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Minutes |
Etobicoke York Community Council |
Meeting No. | 33 | Contact | Glenda Jagai, Committee Administrator | |
Meeting Date |
Tuesday, January 12, 2010 |
Phone | 416-394-2516 | |
Start Time |
9:30 AM |
etcc@toronto.ca | ||
Location |
Council Chamber, Etobicoke Civic Centre
Chair | Councillor Frances Nunziata |
EY33.1 | ACTION |
Adopted |
Ward: 5 |
Naming of Extension of Sherway Gardens Road, West of Sherway Gate, as "Sherway Gardens Road" |
Statutory - City of Toronto Act, 2006 |
Committee Recommendations |
Decision Advice and Other Information |
This item was submitted to City Council for its meeting of January 26 and 27, 2010 in error. The authority to approve this item falls under authority delegated to Community Councils such authority having being approved by Etobicoke York Community Council at its meeting of January 12, 2010. Enactment of this by-law will be submitted to the Etobicoke York Community Council meeting of February 9, 2010.
Etobicoke York Community Council held a public meeting in accordance with the City of Toronto Act 2006 and notice of the proposed enactment of the Draft By-law was posted on the Public Notice Page of the City’s website in accordance with the requirements of the City of Toronto Municipal Code, Chapter 162. No one addressed the Etobicoke York Community Council. |
Summary |
To name the existing private road, being the westerly extension of “Sherway Gardens Road”, west of Sherway Gate, as “Sherway Gardens Road”. |
Background Information |
Draft By-law (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-25810.pdf) Notice (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-25811.pdf) March 12, 2006 staff report (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-25812.pdf) EY4.50 Extract (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-25813.pdf) |
Motions |
1 - Motion to Adopt Item moved by Councillor Peter Milczyn (Carried) |
EY33.2 | ACTION |
Adopted |
Ward: 13 |
200 Keele Street, 195 & 203 Oakmount Road – Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments, Consent to Sever, Minor Variances and Rental Housing Demolition and Conversion Applications – Request For Direction/Final Report |
Statutory - City of Toronto Act, 2006 |
Committee Recommendations |
Etobicoke York Community Council recommends that:
1. City Council refuse application No. 08 208726 WET 13 OZ to amend the Zoning By-law and Official Plan, at 200 Keele Street, and 195 and 203 Oakmount Road, and support the decision of the Deputy Secretary-Treasurer of the Etobicoke York District panel Committee of Adjustment to refuse consent to sever the rear portions of 195 and 203 Oakmount Road.
2. City Council refuse application No. 08 208852 WET 00 RH for a permit under Municipal Code Chapter 667 to demolish rental housing at 200 Keele Street.
3. City Council direct the City Solicitor and other appropriate staff to attend, if necessary, at the Ontario Municipal Board, to support City Council’s decision to refuse the Zoning and Official Plan Amendment applications and to support the decision of the Deputy Secretary-Treasurer of the Etobicoke York District panel Committee of Adjustment to refuse consent to sever the rear portions of 195 and 203 Oakmount Road, as represented by the proposal and appeals outlined in the report (December 16, 2009) from the Director, Transportation Services, Etobicoke York District. |
Decision Advice and Other Information |
Etobicoke York Community Council held a public meeting on January 12, 2010 and notice was given in accordance with the City of Toronto Act, 2006, and notice was given in accordance with the requirements of the City of Toronto Municipal Code, Chapter 667. |
Origin |
(December 16, 2009) Report from Director, Community Planning, Etobicoke York District |
Summary |
The applicant’s proposal is to retain 14 of the 15 existing, 3-bedroom rental townhouses at 200 Keele Street, to demolish one such unit and to construct a new townhouse block containing 12 condominium townhouse units plus one rental townhouse unit on the lands comprising all of 200 Keele Street together with the rear portions of 195 and 203 Oakmount Road. The Oakmount lands are proposed to be added through consent applications that were refused and are now under appeal at the Ontario Municipal Board. Vehicle access to both existing and new townhouses is proposed via a non-DIPS compliant private lane from Keele Street. Further, the new townhouse block is proposed to be constructed over lands subject to the City of Toronto Ravine Protection By-law. |
Background Information |
December 16, 2009 staff report (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-25771.pdf) Notice (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-25927.pdf) |
Communications |
(January 1, 2010) Letter from Chris Townsend (EY.Main.EY33.2.1) (January 6, 2010) E-mail from David Hall (EY.Main.EY33.2.2) (January 7, 2010) E-mail from Brandy Dowdall (EY.Main.EY33.2.3) (January 6, 2010) E-mail from Les and Hilde Avila (EY.Main.EY33.2.4) (January 8, 2010) E-mail from Nancy Duez (EY.Main.EY33.2.5) (January 10, 2010) E-mail from Tatyana and Mark Bourke (EY.Main.EY33.2.6) (January 10, 2010) E-mail from Donna and Norm Boychuk (EY.Main.EY33.2.7) (January 10, 2010) E-mail from Silvia Franz (EY.Main.EY33.2.8) (January 10, 2010) E-mail from Frank Attard (EY.Main.EY33.2.9) (January 10, 2010) E-mail from Zoltan Ari (EY.Main.EY33.2.10) (January 11, 2010) E-mail from Lee Lambert (EY.Main.EY33.2.11) (January 11, 2010) E-mail from Brian and Brenda O'Farrell (EY.Main.EY33.2.12) (January 11, 2010) E-mail from Roseanne Suokas (EY.Main.EY33.2.13) (January 11, 2010) E-mail from Davide Wencer (EY.Main.EY33.2.14) (January 11, 2010) E-mail from Joumana Zeeb (EY.Main.EY33.2.15) |
Speakers |
Nancy Duez |
Motions | ||||||||||||
1 - Motion to Adopt Item moved by Councillor Bill Saundercook (Carried)
EY33.3 | ACTION |
Amended |
Ward: 2 |
720 Humberwood Boulevard Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision Applications – December 15, 2009 Supplementary Report |
Statutory - Planning Act, RSO 1990 |
Committee Recommendations |
Etobicoke York Community Council recommends that:
1. City Council amend Zoning By-law 1989-78 substantially in accordance with the draft Zoning By-law Amendment, attached as Attachment 2 to the report (December 15, 2009) from the Director, Community Planning, Etobicoke York District.
2. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to make such stylistic and technical changes to the draft Zoning By-law Amendment as may be required.
3. Before introducing the necessary Bills to City Council for enactment, require the owner to enter into a legal agreement under Section 37 of the Planning Act to secure funds in the amount of $53, 250.00 toward the construction of a surface parking lot related to Indian Line Park.
4. In accordance with the delegated approval under By-law 229-2000, City Council be advised that the Chief Planner may approve the Draft Plan of Subdivision, as generally illustrated on Attachment 1 subject to:
a. the conditions, provided Attachment 3, which must be fulfilled prior to the release of the Draft Plan of Subdivision for registration;
b. any such revisions to the Draft Plan of Subdivision or any such additional or modified conditions as the Chief Planner may deem to be appropriate to address matters arising from the on-going technical review of this development; and
c. the approval of the Draft Plan of Subdivision not being issued until the Zoning By-law is in full force and effect. |
Decision Advice and Other Information |
The Etobicoke York Community Council held a statutory public meeting on September 15, 2009, which was continued on November 10, 2009, and continued on January 12, 2010 and notice was given in accordance with the Planning Act. |
Origin |
(December 15, 2009) Report from Director, Community Planning, Etobicoke York District |
Summary |
A Final Report (August 27, 2009) recommending approval of an application to permit 82 townhouse units was before Community Council on September 15, 2009. The report was deferred to the meeting of November 10, 2009, to allow the applicant to submit a proposal for 40 to 50 single-family dwelling units. |
Background Information |
December 15, 2009 supplementary report (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-25660.pdf) |
Communications |
(August 26, 2009) Letter from Elisabeth Gladkowski (EY.Main.EY33.3.1) (August 31, 2009) Fax from Ann Costa (EY.Main.EY33.3.2) (September 6, 2009) E-mail from Dil Alvi (EY.Main.EY33.3.3) (September 8, 2009) E-mail from Raj Sharma (EY.Main.EY33.3.4) (September 15, 2009) E-mail from Wayne Weir (EY.Main.EY33.3.5) (October 20, 2009) E-mail from Stephen F. Waque (EY.Main.EY33.3.6) (January 10, 2010) E-mail from Raj Sharma (EY.Main.EY33.3.7) |
Motions |
1 - Motion to Amend Item moved by Councillor Rob Ford (Carried) That Etobicoke York Community Council:
1. Amend Recommendation 3 in the report (December 15, 2009) from the Director, Community Planning, Etobicoke York District, to read as follows:
“3. Before introducing the necessary Bills to City Council for enactment, require the owner to enter into a legal agreement under Section 37 of the Planning Act to secure funds in the amount of $53, 250.00 toward the construction of a surface parking lot related to Indian Line Park.” 2 - Motion to Adopt Item as Amended moved by Councillor Rob Ford (Carried) |
3a | 720 Humberwood Boulevard - Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision Applications – August 27, 2009 Final Report |
Origin |
(August 27, 2009) Report from Director, Community Planning, Etobicoke York District |
Summary |
The applications propose 82 freehold townhouse units at 720 Humberwood Boulevard.
The proposal implements the Apartment Neighbourhood objectives of the Official Plan and is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement and the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe requirements for the accommodation of residential growth. |
Background Information |
August 27, 2009 report (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-25373.pdf) Attachment 6 (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-25370.pdf) Attachment 7 (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-25371.pdf) Notice (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-25372.pdf) EY29.41 Extract (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-25369.pdf) |
Communications |
(August 26, 2009) Letter from Elisabeth Gladkowski (EY.Main.EY29.41.1) (August 31, 2009) Fax from Ann Costa (EY.Main.EY29.41.2) (September 6, 2009) E-mail from Dil Alvi (EY.Main.EY29.41.3) (September 8, 2009) E-mail from Raj Sharma (EY.Main.EY29.41.4) (September 15, 2009) E-mail from Wayne Weir (EY.Supp.EY29.41.5) (October 20, 2009) E-mail from Stephen F. Waque (EY.Main.EY31.15.6) |
Speakers |
(September 15, 2009) Stephen Waque, Solicitor for the applicant |
3b | 720 Humberwood Boulevard - Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision Applications – October 23, 2009 Supplementary Report |
Origin |
(October 23, 2009) Report from Director, Community Planning, Etobicoke York District |
Summary |
This report provides additional background information related to the previous subdivision approvals related to this property. |
Background Information |
October 23, 2009 Supplementary report (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-25661.pdf) August 27, 2009 report (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-25662.pdf) EY31.15 Extract (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-25665.pdf) |
EY33.4 | ACTION |
Deferred |
Delegated |
Ward: 2 |
Fence Exemption Request for 3 Kinloss Road |
Committee Decision |
Etobicoke York Community Council:
1. Deferred consideration of the report (October 16, 2009) from the Manager, Municipal Licensing and Standards, Etobicoke York District, to its February 9, 2010 meeting. |
Origin |
(October 16, 2009) Report from District Manager, Municipal Licensing and Standards |
Summary |
This report is in regard to an application for a fence exemption to the Toronto Municipal Code, Chapter 447 - Fences whereby the property owner is applying to maintain existing board on board fencing in the front yard that is in violation of the Fence By-law. |
Background Information |
October 16, 2009 report (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-25367.pdf) EY31.7 Extract (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-25666.pdf) |
Speakers |
Tom Kabouris |
Motions |
1 - Motion to Defer Item moved by Councillor Suzan Hall (Carried) That Etobicoke York Community Council:
1. Defer consideration of the report (October 16, 2009) from the Manager, Municipal Licensing and Standards, Etobicoke York District, to its February 9, 2010 meeting. |
EY33.5 | ACTION |
Deferred |
Delegated |
Ward: 3 |
Application for Fence Exemption - 40 Old Burnhamthorpe Road |
Committee Decision |
Etobicoke York Community Council:
1. Deferred consideration of the report (October 15, 2009) from the Manager, Municipal Licensing and Standards, Etobicoke York District, to its February 9, 2010 meeting. |
Origin |
(October 15, 2009) Report from Manager, Municipal Licensing and Standards |
Summary |
This staff report is in response to an application for a Fence Exemption to erect a 2.1 metres high chain link fence and gates, equipped with 3 strands of barbed wires on top, mounted on metal brackets inclined outwards at a 60 degrees angle from horizontal, along the north, east and west side of the property municipally known as 40 Old Burnhamthorpe Road.
Background Information |
October 15, 2009 report (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-25368.pdf) EY31.8 Extract (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-25667.pdf) |
Communications |
(January 8, 2010) Letter from Ben and Sherrill Enright (EY.Main.EY33.5.1) (January 11, 2010) E-mail from Antonia Giannone (EY.Main.EY33.5.2) |
Speakers |
Bruce Erskine |
Motions |
1 - Motion to Defer Item moved by Councillor Doug Holyday (Carried) That Etobicoke York Community Council:
1. Defer consideration of the report (October 15, 2009) from the Manager, Municipal Licensing and Standards, Etobicoke York District, to its February 9, 2010 meeting. |
EY33.6 | ACTION |
Deferred |
Delegated |
Ward: 4 |
Fence Exemption Request for 156 Wincott Drive |
Committee Decision |
Etobicoke York Community Council:
1. Deferred consideration of the report (December 11, 2009) from the Manager, Municipal Licensing and Standards, Etobicoke York District) to its February 9, 2010 meeting.
2. Directed that the owner of 156 Wincott Drive be given two options:
a. remove the appropriate number of cedars so that it is no longer considered a fence; or
b. decrease and maintain the height of the cedars to no more than 1.2 metres and allow the cedar closest to the house to grow to its full size.
3. Directed that either option be done in compliance with Municipal Licensing and Standards, in consultation with Urban Forestry, as required.
4. Directed that the owner of 156 Wincott Drive be required to make a decision no later than the next meeting of the Etobicoke York Community Council on February 9, 2010.
Origin |
(December 11, 2009) Report from District Manager, Municipal Licensing and Standards |
Summary |
This report is in regard to an application for a fence exemption to the Toronto Municipal Code, Chapter 447 - Fences whereby the property owner at 156 Wincott Drive is applying to maintain an existing set of trees and shrubs forming fencing in the front yard that is in violation of the Fence By-law. |
Background Information |
December 11, 2009 staff report (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-25645.pdf) |
Communications |
(January 8, 2010) E-mail from Matt Jerome (EY.Main.EY33.6.1) (January 11, 2010) E-mail from Karen Boniface (EY.Main.EY33.6.2) (January 11, 2010) E-mail from Sharon Bradley (EY.Main.EY33.6.3) (January 12, 2010) E-mail from Janet Harrison (EY.Main.EY33.6.4) |
Speakers |
Douglas Smith |
Motions |
1 - Motion to Defer Item moved by Councillor Gloria Lindsay Luby (Carried) That Etobicoke York Community Council:
1. Defer consideration of the report (December 11, 2009) from the Manager, Municipal Licensing and Standards, Etobicoke York District) to its February 9, 2010 meeting.
2. Direct that the owner of 156 Wincott Drive be given two options:
a. remove the appropriate number of cedars so that it is no longer considered a fence; or
b. decrease and maintain the height of the cedars to no more than 1.2 metres and allow the cedar closest to the house to grow to its full size.
3. Direct that either option be done in compliance with Municipal Licensing and Standards, in consultation with Urban Forestry, as required.
4. Direct that the owner of 156 Wincott Drive be required to make a decision no later than the next meeting of the Etobicoke York Community Council on February 9, 2010. |
EY33.7 | ACTION |
Amended |
Delegated |
Ward: 5 |
Application for Fence Exemption - 44 Fairlin Drive |
Committee Decision |
Etobicoke York Community Council:
1. Approved the variance to Toronto Municipal Code, Chapter 447, Fences, for 44 Fairlin Drive, subject to the following conditions:
a. The tempered glass fence, guards and gates shall be installed in accordance with the Manufacturer’s and Engineer’s specification.
b. All gates shall be self-closing and self-latching, and provided with a latching device installed on the pool side, over the top of the gate, to the latch on the pool side.
c. The perimeter iron fencing and horizontal wood slat fencing shall be constructed and maintained in a manner that they are not climbable.
d. The pool enclosure as well as the landscaped garden shall be constructed in accordance with the Toronto Municipal Code, Chapter 447, Fences, and the Ontario Building Code.
e. The existing temporary fence shall remain in place when the pool is filled with water, until the Fence Exemption is approved and the fence enclosure completed and inspected in accordance with Toronto Municipal Code, Chapter 447, Fences.
Origin |
(December 8, 2009) Report from District Manager, Municipal Licensing and Standards |
Summary |
This report is in response to an application made by the owner of the property at 44 Fairlin Drive for a fence exemption to install a 1.37 metre high iron fence with tempered glass inserts on the deck and stairs, which separate the main floor of the house from the swimming pool area at the rear of the property. |
Background Information |
December 8, 2009 staff report (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-25677.pdf) |
Speakers |
Rick Dresher |
Motions |
1 - Motion to Amend Item moved by Councillor Peter Milczyn (Carried) That Etobicoke York Community Council:
1. Approve the variance to Toronto Municipal Code, Chapter 447, Fences, for 44 Fairlin Drive, subject to the following conditions:
a. The tempered glass fence, guards and gates shall be installed in accordance with the Manufacturer’s and Engineer’s specification.
b. All gates shall be self-closing and self-latching, and provided with a latching device installed on the pool side, over the top of the gate, to the latch on the pool side.
c. The perimeter iron fencing and horizontal wood slat fencing shall be constructed and maintained in a manner that they are not climbable.
d. The pool enclosure as well as the landscaped garden shall be constructed in accordance with the Toronto Municipal Code, Chapter 447, Fences, and the Ontario Building Code.
e. The existing temporary fence shall remain in place when the pool is filled with water, until the Fence Exemption is approved and the fence enclosure completed and inspected in accordance with Toronto Municipal Code, Chapter 447, Fences. |
EY33.8 | ACTION |
Amended |
Ward: 4 |
46 Hunting Ridge – Private Tree Removal |
Committee Recommendations |
Etobicoke York Community Council recommends that:
1. City Council approve the removal of one (1) privately-owned tree at 46 Hunting Ridge, to be replaced with three (3) 50 mm. diameter trees to the satisfaction of Urban Forestry Services. |
Origin |
(November 23, 2009) Report from Director, Urban Forestry, Parks, Forestry and Recreation |
Summary |
The report requests City Council’s authority to deny the request to remove a privately-owned tree, located in the rear yard of 46 Hunting Ridge. The property owner is concerned that this tree may fall and cause damage to persons or property.
An inspection of the tree by staff revealed that the tree is in fair to good condition. The owner is of the opinion that this tree’s lean toward the house poses a hazard to people and property. With proper care and maintenance, the tree should continue to provide benefits to the community for years to come. Urban Forestry cannot support the removal of an existing healthy tree when maintenance options exist that would allow it to be retained in a healthy state. |
Background Information |
November 23, 2009 staff report (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-25571.pdf) |
Speakers |
Mark Swarzc |
Motions | ||||||||||||
1 - Motion to Amend Item moved by Councillor Rob Ford (Carried) That Etobicoke York Community Council recommends that:
1. City Council approve the removal of one (1) privately-owned tree at 46 Hunting Ridge, to be replaced with three (3) 50 mm. diameter trees to the satisfaction of Urban Forestry Services.
2 - Motion to Amend Item (Additional) moved by Councillor Giorgio Mammoliti (Carried) Councillor Giorgio Mammoliti further amended the motion from Councillor Rob Ford, by adding the words, “to be replaced with three (3) 50 mm. diameter trees to the satisfaction of Urban Forestry Services”, so the motion now reads:
“Etobicoke York Community Council recommends that:
1. City Council approve the removal of one (1) privately-owned tree at 46 Hunting Ridge, to be replaced with three (3) 50 mm. diameter trees to the satisfaction of Urban Forestry Services.” |
EY33.9 | ACTION |
Deferred |
Ward: 6 |
41 Long Branch Avenue – City Tree Removal |
Committee Decision |
Etobicoke York Community Council:
1. Deferred the report (December 10, 2009) from the Director, Urban Forestry, Parks, Forestry and Recreation, to its February 9, 2010 meeting. |
Origin |
(December 10, 2009) Report from Director, Urban Forestry, Parks, Forestry and Recreation |
Summary |
This report requests that Council confirm the decision of the General Manager of Parks, Forestry and Recreation to deny the request for permission to remove a healthy City-owned, red oak tree.
Background Information |
December 10, 2009 staff report (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-25636.pdf) |
Communications |
(January 11, 2010) E-mail from Anton Kikas (EY.Main.EY33.9.1) |
Motions |
1 - Motion to Defer Item moved by Councillor Mark Grimes (Carried) That Etobicoke York Community Council:
1. Defer the report (December 10, 2009) from the Director, Urban Forestry, Parks, Forestry and Recreation, to its February 9, 2010 meeting. |
EY33.10 | ACTION |
Without Recs |
Ward: 5 |
Driveway Widths and On-Street Parking Issues on Dalesford Road, Gala Lane and Mendota Road at Berkley Developments Townhouse Site |
Committee Recommendations |
Etobicoke York Community Council:
1. Submits the report (October 23, 2009) from the Director, Community Planning, Etobicoke York District and the Director, Transportation Services, Etobicoke York District, without recommendation, in that all motions moved lost. |
Origin |
(October 23, 2009) Report from Director, Community Planning, Etobicoke York District Director, Transportation Services, Etobicoke York District |
Summary |
This report addresses a request made by the Etobicoke York Community Council at its meeting of October 13, 2009 for the Directors of Community Planning and Transportation Services, Etobicoke York District to report to the November 10, 2009 Etobicoke York Community Council meeting on matters of driveway widths for townhouse units with double garages and on-street parking issues on Mendota Road, Gala Lane and Dalesford Road as they relate to the subject site. |
Background Information |
October 23, 2009 report (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-25374.pdf) EY30.30 Extract (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-25375.pdf) EY31.20 Extract (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-25668.pdf) |
Motions | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 - Motion to Amend Item moved by Councillor Peter Milczyn (Lost) That Etobicoke York Community Council:
1. Direct the Director, Community Planning, Etobicoke York District to initiate an amendment to the site specific By-law to allow for driveway widths of up to 8.0 metres, measured at the curb line, for driveways leading to two townhouse units, and such other amendments to the By-law that would give effect thereto.
2 - Motion to Receive Item moved by Councillor Doug Holyday (Lost) That Etobicoke York Community Council:
1. Receive the report (October 23, 2009) from the Director, Community Planning, Etobicoke York District, and Director, Transportation Services, Etobicoke York District, for information.
EY33.11 | ACTION |
Deferred |
Delegated |
Ward: 5 |
Sign Variance Report - 5322 Dundas Street West |
Committee Decision |
Etobicoke York Community Council:
1. Deferred consideration of the report (October 20, 2009) from the Director and Chief Building Official, Etobicoke York District, to its February 9, 2010 meeting. |
Origin |
(October 20, 2009) Report from Director and Deputy Chief Building Official |
Summary |
Toronto Building received a request for approval of variance from Chapter 215, Signs, of the former City of Etobicoke Municipal Code from Isabella Cerelli with Pride Signs Ltd., for the owners of Obelysk Inc., attention Kevin Salsberg, to install one First Party Illuminated Ground Sign for "Royal Bank of Canada" at 5322 Dundas Street West. |
Background Information |
October 20, 2009 report (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-25376.pdf) EY31.21 Extract (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-25669.pdf) |
Motions |
1 - Motion to Defer Item moved by Councillor Peter Milczyn (Carried) That Etobicoke York Community Council:
1. Defer consideration of the report (October 20, 2009) from the Director and Chief Building Official, Etobicoke York District, to its February 9, 2010 meeting. |
EY33.12 | ACTION |
Adopted |
Delegated |
Ward: 5 |
Sign Variance Report - 16 Queen Elizabeth Boulevard |
Committee Decision |
Etobicoke York Community Council:
1. Denied the variance from Article 1 of Chapter 693, Signs, of the Toronto Municipal Code, at 16 Queen Elizabeth Boulevard. |
Origin |
(December 15, 2009) Report from Director and Deputy Chief Building Official |
Summary |
Toronto Building received a Request for Approval of Variance from Article 1 of Chapter 693, Signs, of the Toronto Municipal Code, from Mr. Wallace John Whistance-Smith, President of 2047276 Ontario Inc., owner of the property at 16 Queen Elizabeth Boulevard. The request is to convert the existing third party trivision roof top billboard sign to an electronic digital LED sign. |
Background Information |
December 15, 2009 staff report (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-25829.pdf) |
Communications |
(January 7, 2010) E-mail from Margaret Clark (EY.Main.EY33.12.1) |
Speakers |
Sylvia Aiello |
Motions | ||||||||||||
1 - Motion to Adopt Item moved by Councillor Peter Milczyn (Carried) That Etobicoke York Community Council:
1. Deny the variance from Article 1 of Chapter 693, Signs, of the Toronto Municipal Code, at 16 Queen Elizabeth Boulevard.
2 - Motion to Amend Item (Additional) moved by Councillor Rob Ford (Redundant) Etobicoke York Community Council:
1. Approve variance from Article 1 of Chapter 693, Signs, of the Toronto Municipal Code, at 16 Queen Elizabeth Boulevard. |
EY33.13 | ACTION |
Amended |
Delegated |
Ward: 6 |
Sign Variance Report - 2150 Lake Shore Boulevard West |
Committee Decision |
Etobicoke York Community Council:
1. Approved the variance from Chapter 215, Signs, of the former City of Etobicoke Municipal Code, at 2150 Lake Shore Boulevard West. |
Origin |
(October 27, 2009) Report from Director and Deputy Chief Building Official |
Summary |
Request for approval of variance from Chapter 215, Signs, of the former City of Etobicoke Municipal Code to install a double faced third party electronic LED ground sign that has 4.27m x 14.6m (14 ft x 48 ft) digital screens for sign faces on the north end of the property with the signs facing the Gadiner Expressway at 2150 Lake Shore Blvd W. |
Background Information |
October 27, 2009 staff report (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-25808.pdf) |
Speakers |
Chris Korwin-Kuczynski, Pattison Outdoor |
Motions | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 - Motion to Refer Item moved by Councillor Mark Grimes (Lost) That Etobicoke York Community Council:
1. Refer the report (October 27, 2009) from the Director and Deputy Chief Building Official to the Director and Deputy Chief Building Official to report to its April 27, 2010 meeting on the transition process for sign variance applications, submitted prior to the new Sign By-law taking effect.
2 - Motion to Amend Item moved by Councillor Giorgio Mammoliti (Carried) Etobicoke York Community Council:
1. Approved the variance from Chapter 215, Signs, of the former City of Etobicoke Municipal Code, at 2150 Lake Shore Boulevard West.
EY33.14 | ACTION |
Amended |
Delegated |
Ward: 12 |
Sign Variance Report - CN Rail Lands at Lawrence Avenue West and Caledonia Road |
Committee Decision |
Etobicoke York Community Council:
1. Approved the variance from the former City of North York Sign By-law 30788, subject to the following conditions:
a. Allvision be required to remove the current third party sign located approximately 20 metres to the east of the site, on the same side of the street and on the same railway corridor.
b. Time be provided for the City of Toronto and/or the immediate community to use for community messages, Ambler Alerts, etc.
c. Static images be allowed to change every 5 to 10 seconds.
d. Video, scrolling, full motion or animation not be permitted uses, only static digital images be permitted.
e. This technology shall allow for the digital board to automatically adjust itself to control any ambient high levels.
f. Payment of any annual licensing fee be made as required, including those that will be required under the new City-wide harmonized By-law. |
Origin |
(December 16, 2009) Report from Director and Deputy Chief Building Official |
Summary |
Request for approval of variances from the former City of North York Sign By-law No 30788 to erect a new double sided illuminated third party ground sign having digital faces of different sizes that will project static messages every 6 seconds. Sign will be located on CN Rail Lands at Lawrence Ave W and Caledonia Rd.
Background Information |
December 16, 2009 staff report (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-25809.pdf) |
Motions | ||||||||||||
1 - Motion to Amend Item moved by Councillor Frank Di Giorgio (Carried) That Etobicoke York Community Council:
1. Approve the variance from the former City of North York Sign By-law 30788, subject to the following conditions:
a. Allvision be required to remove the current third party sign located approximately 20 metres to the east of the site, on the same side of the street and on the same railway corridor.
b. Time be provided for the City of Toronto and/or the immediate community to use for community messages, Ambler Alerts, etc.
c. Static images be allowed to change every 5 to 10 seconds.
d. Video, scrolling, full motion or animation not be permitted uses, only static digital images be permitted.
e. This technology shall allow for the digital board to automatically adjust itself to control any ambient high levels.
f. Payment of any annual licensing fee be made as required, including those that will be required under the new City-wide harmonized By-law.
EY33.15 | ACTION |
Adopted |
Delegated |
Ward: 5 |
Front Yard and Flankage Yard Encroachment Agreement 17 Montgomery Road |
Committee Decision |
Etobicoke York Community Council:
1. Approved the following modified application for a front yard and flankage yard encroachment, at 17 Montgomery Road:
a. The City Solicitor be authorized to prepare an Encroachment Agreement for the proposed encroachments on the Montgomery Road and White Oak Boulevard right of way.
b. The applicant pay all fees associated with the preparation of this agreement and pay an annual fee of $11.00, (plus G.S.T.), per square metre for the encroachment area; all fees are subject to change.
c. The signed agreement is to be returned to the City along with the required Certificated of Insurance, evidencing a third party bodily injury and property damage insurance in the amount of Two Million Dollars, ($2,000,000.00), or such other and greater amount as the City may require, and naming the City of Toronto as an additional insured party under the policy.
d. The Certificate of Insurance shall be renewed and a copy thereof submitted to Municipal Licensing and Standards on an annual basis for the life of the encroachments.
e. Construction plans are to be forwarded to Toronto Buildings for review and issuing of a Building permit for all work requiring a permit.
f. Toronto Hydro has given a conditional clearance based on the following conditions:
1. Mandatory requirement for a locate to pinpoint the location of this underground cable. Hydro may – on demand – request to see such a location report for that cable on the public allowance.
2. The homeowners’ landscapes shall ensure no portion of the landscaping within the public allowance shall exceed 500 millimetres in depth.
3. Should Hydro be required at any time in the future to service or replace this direct-buried cable’s public allowance segment, Hydro, while taking all prudent measures, cannot be required to return any disrupted elements of this landscaping to their ideal original state.
g. Urban Forestry Services, have requested the following conditions:
1. The owner shall employ the services of a qualified arborist by Urban Forestry Services, to remove the existing 47 centimetre diameter pear tree on the Montgomery Road street allowance and replant a new red tree to align with the existing oak trees, at her own expense.
2. Prior to commencement of work, the owner shall construct tree protection hoarding as described in the Arborist Report and attached Tree Preservation Plan prepared by Shady Lane Expert Tree Care dated June 12, 2009, (Attachments 3- 6).
3. The owner shall pay Urban Forestry Services a deposit, to be held for two years following replanting, for protection and replacement tree planting, in the amount of $3, 513.00, while understanding that such deposit is a reduced amount and does not represent the full value of all City-owned trees on site, and that the owner will be held liable for the full amount should damage or injury occur.
4. The work shall be carried out in accordance with a contractor’s agreement prescribed by Urban Forestry Services, and include all necessary hoarding and other means of protection to the public, as well as temporary traffic diversion with application for any required permit for such work as approved by Transportation Services, during the course of work.
5. All work shall be completed in 90 days upon approval by the Etobicoke York Community Council. |
Origin |
(December 8, 2009) Report from District Manager, Municipal Licensing and Standards |
Summary |
To report on an application submitted by Ms. Helen Vorster, Architect, on behalf of the owner of the property at 17 Montgomery Road, for an Encroachment Agreement to construct items within the road allowance, including a new landscaped terrace with path to White Oak Boulevard and a new decorative iron fence with light pole at west side of property with an encroaching area of 80 square metres. |
Background Information |
December 8, 2009 staff report (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-25646.pdf) |
Motions |
1 - Motion to Adopt Item moved by Councillor Peter Milczyn (Carried) |
EY33.16 | ACTION |
Adopted |
Delegated |
Ward: 6 |
Application for Fence Exemption - 2635 Lake Shore Boulevard West |
Committee Decision |
Etobicoke York Community Council:
1. Approved the application for a fence exemption at 2635 Lake Shore Boulevard West, subject to:
a. The height of the iron fence and gate within the front yard private property being restricted to the height of 1.81 metres approved by the fence encroachment application in the report (December 14, 2009, EY33.17) from the Manager, Municipal Licensing and Standards, Etobicoke York District. |
Origin |
(December 15, 2009) Report from District Manager, Municipal Licensing and Standards |
Summary |
This report is in response to an application made by the owner of the property for a fence exemption to maintain an existing 1.81 metre high iron fence and gates, fronting 2635 Lake Shore Boulevard West. In addition, this report should be considered in conjunction with the report before Etobicoke York Community Council for an encroachment agreement for a portion of fence within the right of way at the same property. |
Background Information |
December 15, 2009 staff report (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-25700.pdf) |
Motions |
1 - Motion to Adopt Item moved by Councillor Mark Grimes (Carried) |
EY33.17 | ACTION |
Adopted |
Delegated |
Ward: 6 |
Application for Encroachment Agreement 2635 Lake Shore Boulevard West |
Committee Decision |
Etobicoke York Community Council:
1. Approved the application to maintain the encroachment of an existing 1.81 metre iron fence and gate within the road allowance, at 2635 Lake Shore Boulevard West, subject to the following conditions:
a. The City Solicitor to be authorized to prepare an Encroachment Agreement for the encroachments.
b. The owner to enter into an Encroachment Agreement with the City of Toronto and pay all fees associated with the preparation of the Agreement.
c. The signed agreement to be returned to the City along with the required Certificate of Insurance, evidencing a third party bodily injury and property damage insurance in the amount of $2,000,000.00 or such other coverage or greater amount as the City may require, and naming the City of Toronto as an additional insured party under the policy.
d. The Certificate of Insurance to be renewed on an annual basis for the life of the encroachment. |
Origin |
(December 14, 2009) Report from District Manager, Municipal Licensing and Standards |
Summary |
This report is in regard to an application submitted by the owner of the property at 2635 Lake Shore Boulevard West, for an Encroachment Agreement to maintain the encroachment of an existing 1.81 metre high iron fence and gate that encroaches onto the public right of way at a maximum distance of approximately 0.8 metres. In addition, this report should be considered in conjunction with the report before Etobicoke York Community Council for a fence exemption at the same property. |
Background Information |
December 14, 2009 staff report (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-25701.pdf) |
Motions |
1 - Motion to Adopt Item moved by Councillor Mark Grimes (Carried) |
EY33.18 | ACTION |
Adopted |
Delegated |
Ward: 17 |
Application for Encroachment Agreement - 7 Thornton Avenue |
Committee Decision |
Etobicoke York Community Council:
1. Approved the application to maintain the encroachments within the road allowance, at 7 Thornton Avenue, subject to the following conditions:
a. The City Solicitor be authorized to prepare an Encroachment Agreement for the encroachments.
b. The owner to enter into an Encroachment Agreement with the City of Toronto and pay all fees associated with the preparation of the Agreement; should annual fees be charged in future, the owner shall be responsible for payment of these fees.
c. The signed agreement to be returned to the City along with the required Certificate of Insurance, evidencing a third party bodily injury and property damage insurance in the amount of $2,000,000.00 or such other coverage or greater amount as the City may require, and naming the City of Toronto as an additional insured party under the policy.
d. The Certificate of Insurance to be renewed on an annual basis for the life of the encroachment.
e. The owner complies with the regulations set out in the former City of Toronto Municipal Code, Chapter 313.
f. The owner to obtain all necessary construction/street occupation permit(s) for any work done on the road allowance. |
Origin |
(December 10, 2009) Report from District Manager, Municipal Licensing and Standards |
Summary |
This report is in regard to an application submitted by the owner of the property at 7 Thornton Avenue for an Encroachment Agreement to install and maintain the encroachment of pre-cast concrete stairs with guard and roof overhang including gutters occupying an area of 6.08 square metres. |
Background Information |
December 10, 2009 staff report (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-25678.pdf) |
Motions |
1 - Motion to Adopt Item moved by Councillor Cesar Palacio (Carried) |
EY33.19 | ACTION |
Adopted |
Delegated |
Ward: 3 |
Sign Variance Report - 295 The West Mall |
Committee Decision |
Etobicoke York Community Council:
1. Approved the variance from Chapter 215, Signs, of the former City of Etobiocke Municipal Code, at 295 The West Mall, subject to the following conditions:
a. The request for variances be approved for the reasons outlined in this report.
b. The applicant be advised, upon approval of variances, of the requirement to obtain the necessary sign permit.
c. The MTO (Ministry of Transportation) approval will need to be submitted at the time of permit application. |
Origin |
(December 15, 2009) Report from Director and Deputy Chief Building Official |
Summary |
Request for approval of variance from Chapter 215, Signs, of the former City of Etobicoke Municipal Code for the installation of (2) firstparty illuminated fascia sign for "Investors Group" that will consist of a logo and individual channel letters. The signage is to replace existing "Investors Group" signs on the north and south elevations of the buildings penthouse at 295 The West Mall. |
Background Information |
December 15, 2009 staff report (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-25807.pdf) |
Motions |
1 - Motion to Adopt Item moved by Councillor Doug Holyday (Carried) |
EY33.20 | ACTION |
Adopted |
Delegated |
Ward: 4 |
Sign Variance Report - 415 The Westway |
Committee Decision |
Etobicoke York Community Council:
1. Approved the variance from Chapter 215, Signs, of the former City of Etobiocke Municipal Code, at 415 The Westway, subject to the following conditions:
a. The request for variances be approved for the reasons outlined in this report.
b. The applicant be advised, upon approval of variances, of the requirement to obtain the necessary sign permit. |
Origin |
(December 15, 2009) Report from Director and Deputy Chief Building Official |
Summary |
Request for approval of variance from Chapter 215, Signs, of the former City of Etobicoke Municipal Code to install 6 additional first party illuminated wall signs for "Shoppers Drug Mart". The additional signs to be located as follows one on the north and five on the west elevation at 415 The Westway. |
Background Information |
December 15, 2009 staff report (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-25926.pdf) |
Motions |
1 - Motion to Adopt Item moved by Councillor Gloria Lindsay Luby (Carried) |
EY33.21 | ACTION |
Adopted |
Ward: 5 |
19 Chauncey Avenue – Zoning Amendment Application - Preliminary Report |
Committee Decision |
Etobicoke York Community Council directed that:
1. City Planning schedule a community consultation meeting together with the Ward Councillor for the Zoning Amendment Application for 19 Chauncey Avenue.
2. Notice for the community consultation meeting be given to landowners and residents within 120 metres of the site.
3. Notice for the public meeting under the Planning Act be given according to the regulations under the Planning Act.
Origin |
(December 14, 2009) Report from Director, Community Planning, Etobicoke York District |
Summary |
This application proposes to amend the former City of Etobicoke Zoning Code (Site-Specific By-law 1992-203) from Industrial Class 1 – IC1 (restricted to woodworking use only) to Industrial Class 1 (general) at 19 Chauncey Avenue. No changes are proposed to the existing building. |
Background Information |
December 14, 2009 staff report (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-25652.pdf) |
Motions |
1 - Motion to Adopt Item moved by Councillor Peter Milczyn (Carried) |
EY33.22 | ACTION |
Adopted |
Ward: 11 |
2062 - 2070 Weston Road - Zoning Amendment - Preliminary Report |
Committee Decision |
Etobicoke York Community Council directed that:
1. City Planning schedule a community consultation meeting together with the Ward Councillor for the Zoning Amendment Application for 2062 – 2070 Weston Road.
2. Notice for the community consultation meeting be given to landowners and residents within an expanded area beyond 120 metres of the site to be determined in consultation with the Ward Councillor, and the cost of the expanded notification to be at the owner’s expense.
3. Notice for the public meeting under the Planning Act be given according to the regulations under the Planning Act.
Origin |
(December 16, 2009) Report from Director, Community Planning, Etobicoke York District |
Summary |
This application proposes to amend the former City of York Zoning By-law 1-83 to permit a 21-storey mixed-use residential and commercial building, comprised of an 8-storey podium and 13-storey tower element at 2062 to 2070 Weston Road. |
Background Information |
December 16, 2009 staff report (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-25773.pdf) |
Motions |
1 - Motion to Adopt Item moved by Councillor Frances Nunziata (Carried) |
EY33.23 | ACTION |
Adopted |
Delegated |
Ward: 1 |
Panorama Court - Parking Regulation Amendments |
Committee Decision |
Etobicoke York Community Council:
1. Approved rescinding the “No Parking, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday” prohibition on the south side of Panorama Court, between a point 45 metres east of Kipling Avenue, and a point 183 metres east thereof.
2. Approved enacting a “No Parking, 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.” prohibition on the south side of Panorama Court, between a point 45 metres east of Kipling Avenue, and a point 183 metres further east. |
Origin |
(November 30, 2009) Report from Director, Transportation Services - Etobicoke York District |
Summary |
The purpose of this report is to replace the existing “No Parking, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday” prohibition on a portion of the south side of Panorama Court with “No Parking, 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.” in front of the former Father Henry Carr School. |
Background Information |
November 30, 2009 staff report (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-25654.pdf) Attachment (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-25655.pdf) |
Motions |
1 - Motion to Adopt Item moved by Councillor Suzan Hall (Carried) |
EY33.24 | ACTION |
Deferred |
Delegated |
Ward: 2 |
Burrard Road and Caulfield Road – All-Way Stop Control |
Committee Decision |
Etobicoke York Community Council:
1. Deferred consideration of the report (October 16, 2009) from the Director, Transportation services, Etobicoke York District to its February 9, 2010 meeting. |
Origin |
(October 16, 2009) Report from Director, Transportation Services - Etobicoke York District |
Summary |
The purpose of this report is to present the results of an investigation for the installation of an all-way stop control at the intersection of Burrard Road and Caulfield Road. A staff assessment has determined that the criteria for the installation of an all-way stop for this location have not been achieved. Specifically, the minimum warrant requirements are not met at this intersection due to the low traffic volumes entering from the minor streets and the good safety record. |
Background Information |
September 16, 2009 report (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-25382.pdf) Attachment (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-25383.pdf) EY31.24 Extract (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-25671.pdf) |
Motions |
1 - Motion to Adopt Item moved by Councillor Suzan Hall (Carried) 2 - Motion to Re-open Delegated Item moved by Councillor Suzan Hall (Carried) 3 - Motion to Defer Item moved by Councillor Rob Ford (Carried) Etobicoke York Community Council:
1. Deferred consideration of the report (October 16, 2009) from the Director, Transportation services, Etobicoke York District to its February 9, 2010 meeting. |
EY33.25 | ACTION |
Adopted |
Delegated |
Ward: 4 |
Redgrave Drive – Speed Limit Amendment |
Committee Decision |
Etobicoke York Community Council:
1. Approved rescinding the existing 40 km/h speed limit on Redgrave Drive between Martin Grove Road and Clarion Road.
2. Approved enacting a 40 km/h speed limit on Redgrave Drive between Martin Grove Road (north intersection) and Martin Grove Road (south intersection), as the requirements of the 40 km/h Speed Limit Warrant are achieved. |
Origin |
(November 30, 2009) Report from Director, Transportation Services - Etobicoke York District |
Summary |
The purpose of this report is to obtain approval to reduce the speed limit on Redgrave Drive, between Clarion Road and Martin Grove Road (south intersection). |
Background Information |
November 30, 2009 staff report (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-25742.pdf) Attachment (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-25743.pdf) |
Motions |
1 - Motion to Adopt Item moved by Councillor Gloria Lindsay Luby (Carried) |
EY33.26 | ACTION |
Adopted |
Delegated |
Ward: 4 |
Lavington Drive and Ludstone Drive – Speed Limit Amendments |
Committee Decision |
Etobicoke York Community Council:
1. Approved rescinding the existing 40 km/h speed limit on Ludstone Drive, between Celestine Drive and Arkley Crescent.
2. Approved enacting a 40 km/h speed limit on Ludstone Drive, between Celestine Drive and Lavington Drive, as the requirements of the 40 km/h Speed Limit Warrant are achieved.
3. Approved enacting a 40 km/h speed limit on Lavington Drive, between Celestine Drive and Martin Grove Road, as the requirements of the 40 km/h Speed Limit Warrant are achieved. |
Origin |
(November 30, 2009) Report from Director, Transportation Services - Etobicoke York District |
Summary |
The purpose of this report is to obtain approval to reduce the speed limit on Lavington Drive and on Ludstone Drive. |
Background Information |
November 30, 2009 staff report (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-25736.pdf) Attachment (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-25737.pdf) |
Motions |
1 - Motion to Adopt Item moved by Councillor Gloria Lindsay Luby (Carried) |
EY33.27 | ACTION |
Adopted |
Delegated |
Ward: 4 |
Sabrina Drive – Parking Regulation Amendments |
Committee Decision |
Etobicoke York Community Council:
1. Approved enacting a “No Parking Anytime” regulation on the north side of Sabrina Drive between Celestine Drive and a point 30 metres west of Celestine Drive. |
Origin |
(November 27, 2009) Report from Director, Transportation Services - Etobicoke York District |
Summary |
The purpose of this report is to request approval to implement a “No Parking Anytime” regulation on the north side of Sabrina Drive, from Celestine Drive to a point 30 metres west of Celestine Drive. |
Background Information |
November 27, 2009 report (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-25656.pdf) Attachment (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-25657.pdf) |
Motions |
1 - Motion to Adopt Item moved by Councillor Gloria Lindsay Luby (Carried) |
EY33.28 | ACTION |
Adopted |
Delegated |
Ward: 5 |
Green Lanes – U-Turn Prohibition |
Committee Decision |
Etobicoke York Community Council:
1. Approved a “No U-Turn Anytime” prohibition for southbound traffic on Green Lanes between Bloor Street West and a point 10 metres south of Fieldway Road. |
Origin |
(December 2, 2009) Report from Director, Transportation Services - Etobicoke York District |
Summary |
The purpose of this report is to propose installing a U-turn prohibition for southbound traffic on Green Lanes, between Bloor Street West and Fieldway Road. |
Background Information |
December 2, 2009 staff report (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-25744.pdf) Attachment (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-25745.pdf) |
Communications |
(January 11, 2010) E-mail from Resident (EY.Main.EY33.28.1) |
Motions |
1 - Motion to Adopt Item moved by Councillor Peter Milczyn (Carried)
EY33.29 | ACTION |
Deferred |
Ward: 5 |
Islington Avenue and Advance Road – Traffic Control Signals |
Committee Decision |
Etobicoke York Community Council:
1. Deferred consideration of the report (October 8, 2009) from the Director, Transportation Services, Etobicoke York District, to its February 9, 2010 meeting.
Origin |
(October 8, 2009) Report from Director, Transportation Services - Etobicoke York District |
Summary |
The purpose of this report is to obtain approval for the installation of traffic control signals at the intersection of Islington Avenue and Advance Road.
The installation of traffic control signals is justified as the Traffic Control Signal Warrant requirements are achieved. The installation of traffic control signals will provide safe and convenient access for vehicles and pedestrians, and will not compromise the integrity of the arterial road network. |
Background Information |
October 8, 2009 staff report (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-25634.pdf) Attachment (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-25635.pdf) |
Motions |
1 - Motion to Defer Item moved by Councillor Peter Milczyn (Carried) That Etobicoke York Community Council:
1. Defer consideration of the report (October 8, 2009) from the Manager, Municipal Licensing and Standards, Etobicoke York District, to its February 9, 2010 meeting. |
EY33.30 | ACTION |
Amended |
Delegated |
Ward: 5 |
21 Old Mill Road – Encroachment Agreement |
Committee Decision |
Etobicoke York Community Council:
1. Approved the encroachment of a pedestrian walkway located beneath the Old Mill Road right-of-way, subject to the following conditions:
a. The applicant entering into an encroachment agreement with the City of Toronto.
b. The applicant’s encroachment subject to the applicant maintaining the encroachment in a state of good repair and free of graffiti, snow and ice.
c. The City Solicitor preparing an encroachment agreement at the applicant’s expense and to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor.
d. The applicant pays a one-time encroachment fee of $2,090.00, in lieu of the annual rental fee currently specified by the former City of Etobicoke encroachment policy.
e. Authorizing and directing the appropriate City officials to take the necessary action to give effect thereto, including the introduction in Council of any bills that maybe required.
f. The encroachment agreement for the Old Mill right-of-way shall be for a five (5) year term only, and shall be extended only if deemed appropriate by the Etobicoke York Community Council. |
Origin |
(October 20, 2009) Report from Director, Transportation Services - Etobicoke York District |
Summary |
The purpose of this report is to obtain Etobicoke York Community Council approval to legalize an existing 41.8 square metre encroachment beneath the Old Mill Road right-of-way that consists of an existing pedestrian walkway. The applicant also requests that Etobicoke York Community Council accept a one-time encroachment fee payment equivalent to five years of annual rental fees. |
Background Information |
October 20, 2009 report (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-25384.pdf) Attachments (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-25385.pdf) EY31.28 Extract (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-25672.pdf) |
Motions |
1 - Motion to Amend Item moved by Councillor Peter Milczyn (Carried) That Etobicoke York Community Council:
1. Amend Recommendation 1d., to read as follows:
“1d. The applicant pays a one-time encroachment fee of $2,090.00, in lieu of the annual rental fee currently specified by the former City of Etobicoke encroachment policy.”
2. Add the following new Recommendation 1f., to read as follows:
“1f. The encroachment agreement for the Old Mill right-of-way shall be for a five (5) year term only, and shall be extended only if deemed appropriate by the Etobicoke York Community Council.” |
30a | 21 Old Mill Road – Encroachment Agreement – Heritage Review |
Origin |
(December 14, 2009) Report from Director, Policy & Research, City Planning Division |
Summary |
The purpose of this report is to provide heritage staff comment and information with respect to the legalization of an existing 41.8 square metre encroachment beneath the Old Mill Road right-of-way that currently consists of a pedestrian walkway. The encroachment lands are adjacent to two protected heritage properties, the Old Mill Ruins and the Old Mill Bridge. |
Background Information |
December 14, 2009 staff report (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-25680.pdf) |
EY33.31 | ACTION |
Adopted |
Delegated |
Ward: 6 |
Ramsgate Road - Parking Regulation Amendment |
Committee Decision |
Etobicoke York Community Council:
1. Approved rescinding the “No Parking, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday to Friday” regulation on both sides of Ramsgate Road between Twenty Third Street and Twenty Fifth Street.
2. Approved enacting a “No Parking, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Monday to Friday” regulation on both sides of Ramsgate Road between Twenty Third Street and Twenty Fifth Street.
Origin |
(December 11, 2009) Report from Director, Transportation Services, Etobicoke York District |
Summary |
The purpose of this report is to receive approval to change the existing “No Parking, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday to Friday” regulation to “No Parking, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Monday to Friday” on both sides of Ramsgate Road. |
Background Information |
December 11, 2009 staff report (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-25675.pdf) Attachment (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-25676.pdf) |
Motions |
1 - Motion to Adopt Item moved by Councillor Mark Grimes (Carried) |
EY33.32 | ACTION |
Adopted |
Delegated |
Ward: 7 |
Hathor Crescent – Parking Regulation Amendments |
Committee Decision |
Etobicoke York Community Council:
1. Approved rescinding the “No Stopping, 12:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m.” regulation on both sides of Hathor Crescent, between Rowntree Mill Road (west intersection) and Rowntree Mill Road (east intersection).
Origin |
(November 13, 2009) Report from Director, Transportation Services - Etobicoke York District |
Summary |
The purpose of this report is to obtain approval for removing the “No Stopping, 12:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m.” regulation on Hathor Crescent.
Background Information |
November 13, 2009 staff report (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-25658.pdf) Attachment (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-25659.pdf) |
Motions |
1 - Motion to Adopt Item moved by Councillor Giorgio Mammoliti (Carried) |
EY33.33 | ACTION |
Adopted |
Delegated |
Ward: 7 |
Jody Avenue - Parking Regulation Amendments |
Committee Decision |
Etobicoke York Community Council:
1. Approved enacting a “No Parking Anytime” prohibition on the south side of Jody Avenue, between a point 88 metres east of Oakdale Road, and a point 55 metres further east.
Origin |
(November 27, 2009) Report from Director, Transportation Services - Etobicoke York District |
Summary |
The purpose of this report is to propose installing a “No Parking Anytime” regulation on the south side of Jody Avenue, between a point 88 metres east of Oakdale Road, and a point 55 metres further east. |
Background Information |
November 27, 2009 staff report (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-25673.pdf) Attachment (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-25674.pdf) |
Motions |
1 - Motion to Adopt Item moved by Councillor Giorgio Mammoliti (Carried) |
EY33.34 | ACTION |
Deferred |
Delegated |
Ward: 11 |
Emmett Avenue – Pedestrian Crossing Protection |
Committee Decision |
Etobicoke York Community Council:
1. Deferred consideration of the report (December 2, 2009) from the Director, Transportation Services, Etobicoke York District, to its February 9, 2010 meeting.
Origin |
(December 2, 2009) Report from Director, Transportation Services - Etobicoke York District |
Summary |
The purpose of this report is to provide the results of an assessment for the need to install a pedestrian crossover on Emmett Avenue, in the vicinity of York Humber High School, at 100 Emmett Avenue. |
Background Information |
December 2, 2009 staff report (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-25747.pdf) Attachment (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-25748.pdf) |
Speakers |
Mike Moumouris |
Motions |
1 - Motion to Defer Item moved by Councillor Frances Nunziata (Carried) That Etobicoke York Community Council:
1. Defer consideration of the report (December 2, 2009) from the Director, Transportation Services, Etobicoke York District, to its February 9, 2010 meeting. |
EY33.35 | ACTION |
Adopted |
Delegated |
Ward: 11 |
MacDonald Avenue – Traffic Calming |
Committee Decision |
Etobicoke York Community Council:
1. Authorized the Acting Director, Transportation Services to request Registry Services, City Clerk’s Office to conduct a poll of eligible householders, on MacDonald Avenue, between Rosemount Avenue and Jane Street, to determine resident support for the proposed speed hump plan, in accordance with the City of Toronto Traffic Calming Policy;
2. Directed, subject to favourable results of the poll:
a. The City Solicitor to prepare a by-law to alter sections of the roadway on MacDonald Avenue, between Rosemount Avenue and Jane Street, for traffic calming purposes, generally as shown on the attached Drawing EY09-150, dated November 2009, and circulated to residents through the polling process;
b. Transportation Services to take the necessary actions to reduce the speed limit from 40 km/h to 30 km/h on MacDonald Avenue, between Rosemount Avenue and Jane Street, when the speed humps are installed. |
Decision Advice and Other Information |
Councillor Rob Ford requested that his opposition to the recommendations be noted in the record. |
Origin |
(November 12, 2009) Report from Director, Transportation Services - Etobicoke York District |
Summary |
The purpose of this report is to outline the findings of an investigation to determine the need to install speed humps on MacDonald Avenue. A staff assessment has determined that the criteria installing speed humps are met for MacDonald Avenue, between Rosemount Avenue and Jane Street. |
Background Information |
November 12, 2009 staff report (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-25704.pdf) Attachment (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-25708.pdf) |
Communications |
(January 7, 2010) E-mail from Stephen R. Kennedy (EY.Main.EY33.35.1) (January 11, 2010) E-mail from Susan Grech (EY.Main.EY33.35.2) |
Motions |
1 - Motion to Adopt Item moved by Councillor Suzan Hall (Carried) |
Declared Interests |
The following member(s) declared an interest:
EY33.36 | ACTION |
Adopted |
Delegated |
Ward: 11 |
Jasper Avenue – Traffic Calming |
Committee Decision |
Etobicoke York Community Council:
1. Approved traffic calming not being installed on Jasper Avenue, between Weston Road and the west limit of the street. |
Origin |
(December 1, 2009) Report from Director, Transportation Services and Etobicoke York District |
Summary |
The purpose of this report is to summarise the findings of a study to determine the need for speed humps on Jasper Avenue, between Weston Road and the west limit of the street. The study shows the criteria for installing speed humps on Jasper Avenue are not met. |
Background Information |
December 1, 2009 staff report (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-25729.pdf) Attachment (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-25730.pdf) |
Motions |
1 - Motion to Adopt Item moved by Councillor Suzan Hall (Carried) |
EY33.37 | ACTION |
Amended |
Delegated |
Ward: 11 |
Yelland Street – Speed Limit |
Committee Decision |
Etobicoke York Community Council:
1. Approved the speed limit on Yelland Street, between Oak Street and Queenslea Avenue, being reduced from 50 km/h to 40 km/h. |
Origin |
(December 7, 2009) Report from Director, Transportation Services - Etobicoke York District |
Summary |
The purpose of this report is to present the results of a speed study on Yelland Street, between Oak Street and Queenslea Avenue. |
Background Information |
December 7, 2009 staff report (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-25817.pdf) Attachment (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-25818.pdf) |
Communications |
(January 4, 2010) E-mail from Ross Parry, Pelmo-Swanek Community Association (EY.Main.EY33.37.1) |
Speakers |
Ross Parry, Pelmo Swanek Community Association |
Motions |
1 - Motion to Amend Item moved by Councillor Frances Nunziata (Carried) That Etobicoke York Community Council:
1. Approve the speed limit on Yelland Street, between Oak Street and Queenslea Avenue, being reduced from 50 km/h to 40 km/h. |
EY33.38 | ACTION |
Adopted |
Delegated |
Ward: 11 |
Pellatt Avenue – Speed Limit Amendment |
Committee Decision |
Etobicoke York Community Council:
1. Approved enacting a 40 km/h speed limit on Pellatt Avenue between Wendell Avenue and the easterly limit of Pellatt Avenue.
Origin |
(November 30, 2009) Report from Director, Transportation Services - Etobicoke York District |
Summary |
The purpose of this report is to obtain approval to reduce the speed limit on Pellatt Avenue, between Wendell Avenue, and the easterly limit of Pellatt Avenue. |
Background Information |
November 30, 2009 staff report (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-25805.pdf) Attachment (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-25806.pdf) |
Motions |
1 - Motion to Adopt Item moved by Councillor Suzan Hall (Carried) |
EY33.39 | ACTION |
Adopted |
Delegated |
Ward: 13 |
Kennedy Avenue - Parking Regulation Amendment and Turn Prohibitions |
Committee Decision |
Etobicoke York Community Council:
1. Approved rescinding the “No Parking Anytime” regulation on the east side of Kennedy Avenue, between Bloor Street West and a point 91.4 metres south of Bloor Street West.
2. Approved rescinding the “No Parking Anytime” regulation on the west side of Kennedy Avenue, between Morningside Avenue and Bloor Street West.
3. Approved rescinding the “No Standing Anytime” regulation on the west side of Kennedy Avenue, from a point 27.5 metres south of Bloor Street West, to a point 20 metres further south.
4. Approved rescinding the “Maximum 60 Minute Parking, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.” regulation on the east side of Kennedy Avenue, between Deforest Road and a point 91.4 metres south of Bloor Street West.
5. Approved enacting a “No Parking Anytime” regulation on the east side of Kennedy Avenue, between Bloor Street West and a point 64.5 metres south of Bloor Street West.
6. Approved enacting a “No Parking Anytime” regulation on the west side of Kennedy Avenue, between Morningside Avenue and a point 89 metres south of Bloor Street West.
7. Approved enacting a “No Parking Anytime” regulation on the west side of Kennedy Avenue between Bloor Street and a point 23 metres south of Bloor Street West.
8. Approved enacting a “No Standing Anytime” regulation on the east side on Kennedy Avenue, from a point 64.5 metres south of Bloor Street West, to a point 98 metres further south of Bloor Street West.
9. Approved enacting a “No Standing Anytime” regulation on the west side of Kennedy Avenue, from a point 23 metres south of Bloor Street West, to a point 66 metres further south.
10. Approved enacting a “Maximum 60 Minute Parking, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday to Friday” regulation on the east side of Kennedy Avenue, between Deforest Road and a point 98 metres south of Bloor Street West.
11. Approved enacting a “No Stopping, 8:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m., 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday to Friday” regulation on the east side on Kennedy Avenue, from Bloor Street West to a point 48 metres further south.
12. Approved enacting a “No Stopping, 8:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m., 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday to Friday” regulation on the west side on Kennedy Avenue, from Bloor Street West to a point 23 metres further south.
13. Approved enacting a “No Stopping, 8:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m., 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday to Friday” regulation on the west side on Kennedy Avenue, from a point 56.4 metres south of Bloor Street West to a point 32.6 metres further south.
14. Approved enacting a northbound No Right Turn prohibition from Kennedy Avenue to the loading dock of the grocery store located on the east side of Kennedy Avenue, at a point 40 metres south of Bloor Street West, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 9:30 a.m., 11:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m., 3:00 p.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday.
15. Approved enacting a southbound No Left Turn prohibition from Kennedy Avenue to the loading dock of the grocery store located on the east side of Kennedy Avenue, at a point 40 metres south of Bloor Street West, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 9:30 a.m., 11:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m., 3:00 p.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday. |
Origin |
(December 9, 2009) Report from Director, Transportation Services - Etobicoke York District |
Summary |
The purpose of this report is to obtain approval to amend the parking regulations on Kennedy Avenue to prohibit vehicles, including heavy trucks, from stopping during certain times of the day on sections of Kennedy Avenue. In addition, this report recommends prohibiting access to a loading dock for the No Frills food store during certain times of the day. These times correspond with school admission and dismissal times at Humberside Montessori School. |
Background Information |
December 9, 2009 staff report (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-25709.pdf) Attachments (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-25710.pdf) |
Motions |
1 - Motion to Adopt Item moved by Councillor Bill Saundercook (Carried) |
EY33.40 | ACTION |
Adopted |
Delegated |
Ward: 13 |
Glendonwynne Road - Parking Regulation Amendments |
Committee Decision |
Etobicoke York Community Council:
1. Approved enacting a “No Stopping Anytime” prohibition on both sides of Glendonwynne Road, from Bloor Street West, to a point 30.5 metres further north. |
Origin |
(December 1, 2009) Report from Director, Transportation Services - Etobicoke York District |
Summary |
The purpose of this report is to obtain approval for implementing a “No Stopping Anytime” regulation on both sides of Glendonwynne Road, between Bloor Street West, and a point 30.5 metres to the north. |
Background Information |
December 1, 2009 staff report (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-25752.pdf) Attachment (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-25753.pdf) |
Motions |
1 - Motion to Adopt Item moved by Councillor Bill Saundercook (Carried) |
EY33.41 | ACTION |
Adopted |
Delegated |
Ward: 13, 17 |
Disabled Persons’ Parking – EYD – January 2010 |
Committee Decision |
Etobicoke York Community Council:
1. Approved the installation of on-street parking spaces for persons with disabilities at the following locations:
Ward Location
13 Maria Street, south side, between a point 70 metres east of Runnymede Road and a point 5.5 metres further east.
17 Day Avenue, east side, between a point 77.5 metres south of Hope Street and a point 5.5 metres further south. |
Origin |
(December 14, 2009) Report from Director, Transportation Services, Etobicoke York District |
Summary |
The purpose is to obtain approval for the installation/removal of a number of on-street parking spaces for persons with disabilities. |
Background Information |
December 14, 2009 staff report (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-25653.pdf) |
Motions |
1 - Motion to Adopt Item moved by Councillor Bill Saundercook (Carried) |
EY33.42 | ACTION |
Amended |
Delegated |
Ward: 17 |
Implement Pay-and-Display Parking – Glenholme Avenue, Boon Avenue and Harvie Avenue |
Committee Decision |
Etobicoke York Community Council:
1. Approved implementing and rescinding the parking regulations in Appendix A to the report (December 14, 2009) from the Director, Transportation Services, Etobicoke York District.
2. Directed the Director, Transportation Services, Etobicoke York District to report to its April 27, 2010 meeting on the feasibility of similar pay-and-display parking on St. Clarens Avenue, immediately south of St. Clair Avenue West.
3. Requested the Toronto Parking Authority to install larger signs directing motorists as to the locations of the Norton Avenue, Via Italia, Greenlaw Avenue and Prescott Avenue Green P lots, by installing signs at least 2 metres square in size, so that these signs are more visible and illuminated (if possible).
4. Requested the Toronto Parking Authority to work with the local Councillor and relevant Business Improvement Areas to identify the exact locations for these new signs. |
Origin |
(December 14, 2009) Report from Director, Transportation Services Etobicoke and York |
Summary |
Councillor Cesar Palacio requests that pay-and-display parking be implemented on sections of local roadways intersecting St. Clair Avenue West, between Oakwood Avenue and Caledonia Road. A review by Transportation Services and Parking Authority staff concluded that sections of Glenholme Avenue, Boon Avenue, and Harvie Avenue, immediately north and south of St. Clair Avenue West, can accommodate pay parking. |
Background Information |
December 14, 2009 staff report (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-26011.pdf) Attachments (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-26012.pdf) |
Motions |
1 - Motion to Amend Item moved by Councillor Cesar Palacio (Carried) That Etobicoke York Community Council:
1. Direct the Director, Transportation Services, Etobicoke York District to report to its April 27, 2010 meeting on the feasibility of similar pay-and-display parking on St. Clarens Avenue, immediately south of St. Clair Avenue West.
2. Request the Toronto Parking Authority to install larger signs directing motorists as to the locations of the Norton Avenue, Via Italia, Greenlaw Avenue and Prescott Avenue Green P lots, by installing signs at least 2 metres square in size, so that these signs are more visible and illuminated (if possible).
3. Request the Toronto Parking Authority to work with the local Councillor and relevant Business Improvement Areas to identify the exact locations for these new signs. 2 - Motion to Adopt Item as Amended moved by Councillor Cesar Palacio (Carried) |
Declared Interests |
The following member(s) declared an interest:
EY33.43 | ACTION |
Adopted |
Delegated |
Ward: 2 |
Proposed re-naming of Weston Wood Park to “Douglas Ford Park” |
Committee Decision |
Etobicoke York Community Council:
1. Approved the renaming of Weston Wood Park, located at 1521 Royal York Road, to “Douglas Ford Park” in honour of Mr. Ford’s significant contributions to the City of Toronto.
Origin |
(December 15, 2009) Report from General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation |
Summary |
The Parks, Forestry, and Recreation Division is recommending that the Weston Wood Park be officially named “Douglas Ford Park” in honour of his significant contributions to the City of Toronto. |
Background Information |
December 15, 2009 staff report (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-25682.pdf) EY30.26 Extract (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-25683.pdf) |
Communications |
(January 3, 2010) E-mail from Sandra Pavan, President, North Etobicoke Tenants Association (EY.Main.EY33.43.1) (January 5, 2010) E-mail from T. Johns (EY.Main.EY33.43.2) (January 5, 2010) E-mail from Brandon Johnston (EY.Main.EY33.43.3) (January 5, 2010) E-mail from Tammy Johnston (EY.Main.EY33.43.4) (January 5, 2010) E-mail from Sandra Pavan (EY.Main.EY33.43.5) (January 7, 2010) E-mail from Val Wilson (EY.Main.EY33.43.6) (January 7, 2010) E-mail from Grant Dow (EY.Main.EY33.43.7) (January 7, 2010) E-mail from Elena Stocks (EY.Main.EY33.43.8) (January 7, 2010) E-mail from Robert Doty (EY.Main.EY33.43.9) (January 11, 2010) E-mail from Pina Martino (EY.Main.EY33.43.10) (January 10, 2010) Petition from Residents (EY.Main.EY33.43.11) |
Motions |
1 - Motion to Adopt Item moved by Councillor Mark Grimes (Carried) |
EY33.44 | ACTION |
Adopted |
Delegated |
Ward: 11 |
Proposed Park Naming - “Upper Junction Park” |
Committee Decision |
Etobicoke York Community Council:
1. Approved the naming of the park situated at 85 Birdstone Crescent as "Upper Junction Park”. |
Origin |
(December 15, 2009) Report from General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation |
Summary |
The Parks, Forestry, and Recreation Division is recommending that the park located at 85 Birdstone Crescent be officially named “ Upper Junction Park” in recognition of the important role the Upper Junction played in the City’s history. |
Background Information |
December 15, 2009 staff report (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-25681.pdf) EY29.37 Extract (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-25684.pdf) |
Motions |
1 - Motion to Adopt Item moved by Councillor Suzan Hall (Carried) |
EY33.45 | ACTION |
Adopted |
Delegated |
Ward: 6, 17 |
Business Improvement Area (BIA) Boards of Management - Various Additions and Deletions |
Committee Decision |
Etobicoke York Community Council:
1. Approved the following additions and deletions to the Lakeshore Village, Regal Heights Village and St. Clair Gardens BIA Boards of Management:
Lakeshore Village No. of Members: 9 including 1 Councillor Quorum: Remains unchanged 4 Addition: Ms. Maryan Fatehjan
Deletion: Ms. Leianne McGrath
Regal Heights Village No. of Members: 7 including 1 Councillor Quorum: Remains unchanged 3 Addition: Ms. Atefa Osmani
Deletion: Mr. Tony Merante
St. Clair Gardens No. of Members: 9 including 1 Councillor Quorum: Decreased to 4 Deletions: Mr. Phil Iannarella Ms. Jessica Maiato
2. Approved amending Schedule A of the Municipal Code Chapter 19, Business Improvement Areas, to reflect the changes to the BIA Board of Management.
Origin |
(December 8, 2009) Report from Director, Business Services |
Summary |
The purpose of this report is to recommend Etobicoke York Community Council approve the additions and deletions to the Lakeshore Village, Regal Heights Village and St. Clair Gardens BIA Boards of Management. The Etobicoke York Community Council has delegated authority to make final decisions regarding BIA appointments. |
Background Information |
December 8, 2009 staff report (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-25637.pdf) |
Motions |
1 - Motion to Adopt Item moved by Councillor Mark Grimes (Carried) |
EY33.46 | ACTION |
Amended |
Ward: 17 |
Appeal of MOE Approval Issued to New Sabby Concrete & Supplies, 32 Caledonia Road |
Confidential Attachment - The receiving of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege |
Committee Recommendations |
Etobicoke York Community Council recommends that:
1. City Council adopt the recommendations in the Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (December 14, 2009) from the City Solicitor.
2. City Council authorize the public release of the confidential recommendations in Attachment 1 if adopted by City Council. |
Decision Advice and Other Information |
Etobicoke York Community Council:
1. Requested the City Solicitor to provide a report for the information of the Etobicoke York Community Council at its March 9, 2010 meeting on the status of the City's appeal to the Environmental Review Tribunal and steps taken by the City to that point.
2. Requested the Manager, Municipal Licensing and Standards, Director, Toronto Water and Director, Transportation Services, Etobicoke York District to report to its March 9, 2010 meeting on New Sabby’s operations at 32 and 36 Caledonia Road and at 1530 St. Clair Avenue West. |
Origin |
(December 16, 2009) Report from City Solicitor |
Summary |
New Sabby Concrete and Supplies Inc. (“New Sabby”) is a concrete batching facility that operates at Caledonia and St. Clair Avenue West. In Spring, 2009, New Sabby applied to the Ministry of Environment (“MOE”) for a certificate of approval (“C of A”), which it was required to do as a result of changes to the regulations under the Environmental Protection Act. |
Background Information |
December 16, 2009 staff report (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-25827.pdf) Environmental Review Tribunal Hearing (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-25833.pdf) EY31.60 Extract (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-25828.pdf) |
Motions |
1 - Motion to Adopt Item moved by Councillor Cesar Palacio (Carried) |
EY33.47 | ACTION |
Amended |
Delegated |
Sign Variance Report - Revised 0 Oakville Sub, CN Rail Lands E/S of HWY27 at Brockport Road |
Committee Decision |
Etobicoke York Community Council:
1. Approved the request for a sign variance at Highway 27 and Brockport, subject to the following conditions:
a. That static images be allowed to change every 5-10 seconds.
b. That video, scrolling, full motion or animation not be permitted uses, only static digital images be permitted.
c. That this technology shall allow for the digital board to automatically adjust itself to control any ambient light levels.
d. That time be provided for the City of Toronto and/or the immediate community to use for community messages, Amber Alerts, etc.
e. That payment of any annual licensing fee be made as required, including those that will be required under the new City-wide harmonized by-law.
f. That Allvision be required to remove the current third party sign located on the CN Rail property close to the site, as referenced in the report (January 8, 2010) from the Director and Deputy Chief Building Official. |
Origin |
(January 8, 2010) Report from Director and Deputy Chief Building Official |
Summary |
Toronto Building received a Request for Approval of a Variance from Article I of Chapter 693, Signs, of the Toronto Municipal Code, from Blair Murdoch with Allvision Canada, on behalf of Canadian National Railway, Ernie Longo, Manager of BD & RE. The request is to permit to erect a new, V-shaped, illuminated third party ground sign having digital face area of 32.5 sq. m each (350 sq.ft) that will project static messages every 6 seconds. |
Background Information |
January 8, 2010 staff report (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-26309.pdf) |
Motions | ||||||||||||
1 - Motion to Add New Business at Committee moved by Councillor Suzan Hall (Carried) 2 - Motion to Amend Item moved by Councillor Rob Ford (Carried) That Etobicoke York Community Council:
1. Approve the request for a sign variance at Highway 27 and Brockport, subject to the following conditions:
a. That static images be allowed to change every 5-10 seconds.
b. That video, scrolling, full motion or animation not be permitted uses, only static digital images be permitted.
c. That this technology shall allow for the digital board to automatically adjust itself to control any ambient light levels.
d. That time be provided for the City of Toronto and/or the immediate community to use for community messages, Amber Alerts, etc.
e. That payment of any annual licensing fee be made as required, including those that will be required under the new City-wide harmonized by-law.
f. That Allvision be required to remove the current third party sign located on the CN Rail property close to the site, as referenced in the report (January 8, 2010) from the Director and Deputy Chief Building Official
EY33.48 | ACTION |
Referred |
Ward: 11 |
City-owned Land Between the South Limit of Portage Avenue and the North Right-of-way Limit of Gary Drive |
Committee Decision |
Etobicoke York Community Council:
1. Directed the Director, Transportation Services, Etobicoke York District, to report to its March 9, 2010 meeting on the following:
a. Dedicating the existing 10 metre wide strip of City-owned land located between the south limit of the north leg of Portage Avenue and the north right-of-way limit of Gary Drive as a public walkway and to allow the owners of 74 and 76 Portage Avenue vehicular access to their properties from Portage Avenue.
b. Removing the 1 foot reserve in place at the north end of the existing City-owned land located between the south limit of Portage Avenue and the north right-of-way limit of Gary Drive and dedicating the reserve as public highway |
Origin |
(January 12, 2010) Member Motion from Councillor Frances Nunziata |
Summary |
Member motion regarding a request from area residents regarding an existing 10 metre wide strip of City-owned land, located between the south limit of the north leg of Portage Avenue and the north right-of-way limit of Gary Drive to formalize legal access to the City-owned land from Portage Avenue which is restricted by a 1 ft. reserve at the southern terminus of Portage Avenue. These lands are currently, and have historically been used as a public walkway and serve as vehicular access to 74 and 76 Portage Avenue. |
Background Information |
January 12, 2010 motion (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-26330.pdf) |
Motions |
1 - Motion to Add New Business at Committee moved by Councillor Suzan Hall (Carried) 2 - Motion to Refer Motion moved by Councillor Suzan Hall (Carried) The Etobicoke York Community Council:
1. Direct the Director, Transportation Services, Etobicoke York District, to report to its March 9, 2010 meeting on the following:
a. Dedicating the existing 10 metre wide strip of City-owned land located between the south limit of the north leg of Portage Avenue and the north right-of-way limit of Gary Drive as a public walkway and to allow the owners of 74 and 76 Portage Avenue vehicular access to their properties from Portage Avenue.
b. Removing the 1 foot reserve in place at the north end of the existing City-owned land located between the south limit of Portage Avenue and the north right-of-way limit of Gary Drive and dedicating the reserve as public highway. |
EY33.49 | ACTION |
Referred |
Delegated |
Ward: 11 |
Revitalization of Weston Road in Mount Dennis |
Committee Decision |
Etobicoke-York Community Council:
1. Directed the Director, Community Planning, Etobicoke York District, in consultation with the General Manager of Economic Development, Culture and Tourism, to report at the earliest opportunity on the feasibility of establishing a Community Improvement Plan for Weston Road in Mount Dennis.
2. Referred the following motion to the Planning and Growth Management Committee:
"That the Planning and Growth Management Committee request the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, to ensure that the Avenue Study planned for Weston Road between Ray Avenue and Humber Boulevard (and including Eglinton Avenue West to Black Creek Drive and Black Creek Drive from Eglinton Avenue West to Trethewey Drive), is scheduled for study in 2010.” |
Origin |
(January 12, 2010) Member Motion from Councillor Frances Nunziata |
Summary |
Motion regarding the revitalization of Weston Road in Mount Dennis. |
Background Information |
January 12, 2010 motion (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-26331.pdf) |
Motions |
1 - Motion to Add New Business at Committee moved by Councillor Suzan Hall (Carried) 2 - Motion to Refer Motion moved by Councillor Suzan Hall (Carried) That Etobicoke York Community Council:
1. Directed the Director, Community Planning, Etobicoke York District, in consultation with the General Manager of Economic Development, Culture and Tourism, to report at the earliest opportunity on the feasibility of establishing a Community Improvement Plan for Weston Road in Mount Dennis.
2. Referred the following motion to the Planning and Growth Management Committee:
"That the Planning and Growth Management Committee request the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, to ensure that the Avenue Study planned for Weston Road between Ray Avenue and Humber Boulevard (and including Eglinton Avenue West to Black Creek Drive and Black Creek Drive from Eglinton Avenue West to Trethewey Drive), is scheduled for study in 2010.” |
EY33.50 | ACTION |
Adopted |
Ward: 17 |
Hard Rock and Santos Excavating, 101 Union Street |
Committee Recommendations |
Etobicoke York Community Council recommends that:
1. City Council request the Ministry of Environment to investigate the environmental and health concerns of the community in the area of Hard Rock and Santos Excavating, 101 Union Street, particularly the air borne contaminants and the effects of the noise and vibration on the nearby residential community at Hard Rock and Santos Excavating, 101 Union Street.
Decision Advice and Other Information |
Etobicoke York Community Council:
1 Requested the Manager, Municipal Licensing and Standards, Etobicoke York District:
a. to monitor Hard Rock and Santos Excavating, 101 Union Street, on a frequent basis with a view to determining whether additional charges should be laid before the courts.
b. to investigate the feasibility of laying by-law charges for excessive noise and violent shaking of the nearby residents’ homes due to the huge concrete and stone smashing carried out at this location.
c. to meet with the local Councillor and nearby residents to obtain input from the community before the next Court day in July 2010.
d. to report to its April 27, 2010 meeting on the status of their investigations of Hard Rock and Santos Excavating, 101 Union Street. |
Origin |
(January 12, 2010) Member Motion from Councillor Cesar Palacio |
Summary |
Motion regarding zoning and waste infractions by Hard Rock and Santos Excavating, located at 101 Union Street. |
Background Information |
January 12, 2010 motion (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-26338.pdf) |
Motions |
1 - Motion to Add New Business at Committee moved by Councillor Cesar Palacio (Carried) 2 - Motion to Adopt Item moved by Councillor Cesar Palacio (Carried) |
EY33.51 | ACTION |
Adopted |
Delegated |
Enactment of By-laws |
Committee Decision |
Etobicoke York Community Council enacted By-law Nos. 6-2010 to 18-2010.
Etobicoke York Community Council enacted a Confirmatory Bill as By-law No. 19-2010.
Summary |
Introduction and consideration of Bills for enactment as By-laws. |
Background Information |
Etobicoke York Community Council By-law Index for January 12, 2010 (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/ey/bgrd/backgroundfile-27288.pdf) |
Motions |
1 - Motion to Introduce and Pass General Bills moved by Councillor Frank Di Giorgio (Carried) That the Etobicoke York Community Council pass and declare as by-laws Bills 1 to 13 prepared for the January 12, 2010 meeting of the Community Council. 1 - Motion to Introduce and Pass Confirmatory Bill moved by Councillor Frank Di Giorgio (Carried) That the Etobicoke York Community Council pass and declare as a by-law a confirmatory bill to confirm the legislative proceedings of the Etobicoke York Community Council acting under delegated authority at its meeting on January 12, 2010. |
Procedural Motions |
1 - Motion to Adopt Minutes moved by Councillor Suzan Hall (Carried) The Minutes of the Etobicoke York Community Council meeting held on November 10, 2009, and December 2, 2009 be confirmed.
___________________ Chair |
Tuesday, January 12, 2010 Councillor Frances Nunziata, Chair, Etobicoke York Community Council |
Meeting Sessions |
Session Date | Session Type | Start Time | End Time | Public or Closed Session |
2010-01-12 | Morning | 9:35 AM | 12:35 PM | Public |
2010-01-12 | Afternoon | 1:40 PM | 3:35 PM | Public |
Attendance | ||
Members were present for some or all of the time period indicated. |
Date and Time | Quorum | Members |
2010-01-12 9:35 AM - 12:35 PM (Public Session) |
Present |
Present: Frank Di Giorgio, Rob Ford, Mark Grimes, Suzan Hall, Doug Holyday, Gloria Lindsay Luby, Giorgio Mammoliti, Peter Milczyn, Frances Nunziata (Chair), Cesar Palacio, Bill Saundercook |
2010-01-12 1:40 PM - 3:35 PM (Public Session) |
Present |
Present: Frank Di Giorgio, Rob Ford, Mark Grimes, Suzan Hall, Doug Holyday, Gloria Lindsay Luby, Giorgio Mammoliti, Peter Milczyn, Frances Nunziata (Chair), Cesar Palacio, Bill Saundercook |