlman (ED.New.ED29.6.1)
Speakers (Committee)

Larry Perlman (Submission Filed)
Tim Lambrinos, Chair, Arts and Heritage, Emery Village BIA
Paul Marsala, Terraplan Landscape Architects Inc.
Councillor Giorgio Mammoliti, Ward 7, York West



Adopted on Consent 


Ward: 6 

Intention to Expand the Mimico Village Business Improvement Area (BIA)
City Council Decision

City Council on May 11 and 12, 2010, adopted the following:


1.         City Council authorize and direct the City Clerk to send out a notice of Council’s intention to expand the boundary of the Mimico Village Business Improvement Area (BIA) to include the area shown in Attachment 1 of the report (March 8, 2010) from the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture, in accordance with Chapter 19 of the City of Toronto Municipal Code.


2.         City Council request the Executive Director of Technical Services to prepare designation by-law maps of the area, as described by Attachment 1 of the report (March 8, 2010) from the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture, and submit them to the City Solicitor.

Committee Recommendations

The Economic Development Committee recommends that:


1.         City Council authorize and direct the City Clerk to send out a notice of Council’s intention to expand the boundary of the Mimico Village Business Improvement Area (BIA) to include the area shown in Attachment 1 of the report (March 8, 2010) from the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture, in accordance with Chapter 19 of the City of Toronto Municipal Code.


2.         City Council request the Executive Director of Technical Services to prepare designation by-law maps of the area, as described by Attachment 1 of the report (March 8, 2010) from the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture, and submit them to the City Solicitor.

(March 8, 2010) Report from General Manager, Economic Development and Culture

The purpose of this report is to recommend that the City Clerk conduct a poll to determine if there is sufficient support to expand the boundaries of the Mimico Village Business Improvement Area (BIA).


Upon the completion of the poll, the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture will report on the results to Council.  Subject to a positive poll result, staff shall prepare the necessary by-laws and bills to give effect thereto. 

Background Information (Committee)
Intention to Expand the Mimico Village Business Improvement Area (BIA) - Staff Report and Attachment 1

Submitted Thursday, April 22, 2010
Councillor Kyle Rae, Chair, Economic Development Committee