City of Toronto Logo Decision Document

Board of Health

Meeting No. 32   Contact Candy Davidovits, Committee Administrator
Meeting Date Monday, June 28, 2010
  Phone 416-392-8032
Start Time 1:00 PM
Location Committee Room 1, City Hall
  Chair   Councillor John Filion  


The Decision Document is for preliminary reference purposes only.  Please refer to the Committee's Report to City Council or to the Minutes for the official record.






Toronto Public Health Strategic Plan 2010-2014: A Healthy City for All
Committee Decision

 The Board of Health:


1.         adopted the Toronto Public Health Strategic Plan 2010-2014: A Healthy City For All, attached to the report (June 14, 2010) from the Medical Officer of Health.


2.         requested the Medical Officer of Health to report annually to the Board of Health on the implementation of the plan.


(June 14, 2010) Report from Medical Officer of Health

Toronto Public Health has engaged in an extensive consultation process with its staff and management as well as members of the Board of Health and Local Health Committees in order to develop a strategic plan for the next five years.  This plan, entitled “A Healthy City For All” builds on the organization’s history and charts its future direction.  It confirms the organization’s mission and foundational principles, and articulates priority directions and actions that will inform service and budget planning and provide the basis for monitoring organizational performance throughout the next five years.  Toronto Public Health’s Strategic Plan 2010-2014 is presented for adoption by the Board of Health.

Background Information
HL32.1 - Toronto Public Health Strategic Plan 2010 - 2014: A Healthy City for All - Staff Report

HL32.1 - Toronto Public Health Strategic Plan 2010 - 2014: A Healthy City for All - Attachment






Mixed Waste Processing Study Health Impact Assessment
Committee Decision

The Board of Health:


1.         forwarded the report (June 10, 2010) from the Medical Officer of Health to the Public Works and Infrastructure Committee for information.


2.         forwarded the report (June10, 2010) from the Medical Officer of Health to the Elgin St. Thomas and Middlesex-London Boards of Health, and the Township of Southwold Council.

(June 10, 2010) Report from Medical Officer of Health

Toronto Public Health (TPH) oversaw the Health Impact Assessment (HIA) component of the Mixed Waste Processing Study conducted by Golder Associates on behalf of Solid Waste Management Services (SWMS). This study was initiated to evaluate the options for managing Toronto’s mixed waste in order to help achieve the City’s Target 70 waste diversion objectives.  Potential impacts from various approaches to dealing with City of Toronto residential mixed waste were assessed using HIA screening and scoping approaches.  This report presents the findings of the HIA and the recommendations the Medical Officer of Health (MOH) has made for future action by SWMS.


The HIA was conducted in two phases. The first phase assessed various technology options and informed SWMS’s decision to move forward with Mechanical Biological Treatment with Anaerobic Digestion (MBT with AD) as the preferred technology for a residential mixed waste processing facility.  The only city-owned site that has sufficient area to accommodate the full processing and final curing operations is next to Green Lane Landfill in the Township of Southwold (near London, Ontario).


Once the preferred site and technology were identified, TPH held an HIA workshop with stakeholders from the community neighbouring the selected site. The participants at the workshop identified both negative and positive potential impacts from the proposed facility. Potential mitigation efforts were also discussed. 


The Medical Officer of Health has communicated his recommendations on ways to address stakeholder concerns during the design and operation of the proposed facility to the General Manager, SWMS. SWMS has indicated that they will implement these recommendations. The MOH will continue to work with SWMS and the Residual Waste Working Group to ensure health issues are considered during the next phases. The HIA process helped influence the selection of a mixed waste treatment technology option such that the one with the least environmental and health impact was chosen.

Background Information
HL32.2 - Mixed Waste Processing Study Health Impact Assessment - Staff Report

HL32.2 - Mixed Waste Processing Study Health Impact Assessment - Attachment 1

HL32.2 - Mixed Waste Processing Study Health Impact Assessment - Attachment 2






Environmental Reporting, Disclosure and Innovation Program (ChemTRAC) Update
Committee Decision

The Board of Health received Item HL32.3 for information.

(June 9, 2010) Report from Medical Officer of Health

This report provides an update on the implementation of the Environmental Reporting, Disclosure and Innovation Program. This program, now called ChemTRAC, is designed to protect public health and stimulate the greening of local facilities by tracking and reducing toxic chemicals found in Toronto’s environment. An important component of this program is the Environmental Reporting and Disclosure Bylaw (Municipal Code Chapter 423) which came into force January 1, 2010.


Toronto Public Health is coordinating the implementation of ChemTRAC, in partnership with Economic Development and Culture, the Toronto Environment Office and Toronto Water. The program activities in 2009 focused on informing facilities about the bylaw and developing resources to help them report their use of toxic chemicals.  This is an important step in order to ensure that facilities know how to comply with the bylaw and are aware of greening/pollution prevention resources. The education and outreach activities for facilities included a mailing to more than 6000 facilities that may need to report, a series of breakfast seminars held throughout the city, the development of a Guide to Reporting and release estimation calculators, along with creating and populating the program website (


The development of an online reporting system to effectively and accurately collect the reported data was also started in 2009. This involved discussions with Environment Canada and Toronto Public Health Information Technology (IT) to plan and develop the necessary IT infrastructure.


These activities are the groundwork essential to continued program success and growth.

Background Information
HL32.3 - Environmental Reporting, Disclosure and Innovation Program (ChemTRAC) Update - Staff Report






Environmental Assessment Requirements for Billy Bishop Toronto City Airport
Committee Decision

The Board of Health received Item HL32.4 for information.

(June 10, 2010) Report from Medical Officer of Health

The purpose of this report is to provide information on the environmental assessment requirements applicable to the Billy Bishop Toronto City Airport (“the Island Airport”).


Federal environmental assessment of a proposed project at the Island Airport is carried out by the Toronto Port Authority (TPA), usually on the basis of a screening environmental assessment. The TPA is responsible for identifying potential environmental effects, determining the significance of those effects, identifying feasible mitigation measures, and selecting an appropriate course of action. The environmental assessment of a proposed project may be referred to a review panel under certain circumstances.


TPA can conduct building, expansion and modification at the Island Airport without being subject to a Federal environmental assessment, so long as only excluded activities are undertaken. Any expansion at the Island Airport that goes beyond the nature or scope of these exclusions, such as the Tunnel currently proposed, requires an environmental assessment.


The Tripartite Agreement among the Federal government, the TPA and the City, also may limit the expansion of operations at the Island Airport.

Background Information
HL32.4 - Environmental Assessment Requirements for Billy Bishop Toronto City Airport - Staff Report






2010 AIDS Prevention Community Investment Program Allocation Recommendations
Committee Recommendations

The Board of Health recommends that:


1.         City Council approve the allocation of $1,574,960 to 41 projects as recommended by the 2010 AIDS Prevention Community Investment Program Review Panel in Appendix C and Appendix D of the revised report (June 11, 2010) from the Chair, AIDS Prevention Community Investment Program Review Panel.


2.         City Council approve an allocation of $104,040 to Schools Without Borders to enhance Toronto’s response to HIV/AIDS globally and as a legacy to the XVI International AIDS Conference held in Toronto in August 2006, as recommended by the AIDS Prevention Community Investment Program Review Panel in Appendix E of the revised report (June 11, 2010) from the Chair, AIDS Prevention Community Investment Program Review Panel.


3.         City Council grant authority to the Medical Officer of Health to execute Letters of Understanding on behalf of the City.

(June 11, 2010) Report from Chair, AIDS Prevention Community Investment Program Review Panel

This report outlines the review process, funding applications and recommendations of the Board of Health AIDS Prevention Community Investment Program Review Panel regarding allocations in 2010.


The 2010 approved operating budget for the AIDS Prevention Community Investment Program includes an allocation of $1,679,000. This report proposes funding allocations in the total amount of $1,574,960 for 41 projects in the City of Toronto and $104,040 to Schools Without Borders (SWB) for the AIDS Prevention Community Investment Program Global HIV/AIDS Initiative.  Funding is to be used between July 1, 2010 and June 30, 2011.

Background Information
HL32.5 - 2010 AIDS Prevention Community Investment Program Allocation Recommendations - Staff Report and Appendices A to E

HL32.5 - 2010 AIDS Prevention Community Investment Program Allocation Recommendations - Appendix F






2010 Drug Prevention Community Investment Program Allocations
Committee Recommendations

The Board of Health recommends that:


1.         City Council approve the allocation of $844,280 to 38 projects as recommended by the 2010 Drug Prevention Community Investment Program Review Panel in Appendix B and Appendix C of the revised report (June 10, 2010) from the Chair, Drug Prevention Community Investment Program Review Panel.


2.         City Council approve the listed applicants for multi-year assessment in Appendix D and E of the revised report (June 10, 2010) from the Chair, Drug Prevention Community Investment Program Review Panel.


3.         City Council grant authority to the Medical Officer of Health to execute Letters of Understanding on behalf of the City.

(June 10, 2010) Report from Chair, Drug Prevention Community Investment Program Review Panel

This report outlines the review process, funding applications and recommendations of the Board of Health Drug Prevention Community Investment Program Review Panel regarding allocations in 2010.


The 2010 Approved Operating Budget for the Drug Prevention Community Investment Program (DPCIP) includes an allocation of $844,280.  This report recommends the allocation of $844,280 to 38 projects.  Funding is to be used between July 1, 2010 and June 30, 2011.

Background Information
HL32.6 - 2010 Drug Prevention Community Investment Program Allocations - Revised Staff Report and Appendices A to E






Update on Tracking Deaths in the Homeless Population
Committee Decision

The Board of Health requested the Medical Officer of Health to:


1.          establish a research agreement with the Coroner’s Office to monitor deaths among the homeless and to continue to use the homeless and housing data system; and


2.          write to the Premier of Ontario and the Ontario Minister of Finance requesting them to provide the Office of the Chief Coroner with adequate resources to re-establish the Toronto Indigent Deaths Enquiries (TIDE) Project.

(June 10, 2010) Report from Medical Officer of Health

This report is the second biannual update on mortality trends in the homeless population in the City of Toronto. Data has previously been collected from three sources regarding deaths among homeless people. Recent years of data indicate a downward trend in number of deaths.


As two of the three sources of data are no longer available, this will be the last report of this type on tracking homeless deaths.

Background Information
HL32.7 - Update on Tracking Deaths in the Homeless Population - Staff Report






Toronto Public Health Operating Budget Variance Report for the Five Months ended May 31, 2010
Committee Decision

The Board of Health received Item HL32.8 for information.

(June 8, 2010) Report from Medical Officer of Health

This report provides an update to the Board of Health on Toronto Public Health’s (TPH) Operating Budget Variance for the five months of operation ending on May 31, 2010.


Toronto Public Health’s operating budget was under spent by $389.8 thousand net or 2.5 percent for the five-month period ending on May 31, 2010.


Toronto Public Health gross expenditures were below budget by $248.0 thousand or 0.3 percent, attributable to the under spending of $247.5 thousand in Salaries and Benefits and $0.5 thousand in non payroll including utility costs. Revenue was overachieved by $141.8 thousand mainly due to higher than planned collection of user fees. At year-end, Toronto Public Health expects to be fully spent with no variance.

Background Information
HL32.8 - Toronto Public Health Operating Budget Variance Report for the Five Months ended May 31, 2010 - Staff Report

HL32.8 - Toronto Public Health Operating Budget Variance Report for the Five Months ended May 31, 2010 - Attachment 1






Local Health Committee Minutes
Committee Decision

The Board of Health received Item HL32.9 for information.


Local Health Committees submitting the following:


-           Minutes of the Scarborough Local Health Committee meeting held on April 26, 2010;


-           Minutes of the Etobicoke/York Local Health Committee meeting held on April 29, 2010; and


-           Minutes of the North York Local Health Committee Meeting held on May 26, 2010.

Background Information
HL32.9 - Scarborough Local Health Committee Minutes - April 26, 2010

HL32.9 - Etobicoke/York Local Health Committee Minutes - April 29, 2010

HL32.9 - North York Local Health Committee Minutes - May 26, 2010

HL32.9 - North York Local Health Committee Minutes - May 26, 2010 - Attachment

(June 14, 2010) Letter from Premier Dalton McGuinty addressed to Valerie Sterling, Chair, North York Local Health Committee (HL.Main.32.9.1)





Ward: All 

Update on Proposed Changes to the Special Diet Allowance
Committee Decision

The Board of Health:


1.         called on the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care to implement a nutritional supplement program that enables Ontario Works and Ontario Disability Support Program recipients with specific medical conditions to afford the additional costs of specific diets to improve and maintain their health.


2.         supported advocacy efforts regarding the development of the proposed nutritional supplement program based on sound nutrition and medical evidence, and request the provincial government consult with key stakeholders from health and social service sectors, including public health, in the development process.


3.         requested the Provincial Government to immediately raise the social assistance Basic Allowance rates based on the real costs of healthy living, including nutritious food and index the rates to reflect future food inflation costs.

(June 22, 2010) Report from Medical Officer of Health

The Ontario 2010 Budget announced the cancellation of the Special Diet Allowance (SDA) as a supplement to the basic social assistance allowance and its replacement with a nutritional supplement program. This report provides information on the potential impact of eliminating the SDA. It recommends criteria to be considered in developing the proposed nutritional supplement program for individuals who are beneficiaries of Ontario Works (OW) and the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) and who have specific medical conditions, and it strongly supports advocacy efforts calling for increasing basic social assistance rates to provide people living in poverty with sufficient income for a healthy diet. 


The relationship between poverty, inadequate nutrition and poor health is clear and well-documented. Good nutrition can reduce the risk of chronic diseases, promote positive pregnancy outcomes and support healthy child growth and development. The SDA supports recipients’ overall health and their specific medical conditions and it enables access to healthier food choices. Creation of a new nutritional supplement program provides an opportunity to ensure that OW/ ODSP recipients with specific medical conditions are able to purchase the food they need to manage and improve their health. The importance of the role of diet in disease prevention and treatment must be recognized to ensure the proposed nutritional supplement program addresses these needs. Furthermore, as part of the design of any new program, the government must recognize that all Ontario residents require adequate income to purchase sufficient nutritious food to promote health and well being.

Background Information
HL32.10 - Update on Proposed Changes to the Special Diet Allowance - Staff Report

HL32.10 - Update on Proposed Changes to the Special Diet Allowance - Attachment 1






Expansion of the Children in Need of Treatment (CINOT) Dental Program - 2010 Funding
Committee Decision

The Board of Health Health recommended to the Budget Committee for consideration on June 29, 2010, that:


1.         City Council approve funding for the expanded CINOT dental program totalling $356,460 gross, of which $268,845 is funded by the Ministry of Health Promotion and $89,615 is funded for 2010 only through reallocation from the approved 100 per cent City funded dental services budget.


2.         City Council increase the Toronto Public Health 2010 Operating Budget by $268,845 gross with $268,845 revenue from the Ministry of Health Promotion.


3.         The 2011 additional funding requirement of $358,460 gross/ $89,615 net for the expanded CINOT dental program be forwarded to Budget Committee for consideration during the 2011 Operating Budget process.

Decision Advice and Other Information

The Board of Health requested the Premier of Ontario and the Minister of Health Promotion to continue to fund 100 per cent of the expanded CINOT program for low-income children and youth 14 to 17 years of age in 2010 and future years.

(June 24, 2010) Report from Medical Officer of Health

The Ministry of Health Promotion (MHP) recently confirmed that the expansion of the CINOT dental program to include low-income children and youth 14 to 17 years of age will be cost shared with 75 per cent provincial funding in 2010.  In 2009, the expansion of CINOT was 100 per cent provincially funded.  In 2010, a source of funding is required for the City’s portion ($89,615) of the CINOT expansion.


The Medical Officer of Health (MOH) recommends that for 2010 only, the municipal share of funding for the CINOT expansion be reallocated from the 100 per cent municipally funded dental services budget.  This will result in some reduction of service for clients ineligible for provincial cost shared programs, but will maximize the use of provincial funding and consequently dental service levels.  Municipal funding for the CINOT expansion in 2011 will be requested through the 2011 Operating Budget process.


The MOH also recommends that the Board of Health (BOH) request that the Premier of Ontario and the Minster of Health Promotion continue 100 per cent funding of CINOT expansion since the provincial funds allocated for this purpose were significantly under-spent in 2009.   

Background Information
HL32.11 - Expansion of the Children in Need of Treatment (CINOT) Dental Program - 2010 Funding






2010 Update on Public Health Programs Funded by the Ministry of Children and Youth Services
Committee Decision

The Board of Health:


1.          called on the Ministry of Children and Youth Services for sufficient and sustainable provincial funding to ensure that Toronto Public Health can achieve full compliance with the provincial Healthy Babies Healthy Children Protocol;


2.         called on the Ministry of Children and Youth Services for sufficient and sustainable provincial funding to ensure that Toronto Preschool Speech and Languages Services can eliminates its current wait list and comply with provincially established service targets;


3.         requested the Medical Officer of Health to report back to the Board of Health in fall 2010 on the implications of the provincial Early Learning and Care Initiative on Toronto Public Health’s Healthy families programs and funding, including the provision of Preschool Speech and Language services to four and five-year olds who are in full day learning programs; and


4.         informed the Minister of Health and Long-Term Care and the Minister of Children and Youth Services that due to insufficient provincial funding for the Healthy Babies, Healthy Children, Pre-School Speech and Language, Infant Hearing and Blind-Low Vision Programs, Toronto Public Health will not be able to meet Reproductive Health Requirement No. 7 and Child Health Requirement No. 9 of the Ontario Public Health Standards.

(June 24, 2010) Report from Medical Officer of Health

Toronto Public Health (TPH) currently delivers four Ontario Early Years programs:  Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC), Preschool Speech and Language (PSL), Infant Hearing (IHP) and Blind-Low Vision (BLV).  Each of these programs receives 100% funding from the Ministry of Children and Youth Services (MCYS).  Services within these programs are delivered in accordance with Ontario Public Health Standards, related Protocols, and/or provincial program requirements.


The Ministry of Children and Youth Services has advised Toronto Public Health that 2010 funding levels for each of these programs have been frozen at 2009 funding levels.  This means that funding has remained constant for the past four years, with no increase to respond to cost of service pressures or rising service demands.  While Toronto Public Health is endeavouring to maintain the highest level and quality of service possible within existing funding, service levels are gradually being eroded.  Toronto Public Health is no longer able to meet Ministry established service targets and opportunities to support the healthy growth and development of children are being missed.

Background Information
HL32.12 - 2010 Update on Public Health Programs Funded by the Ministry of Children and Youth Services - Staff Report





Ward: All 

Discharge of Water Containing E.Coli into Outer Harbour
Committee Decision

The Board of Health referred Item HL32.13 to the Medical Officer of Health for his consideration.

(June 28, 2010) Letter from Councillor Paula Fletcher, Ward 30 - Toronto-Danforth

Letter from Councillor Paula Fletcher requesting the Medical Officer of Health to investigate and report to the Board of Health, as soon as possible, on any recommendations for the Ministry of Environment regarding waters containing e.coli being discharged untreated into the Outer Harbour.

Background Information
HL32.13 - Discharge of Water Containing E.Coli into Outer Harbour - Letter from Councillor Paula Fletcher





Ward: All 

Early Learning Program - Nutritional and Developmental Needs of Children
Committee Decision

The Board of Health urged the Minister of Education to:


1.         design and fund the Early Learning Program to ensure that the nutritional and developmental needs of these children are addressed; and


2.         provide adequate funding to municipalities to ensure that child care centres can continue to provide supervision and nutritious lunches and snacks through the transition period.


Fiona Nelson requested that the Board of Health consider an issue related to the Early Learning Program. 

Meeting Sessions
Session Date Session Type Start Time End Time Public or Closed Session
2010-06-28 Afternoon 1:05 PM 2:05 PM Public
Members were present for some or all of the time period indicated.
Date and Time Quorum Members
1:05 PM - 2:05 PM
(Public Session)
Present Present: Bravo, Castro, Chari, Cho, Davis, Filion (Chair), Lee, Nelson, Perks, Sterling, Wong
Not Present: Fletcher, O'Brien