City of Toronto Logo Minutes

Parks and Environment Committee

Meeting No. 30   Contact Dela Ting, Acting Administrator
Meeting Date Friday, May 21, 2010
  Phone 416-397-7769
Start Time 9:30 AM
Location Committee Room 1, City Hall
  Chair   Councillor Paula Fletcher  





Ward: All 

Tree Protection on Development Sites

Committee Decision

The Parks and Environment Committee received this item for information.

(April 30, 2010) Report from General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation

City Council, on October 26 and 27, 2009, requested a report to the appropriate committee on ways and means to avoid a recurrence of situations like the one that has occurred at 21 and 23 Mastwood Crescent and/or seek appropriate restitution. 


Tree protection requires cooperation among residents, builders and City Divisions. The resources required to monitor every site where construction has the potential to impact a tree are not in place. Improved education and awareness of the tree protection by-laws are essential so that trees are considered in the initial stages of project design. Monitoring and enforcement of sites for tree protection are key components to protecting the urban forest. 


Background Information
Staff Report

(May 14, 2010) E-mail from Simon Burke, President, Village at York Residents Association (PE.New.PE30.1.1)
1 - Motion to Receive Item moved by Councillor Raymond Cho (Carried)

That the item be received for information.







Ward: All 

City of Toronto Parkland Acquisitions from 1998-2009

Committee Recommendations

The Parks and Environment Committee recommends that:


1.         City Council direct the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation to update and refine the Parkland Acquisition Strategic Directions Report as part of the City-wide Park Plan which will be used to guide staff in making the City’s parkland acquisition decisions.


2.         City Council direct that the updated Parkland Acquisition Strategic Directions Report be informed by the approach proposed in the School Lands Property Acquisition Framework and Funding Strategy, as amended by City Council.

Decision Advice and Other Information

The Parks and Environment Committee requested the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation to submit to the June 17, 2010 meeting of the Parks and Environment Committee cash-in-lieu allocation figures for land acquisition and park development and the district breakout.

(May 7, 2010) Report from General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation

This report reviews parkland acquisitions achieved by the City since Amalgamation and provides an overview of the land acquisition activities during that period. The report outlines the Council approved policies and strategic directions that guided these activities, particularly the Official Plan policies and the principles outlined in the Parkland Acquisition Strategic Directions Report (PASDR), which was adopted in November 2001. The report examines the Division’s acquisitions over two time periods – the period between 1998 and 2001, before the new city-wide policies and strategic directions were developed and the period between 2002 and 2009, after the new policies and directions were approved by Council and came into effect.


Most of the land purchases recommended by staff were guided by the policy directions for parkland acquisition that are included in the Official Plan, Parkland Acquisition Strategic Directions Report, the Recreation Facilities Report or other Council approved policies. However, some purchases resulted from Council directions to acquire sites in medium or high parkland provision areas for various reasons, such as, the preservation of sites having cultural or historical significance, or to acquire surplus school sites in order to expand existing parks or to retain public open spaces that would otherwise be lost.


Parks, Forestry and Recreation staff are recommending that the Parkland Acquisition Strategic Directions (PASDR) report be updated and refined and that this updated report be informed by the proposed School Lands Property Acquisition Framework and Funding Strategy. The proposed framework report, as amended, was recommended for adoption, by the Executive Committee, at its meeting of April 19, 2010. The item will be before Council for consideration on May 11-12th, 2010. If adopted, this corporate acquisition framework will inform both the Park Plan and the PASDR update, which will, in turn, inform the Parks, Forestry and  Recreation Division’s capital budget priority setting for land acquisitions. 

Background Information
Staff Report

1 - Motion to Amend Item (Additional) moved by Councillor Paula Fletcher (Carried)

That the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation be requested to submit to the June 17, 2010 meeting of the Parks and Environment Committee cash-in-lieu allocation figures for land acquisition and park development and the district breakout.

2 - Motion to Adopt Item as Amended moved by Councillor Paula Fletcher (Carried)








Ward: All 

Public Forum on the Proposed Metrolinx Service Expansion in the Georgetown South Corridor

Committee Recommendations

The Parks and Environment Committee recommends that:


1.         City Council outline its concerns to Metrolinx Chief Executive Officer Robert Prichard and Ontario Minister of Transportation Kathleen Wynne that the proposed diesel expansion in the Georgetown South Corridor will have a negative impact on the network of City parks which currently serve as hubs of community life.


2.         City Council request the Premier of Ontario, the Ministers of Energy and Infrastructure and Transportation to require the Air Rail link between Union Station and Pearson Airport to be electrified by year 2015 as a demonstration project for regional transit.


3.         City Council request Metrolinx Chief Executive Officer Robert Prichard to reinstate the Community Advisory Council for guiding the Electrification Project.

Decision Advice and Other Information

The Parks and Environment Committee requested the:


a.         Chairs of the Parks and Environment Committee and Board of Health to invite Metrolinx Chief Executive Officer Robert Prichard, Ontario Minister of Transportation Kathleen Wynne and Provincial Members of Parliament to address the Parks and Environment Committee on issues and concerns raised at the public forum held on March 22, 2010 and on previous motions from the last few years that were adopted by City Council.


b.         Medical Officer of Health and Director, Toronto Environment Office to review the Metrolinx noise and vibration study to ensure the accoustical accuracy of the study in relation to the new MP40 diesel trains or any other proposed diesel trains and to report back on any data that may be missing for every aspect of the Corridor.


c.         General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation to report back to the Parks and Environment Committee on the impact of the Georgetown rail expansion on all parks along the Corridor and include in this report proposed options to mitigate against noise and vibration.

(May 3, 2010) Letter from Board of Health

The Board of Health on May 3, 2010, considered a report (April 16, 2010) from the Medical Officer of Health, entitled "Public Forum on the Proposed Metrolinx Service Expansion in the Georgetown South Corridor".

Background Information
Letter from Board of Health

Staff Report from the Medical Officer of Health

Letter from Rick Ciccarelli, Mount Dennis Community Association

(May 20, 2010) E-mail from Elizabeth Littlejohn (PE.New.PE30.3.1)
(May 21, 2010) Submission from Lin Grist, Environmental Health Association of Ontario (PE.New.PE30.3.2)
(May 21, 2010) Submission from Alanna Morgan (PE.New.PE30.3.3)

Professor Elizabeth Littlejohn (Submission Filed)
Jennifer Cypher
Lin Grist, Vice President, Public Policy & Gov't Relations, Environmental Health Association of Ontario (Submission Filed)
Valerie Reinis
Rick Ciccarelli, Mount Dennis Community Association
Alanna Morgan, Clean Train Coalition (Submission Filed)

1 - Motion to Amend Item (Additional) moved by Councillor Paula Fletcher (Carried)

That the Medical Officer of Health and Director, Toronto Environment Office be requested to review the Metrolinx noise and vibration study to ensure the accoustical accuracy of the study in relation to the new MP40 diesel trains or any other proposed diesel trains and to report back on any data that may be missing for every aspect of the corridor.


Vote (Amend Item (Additional))


Result: Carried Majority Required
Yes: 4 Cho, Fletcher (Chair), Nunziata, Stintz 
No: 0  
Absent: 2 Moeser, Walker 

2 - Motion to Amend Item (Additional) moved by Councillor Frances Nunziata (Carried)

That the Chairs of the Parks and Environment Committee and Board of Health be requested to invite Metrolinx Chief Executive Officer Robert Prichard and Ontario Minister of Transportation Kathleen Wynne and Provincial Members of Parliament to address the Parks and Environment Committee on the issues and concerns raised at the public forum and on previous motions from the last few years that were adopted by City Council.

Vote (Amend Item (Additional))


Result: Carried Majority Required
Yes: 4 Cho, Fletcher (Chair), Nunziata, Stintz 
No: 0  
Absent: 2 Moeser, Walker 

3 - Motion to Amend Item (Additional) moved by Councillor Paula Fletcher (Carried)

The Parks and Environment Committee recommends that City Council outline its concerns to Metrolinx and the Ontario Minister of Transportation the negative impact the proposed diesel expansion in the Georgetown Corridor will have on the network of parks which currently serve as hubs of community life.

Vote (Amend Item (Additional))


Result: Carried Majority Required
Yes: 4 Cho, Fletcher (Chair), Nunziata, Stintz 
No: 0  
Absent: 2 Moeser, Walker 

4 - Motion to Amend Item (Additional) moved by Councillor Frances Nunziata (Carried)

1.         That City Council request the Premier of Ontario, the Minister of Energy and Infrastructure and the Minister of Transportation to require the Air Rail link between Union Station and Pearson Airport to be electrified by 2015 as a demonstration project for regional transit.


2.         That City Council request Metrolinx to reinstate the Community Advisory Council for guiding the Electrification Project.

Vote (Amend Item (Additional))


Result: Carried Majority Required
Yes: 4 Cho, Fletcher (Chair), Nunziata, Stintz 
No: 0  
Absent: 2 Moeser, Walker 

5 - Motion to Amend Item (Additional) moved by Councillor Karen Stintz (Final)

That the General Manager of Parks, Forestry and Recreation report to the Parks and Environment Committee on the impact of the Georgetown rail expansion on all parks along the corridor and include in the report proposed options to mitigate against noise and vibration. 



Vote (Amend Item (Additional))


Result: Carried Majority Required
Yes: 4 Cho, Fletcher (Chair), Nunziata, Stintz 
No: 0  
Absent: 2 Moeser, Walker 





Ward: 16 

Request for Report on Pilot Project to Combat Weeds in City Parks

Committee Decision

The Parks and Environment Committee requested the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation to provide an update report to the Committee, prior to the end of Council's term, on the measures and pilot projects being undertaken to combat weeds in City parks.


Request for report on pilot project to combat weeds in City parks.

Background Information
Memo from Councillor Karen Stintz, Eglinton-Lawrence Ward 16

1 - Motion to Introduce Motion without Notice moved by Councillor Karen Stintz (Carried)

2 - Motion to Adopt Item moved by Councillor Karen Stintz (Carried)

That the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation be requested to provide an update report to the Parks and Environment Committee, prior to the end of Council's term, on the measures and pilot projects being undertaken to combat weeds in City parks. 



Procedural Motions
1 - Motion to Adopt Minutes moved by Councillor Raymond Cho (Carried)
Friday, May 21, 2010
Councillor Paula Fletcher, Chair, Parks and Environment Committee
Meeting Sessions
Session Date Session Type Start Time End Time Public or Closed Session
2010-05-21 Morning 9:40 AM 10:35 AM Public
2010-05-21 Morning 10:40 AM 11:50 AM Public
Members were present for some or all of the time period indicated.
Date and Time Quorum Members
9:40 AM - 10:35 AM
(Public Session)
Present Present: Cho, Fletcher (Chair), Nunziata, Stintz
Not Present: Moeser, Walker
10:40 AM - 11:50 AM
(Public Session)
Present Present: Cho, Fletcher (Chair), Nunziata, Stintz
Not Present: Moeser, Walker