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Agenda |
Regular |
Board of Health |
Meeting No. | 29 | Contact | Candy Davidovits, Committee Administrator | |
Meeting Date |
Monday, March 22, 2010 |
Phone | 416-397-7767 | |
Start Time |
1:00 PM |
boh@toronto.ca | ||
Location |
Committee Room 1, City Hall
Chair | Councillor John Filion |
Members of the Board and Staff: Please keep this agenda and the accompanying material until the City Council meeting dealing with these matters has ended. The City Clerk’s Office will not provide additional copies.
Special Assistance for Members of the Public: City staff can arrange for special assistance with some advance notice. If you need special assistance, please call 416‑397-7767, TTY 416-338-0889 or e-mail boh@toronto.ca.
Closed Meeting Requirements: If the Board of Health wants to meet in closed session (privately), a member of the Board must make a motion to do so and give the reason why the Board has to meet privately. (City of Toronto Act, 2006)
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Declarations of Interest under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act.
Confirmation of Minutes - February 16, 2010
Speakers/Presentations – A complete list will be distributed at the meeting.
HL29.1 | ACTION |
Ward: All |
Breastfeeding in Toronto: Promoting Supportive Environment |
Origin |
(March 4, 2010) Report from Medical Officer of Health |
Recommendations |
The Medical Officer of Health recommends that:
1. The Board of Health urge all Toronto birthing hospitals to achieve Baby-Friendly designation as soon as possible, giving priority to:
a. developing a written policy that covers all Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding, including a mechanism to evaluate the policy;
b. helping mothers initiate breastfeeding within a half hour of birth;
c. ensuring that newborn infants are not given food or drink other than breast milk unless medically indicated; and
d. refraining from the practice of providing infant formula to mothers at hospital discharge.
2. The Medical Officer of Health work in collaboration with Toronto birthing hospitals to support their efforts to achieve Baby-Friendly designation and re-assess compliance with the Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding; providing a progress report to the Board of Health in two years.
3. The Medical Officer of Health ensure that Toronto Public Health achieve Baby-Friendly designation and provide a progress report to the Board of Health in two years.
4. The Medical Officer of Health continue to work with key stakeholders to promote exclusive breastfeeding to six months of age using population-wide and targeted strategies, paying particular attention to those women less likely to exclusively breastfeed to six months (i.e. younger women, recent immigrants, women with lower levels of income, women having a Caesarean birth).
5. The Medical Officer of Health continue to work with key stakeholders to develop and implement strategies to engage public facilities (e.g. malls, restaurants, recreational facilities, parks and the workplace) in breastfeeding friendly initiatives, thereby increasing the number of breastfeeding friendly places and supporting a women’s right to breastfeed in public.
6. The Medical Officer of Health continue to work with key stakeholders to maintain high rates of breastfeeding intention and initiation, paying particular attention to those women who are less likely to plan to breastfeed or initiate breastfeeding (e.g. younger women, women with low levels of education and women with lower levels of family income).
7. The Medical Officer of Health forward this report to the Ontario Minister of Health and Long-Term Care and the Better Outcomes Registry & Network (BORN) Ontario, acknowledging the Ministry's progress toward the development of an integrated perinatal data collection system and requesting that the Minister ensure that the Niday Perinatal database is collecting:
a. accurate and complete infant feeding data to enable hospitals and community health services to monitor rates of initiation and any and exclusive breastfeeding; and
b. key sociodemographic and sociocultural indicators to enable the identification of subpopulations at risk for low breastfeeding rates and adverse maternal/infant health outcomes.
8. This report be forwarded to the Ministry of Health Promotion, Ministry of Health and Long‑Term Care, Ministry of Children and Youth Services, Provincial Maternal Newborn Advisory Committee, Ontario Public Health Association, Ontario Breastfeeding Committee, Child Health Integration Network of the Greater Toronto Area, Local Health Integration Networks that are responsible for Toronto birthing hospitals and Toronto Best Start Network. |
Summary |
The Baby-Friendly Initiative (BFI) is an international program to improve breastfeeding outcomes for mothers and babies by improving the quality of their care.(1) This initiative consists of a hospital and a community component and sets the standards that hospitals and community health services must achieve in order to obtain Baby-Friendly Designation.
In 2007, the Board of Health directed the Medical Officer of Health to develop a breastfeeding report card. To do so, Toronto Public Health (TPH) conducted a research study to determine rates of breastfeeding initiation, duration and exclusivity among first time mothers and to gain a better understanding of the factors which may influence these rates.
The purpose of this Board of Health report is to provide a summary of the components and key findings of the research study described in the attached report, Breastfeeding in Toronto: Promoting Supportive Environments; and to contextualize the findings in relation to TPH’s mandate to protect, promote and support breastfeeding.
The research study found that almost all first-time Toronto mothers initiated breastfeeding and at six months postpartum almost three quarters of these mothers were still breastfeeding. However, fewer than one in five mothers who initiated breastfeeding continued to exclusively breastfeed their babies to six months. A number of factors including sociodemographic, sociocultural, birth-related, hospital policies and practices and community factors were found to be associated with any and/or exclusive breastfeeding at various points in time.
In response to these research findings, TPH will strive to achieve Baby-Friendly designation and continue to champion the Baby-Friendly Initiative with hospital and community partners. Toronto Public Health will continue to work collaboratively with hospital and community partners to develop and implement an action plan focused on promoting breastfeeding and creating supportive environments to enable women to exclusively breastfeed to six months. |
Financial Impact |
There are no financial implications arising from this report. |
Background Information |
HL29.1 - Breastfeeding in Toronto: Promoting Supportive Environments - Staff Report (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/hl/bgrd/backgroundfile-28171.pdf) HL29.1 - Breastfeeding in Toronto - Promoting Supportive Environments - Attachment 1 (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/hl/bgrd/backgroundfile-28423.pdf) |
HL29.2 | ACTION |
Ward: All |
The Provincial Early Learning Plan and Implications for Toronto Public Health |
Origin |
(March 4, 2010) Report from Medical Officer of Health |
Recommendations |
The Medical Officer of Health recommends that:
1. The Board of Health write to the Premier of Ontario offering support for the Plan identified in the “With Our Best Future in Mind: Implementing Early Learning in Ontario” report, and calling on the Province to endorse the full plan and to ensure that:
a. Boards of Health remain responsible for delivery of the Healthy Babies, Healthy Children (HBHC) program;
b. Boards of Health receive sufficient and sustainable funding to support a full range of Reproductive Health and Child Health services in the Best Start Child & Family Centres (BSC&FC), including Healthy Babies Healthy Children, Preschool Speech and Language, and Infant Hearing.
2. The Medical Officer of Health collaborate with Toronto Children’s Services (the Consolidated Municipal Service Manager) to seek opportunities to integrate appropriate early childhood public health program activities into child and family centres where feasible.
3. This report be sent to the Minister of Children and Youth Services, the Minister of Education, the Minister of Health and Long-Term Care, the Minister of Health Promotion, the General Manager of Toronto Children’s Services Division, and the Toronto Best Start Network. |
Summary |
In June 2009, Dr Charles Pascal, the Special Advisor on Early Learning, presented his report “With Our Best Future in Mind: Implementing Early Learning in Ontario”, to the Premier. This report offers a bold vision for the transformation of early learning, extended child care, and family supports in Ontario. Based on solid evidence and best practice, this vision for Ontario’s and Toronto’s young children and families offers significant potential for improving family access to service and optimizing developmental outcomes for children.
The Early Learning Plan proposed in the report includes a number of recommendations that have implications for public health funding, service, and accountability. It is consistent with the goals of the Reproductive Health and Child Health requirements of the Ontario Public Health Standards and offers public health a new means of reaching out to pregnant women, young children and families. Consequently it is recommended that the Board of Health support the overall vision of the Plan.
The provincial government has endorsed the full day learning and extended child care components of the Plan. There is, however, less clarity about the Province’s commitment to the broader vision.
This report provides a general description of the implications of the Early Learning Report for public health services, and identifies those recommendations that the public health community and Toronto Public Health supports and those that may be of concern and/or require further clarity. This report also describes provincial and local activities that ensure that public health is at the Early Years planning tables. |
Financial Impact |
There are no financial implications arising from this report. |
Background Information |
HL29.2 - The Provincial Early Learning Plan and Implications for Toronto Public Health - Staff Report (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/hl/bgrd/backgroundfile-28172.pdf) |
HL29.3 | Information |
Ward: All |
Hot Weather Response Plan Update |
Origin |
(March 4, 2010) Report from Medical Officer of Health |
Summary |
This report provides an update on the City of Toronto Hot Weather Response Plan and the experience of summer 2009. |
Financial Impact |
There is no financial impact stemming from this report. |
Background Information |
HL29.3 - Hot Weather Response Plan Update - Staff Report (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/hl/bgrd/backgroundfile-28173.pdf) |
HL29.4 | Presentation |
Ward: All |
Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Update |
Summary |
The Medical Officer of Health will give an update on pandemic influenza preparedness in Toronto.
HL29.5 | Information |
Ward: All |
Toronto Public Health Operating Budget Variance Report for the Twelve Months ended December 31, 2009 |
Origin |
(March 4, 2010) Report from Medical Officer of Health |
Summary |
This report provides information to the Board of Health on the Toronto Public Health (TPH) Operating Budget Variance for the twelve months of operation ending on December 31, 2009.
At year-end, TPH gross expenditures were below budget by $7,021.0 thousand or 3.2 percent attributable to underspending of $732.1 thousand in Salaries and Benefits and $6,288.9 thousand in non-payroll. Revenue was underachieved by $6,289.5 thousand or 3.5 percent due to under-expenditures in provincial cost shared programs and fully funded programs, including the Children in Need of Dental Treatment (CINOT) Expansion. |
Financial Impact |
See Table on page 1 of the staff report for detailed financial impact information.
The Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer has reviewed this report and agrees with the financial impact information. |
Background Information |
HL29.5 - Toronto Public Health Operating Budget Variance Report for the Twelve Months ended December 31, 2009 - Staff Report (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/hl/bgrd/backgroundfile-28174.pdf) HL29.5 - Toronto Public Health Operating Variance Submission for the period ended December 31, 2009 - Attachment 1 (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/hl/bgrd/backgroundfile-28175.pdf) |
HL29.6 | Information |
Ward: All |
Toronto Public Health Capital Budget Variance for the Twelve Months ended December 31, 2009 |
Origin |
(March 1, 2010) Report from Medical Officer of Health |
Summary |
This report provides an update to the Board of Health on the Toronto Public Health (TPH) Capital Budget variance for the twelve-month period ended December 31, 2009 (Appendix 1).
Toronto Public Health spent $3.934 million or 69.4 percent of the 2009 approved cash flow of $5.670 million as of December 31, 2009. Two projects were completed in 2009. The year-end under expenditure of $1.732 million will be carried forward to 2010. |
Financial Impact |
See Table on page 1 of the staff report for detailed financial impact information. The Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer has reviewed this report and agrees with the financial impact information. |
Background Information |
HL29.6 - Toronto Public Health Capital Budet Variance for the Twelve Months ended December 31, 2009 - Staff Report (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/hl/bgrd/backgroundfile-28176.pdf) HL29.6 - Toronto Public Health 2009 Capital Budget Variance Report Preliminary for the Year Ended December 31, 2009 - Appendix 1 (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/hl/bgrd/backgroundfile-28177.pdf) |
HL29.7 | Information |
Local Health Committee Minutes |
Summary |
Local Health Committees submitting the following:
- Minutes of the Etobicoke/York Local Health Committee meeting held on June 11, 2009.
- Minutes of the Etobicoke/York Local Health Committee meeting held on October 15, 2009.
- Minutes of the Etobicoke/York Local Health Committee meeting held on November 12, 2009.
- Minutes of the Etobicoke/York Local Health Committee meeting held on January 14, 2010.
- Minutes of the North York Local Health Committee meeting held on January 14, 2010. |
Background Information |
HL29.7 - Etobicoke and York Local Health Committee Minutes - June 11, 2009 (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/hl/bgrd/backgroundfile-27434.pdf) HL29.7 - Etobicoke and York Local Health Committee Minutes - October 15, 2009 (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/hl/bgrd/backgroundfile-27435.pdf) HL29.7 - Etobicoke and York Local Health Committee Minutes - November 12, 2009 (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/hl/bgrd/backgroundfile-27436.pdf) HL29.7 - Etobicoke andYork Local Health Minutes - January 14, 2010 (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/hl/bgrd/backgroundfile-27437.pdf) HL29.7 - North York Local Health Committee Minutes - January 14, 2010 (http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2010/hl/bgrd/backgroundfile-27961.pdf) |