City of Toronto Logo Agenda


Government Management Committee

Meeting No. 32   Contact Patsy Morris, Committee Administrator
Meeting Date Thursday, June 17, 2010
  Phone 416-392-9151
Start Time 9:30 AM
Location Committee Room 1, City Hall
  Chair   Councillor Bill Saundercook  

  Government Management Committee



Councillor Bill Saundercook, Vice Chair


Councillor Michael Del Grande

Councillor Adrian Heaps



Councillor Doug Holyday

Councillor Pam McConnell


Members of Council and Staff:  Please keep this agenda and the accompanying material until the City Council meeting dealing with these matters has ended.  The City Clerk’s Office will not provide additional copies.


Special Assistance for Members of the Public:  City staff can arrange for special assistance with some advance notice. If you need special assistance, please call 416-392-9151, TTY 416-338-0889 or e-mail


Closed Meeting Requirements:  If the Government Management Committee wants to meet in closed session (privately), a member of the Committee must make a motion to do so and give the reason why the Committee has to meet privately (City of Toronto Act, 2006)


Notice to people writing or making a presentation to the Committee: The City of Toronto Act, 2006 and the City of Toronto Municipal Code authorize the City of Toronto to collect any personal information in your communication or presentation to City Council or its committees.


The City collects this information to enable it to make informed decisions on the relevant issue(s). If you are submitting letters, faxes, e-mails, presentations or other communications to the City, you should be aware that your name and the fact that you communicated with the City will become part of the public record and will appear on the City’s website. The City will also make your communication and any personal information in it – such as your postal address, telephone number or e-mail address – available to the public, unless you expressly request the City to remove it.


The City videotapes committee and community council meetings. If you make a presentation to a committee or community council, the City will be videotaping you and City staff may make the video tapes available to the public.


If you want to learn more about why and how the City collects your information, write to the City Clerk's Office, City Hall, 100 Queen Street West, Toronto ON M5H 2N2 or call 416-392-9151.






Declarations of Interest under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act


Confirmation of Minutes – May 20, 2010


Schedule of Timed Items -    10:00 a.m. -    Items  GM32.1,  GM32.2 and


                                                10:30 a.m. -    Item  GM32.3


Speakers/Presentations – A complete list will be distributed at the meeting.








10:00 AM 


Ward: All 

Cancellation, Reduction or Refund of Property Taxes –June 17, 2010 Hearing
Statutory - City of Toronto Act, 2006
(June 2, 2010) Report from the Treasurer


The Treasurer recommends that:


1.         The individual tax appeal applications made pursuant to section 323 of the City of Toronto Act, 2006 resulting in tax reductions (excluding phase-in/capping amounts) totalling $534,797.50 including reductions in Business Improvement Area charges, as identified in Appendix A, be approved.


2.         The individual tax appeal applications made pursuant to section 325 of the City of Toronto Act, 2006 resulting in tax reductions (excluding phase-in/capping adjustments) totalling $273,730.42  including reductions in Business Improvement Area charges, as identified in Appendix B, be approved.


3.         The appropriate City officials be authorized and directed to take the necessary action to give effect thereto.


This report deals with tax appeal applications made to the Treasurer pursuant to sections 323 and 325 of the City of Toronto Act, 2006 (COTA).  Section 323 permits Council to cancel, reduce or refund taxes in cases when, during the year, a property undergoes changes such as when it is destroyed by fire or demolished, becomes exempt from taxation, or is reclassified due to a change in its use.  Under section 325 of the COTA, taxpayers can request a cancellation, reduction or refund of taxes when an error in the assessment roll is identified which results in an overcharge.


The legislation requires Council to hold a public meeting where applicants may make a submission in defence of their position.  Council has delegated authority to hold such public meetings to the Government Management Committee.


Staff have mailed Notices of Hearing to affected taxpayers advising of the upcoming hearing before Government Management Committee.


Financial Impact

The financial impact of approving the individual tax appeal applications (excluding phase-in/capping adjustments), as identified in the attached Appendices A and B, is summarized in Table 1 below: 



No. of Applications

Recommended Tax Reduction  Total

City Share

Education Share





















The City’s share of $499,403.98 will be funded from the 2010 Tax Deficiency Account (Non-Program Budget).  The education share of $305,692.35 will be recovered from the province/school boards, and the Business Improvement Area (BIA) reductions of $3,431.59 will be funded from the respective BIA provision. 


The Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer has reviewed this report and agrees with the financial impact information.


Background Information
Report - Cancellation, Reduction or Refund of Property Taxes - June 17, 2010 Hearing

Appendix A - Council Detail Hearing Report - Section 323 of COTA, Hearing 2010H3

Appendix B - Council Detail Hearing Report - Section 325 of COTA, Hearing 2010H3



10:00 AM 


Ward: All 

Apportionment of Property Taxes – June 17, 2010 Hearing
Statutory - City of Toronto Act, 2006
(June 2, 2010) Report from the Treasurer


The Treasurer recommends that:


1.         The apportionment of property taxes in the amounts identified in Appendix A and Appendix B, under the columns entitled “Apportioned Tax” and “Apportioned Phase In/Capping”, be approved.


2.         The appropriate City officials be authorized and directed to take the necessary action to give effect thereto.


This report deals with eighteen (18) tax apportionment applications made by the Treasurer or to the Treasurer by an owner of land pursuant to section 322 of the City of Toronto Act, 2006, for the properties listed in Appendices A and B (attached).


The legislation requires Council to hold a public meeting at which the applicants and / or property owners may make representations.  Council has delegated authority to hold such public meetings to the Government Management Committee. 


Staff have mailed Notices of Hearing to affected taxpayers advising of the upcoming hearing before the Government Management Committee.


Financial Impact

Appendices A and B identify that approximately $23,736.12 (as at May 12, 2010) in penalty/interest charges has accumulated on the tax accounts pending the initiation of the process to reallocate the taxes.  This amount, and any other interest/penalty that will accumulate on the accounts pending the finalization of the process, will be written off.  Council has granted authority for such write offs to the Director of Revenue Services.  Funding for the write-off of the interest/penalty amount is provided for in the 2010 Tax Penalty Account (Non-Program Budget).


With the exception of the penalty/interest amounts that will be written off, the reallocation of the property taxes from one account to other accounts has no financial impact on the City of Toronto and merely serves to secure the City’s revenues.


The Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer has reviewed this report and agrees with the financial impact information.


Background Information
Report - Apportionment of Property Taxes - June 17, 2010 Hearing

Appendix A - Apportionment Report - Treasurer Initiated Tax Apportionments (May 12, 2010)

Appendix B - Apportionment Report - Taxpayer Initiated Tax Apportionments (May 12, 2010)



10:30 AM 


Ward: 6 

Response to Applicant’s Request for Funds, Proposed Remediation of the former Treatment Plant Lands adjacent to Mystic Pointe Developments: Manitoba Street, Grand Avenue and Legion Road (Ward: 6)
Confidential Attachment - Litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board
(April 7, 2010) Letter from the City Clerk

City Council on March 31 and April 1, 2010, referred this Item back to the Government Management for further consideration at the April 28, 2010 meeting.


Letter from the City Clerk, submitting Council's decision from its meeting of March 31 and April 2010, respecting "Response to Applicant’s Request for Funds, Proposed Remediation of the former Treatment Plant Lands adjacent to Mystic Pointe Developments: Manitoba Street, Grand Avenue and Legion Road (Ward: 6)".

Background Information
Letter - Response to Applicant's Request for Funds, Proposed Remediation of the former Treatment Plant Lands Adjacent to Mystic Pointe Developments: Manitoba Street, Grand Avenue and Legion Road (Ward: 6)

(Deferred from May 20, 2010 - 2010.GM31.22) (Deferred from April 28, 2010 - 2010.GM30.21)




Ward: 1 

Request for City Purchase of 91 Baywood Road
(April 9, 2010) Letter from Councillor Suzan Hall, Ward 1 - North Etobicoke

Councillor Hall recommends that:


1.         City staff look into purchasing 91 Baywood Road at market value with the aim to convert the usage to the agreement of the surrounding community.


Letter submitted by Councillor Suzan Hall requesting that Real Estate division staff look into the feasibility of the City purchasing 91 Baywood Road.

Background Information
Letter - Request for City Purchase of 91 Baywood Road

(May 20, 2010) E-mail from Councillor Hall, Ward 1 - North Etobicoke (GM.New.GM31.22a)





Ward: All 

Approval to Initiate and Participate in Assessment Appeals
(June 2, 2010) Report from the Treasurer


The Treasurer recommends that Council authorize:


1.         City staff to proceed with the assessment appeals identified in Appendix A of this report.


2.         City staff to participate in the assessment appeals initiated by the taxpayer, as identified in Appendix B to this report, and approve the actions taken to-date by Revenue and Legal Services staff in respect of these appeals.


3.         The Acting Director of Revenue Services and/or his Designee, in consultation with the City Solicitor, to take all steps appropriate to deal with the appeals identified in this report including authority to withdraw appeals filed by the City or end its participation or to execute Minutes of Settlement or other settlement agreements.


4.         The appropriate City officials to take the necessary action to give effect thereto.


This report identifies those properties where, as a result of staff review and analysis, the Acting Director of Revenue Services has initiated assessment appeals at the Assessment Review Board (ARB) and is now seeking authorization to proceed with those appeals.  The appeals are intended to correct assessments that have been incorrectly classified, under-valued, or wrongly returned on the 2010 assessment roll.  In addition, staff are requesting authorization to actively participate in taxpayer (owner) initiated appeals in order to protect the City’s interests.


If the recommendations put forward in this report are adopted, Revenue Services and the City Solicitor's office will proceed to prepare the City's position on a case-by-case basis.


Financial Impact

The fees paid to the Minister of Finance for filing appeals with the ARB, as listed in Appendix A of this report, are estimated to be $5,700 ($150.00 each for 29 non-residential assessment appeals, and $75.00 each for 18 residential appeals).


There are no fees for the City's participation in appeals brought by the property owner.  However, costs could be incurred in disputing these assessments to retain specialized professional services (such as appraisers, planners, or economists) to provide expert opinion or evidence at the ARB as required.  Funds to cover the cost of retaining such professional services are included in the 2010 Approved Operating Budget, Non-Program account entitled “Assessment Function.”


Staff cannot estimate, at this time, the financial impact to the City of these appeals; however, we anticipate that the City’s taxation revenue should increase as a result of the appeals initiated by the City.


The Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer has reviewed this report and agrees with the financial impact information.


Background Information
Report - Approval to Initiate and Participate in Assessment Appeals

Appendix A - Appeals Initiated by the Treasurer

Appendix B - Appeals Initiated by Taxpayers in which the City will Fully Participate





Ward: All 

Communications Plan for Refunds of Property Tax Credit Balances
(June 2, 2010) Report from the Treasurer

The Treasurer recommends that:


1.         The communication plan presented in Appendix A of this report to communicate the City’s process for property tax refunds, and specifically for transfers of property tax credit balances to interim and final tax bills for credits less than five hundred dollars ($500), be approved.



The purpose of this report is to provide a communications plan for the City’s property tax refund processes, including transfers of property tax credit balances to interim and final tax bills for property tax credits of less than five hundred dollars.

Financial Impact

There are no financial implications associated with the report. 


Development and production costs associated with updating property tax brochures, tax bill layout (including the new credit identifier line) and the City’s web-site for property tax refunds information have been included in the Office of the Treasurer - Revenue Services Division's 2010 Approved Operating Budget.


The Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer has reviewed this report and agrees with the financial impact information.


Background Information
Report - Communications Plan for Refunds of Property Tax Credit Balances





Ward: All 

2009 Annual Report on Sole Source Purchasing Activity
(May 26, 2010) Report from the Treasurer

This report informs the Government Management Committee of sole source purchasing activity in 2009 including sole source purchases awarded by Council, sole source purchases processed by the Purchasing and Material Management Division (PMMD), and sole source purchases processed by Divisions through divisional purchase orders (DPO’s).

Financial Impact

There are no financial implications to the City of Toronto as a result of this report.


The Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer has reviewed this report and agrees with the financial impact information.

Background Information
Report - 2009 Annual Report on Sole Source Purchasing Activity

(Deferred from May 20, 2010 - 2010.GM31.11)




Ward: All 

On-line Tax Calculation Statements and Prior Year Tax Receipts
(May 6, 2010) Report from the Treasurer

This report provides information on an anticipated timeline for making automated tax calculation statements and prior year tax receipts available via on-line requests for these products.


Financial Impact

There are no financial implications as a result of this report.


The Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer has reviewed this report and agrees with the financial impact information.


Background Information
Report - On-line Tax Calculation Statements and Prior Year Tax Receipts





Ward: All 

Phasing Out User Fees for Parking Ticket Payments
(June 4, 2010) Report from the Treasurer

This report provides information on Council’s request to review all charges related to the payment of parking fines with a view to phasing out fees for parking ticket payments over a three-year period.  User fees are currently charged for parking ticket payments that are made through the City’s website ($1.50 per transaction) or via telephone through the City’s Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system ($2.00 per transaction).


Phasing out user fees for parking ticket payments will require the identification of alternate revenue sources to make up the loss in fee revenue of approximately $1.6 million annually.


Financial Impact


User fees for parking ticket payments currently generate approximately $1.6 million in user fee revenue annually.  Although this report carries no immediate financial implications for the approved operating budget for 2010, the phasing out of fees for parking ticket payments over a three-year period, as directed by Council, will result in a loss of fee revenue in 2011 and/or 2012 and beyond, depending on how and when these fees are phased out, unless alternate revenue sources or operational savings are identified to make up for these losses.


Currently, revenue from fees for parking ticket payments is used to offset a portion of Revenue Services’ total operating costs for parking ticket operations which is recovered from the Non-Program revenue budget (parking ticket revenues).  Any net decrease in user fee revenue, therefore, will result in an operating budget pressure for that year.  


Alternate revenue sources may be identified to offset the loss in fee revenue (e.g., higher parking ticket fines, or user fees for other services).  These would have to be phased in at the same time as fees for parking ticket payments are being phased out.  However, unless the combined total revenue from such alternate sources matches or exceeds the total revenue currently derived from user fees, there will be a net reduction in total Non-Program revenues from parking tickets.


The Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer has reviewed this report and agrees with the financial impact information.

Background Information
Report - Phasing Out User Fees for Parking Ticket Payments





Ward: All 

2009 Consulting Services Expenditure - City Divisions and Major Agencies, Boards and Commission
(June 2, 2010) Report from the Treasurer

This report is to inform the Committee and Council on the consulting services expenditure of City Divisions and major Agencies, Boards and Commissions (ABCs) for the year ended December 31, 2009.  It contains a summary and details, by category and vendor, of the Operating and Capital consulting services expenditure for 2009, with 2008 comparative.

Financial Impact

There are no financial implications arising from this report.


The Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer has reviewed this report and agrees with the financial impact information.


Background Information
Report - 2009 Consulting Services Expenditure - City Divisions and Major Agencies, Boards and Commission

Appendix A - 2009 Consulting Services Expenditure - Operating

Appendix B - 2009 Consulting Services Expenditure - Capital





Ward: 8 

Real Estate Expropriations – Toronto-York Spadina Subway Extension Project (South of Steeles): Tunnel Alignment
Confidential Attachment - 1 - Proposed or pending land acquisition by the City or one of its agencies, boards, and commissions and deals with litigation or potential litigation that affects City or one of its agencies, boards, and commissions
(June 1, 2010) Report from Chief Corporate Officer

The Chief Corporate Officer recommends that:


1.         City Council, as Approving Authority under the Expropriations Act, approve the expropriation of the property interests set out in Appendix A and illustrated in Appendix C from 47 St. Regis Crescent, 53 St. Regis Crescent, 77 St. Regis Crescent, 3725 Keele Street, 3675-3677 Keele Street, 3685 Keele Street, 3695 Keele Street, 3701 Keele Street, 3711-3715 Keele Street and 3875 Keele Street for the purposes identified in Appendix A in connection with the construction of the Toronto-York Spadina Subway Extension.


2.         City Council grant leave for introduction of the necessary Bill in Council to give effect thereto.


3.         City Council, authorize City staff to take all necessary steps to comply with the Expropriations Act, including but not limited to the preparation and registration of an Expropriation Plan and the service of Notices of Expropriation, Notices of Election as to a Date for Compensation and Notices of Possession.


4.         City Council authorize the Director of Real Estate Services or his designate to sign the Notices of Expropriation and Notices of Possession on behalf of the City.


5.         City Council authorize the public release of the confidential information contained in Attachment 1 once there has been a final determination of the compensation payable to the owners by arbitration, appeal or settlement to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor.



This report seeks approval to expropriate partial interests from ten properties as set out in Appendix A and illustrated in Appendix C for the purposes of the Toronto-York Spadina Subway Extension Project (the “Project”) within the geographical boundaries of the City of Toronto.

Financial Impact

Total property acquisition costs for the Project were estimated preliminarily at $125 million (in as spent dollars).  Funding for property acquisition is shared by the Move Ontario Trust (includes $870 million set aside for the purposes of Project funding), and by the City and the Regional Municipality of York. Of the municipal portion of Project funding, 59.96% is attributable to the City and the remainder to York Region.  Confidential Attachment 1 to this report identifies the initial appraised values for the properties identified for expropriation. Funding is available in the Council Approved 2010 Capital Budget and 2011-2019 Capital Plan within the Toronto-York Spadina Subway Extension Capital Project. 


The Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer has reviewed this report and agrees with the financial impact information.


Background Information
Report - Real Estate Expropriations - Toronto-York Spadina Subway Extension Project (South of Steeles): Tunnel Alignment

Appendix A - Property Requirements To Be Expropriated

Appendix B1- Location Map - Tunnel Alignment

Appendix B2 - Location Map - Emergency Exit Building

Appendix C1 - Draft Plan of Survey

Appendix C2 - Draft Plan of Survey

Appendix C3 - Draft Plan of Survey

Appendix C4 - Draft Plan of Survey

Appendix C5 - Draft Plan of Survey

Appendix C6 - Draft Plan of Survey

Appendix C7 - Draft Plan of Survey

Appendix C8 - Draft Plan of Survey

Appendix C9 - Draft Plan of Survey

Appendix C10 - Draft Plan of Survey






Sale of Former Brock North and South Landfill Sites
(June 3, 2010) Report from the Chief Corporate Officer

The Chief Corporate Officer recommends that:


1.         The City accept an Offer to Purchase from the TRCA to purchase the City-owned parcel of land, known as the former Brock North and Brock South Landfill Sites and shown on Appendix B, (the “Properties”), for two dollars ($2.00) substantially on the terms and conditions outlined in Appendix “A” to this report.


2.         City Council authorize each of the Chief Corporate Officer and the Director of Real Estate Services severally to accept the Offer to Purchase on behalf of the City.


3.         City Council authorize the City Solicitor to complete the transaction on behalf of the City, including paying any necessary expenses, amending the closing, due diligence and other dates, and amending and waiving terms and conditions, on such terms as she considers reasonable.



The purpose of this report is to obtain Council approval for the sale of the former Brock North and Brock South Landfill sites to the Toronto Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) for nominal consideration.


The terms of completing this transaction are attached as Appendix A.


Financial Impact

Although the Properties will be conveyed for nominal consideration to the TRCA, the transfer agreement will provide that any monies that are generated by any future sale or long term management agreement for use of the Properties, or any portion or portions of the Properties, will be remitted by the TRCA to the City of Toronto or paid directly to the City of Toronto. 


Portions of the Properties are tenanted under five (5) separate leases, which yield a total rental revenue of approximately $4,800.00 per month.  Four of the leases are residential properties and one is a commercial lease for vacant land.   The Properties will be conveyed subject to those leases.  This income is currently collected by Real Estate Services and once the Properties are conveyed, TRCA will be responsible for the maintenance of the residential properties and will receive the rental income.  


Appropriate adjustments will be submitted as part of the 2011 Operating Budget submission in order to reflect any revenue changes.


The Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer has reviewed this report and agrees with the financial impact information.


Background Information
Report - Sale of Former Brock North and South Landfill Sites

Appendix A - Terms and Conditions

Appendix B - Site Map





Ward: 39 

Sheppard East LRT - New Grade Separation Agreement
(June 4, 2010) Report from the Chief Corporate Officer


The Chief Corporate Officer recommends that:


1.         City Council grant authority for the City to enter into a Grade Separation Agreement with Metrolinx, CN and the TTC to provide for the construction of a grade separation on Sheppard Avenue East at the Agincourt GO Station at the cost of the TTC and Metrolinx, and, following the expiry of the two year warranty period following completion of such construction to the satisfaction of the Executive Director of Technical Services, to provide for the maintenance of the grade separation, including the retaining walls, road surfaces, stairwells, sidewalks, drainage and lighting, at the City's cost, on terms and conditions as may be satisfactory to the Chief Corporate Officer and the General Manager of Transportation Services, and in a form satisfactory to the City Solicitor.


2.         The appropriate City Officials be authorized to take the necessary actions to give effect thereto, including the execution of the agreements and future budget submissions.


The Transit City Sheppard East Light Rail Transit Line (LRT) consists of a dedicated track system in the centre of Sheppard Avenue East between the Don Mills Subways Station and Meadowvale Avenue.  A prerequisite of the LRT is to construct a grade separation for the rail corridor at the Agincourt GO Station which is located west of Midland Avenue.


In October 2008 City Council granted authority to acquire the property requirements needed to construct the grade separation and the LRT between West Highland Creek and Midland Avenue.  Metrolinx is the owner of the rail corridor property, known as the Uxbridge Subdivision, and the Canadian National Railway Company (“CN”) is the federally regulated railway company operating the rail corridor.  Negotiations with Metrolinx, CN and Toronto Transit Commission (“TTC”) has resulted in TTC agreeing to carry out the work in accordance with CN requirements respecting safe railway operations and TTC and Metrolinx agreeing to sharing portions of the cost.


Financial Impact

The total cost to the grade separation, including the detour road, is $39,660,300.00, plus HST.  TTC’s portion of this total cost is $34,536,403.00, plus HST, and the Metrolinx’s portion is $5,123,897.00, plus HST.  TTC funding is available in its 2010-2014 Approved Capital Budget and Plan, Transit City - Sheppard East LRT (Account CTT135).


Following completion of construction, the costs to maintain the grade separation retaining walls, sidewalks, drainage, lighting and road surface shall be included in Transportation Services annual budget submissions.


The Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer has reviewed this report and agrees with the financial impact information.


Background Information
Report - Sheppard East LRT - New Grade Separation Agreement

Appendix A - Site Map





Ward: 5 

Acquisition of Toronto District School Board's 80 Lothian Avenue Site
(June 9, 2010) Report from the Chief Corporate Officer and the General Manager, Parks Forestry and Recreation

The Chief Corporate Officer and the General Manager, Parks Forestry and Recreation recommend that:


(1)        City Council grant authority to enter into an Agreement of Purchase and Sale with the Toronto District School Board to acquire the parking lot portion of the property municipally known as 80 Lothian Avenue, shown as Part 1 on Appendix “C” at a purchase price of $1,735,733.00 plus applicable taxes and registration fees, estimated at $55,160.00 substantially on the terms outlined in Appendix “A-1” to this report and on such other terms and conditions as may be acceptable to the Chief Corporate Officer and in a form satisfactory to the City Solicitor.


(2)        The 2010 Approved Capital Budget for Parks, Forestry and Recreation be increased in the amount of $1,790,893.00 to be funded from the Land Acquisition Reserve Fund (XR-1012) for the acquisition of the parking lot portion of the property, ‘Fairfield Seniors’ Centre Parking Lot’.


(3)        City Council elect:


            (a)        to acquire the open space portion of the property at 80 Lothian Avenue, or


(b)        not to acquire the open space portion of the property at 80 Lothian Avenue.


(4)        Should Council elect to acquire the open space portion of the property at 80 Lothian Avenue, as set out in Recommendation (3)(a) above:


(a)        City Council grant authority to enter into an Agreement of Purchase and Sale with the Toronto District School Board to acquire the open space portion of the  property municipally known as 80 Lothian Avenue, shown as Parts 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 on Appendix “C” at a purchase price of $4,564,267.00 plus applicable taxes and registration fees, estimated at $147,370.00 substantially on the terms outlined in Appendix “A-2” to this report and on such other terms and conditions as may be acceptable to the Chief Corporate Officer and in a form satisfactory to the City Solicitor.


(b)        The 2010 Approved Capital Budget for Parks, Forestry and Recreation be increased in the amount of $4,711,637.00 to be funded from the Land Acquisition Reserve Fund (XR-1012) for the acquisition of the open space portion of the property ‘TDSB Lothian Avenue Site”.


(c)        That all Section 37 monies from development in Ward 5 and all cash-in-lieu of parkland money over and above the initial 5% portion be refunded back to the Land Acquisition Reserve Fund (XR-1012) for 3 years or until the acquisition price of the open space portion of the property is refunded.


(d)       The Real Estate Division report back to City Council no later than 3 years after the City takes title to the property to recommend a final disposition of these lands and at that time and if need be Council authorize an exemption to the existing Official Plan policies regarding Open Space for any portion of the property not purchased for parkland purposes in order to consider alternative options for use of the land.


(5)        Each of the Chief Corporate Officer and the Director of Real Estate Services be authorized severally to execute, on behalf of the City, the Agreement of Purchase and Sale(s) with the Toronto District School Board.


(6)        The City Solicitor be authorized to complete the transaction on behalf of the City including making payment of any necessary expenses and amending the closing date and other dates to such earlier or later date and on such terms and conditions as she may from time to time consider reasonable.


(7)        This report be forwarded to the Budget Committee for consideration.


(8)        The appropriate City Officials be authorized and directed to take the necessary action to give effect thereto.



The Toronto District School Board (TDSB), at its meeting held June 24 and 25, 2009 adopted a resolution pursuant to Section 194(3) of the Education Act to declare approximately 4.0 acres (1.6 ha) of land as not required for the purposes of the Board.  Pursuant to Ontario Regulation 444/98, Toronto Lands Corporation (TLC), the real estate arm of the TDSB, circulated these properties under a Proposal for Sale. 


The City owns two properties abutting the subject lands.  Located to the south is Fairfield Park and to the east is the Fairfield Seniors’ Centre (former Fairfield Avenue Public School) operated by Parks, Forestry and Recreation.  The surplus TDSB lands are comprised of  parking lots lands that make up approximately 1.0 acre (0.4 ha) of the subject property and are currently used by and required for the Fairfield Seniors’ Centre.  The remaining 3.0 acres (1.2 ha) constitute what was the former school yard.   


Negotiations with the TLC have been ongoing since October of 2009. The City and TLC have agreed to the Terms and Conditions as shown on Appendices “A-1” and “A-2” to this report and describe the salient terms of this proposed acquisition which are considered fair and reasonable.


Real Estate Services seeks authority for the City to acquire the parking lot lands on the property municipally known as 80 Lothian Avenue.


Financial Impact

The total cost of acquiring the parking lot lands is approximately $1,790,893.00 including all taxes and charges. 


Funding for the acquisition in the amount of $1,790,893.00 is available in the Land Acquisition Reserve Fund (XR-1012).  It is recommended that the 2010 Approved Capital Budget for Parks, Forestry and Recreation be increased by $1,790,893.00 funded from the Land Acquisition Reserve Fund (XR-1012), for net $0 impact.


A break down of the contemplated costs for the parking lot can be found in Appendix “A-1”.


Acquisition of Parking Lot Lands


Payments to Vendor:

Purchase price (less HST)



Total Payment to TDSB


City’s Closing Costs:

Land Transfer Taxes – app.



*Non-Refundable HST (1.76%)



Registration Costs –app.


Net Cost to City less *HST




 Total HST on Parking Lot Lands $225,645.00 *(of which $30,549.00 is non-refundable)


If Council were to approve the acquisition of the open space portion of the property, the cost would be approximately $4,711,637.00 including all taxes and charges. 


Funding for the acquisition, in the amount of $4,711,637.00 is available in the Land Acquisition Reserve Fund (XR-1012).  It is recommended that the 2010 Approved Capital Budget for Parks, Forestry and Recreation be increased by $4,711,637.00, funded from the Land Acquisition Reserve Fund (XR-1012), for a net $0 impact on the City’s budget.


The open space portion of the purchase price, approximately $4,711,637.00 will be repaid to the Land Acquisition Reserve Fund from Section 37 monies from development in Ward 5 and all cash-in-lieu of parkland dedication money over and above the initial 5% portion, collected for 3 years or until the acquisition price is refunded.


A break down of the contemplated costs for the entire property can be found in Appendix “A-2”.


Acquisition of Open Space Lands


Payments to Vendor:

Purchase price (less HST)



Total Payment to TDSB


City’s Closing Costs:

Land Transfer Taxes – app.



*Non-Refundable HST (1.76%)



Registration Costs –app.


Net Cost to City less *HST




Total HST on Acquisition of Entire Property $593,355.00 *(of which $80,331.00 is non-refundable)


The Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer has reviewed this report and agrees with the financial impact information.



Background Information
Report - Acquisition of Toronto District School Board's 80 Lothian Avenue Site

(June 15, 2010) E-mail from Aaron Dark  (GM.New.GM32.14.1)
(June 15, 2010) E-mail from Andrea Morra and Kelly Lang (GM.New.GM32.14.2)
(June 15, 2010) E-mail from Mary Markovic (GM.New.GM32.14.3)
(June 15, 2010) E-mail from Betty Horton (GM.New.GM32.14.4)
(June 16, 2010) E-mail from Donna Densmore  (GM.New.GM32.14.5)
(June 16, 2010) E-mail from Steven Richards (GM.New.GM32.14.6)
(June 16, 2010) E-mail from Muriel Henderson (GM.New.GM32.14.7)
(June 14, 2010) E-mail from Jeanette Hamilton (GM.New.GM32.14.8)
(June 14, 2010) E-mail from Loretta Faveri (GM.Main.GM32.14.9)
(June 14, 2010) E-mail from Gillian & James Dempsey (GM.New.GM32.14.10)
(June 15, 2010) E-mail from Joanne Forrest (GM.New.GM32.14.11)
(June 15, 2010) E-mail from Corinne Deverell (GM.New.GM32.14.12)
(June 15, 2010) E-mail from Lara Dominguez (GM.New.GM32.14.13)
(June 15, 2010) E-mail from Sarah Bumstead & Derek Liebe (GM.New.GM32.14.14)
(June 15, 2010) E-mail from Jennie Kuo (GM.New.GM32.14.15)
(June 15, 2010) E-mail from David Hains (GM.New.GM32.14.16)
(June 16, 2010) E-mail from Tim Finlayson (GM.New.GM32.14.17)
(June 15, 2010) E-mail from Donna-Jean Brown (GM.New.GM32.14.18)
(June 16, 2010) E-mail from Karin Field (GM.New.GM32.14.19)





Ward: 27 

375 University Avenue - New Lease Agreement
(June 9, 2010) Report from the Chief Corporate Officer


The Chief Corporate Officer recommends that:


1.         City Council authorize a Lease Agreement with The Manufacturers Life Insurance Company for the lease of approximately 10,567 square feet of rentable area on a portion of the second (2nd) floor of the building (the “Building”) known municipally as 375 University Avenue (the “Leased Premises”)  substantially on the terms and conditions as set out in Appendix “A” attached hereto and on such other terms and conditions as approved by the Chief Corporate Officer, or his or her designate, and in a form acceptable to the City Solicitor.


2.         City Council authorize the Chief Corporate Officer to administer and manage the Lease Agreement including the provision of any consents, approvals, notices and notices of termination provided that the Chief Corporate Officer may, at any time, refer consideration of such matters (including their content) to City Council for its determination and direction.


3.         City Council pass a by-law pursuant to section 252 of the City of Toronto Act, 2006 providing authority to:


            (a)        enter into a municipal capital facility agreement with The Manufacturers Life Insurance Company in respect of the Leased Premises; and


            (b)        exempt the Leased Premises from taxation for municipal and school purposes, which tax exemption is to be effective from the latest of (i) the date the municipal capital facility agreement is signed and (ii) the date the tax exemption by-law is enacted.


4.         City Council direct the City Clerk to give written notice of the by-law to the Minister of Education, the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation, the Toronto District School Board, the Toronto Catholic District School Board, the Conseil Scolaire de District du Centre-Sud-Ouest and the Conseil Scolaire de District du Catholique Centre-Sud.


5.         City Council authorize the introduction of the necessary bills to give effect thereto.



The purpose of this report is to obtain authority to enter into a new Lease Agreement with The Manufacturers Life Insurance Company, as Landlord, to lease approximately 10,567 square feet of rentable area located on a portion of the second (2nd) floor of the building municipally known as 375 University Avenue, and to have the leased premises designated as a Municipal Capital Facility.

Financial Impact

Annual Lease Payments


The proposed Lease Agreement provides for a stepped-up average annual basic rent of $22.00 per square foot of rentable area (10,567 square feet) over the ten (10) year term, commencing on December 1st, 2010. Throughout the term, the City will also be responsible for additional rent for operating costs and property taxes, which are estimated at an annual rate of $18.93 ($6.54 of this represents property taxes) per square foot (subject to annual adjustments). The resulting annual rents are outlined in the following chart:


Lease Term

Annual Basic Rent

Additional Rent



Total Annual Rent

Year 1





Year 2





Year 3





Year 4 





Year 5 





Year 6





Year 7





Year 8





Year 9





Year 10





Total For Term






The Accountability Officers are currently located at 112 Elizabeth Street and annual lease payments are provided in the approved annual operating budgets for Facilities and Real Estate.  In total, lease payments at 112 Elizabeth Street are $757,554 annually.  Current tenants include the Accountability Offices, Information and Technology, SSHA and Fire Services.  The annual lease payments at 375 University Avenue will be accommodated within the current and future year operating budgets for Facilities and Real Estate, with no net impact on the City’s budget. The other tenants will be relocated.  It is anticipated that any additional funding requirements will be accommodated from within the current annual funding provision.


Leasehold Improvements


Leasehold Improvements must also be completed to the Leased Premises in accordance with the final floor plan approved by the City which, after determining with the respective Divisions the unique fit-up and furniture requirements surrounding privacy and file security, such costs have been estimated by DCAP at $200 per square foot of usable area $1,600,000 (8,000 square feet of usable area @ $200 psf). The final cost of Leasehold Improvements will be determined by both the Landlord and the City and the Landlord will contribute $50.00 per square foot ($528,350) based on the approximate rentable area of 10,567 square feet towards the cost of these improvements, leaving a net capital cost to the City of $1,071,650.   Funding can be accommodated within the 2010 Approved Capital Budget for Facilities and Real Estate.  It has been determined that the total funding provided for the Yards Consolidation Project will not be spent in 2010.  This funding will be deferred and included in the 2011 capital budget submission for Facilities and Real Estate.  This funding can be reallocated to fund the leasehold improvements at 375 University Avenue.  This reallocation request will be included as part of the City’s 2nd quarter capital variance report.


Property/Education Tax Impact


The annual property taxes for the leased premises are estimated to be approximately $69,108 in total, comprised of a municipal portion of $37,175 and a provincial education portion of $31,933, based on 2008 Current Value Assessment (CVA) and 2010 tax rates, including all capping adjustments. The designation of the Leased Premises as a municipal capital facility would eliminate the property tax component of additional rent.


Exemption of the leased space will result in a reduction in municipal tax revenue of approximately $37,175 per year (i.e., the municipal portion of taxes that will no longer be received by the City). Overall, the net savings to the City will be approximately $31,933 per year, representing the education portion of taxes that will no longer be payable to the Province once the exemption takes effect.


The Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer has reviewed this report and agrees with the financial impact information.


Background Information
Report - 375 University Avenue - New Lease Agreement

Appendix A - Summary of Lease Terms

Appendix B - Location Map





Ward: All 

2010 Semi-Annual Report on Property Sales and Acquisitions
(June 3, 2010) Report from the Chief Corporate Officer

This semi-annual report provides information regarding total property sales and purchases by the City from January 1, 2010, to June 1, 2010. This report includes the number of properties proposed for sale and the current status of such properties. This report also includes details regarding acquisition and expropriation costs and settlements.

Background Information
Report - 2010 Semi-Annual Report on Property Sales and Acquisitions

Appendix A - Declared Surplus List

Appendix B - Property Acquisitions

Appendix C - 2010 Properties Sold

(Deferred from May 20, 2010 - 2010.GM31.20)




Ward: All 

Use of Car Share Vehicles
(May 5, 2010) Report from the Chief Corporate Officer

This report provides the results of a preliminary review to determine if the City can benefit from the use of car share vehicles to supplement the City’s fleet.  It also assesses the potential benefit of introducing additional technology to manage City vehicles.  This report was requested by Government Management Committee at its meeting March 11, 2010.


Two companies in Toronto offer short-term rental to their members of vehicles parked throughout the City.  A preliminary review indicates that the use of privately-owned car share vehicles could potentially benefit the City of Toronto by providing additional access to vehicles for occasional use.  Fleet Services will propose the use of car-share vehicles to its client Divisions.  If there is demand among the Divisions, Fleet Services will issue a competitive purchasing call and report on usage in the next Green Fleet Plan update.


Financial Impact

The financial implications cannot be determined at this time.  Fleet Services is considering offering its client Divisions access to private car-share vehicles as a transportation alternative with the intent to reduce costs.  Taking into consideration their operational needs, mileage reimbursements and fleet size, Divisions can assess the financial implications.


The Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer has reviewed this report and agrees with the financial impact information.


Background Information
Report - Use of Car Share Vehicles





Ward: All 

Contract Amendments – Temporary IT Professional Services
(June 2, 2010) Report from the Chief Information Officer, and the Director, Purchasing and Materials Management


The Chief Information Officer and the Director, Purchasing and Materials Management recommend that the Government Management Committee grant authority to:


1.         Staff to increase the blanket contract number 47013565 and the legal agreement with Ian Martin Limited for the provision of temporary IT professional services in the amount of $5,500,000, by $1,000,000 to $6,500,000 net of all taxes.


2.         Staff to increase the blanket contract number 47012475 and the legal agreement with Procom Consultants Group Limited for the provision of temporary IT professional services in the amount of $5,000,000, by $500,000 to $5,500,000 net of all taxes.


3.         Staff to increase the blanket contract number 47012477 and the legal agreement with GSI International Consulting Group for the provision of temporary IT professional services in the amount of $5,000,000, by $500,000 to $5,500,000 net of all taxes.


4.         Staff to increase the blanket contract number 47012769 and the legal agreement with Bevertec CST Inc. for the provision of temporary IT professional services in the amount of $4,000,000, by $500,000 to $4,500,000 net of all taxes.


5.         Staff to increase the blanket contract number 47012474 and the legal agreement with Design Group Staffing Inc. (operating as INTEQNA) for the provision of temporary IT professional services in the amount of $4,000,000, by $500,000 to $4,500,000 net of all taxes.


6.         Staff to increase the blanket contract number 47012476 and the legal agreement with IT/Net Toronto for the provision of temporary IT professional services in the amount of $5,000,000, by $500,000 to $5,500,000 net of all taxes.


7.         Staff to increase the blanket contract number 47012473 and the legal agreement with TES Contract Solutions Inc. (operating as The Employment Solution) for the provision of temporary IT professional services in the amount of $4,000,000, by $500,000 to $4,500,000 net of all taxes.


8.         Direct the appropriate officials to take the necessary action to give effect thereto.


The overall total value of amendments identified in the above noted recommendations is $4,000,000.00 net of all taxes. 



This report requests that the Government Management Committee authorizes staff to amend seven (7) contracts including the amendment of such legal agreements, to cover for any potential extensions of existing temporary IT professional services to ensure completion of such projects in a timely fashion and to  minimize any impact that may arise if IT professionals are no longer available. 


According to the City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 71 – Financial Control, if costs for a commitment exceed the original funding by more than $500,000.00 excluding all taxes, approval must be obtained from the appropriate Standing Committee. All seven (7) contracts have been previously amended by more than $500,000.00 excluding all taxes. 


Financial Impact

The recommended amendments to the blanket contracts and legal agreements listed in the recommendations 1 through 7 above will result in an increase of $4,000,000 net of all taxes to a maximum upset limit as specified for each vendor for a total value of $4,000,000 net of all taxes ($4,070,400.00 net of HST Recoveries).


Funds required for any potential extensions of existing temporary IT professional services for various IT projects are included in the appropriate City Programs’ and Divisions’ 2010 capital and operating budgets, and will be requested in the appropriate 2011 City Programs’ and Divisions’ capital and operating budgets. An estimated breakdown of the funding coverage is provided below:






































$  600,101


$  600,101







$ 311,407



The Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer has reviewed this report and agrees with the financial impact information.

Background Information
Contract Amendments - Temporary IT Professional Services





Ward: All 

Enterprise Systems Management Product Selection
(June 4, 2010) Report from the Chief Information Officer, Information and Technology Division Director, and the Purchasing and Materials Management Division


The Chief Information Officer and the Director of Purchasing and Materials Management recommend that:


1.         Council grant authority for the City to select Hewlett-Packard (HP) Inc. software products as a "Standard" to implement an Enterprise Systems Management Strategy.  Such software products to be acquired by a competitive RFQ process from the authorized resellers.


The purpose of this report is to obtain concurrence from Council on staff recommendation to select a specific computer software product set, manufactured by Hewlett-Packard (HP) Inc. for the implementation of software tools that will monitor and manage the City’s data centre computer hardware, network, applications, databases and other information technology assets, known as Enterprise Systems Management Strategy Project (ESM).


This product selection has been determined as optimal for the City as a result of an independent consulting review and recommendations completed by OnX Enterprise Solutions (OnX) Ltd. of the City’s needs and an assessment of products that provide these tools. The selection of HP to provide these tools considered functionality, ease of integration and maintenance, as well as cost.


Future software product requirements will be undertaken by a competitive Request For Quotation (RFQ) process from the authorized resellers.


Financial Impact

Approval of this report will not result in any financial implications.  Funding for any Enterprise Systems Management Implementation Projects will be confirmed within the Information and Technology's current Approved 10-Year Capital Plan or requested in subsequent 10-Year Capital Plans for any RFQs when recommended for award.


The Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer has reviewed this report and agrees with the financial impact information.


Background Information
Report - Enterprise Systems Management Product Selection





Ward: All 

Information Technology Maintenance Contracts Sole Source Renewal 2011 - 2015
(June 3, 2010) Report from the Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer, Deputy City Managers, Sue Corke and Richard Butts


The Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer, the Deputy City Manager of Citizen Focused Services A and the Deputy City Manager of Citizen Focused Services B recommend that:


1.         City Council grant approval, subject to Operating Budget approval in each year to renew the contracts listed in Appendix A for a period of five (5) years, at a cost not to exceed $12,158,994.68.60 net of HST recoveries for 2011, $12,122,441.62 net of HST recoveries for 2012, $15,920,844.08 net of HST recoveries for 2013, $16,421,773.50 net of  HST recoveries for 2014 and $17,120,857.21 net of HST recoveries for 2015 for a total amount not to exceed $73,744.911.07 net of HST recoveries over the five (5) year period.


2.         City Council grant authority for City Divisions to negotiate and enter into contracts to renew the contracts listed in Appendix A for a period of up to five (5) years, all in accordance with this Staff Report, City Policies and Procedures and in a form satisfactory to the City Solicitor.


The purpose of this report is to seek City Council authority to renew information technology systems maintenance sole source contracts listed in Appendix A, which have exceeded the $500,000 cumulative threshold as per Municipal Code Chapter 195-Purchasing, Section 9B and 9C, for a period of five (5) years starting January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2015.


The contracts listed in Appendix A are for software and hardware support and maintenance services for various software applications and hardware throughout the City of Toronto which can only be provided by the vendors listed in Appendix A due to proprietary reasons.  Historically a Staff Report was prepared on an annual basis to City Council.  In 2007 the Purchasing and Materials Management Division and the Information &Technology Division recommended a three (3) year approval with the expectation to negotiate savings with vendors.  The Information & Technology Division has estimated savings in the range of $10 million over the three (3) year period.  Purchasing and Materials Management Division and the Information &Technology Division are now recommending a five (5) year approval with the expectation that staff can negotiate further savings with vendors.


Financial Impact

Funding totalling the following amounts net of HST recoveries will be included in the respective programs' Operating Budget submissions every year:













The potential increase for the 2011-2015 period over the 2010 reported amounts for these contracts is approximately $770,000, or approximately 1% per year. A breakdown of the amounts for each contract grouped by division is attached as Appendix A to this Staff Report.  A divisional summary, which includes the average increase over the five (5) year period with comments, is attached as Appendix B. As shown in Appendix A, a number of large contracts have been included starting in 2013 where separate approvals were received either through an individual sole source or through a separate report to a standing committee or have reached the cumulative value of $500,000 which now has to be reported.


A number of contracts have been negotiated over the last three (3) years which ties any increase to either the CPI index or a not to increase percentage over the previous year of any contracts.  Staff in the Information & Technology Division will continue to negotiate and find ways to limit any increases to support and maintenance contracts and leverage the ability to negotiate limited increases with a five (5) year renewal term. 


The requested amounts for 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015 are estimated and represent  "not to exceed" amounts over the five (5) year period for the purposes of obtaining approval to negotiate the contracts in Appendix A and will be subject to Operating Budget approval in each year.  The amounts are based on the current support and maintenance requirements, potential future requirements and previously negotiated inflationary increases.


With approval for five (5) years, the City will have more leverage to negotiate lower costs than those shown in Appendix A.  At a minimum, the City will save administrative costs of preparing more frequent reports and by negotiating these contracts once, instead of annually it would free staff time to do other work.  While it is difficult to estimate, using an average of one month in staff time combined for each agreement, involving multiple divisions, the administrative cost savings could range between $5,000 to $15,000 per agreement.


The Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer has reviewed this report and agrees with the financial impact information.


Background Information
Report - Information Technology Maintenance Contracts Sole Source Renewal 2011 - 2015

Appendices A & B





Ward: All 

Fair Wage Office - 2009 Annual Report
(May 28, 2010) Report from the Manager, Fair Wage Office

This report provides an overview of the activities of the Fair Wage Office for 2009.

Financial Impact

There are no financial implications from this report.

Background Information
Report - Fair Wage Office - 2009 Annual Report





Ward: All 

Records Retention Bylaw Amendment
(May 17, 2010) Report from the City Clerk


The City Clerk recommends that City Council:


1.         Authorize the necessary amendments to Municipal Code Chapter 217, Records Corporate (City), to modify the Records Retention Schedule, detailed in Appendix 1.


2.         Approve the revisions noted in Appendix 2 and adding the new record classes detailed Appendix 3.


3.         Repeal record retention by-laws of former municipalities as set out in Appendix 4.


This report requests City Council’s approval for amendments to the City's record retention by-law, Municipal Code Chapter 217, Records, Corporate (City).  These amendments add new schedules and repeal superseded retention schedules.  The inclusion in the by-law of new record retention schedules that supersede those of the former municipalities enables consistent administration of the City’s information.  

The City of Toronto Act 2006 does not allow for the destruction of City records unless their authorized retention period has expired.  Records that have enduring legal, administrative, and historical value need to be preserved.  The secure and authorized destruction of City records helps protect the privacy of citizens whose personal information resides in these records.  Administrative costs for storing City records continue to be managed within the existing budgetary constraints while supporting effective access to relevant and current information by City administrators and citizens. 


Financial Impact

There are no financial implications resulting from the adoption of the recommendations in this report.

Background Information
Report - Records Retention Bylaw Amendment

Appendix 1 Draft By-law

Appendix 2 - Revisions to the existing Retention Schedule

Appendix 3 - New record classes

Appendix 4 - Former Municipalities' By-laws to be repealed





Ward: All 

Sole Source Contract for the Provision of Proprietary Software Purchases, Professional Services, and Software Maintenance from CSDC Systems Incorporated
(June 1, 2010) Letter from the Board of Health


The Board of Health recommends to the Government Management Committee that:


1.         City Council grant authority to the Medical Officer of Health to enter into a sole source contract with CSDC Systems Incorporated for the purchase of CSDC AMANDA software, professional services and software maintenance at a cost not to exceed a total of $951,708 net of HST recoveries over five years (2010-2014).


2.         City Council grant authority to the Medical Officer of Health to execute a five year agreement in accordance with the report (May 14, 2010) from the Medical Officer of Health and the Director, Purchasing and Materials Management, and in a form satisfactory to the City Solicitor.


The Board of Health on June 1, 2010, considered a report (May 14, 2010) from the Medical Officer of Health and the Director, Purchasing and Materials Management, entitled " Sole Source Contract for the Provision of Proprietary Software Purchases, Professional Services, and Software Maintenance from CSDC Systems Incorporated ".



Background Information
Letter from the Board of Health - Sole Source Contract for the Provision of Proprietary Software Letter Purchases, Professional Services, and Software Maintenance from CSDC Systems