City of Toronto Logo Decision Document

Public Works and Infrastructure Committee

Meeting No. 35   Contact Candy Davidovits, Committee Administrator
Meeting Date Wednesday, August 18, 2010
  Phone 416-392-8032
Start Time 9:30 AM
Location Committee Room 1, City Hall
  Chair   Councillor Glenn De Baeremaeker  

The Decision Document is for preliminary reference purposes only.  Please refer to the Committee’s Report to City Council or to the Minutes for the official record.







Ward: All 

Amendments to the Residual Waste Working Group Terms of Reference
Committee Decision

The Public Works and Infrastructure Committee withdrew Item PW35.1 from the agenda as the establishment of advisory bodies will be considered by the incoming Council in 2011.

(May 3, 2010) Report from General Manager, Solid Waste Management Services

In 2007, Council approved the creation of a Residual Waste Working Group (the "RWWG").  The RWWG consists of members of the public who provide assistance and input to Solid Waste Management Services (SWMS) and report directly to the Public Works and Infrastructure Committee on residual waste issues.  The original mandate of the RWWG was to work with SWMS until the completion of the Residual Waste Planning Study.


With the completion of the Residential Waste Planning Study (May and August 2009), the purpose of this report is to recommend that the RWWG's mandate be amended so that they can continue to provide assistance to SWMS on the mixed waste processing facility project including advice on procurement process and up until one year after the mixed waste processing facility has been commissioned.

Background Information
PW35.1 - Amendments to the Residual Waste Working Group Terms of Reference - Staff Report

PW35.1 - Amendments to the Residual Waste Working Group Terms of Reference - Attachment A





Ward: 8 

Amendment to Purchase Order No. 6029085, Basement Flooding Improvement, Assignment No. 14-06A - Contract No. 09FS-71WP (Task Order No. 2)
Committee Decision

The Public Works and Infrastructure Committee:


1.         In accordance with Chapter 71-11.1.C of the Toronto Municipal Code (Financial Control By-law), granted authority to amend Purchase Order No. 6029085 for the Basement Flooding Improvements Project at Driftwood Avenue and Hoover Crescent, Contract 09FS-71WP (Task Order Contract No. 2) with Drainstar Contracting Ltd., by an additional amount of $350,381.75 net of GST, revising the current contract value from $2,110,787.36 to $2,461,169.11 net of GST.

(July 27, 2010) Report from Executive Director, Technical Services, and the Director, Purchasing and Materials Management

The purpose of this report is to request authority to amend Purchase Order No. 6029085, for the Basement Flooding Improvements Project at Driftwood Avenue and Hoover Crescent, Contract 09FS-71WP (Task Order Contract No. 2). The total amendment being requested is $350,381.75 net of GST revising the current contract value from $2,110,787.36 to $2,461,169.11 net of GST.


Purchase Order No. 6029085 was amended by an additional $444,232.88 net of GST on June 10, 2010, from $1,666,554.48 for an amended total value of $2,110,787.36 net of GST in accordance with the City's Financial Control By-Law.  The total increase to the original order with the requested amount of $350,381.75 will be $794,614.63 net of GST.


The amendment is required due to extra work related to the removal and disposal of asbestos contained in the roadway pavement and performing storm sewer replacement works in unsuitable soil conditions.


The above noted extra work requested in this report has been completed.  HST is not applicable as the work was completed prior to the HST implementation date of July 1, 2010.

Background Information
PW35.2-Amendment to Purchase Order No. 6029085, Basement Flooding Improvement, Assignment No. 14-06A - Contract No. 09FS-71WP (Task Order No. 2) - Staff Report





Ward: 27, 28 

Amendment to Contract No. 47014275, Tender Call No. 19-2009, Contract 09TE-103TU - Permanent Repairs to Utility Cuts - Toronto and East York District
Committee Decision

The Public Works and Infrastructure Committee:


1.         In accordance with Chapter 71-11.1.C of the Toronto Municipal Code (Financial Control By-law), granted authority to amend authority to amend Contract No. 47014275 for the Permanent Repairs to Utility Cuts, Wards 27 and 28, Toronto and East York District, to A&F DiCarlo Ltd. by an additional $8,700.00 net of GST, revising the contract value from $2,635,728.10 to $2,644,428.10 net of GST

(July 27, 2010) Report from General Manager, Transportation Services, and the Director, Purchasing and Materials Management

The purpose of this report is to request authority to amend Contract No. 47014275 for the permanent repairs to utility cuts in Wards 27 and 28 (Toronto and East York District), issued to A&F Di Carlo Ltd. The total amount requested is $8,700.00 net of GST, revising the current contract value from $2,635,728.10 to $2,644,428.10 net of GST. The combined value of all amendments to date including the requested amount is $504,169.80 which requires committee approval, in accordance with the City of Toronto Municipal Code, Chapter 71 – Financial Control By-Law.


This increase is a result of additional utility cut repairs that caused extensive and unanticipated auxiliary damages to curbs, boulevards and sidewalks, and administrative delays as a result the City's labour disruption in 2009. The requested amendment allows for the processing of a final payment certificate for this contract.


The revised total remains within the established budgeted amount for utility cut repairs in Toronto and East York District.


The above noted extra work requested in this report has been completed. HST is not applicable as the work was completed prior to the HST implementation date of July 1, 2010.

Background Information
PW35.3-Amendment to Contract No. 47014275, Tender Call 19-2009, Contract 09TE-103TU - Permanent Repairs to Utility Cuts - Toronto and East York District - Staff Report





Ward: 44 

Amendment to Purchase Order Nos. 6025317 and 6025318 - Request for Proposal No. 9117-07-7283 - Highland Creek Treatment Plant - Implementation of Odour Control Upgrades
Committee Recommendations

The Public Works and Infrastructure Committee recommends that:


1.         City Council authorize the reallocation of funds in the amount of $1,554,405.37, net of HST Recoveries to CWW045-01 Odour Control Upgrades – Phase 1 Engineering from CWW036-05 Transformers and Switchgear as indicated in the table contained in the Financial Impact section of the report (July 28, 2010) from the Executive Director, Technical Services, and the Director, Purchasing and Materials Management.


2.         City Council grant authority to amend Purchase Order No. 6025317 for the provision of professional engineering services during design related to the Highland Creek Treatment Plant – Implementation of Odour Control Upgrades with AECOM Canada Ltd. by an additional amount of $938,441.00, net of all applicable taxes and charges ($954,957.56, net of HST Recoveries), revising the current contract value from $3,632,837.33 to $4,571,278.33 net of all applicable taxes and charges.


3.         City Council grant authority to amend Purchase Order No. 6025318 for the provision of general office administration and site supervision services during construction related to the Highland Creek Treatment Plant – Implementation of Odour Control Upgrades with AECOM Canada Ltd. by an additional amount of $589,080.00 net of all applicable taxes and charges ($599,447.81, net of HST Recoveries), revising the current contract value from $1,211,188.71 to $1,800,268.71 net of all applicable taxes and charges.

(July 28, 2010) Report from Executive Director, Technical Services, and the Director, Purchasing and Materials Management

The purpose of this report is to request authority to:  (a) amend Purchase Order No. 6025317 for the provision of professional engineering services during design related to the Highland Creek Treatment Plant – Implementation of Odour Control Upgrades with AECOM Canada Ltd., and (b) amend Purchase Order No. 6025318 for the provision of general office administration and site supervision services during construction related to the Highland Creek Treatment Plant – Implementation of Odour Control Upgrades with AECOM Canada Ltd.   The total amount being requested is $1,527,521.00 net of all applicable taxes and charges ($1,554,405.37, net of HST Recoveries) as outlined in recommendations 2 and 3 below.


The request for the Purchase Order amendments is to accommodate an increase in scope to provide an entirely new Grit Building as a result of a cost/benefit analysis being undertaken.  The new building will provide enhanced odour collection and treatment thereby minimizing odours to the neighbouring community, and will address requirements of the Ministry of the Environment related to odour control reductions to facilitate regulatory compliance.

Background Information
PW35.4-Amendment to Purchase Order Nos. 6025317 and 6025318 - Request for Proposal No. 9117-07-7283 - Highland Creek Treatment Plant - Implementation of Odour Control Upgrades - Staff Report





Ward: 5 

Amendment to Purchase Order No. 6012548 - Humber Treatment Plant - Upgrade of Waste Activated Sludge Thickening Facility
Committee Recommendations

The Public Works and Infrastructure Committee recommends that:


1.         City Council authorize the reallocation of funds in the amount of $673,794.17 net of GST and HST recoveries to CWW008-44 from CWW049-04 – Digester Cleaning and upgrades as indicated in the table contained in the Financial Impact section of the report (July 28, 2010) from the Executive Director, Technical Services, and the Director, Purchasing and Materials Management.


2.         City Council grant authority to amend Purchase Order No. 6012548 for professional services with MacViro Consultants Inc., a Division of Genivar Ontario Inc. for the provision of general office administration and site supervision services during construction by an additional amount of $665,015.96 net of all taxes ($673,794.17 net of GST and HST Recoveries).

(July 28, 2010) Report from Executive Director, Technical Services, and the Director, Purchasing and Materials Management

The purpose of this report is to request authority to amend Purchase Order No. 6012548 for professional engineering services during construction related to the Humber Treatment Plant – upgrade of waste activated sludge thickening facility.  The total amount being requested is $665,015.96 net of all taxes ($673,794.17 net of GST and HST Recoveries) increasing the current contract value from $1,256,081.04 to $1,921,097.00 net of all taxes ($1,929,875.21 net of GST and HST Recoveries).


A portion of the extra work requested in this report was completed prior to the HST implementation date of July 1, 2010.  Therefore, GST and HST recoveries are applicable.


This increase is as a result of additional engineering contract administration services during construction related to delays caused by unforeseen site conditions requiring additional work and labour disruptions from industry and municipal work stoppages.

Background Information
PW35.5-Amendment to Purchase Order No. 6012548 - Humber Treatment Plant - Upgrade of Waste Activated Sludge Thickening Facility - Staff Report





Ward: 23 

Amendment to Purchase Order No. 6020059 - Contract No. 06NY-18RD, Beecroft Road Extension in North York
Committee Decision

The Public Works and Infrastructure Committee:


1.         In accordance with Chapter 71-11.1.C of the Toronto Municipal Code (Financial Control By-law), granted authority to amend Purchase Order No. 6020059 issued to 614128 Ontario Ltd. o/a Trisan Construction for Contract No. 06NY-18RD, Beecroft Road Extension and Associated Underground Plant Installations by an additional $225,000.00 net of all taxes.

(July 26, 2010) Report from Executive Director, Technical Services, and the Director, Purchasing and Materials Management

The purpose of this report is to request authority to amend Purchase Order No. 6020059 issued to 614128 Ontario Ltd. o/a Trisan Construction for Contract No. 06NY-18RD, Beecroft Road Extension in the North York District. The total amount requested is $225,000.00 net of all taxes revising the total contract value from $4,482,603.70 to $4,707,603.70. The combined value of all amendments to date including the requested amount is $630,000.00, which requires committee approval, in accordance with the City of Toronto Municipal Code, Chapter 71- Financial Control By-Law.


This increase is a result of additional work due to unforeseen site conditions encountered during construction. The contractor has recently agreed to a reduced final construction cost which has reduced the amendment. This requested amendment will enable City staff to make final payments to the contactor and close the contract.

Background Information
PW35.6-Amendment to Purchase Order No. 6020059 - Contract No. 06NY-18RD, Beecroft Road Extension in North York - Staff Report





Ward: 19 

Agreements with Railway Companies, Fort York Pedestrian and Cycle Bridge, Contract No. 10FS-34S
Committee Recommendations

The Public Works and Infrastructure Committee recommends that:


1.         City Council grant authority to negotiate and enter into agreements, including rail crossing agreements, with property owners and/or affected railway companies, as required to permit the construction, maintenance and use of the Fort York Pedestrian and Cycle Bridge, Contract 10FS-34S, on terms acceptable to the Executive Director of Technical Services and the Acting Director of Waterfront Secretariat, and in a form acceptable to the City Solicitor, and that the Executive Director of Technical Services be authorized to execute any required agreements on behalf of the City.


2.         City Council grant authority to the City Solicitor, in the event that acceptable crossing agreements cannot be negotiated, to undertake an application to the Canadian Transportation Agency under the Canadian Transportation Act, to obtain permission from the Agency for the construction, use and future maintenance of the Fort York Pedestrian and Cycle Bridge.

(August 3, 2010) Report from Executive Director, Technical Services

The purpose of this report is to recommend that authority be granted to negotiate and execute agreements with rail companies affected by the construction of the Fort York Pedestrian and Cycle Bridge.


An expedited completion of the required agreements is necessary to facilitate the construction of the Fort York pedestrian/cycle bridge in time for the War of 1812 Bicentennial Celebration in 2012.

Background Information
PW35.7-Agreements with Railway Companies, Fort York Pedestrian and Cycle Bridge, Contract No. 10FS-34S - Staff Report





Ward: 20 

Amendment to Purchase Order No. 6020685 - Simcoe Street Extension, Railway Underpass South of Front Street
Committee Decision

The Public Works and Infrastructure Committee :


1.         In accordance with Chapter 71-11.1.C of the Toronto Municipal Code (Financial Control By-law), granted authority to amend Purchase Order No. 6020685 to FHR Properties Inc. for the City’s share of the costs related to the Simcoe Street Underpass by an additional amount of $1,387,704.86 net of all taxes, revising the current value from $21,713,000.00 to $23,100,704.86, net of all taxes.

(July 29, 2010) Report from General Manager, Transportation Services, the Executive Director, Technical Services, and the Director, Purchasing and Materials Management

The purpose of this report is to request approval to amend Purchase Order No. 6020685 by an amount of $1,387,704.86, net of all taxes, as final payment to FHR Properties Inc. for costs in excess of the limit of Purchase Order No. 6020685 for the construction of the Simcoe Street Underpass, south of Front Street revising the current value from $21,713,000.00 to $23,100,704.86, net of all taxes as required by the City of Toronto Municipal Code, Chapter 71 – Financial Control By-Law.


This amendment represents the City’s share in the increase in the cost of engineering services related to design and contract administration during construction, as well as additional unanticipated work scope in the finalization of the construction of the Simcoe Street Underpass.

Background Information
PW35.-Amendment to Purchase Order No. 6020685 - Simcoe Street Extension, Railway Underpass South of Front Street - Staff Report





Ward: 2 

Amendment to Purchase Order No. 6027774 - Belfield Road Resurfacing and Watermain Replacement and Martin Grove Road Resurfacing - Contract 09EY-02RD
Committee Decision

The Public Works and Infrastructure Committee:


1.         In accordance with Chapter 71-11.1.C of the Toronto Municipal Code (Financial Control By-law), granted authority to amend Purchase Order No. 6027774, issued to D. Crupi & Sons Limited for Contract 09EY-02RD, by an additional amount of $874,139.75 excluding GST.

(August 5, 2010) Report from Executive Director, Technical Services, and the Director, Purchasing and Materials Management

The purpose of this report is to request authority to amend Purchase Order No.6027774 which was issued to D. Crupi & Sons Limited for the resurfacing, watermain replacement and sidewalk reconstruction on Belfield Road from Highway 27 to Kipling Avenue and on Martin Grove Road from Belfield Road to the north limit of Highway 409. The total amendment being requested is $874,139.75 excluding GST, revising the current contract value from $2,737,705.00 to $3,611,844.75 excluding GST which requires committee approval, in accordance with the City of Toronto Municipal Code, Chapter 71- Financial Control By-Law.


The amendment is required to cover the cost of increased quantities of contract tendered items and extra work required to satisfactorily complete the project and to facilitate final payment and contract closure.

Background Information
PW35.9-Amendment to Purchase Order No. 6027774, Belfield Road Resurfacing and Watermain Replacement and Martin Grove Road Resurfacing - Contract 09EY-02RD - Staff Report





Ward: All 

Garbage Collection - For Tenants in Residential Units Above Commercial (RUAC) Properties
Committee Recommendations

The Public Works and Infrastructure Committee recommends that:


1.         City Council direct the General Manager, Solid Waste Management Services, to investigate Option 4 contained in the report (July 26, 2010) from the General Manager, Solid Waste Management Services, and report back to the Public Works and Infrastructure Committee by mid-2011 on implementation.


2.         City Council direct the General Manager, Solid Waste Management Services, to develop a database identifying:


a.         the number and identification of residential units and tenants above commercial establishments;


b.         how waste management services are offered; and


c.         challenges and solutions for providing bag tags.


3.         City Council direct that if challenges are identified through the collection of data, complimentary garbage bag tags shall be provided, as an interim measure, until implementation of the recommended Option 4 in the report (July 26, 2010) from the General Manager, Solid Waste Management Services, is adopted by City Council in 2011.

(July 26, 2010) Report from General Manager, Solid Waste Management Services

Solid Waste Management Staff were asked to report to the Public Works and Infrastructure Committee in response to PW29.7 to amend Chapter 841, Waste Collections, Commercial Properties to require Residential Units Above Commercial premises (RUAC) property owners, who receive the tax rebate, to provide bag tags to the tenant at no additional cost.  This report discusses the four options staff considered with regards to RUAC owners and the use of bag tags.  Solid Waste Management Services will further explore the fourth option discussed in the report ("Invoice Option”) and will report back to Public Works and Infrastructure Committee by mid-2011 on how to implement such a policy.

Background Information
PW35.10-Garbage Collection - For Tenants in Residential Units Above Commercial (RUAC) Properties - Staff Report






F. G. Gardiner Expressway and Don Valley Parkway Closure - Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario - 2011, 2012 and 2013 "Ride for Heart" Event
Committee Recommendations

The Public Works and Infrastructure Committee recommends that:


1.         City Council approve the closure of the F.G. Gardiner Expressway, from the Humber River to the Don Valley Parkway, including all ramps, and the Don Valley Parkway, from the F.G. Gardiner Expressway to York Mills Road, including all ramps, on the Sundays of, June 5, 2011, June 3, 2012 and June 2, 2013 from 2:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., for the 2011, 2012 and 2013 “Ride for Heart” event.


2.         City Council prohibit other road closures due to events or film permits on arterial roads bounded by Highway No. 401, Warden Avenue, the Lake, Humber River, Queen Street/The Queensway, and Yonge Street, which will be required to accommodate overflow traffic from the expressway closures on the day of the 2011, 2012 and 2013 “Ride for Heart” event.

(August 3, 2010) Report from General Manager, Transportation Services

This report is to seek City Council’s authority to close the F.G. Gardiner Expressway and Don Valley Parkway for the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario’s "Ride for Heart" event for 2011, 2012 and 2013.

Background Information
PW35.11-F. G. Gardiner Expressway and Don Valley Parkway Closure - Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario - 2011, 2012 and 2013 "Ride for Heart" Event - Staff Report

PW35.11-F. G. Gardiner Expressway and Don Valley Parkway Closure - Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario - 2011, 2012 and 2013 "Ride for Heart" Event - Appendix A





Ward: 20, 28 

Gardiner Expressway York/Bay/Yonge Interchange Reconfiguration - Municipal Class Environmental Assessment
Committee Recommendations

The Public Works and Infrastructure Committee recommends that:


1.         City Council grant authority to the General Manager of Transportation Services to issue a Notice of Study Completion and to file the Environmental Study Report for the “Modifications to the York/Bay/Yonge Ramps to the Gardiner Expressway – Class Environmental Assessment Study” in the public record for 30 days in accordance with the requirements of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment.


2.         City Council authorize and direct the appropriate City officials to take the necessary action to give effect thereto.

Decision Advice and Other Information

The Public Works and Infrastructure Committee referred the following Motion by Councillor De Baeremaeker to the General Manager, Transportation Services, in consultation with the Chief Planner and Executive Director, for a report directly to City Council on the impact of these recommendations:


“That City Council direct the General Manager, Transportation Services, to:


1.         Modify the Gardiner Expressway eastbound off ramp between Rees Street and Simcoe Street to be a maximum of two 3.35 metre wide lanes with no 2.5 metre wide south shoulder and no 1 metre wide north shoulder so as to decrease the pedestrian and cyclist crossing distance at Lower Simcoe Street.


2.         Modify Harbour Street between Lower Simcoe Street and York Street to be a maximum of four 3.35 metre wide lanes with the southerly curb lane being a maximum of 4 metres for the full length of the block in order to be friendly to cyclists.


3.         Modify all lanes on Harbour Street between York Street and Yonge Street to be a maximum width of 3.35 metres with the exception of a continuous southerly curb lane which can be a maximum of 4 metres wide and parking lanes with a width of 2.5 metres.


4.         Remove the layby at 60 Harbour Street.


5.         Delete the construction of the proposed north south local street between York Street and Bay Street until further public consultation has occurred.


6.         Restripe the lanes on Lake Shore Boulevard between the Sherbourne Street and Simcoe Street bike lanes to permit a through curb lane width of 4 metres in order for the roadway to be friendly to cyclists by second quarter 2011.


7.         Restripe the lanes on York Street between Front Street West and Queens Quay to permit curb lane widths of 4 metres in order for the roadway to be friendly to cyclists by second quarter 2011.


8.         Install off peak hour on street parking on Lake Shore Boulevard between Simcoe Street to Sherbourne Street by second quarter 2011."


The General Manager, Transportation Services, and Penelope Palmer, Senior Engineer, Infrastructure Planning, Transportation Services, gave a presentation to the Public Works and Infrastructure Committee on the Gardiner Expressway York/Bay/Yonge Interchange Reconfiguration - Municipal Class Environmental Assessment.

(July 28, 2010) Report from General Manager, Transportation Services

The City of Toronto Official Plan and the Central Waterfront Secondary Plan (2003) each have policies to promote the creation of pedestrian friendly environments, as well as improving conditions for cyclists. In line with these policies, several studies and plans, including the Central Bayfront Ramp Study and the Central Waterfront Secondary Plan, have identified possible modifications to the road network in the vicinity of the F. G. Gardiner Expressway York, Bay and Yonge Streets eastbound off-ramps and Bay Street on-ramp to improve conditions for pedestrians and cyclists as well as the urban fabric of this downtown neighbourhood.


The need to make these changes to the original (1960s) Gardiner Expressway ramps stems from the vastly different demands and uses of today. The current volume of pedestrian, cyclist, and vehicular activity in the central waterfront, in association with extensive development and further planned intensification, requires a re-working of the road system so as to preserve its operational integrity while improving conditions for all users.


A Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) study has been undertaken to identify modifications to these York, Bay and Yonge Street ramps.  The EA study included the identification and evaluation of a reasonable range of alternatives in consultation with the public and review agencies.


The resulting Recommended Design is to reconfigure the eastbound off-ramps to a single shorter direct off-ramp to Harbour Street at Lower Simcoe Street. This shorter ramp will allow exiting motorists to turn right or left from Harbour Street to Lower Simcoe Street (right only), York Street, Bay Street, and Yonge Street. In addition, a new north-south road is recommended, connecting Harbour Street to Queens Quay east of York Street.  These modifications will maintain acceptable traffic conditions and improve mobility within the area while freeing up road space, sidewalks, and open space to enable improvements to the public realm.


The entry ramp from northbound Bay Street to the eastbound Gardiner Expressway was also assessed during this study. The ramp is recommended to be closed to general traffic but remain available as a bus-only ramp. This reduction in ramp volume will significantly improve the conditions for pedestrians and cyclists crossing the ramp on the east side of Bay Street, while maintaining emergency vehicle access to the elevated Expressway and avoiding disruption to service from the nearby GO Transit Bus Terminal.


The Harbour Street off-ramp and the Bay Street on-ramp can be treated as two distinct entities, despite having been the subject of a combined EA study. The Bay Street proposal is an operational change that is pre-approved under the Municipal Class EA, whereas the Harbour Street ramp, as a new facility, requires that a Notice of Study Completion be issued and the Environmental Study Report filed in the public record for a minimum 30-day review period per the Municipal Class EA procedures.

Background Information
PW35.12-Gardiner Expressway York/Bay/Yonge Interchange Reconfiguration - Municipal Class Environmental Assessment - Staff Report

PW35.12-Gardiner Expressway York/Bay/Yonge Interchange Reconfiguration - Attachment 1

PW35.12-Gardiner Expressway York/Bay/Yonge Interchange Reconfiguration - Attachment 2

PW35.12-Gardiner Expressway York/Bay/Yonge Interchange Reconfiguration - Attachment 3

PW35.12-Gardiner Expressway York/Bay/Yonge Interchange Reconfiguration - Attachment 4

PW35.12-Gardiner Expressway York/Bay/Yonge Interchange Reconfiguration - Attachment 5

PW35.12-Gardiner Expressway York/Bay/Yonge Interchange Reconfiguration - Attachment 6

PW35.12-Gardiner Expressway York/Bay/Yonge Interchange Reconfiguration - Attachment 7

(August 4, 2010) Letter from Keith Spence (PW.New.PW35.12.1)
(August 4, 2010) E-mail from Mitch Gold, First Nations Indigenous Trust (PW.New.PW35.12.2)
(August 15, 2010) E-mail from Sonny Wong (PW.New.PW35.12.3)
(August 18, 2010) Letter from Braz Menezes, Planning Committee, York Quay Neighbourhood Association (PW.New.PW35.12.4)
(August 18, 2010) Letter from Ulla Colgrass, Co-Chair, Planning Committee, York Quay Neighbourhood Association  (PW.New.PW35.12.5)
(August 16, 2010) Letter from D. Cooper, President, York Condominium Corporation Number 510 (PW.New.PW35.12.6)
(August 18, 2010) Letter from Bob Rasmussen, Co-Chair, York Quay Neighbourhood Association (PW.New.PW35.12.7)
(August 17, 2010) E-mail from Peter Wood (PW.New.PW35.12.8)
(August 14, 2010) E-mail from Peter Wood (PW.New.PW35.12.9)
(August 17, 2010) Letter from Frederic Taylor (PW.New.PW35.12.10)

Braz Menezes, York Quay Neighbourhood Association (Submission Filed)
Ulla Colgrass, Planning Committee, York Quay Neighbourhood Association (Submission Filed)
Bob Rasmussen, Co-Chair, York Quay Neighbourhood Association (Submission Filed)
Leah Lambert, Board Member, York Condominium Corporation No. 510
Peter Bonch
Ed Moreau
Councillor Adam Vaughan, Ward 20 - Trinity-Spadina





Ward: 32 

Ashbridges Bay Treatment Plant Environmental Assessment Annual Compliance Reports 2009
Committee Recommendations

The Public Works and Infrastructure Committee recommends that:


1.          City Council receive for information the “Ashbridges Bay Treatment Plant Environmental Assessment:  Implementation of the Approved Undertaking – 2009 Annual Compliance Report”, as submitted to the Ministry of the Environment by staff on March 31, 2010.


2.         City Council receive for information the Implementation and Compliance Monitoring Committee’s (ICMC) 2009 Mediation Agreement Interim Compliance Report with staff responses to concerns and comments raised by the ICMC contained therein.


3.         City Council authorize the General Manager, Toronto Water, to engage the professional services of a firm with specialization in the Province of Ontario’s Municipal Class Environmental Assessment process to undertake a peer review of the Option Evaluation and Scoring Methodology used in the selection of the preferred option in the Ashbridges Bay Treatment Plant Effluent Disinfection Class Environmental Assessment Study – February 2010; and report back to the next meeting of the Public Works and Infrastructure Committee in 2011 on the results of the peer review.

(August 3, 2010) Report from General Manager, Toronto Water

The purpose of this report is to submit: (i) the Ashbridges Bay Treatment Plant Environmental Assessment Approved Undertaking 2009 Annual Compliance Report as submitted by staff to the Ministry of the Environment (MOE) in March 2010; and (ii) the 2009 Mediation Agreement Interim Compliance Report on behalf of the Implementation and Compliance Monitoring Committee (ICMC).


The Approved Undertaking Annual Compliance Report summarizes the City’s activities undertaken during the preceding year and is submitted to the MOE to fulfill a condition of approval of the Environmental Assessment.  The Interim Compliance Report summarizes the ICMC’s concerns with respect to the implementation of the Ashbridges Bay Treatment Plant Environmental Assessment Mediation Agreement and provides a set of staff responses for each concern raised.

Background Information
PW35.13-Ashbridges Bay Treatment Plant Environmental Assessment Annual Compliance Reports 2009 - Staff Report

PW35.13-Ashbridges Bay Treatment Plant Environmental Assessment - Attachment 1

PW35.13-Ashbridges Bay Treatment Plant Environmental Assessment - Attachment 2

(August 17, 2010) E-mail from David Done (PW.New.PW35.13.1)
(August 17, 2010) Letter from Michael Brothers (PW.New.PW35.13.2)
(August 17, 2010) Letter from Lino Grima, Centre for Environment, University of Toronto (PW.New.PW35.13.3)
(August 18, 2010) E-mail from Karen Buck, Co-Chair, Ashbridges Bay Treatment Neighbourhood Committee (PW.New.PW35.13.4)
(August 18, 2010) E-mail from Michael Rosenberg (PW.New.PW35.13.5)

Karen Buck, President, Citizens for a Safe Environment (Submission Filed)
Michael Rosenberg (Submission Filed)
Andrew James
Michael Brothers, Toronto Chapter of Council of Canadians





Ward: 40 

Electronic Policing Pilot Project - Pharmacy Avenue
Committee Recommendations

The Public Works and Infrastructure Committee recommends that:


1.         City Council request the Provincial Government for permission to introduce a pilot electronic policing project on the section of Pharmacy Avenue south of Finch Avenue East that has the three schools.


2.         City Council direct the General Manager, Transportation Services, to look at interim measures that may be taken on Pharmacy Avenue.

(June 1, 2010) Letter from Councillor Norm Kelly, Ward 40 - Scarborough Agincourt

Councillor Norm Kelly requesting the Public Works and Infrastructure Committee to ask the Provincial Government for permission to introduce a pilot electronic policing project on the section of Pharmacy Avenue south of Finch that has the three schools.

Background Information
PW35.14-Electronic Policing Pilot Project - Pharmacy Avenue - Letter from Councillor Norm Kelly





Ward: All 

Mixed Waste Processing Study Health Impact Assessment
Committee Decision

The Public Works and Infrastructure Committee received Item PW35.15 for information.

(June 28, 2010) Letter from Board of Health

The Board of Health on June 28, 2010, amongst other things, forwarded the report (June 10, 2010) from the Medical Officer of Health entitled "Mixed Waste Processing Study Health Impact Assessment" to the Public Works and Infrastructure Committee for information.

Background Information
Pw35.15-Mixed Waste Processing Study Health Impact Assessment - Letter from Board of Health

PW35.15-Mixed Waste Processing Study Health Impact Assessment - Staff Report

PW35.15-Mixed Waste Processing Study Health Impact Assessment - Attachment 1





Ward: 32 

Request for Reimbursement of Cost of Installing a Sewer Clean-out at 67 Kingswood Road
Committee Recommendations

The Public Works and Infrastructure Committee recommends that:


1.         City Council authorize the General Manager, Toronto Water, to reimburse the homeowner at No. 67 Kingswood Road up to a maximum amount of $1,540.00 for installation of the clean-out, upon receipt of the detailed invoice for the work carried out.

(July 31, 2010) Letter from Council Speaker and Councillor Sandra Bussin, Ward 32 - Beaches-East York

Council Speaker and Councillor Sandra Bussin requesting, on behalf of Ms. Sue Stuart, the reimbursement of $2,887.50  for a sewer clean-out that was installed at 67 Kingswood Road as a result of a recommendation made by City staff at a public meeting.

Background Information
PW35.16-Request for Reimbursement of Cost of Installing a Sewer Clean-out at 67 Kingswood Road - Letter from Council Speaker and Councillor Sandra Bussin


Robert Stuart
Councillor Sandra Bussin, Ward 32 - Beaches-East York





Ward: All 

Downtown Bicycle Lane Network Completion Petition
Committee Decision

The Public Works and Infrastructure Committee referred Item PW35.17 to the General Manager, Transportation Services, for a report back to the Public Works and Infrastructure Committee early in 2011, such report to also include proposals for the design and installation of bike lanes on:


a.         Blue Jays Way/Peter Street from Queen Street West to Bremner Boulevard, including adding Soho Street and a contra flow lane on Phoebe Street;


b.         Bremner Boulevard from Simcoe Street to Bathurst Street; and


c.         Dan Leckie Way/Portland Street from Queens Quay to Queen Street West, including the pedestrian/bike bridge over the said corridor.

(August 9, 2010) Letter from Councillor Adrian Heaps, Ward 35 - Scarborough Southwest

Letter from Councillor Adrian Heaps forwarding a petition submitted by Alan Heisey requesting that Toronto City Council take action on the following items to make cycling in Toronto safer, and thus encourage more people to ride bicycles and relieve congestion:


1.         Connect the Simcoe Street bicycle lanes to the St George Beverley Street bicycle lanes via John Street and Richmond Street West so there is a continuous north-south bicycle lane route west of the core connecting Bloor Street to the Lake.


2.         Separate the Simcoe Street bicycle lanes from traffic between Front Street West and Queens Quay by bollards and or curbs.


3.         Complete and separate the Wellesley Street/Harbord Street bicycle lanes system and end the gaps in the system at Queens Park and on Harbord Street.


4.          lnstall separated bicycle lanes on either Richmond Street and/or Adelaide Street connecting Sherbourne Street and Bathurst Street.


5.         Ensure that the first phase of the Queen's Quay Pedestrian Promenade terminates at Bay Street and not York Street as it is currently intended. 

Background Information
PW35.17-Downtown Bicycle Lane Network Completion Petition - Letter from Councillor Adrian Heaps

PW35.17-Downtown Bicycle Lane Network Completion Petition - Attachment - Petition with Signatures

PW35.17-Downtown Bicycle Lane Network Completion Petition - Attachment - Letter from Toronto Cyclists Union

(August 4, 2010) E-mail from Jeff Rozdeba (PW.New.PW35.17.1)
(August 10, 2010) E-mail from Paula Boutis, ILER CAMPBELL LLP, Barristers and Solicitors (PW.New.PW35.17.2)
(August 10, 2010) E-mail from David Weatherston (PW.New.PW35.17.3)
(August 10, 2010) E-mail from Susan Howson, Senior Vice President, Portfolio Manager, Mackie Research Capital Corporation (PW.New.PW35.17.4)
(August 10, 2010) E-mail from Bob Rasmussen, Co-Chair, York Quay Neighbourhood Association  (PW.New.PW35.17.5)
(August 10, 2010) E-mail from Alan Heisey (PW.New.PW35.17.6)
(August 17, 2010) Fax from Helen Hansen (PW.New.35.17.127)
(August 12, 2010) E-mail from Lisa Taylor, Associate Professor, School of Education, Bishop's University (PW.New.PW35.17.8)
(August 13, 2010) E-mail from Suzanne Kavanagh, President, St. Lawrence Neighbourhood Association (PW.New.PW35.17.9)
(August 13, 2010) E-mail from Ross Ashley (PW.New.PW35.17.10)
(August 13, 2010) E-mail from Serge Cherevko (PW.New.PW35.17.11)
(August 13, 2010) E-mail from Judith Rae (PW.New.PW35.17.12)
(August 13, 2010) E-mail from Jessica Phyland (PW.New.PW35.17.13)
(August 13, 2010) E-mail from Gerald Lazare (PW.New.PW35.17.14)
(August 13, 2010) E-mail from Bryce Kulak (PW.New.PW35.17.15)
(August 13, 2010) E-mail from Henry Fletcher (PW.New.PW35.17.16)
(August 13, 2010) E-mail from Davis Mirza and Rhonda Costas (PW.New.PW35.17.17)
(August 13, 2010) E-mail from Phil Barbier (PW.New.PW35.17.18)
(August 13, 2010) E-mail from Chris Hafey (PW.New.PW35.17.19)
(August 13, 2010) E-mail from Mel Mariampillai, CFA, Associate Portfolio Manager, Sionna Investment Managers (PW.New.PW35.17.20)
(August 13, 2010) E-mail from Heather Neville (PW.New.PW35.17.21)
(August 13, 2010) E-mail from Patrick Dinnen (PW.New.PW35.17.22)
(August 13, 2010) E-mail from Tim Kraan (PW.New.PW35.17.23)
(August 13, 2010) E-mail from Kate Lawton (PW.New.PW35.17.24)
(August 13, 2010) E-mail from Kerry Delaney (PW.New.PW35.17.25)
(August 13, 2010) E-mail from Petra Joeres (PW.New.PW35.17.26)
(August 13, 2010) E-mail from Martin Collier (PW.New.PW35.17.27)
(August 13, 2010) E-mail from Heather and Jeff Findlay (PW.New.PW35.17.28)
(August 13, 2010) E-mail from James Wilson, Principal, Overdrive (Design Limited) (PW.New.PW35.17.29)
(August 13, 2010) E-mail from Simon Strauss, Environmental Consultant (PW.New.PW35.17.30)
(August 13, 2010) E-mail from Jean-Olivier Dalphond (PW.New.PW35.17.31)
(August 13, 2010) E-mail from Neil Jones (PW.New.PW35.17.32)
(August 13, 2010) E-mail from Peter Bird (PW.New.PW35.17.33)
(August 13, 2010) E-mail from Ted Ho (PW.New.PW35.17.34)
(August 13, 2010) E-mail from Michael Savoie (PW.New.PW35.17.35)
(August 13, 2010) E-mail from Eli Malinsky (PW.New.PW35.17.36)
(August 13, 2010) E-mail from David M. Matthews (PW.New.PW35.17.37)
(August 13, 2010) E-mail from Terrie Tucker (PW.New.PW36.17.38)
(August 13, 2010) E-mail from Christie Pearson (PW.New.PW35.17.39)
(August 13, 2010) E-mail from Jennifer Long (PW.New.PW35.17.40)
(August 13, 2010) E-mail from Michael Black (PW.New.PW35.17.41)
(August 13, 2010) E-mail from Ian Swain (PW.New.PW35.17.42)
(August 13, 2010) E-mail from John Caspersen, Faculty of Forestry, University of Toronto (PW.New.PW35.17.43)
(August 13, 2010) E-mail from Peggy Lucas (PW.New.PW35.17.44)
(August 13, 2010) E-mail from John Gibson (PW.New.PW35.17.45)
(August 13, 2010) E-mail from David Shafir (PW.New.PW35.17.46)
(August 13, 2010) E-mail from Joanna Reynolds (PW.New.PW35.17.47)
(August 13, 2010) E-mail from Chris A. Cavacuiti, MD, St. James Town Health Centre (PW.New.PW35.17.48)
(August 13, 2010) E-mail from Siri Ursin (PW.New.PW35.17.49)
(August 13, 2010) E-mail from Sam Bootsma (PW.New.PW35.17.50)
(August 13, 2010) E-mail from Barbi Lazarus (PW.New.PW35.17.51)
(August 13, 2010) E-mail from Bobby Quon (PW.New.PW35.17.52)
(August 13, 2010) E-mail from Jamie Thiers (PW.New.PW35.17.53)
(August 13, 2010) E-mail from Ashlee Cooper (PW.New.PW35.17.54)
(August 13, 2010) E-mail from Joanne Fisher (PW.New.PW35.17.55)
(August 14, 2010) E-mail from Cindy Loch-Drake (PW.New.PW35.17.56)
(August 14, 2010) E-mail from Graham Fowler (PW.New.PW35.17.57)
(August 14, 2010) E-mail from Ross Martin (PW.New.PW35.17.58)
(August 14, 2010) E-mail from Josh Mayer (PW.New.PW35.17.59)
(August 14, 2010) E-mail from Hamish Greenland (PW.New.PW35.17.60)
(August 14, 2010) E-mail from Juliet Palmer, James Rolfe and Miriam Rolfe Palmer (PW.New.PW35.17.61)
(August 14, 2010) E-mail from Dan Glassman (PW.New.PW35.17.62)
(August 14, 2010) E-mail from Mark Franklin (PW.New.PW35.17.63)
(August 14, 2010) E-mail from Victor Mota (PW.New.PW35.17.64)
(August 14, 2010) E-mail from Rikin Morzaria (PW.New.PW35.17.65)
(August 14, 2010) E-mail from Jacob Allderdice (PW.New.PW35.17.66)
(August 14, 2010) E-mail from Bev Leroux (PW.New.PW35.17.67)
(August 14, 2010) E-mail from Murray D. Lumley (PW.New.PW35.17.68)
(August 14, 2010) E-mail from Matthijs van Eede (PW.New.PW35.17.69)
(August 14, 2010) E-mail from Brian Story (PW.New.PW35.17.70)
(August 14, 2010) E-mail from Antony Hilliard (PW.New.PW35.17.71)
(August 14, 2010) E-mail from Albert Koke, Carol Knibbe, Robin Koke and Chenoa Koke (PW.New.PW35.17.72)
(August 15, 2010) E-mail from Vanessa Christie (PW.New.PW35.17.73)
(August 15, 2010) E-mail from Stephanie Tran (PW.New.PW35.17.74)
(August 15, 2010) E-mail from Sara McMillen (PW.New.PW35.17.75)
(August 15, 2010) E-mail from Morris F. Manolson (PW.New.PW35.17.76)
(August 15, 2010) E-mail from Pleasance Crawford (PW.New.PW35.17.77)
(August 15, 2010) E-mail from Lorrie McIntyre (PW.New.PW35.17.78)
(August 15, 2010) E-mail from Tammy Thorne (PW.New.PW35.17.79)
(August 15, 2010) E-mail from Peter Ledwon and Marilyn Mets (PW.New.PW35.17.80)
(August 15, 2010) E-mail from Luke Siragusa (PW.New.PW35.17.81)
(August 15, 2010) E-mail from Nicholas Sammond, Cinema Studies Institute/Department of English, University of Toronto, Innis College (PW.New.PW35.17.82)
(August 15, 2010) E-mail from David Sanscartier (PW.New.PW35.17.83)
(August 15, 2010) E-mail from Theo and Veena van der Kwast (PW.New.PW35.17.84)
(August 15, 2010) E-mail from Mary Moore, Yorkdale Student Services Counsellor (PW.New.PW35.17.85)
(August 16, 2010) E-mail from Jeroen Smakman (PW.New.PW35.17.86)
(August 16, 2010) E-mail from Michael Stroud (PW.New.PW35.17.87)
(August 16, 2010) E-mail from Manoj Ravindran, Director, Turner & Townsend cm2r Inc. (PW.New.PW35.17.88)
(August 16, 2010) E-mail from Ken Marciniec (PW.New.PW35.17.89)
(August 16, 2010) E-mail from Gabriel Sirois (PW.New.PW35.17.90)
(August 16, 2010) E-mail from Michael Gibson, Lisa Brown, Emily Gibson and Eleanora Gibson (PW.New.PW35.17.91)
(August 16, 2010) E-mail from Geoff Kettel (PW.New.PW35.17.92)
(August 16, 2010) E-mail from Kim Forster (PW.New.PW35.17.93)
(August 16, 2010) E-mail from Alix McLaughin and Robert Harris (PW.New.PW35.17.94)
(August 16, 2010) E-mail from John Roland Penner (PW.New.PW35.17.95)
(August 16, 2010) E-mail from Giuseppe Bellomo (PW.New.PW35.17.96)
(August 16, 2010) E-mail from Mason Wrigh (PW.New.PW35.17.97)
(August 16, 2010) E-mail from Nicole Murphy (PW.New.PW35.17.98)
(August 16, 2010) E-mail from Allison Outhit (PW.New.PW35.17.99)
(August 16, 2010) E-mail from Rich Cooper (PW.New.PW35.17.100)
(August 16, 2010) E-mail from Donald Wesley (PW.New.PW35.17.101)
(August 16, 2010) E-mail from David Fontaine (PW.New.PW35.17.102)
(August 15, 2010) E-mail from Hobie Post (PW.New.PW35.17.103)
(August 16, 2010) E-mail from Melissa Shea (PW.New.PW35.17.104)
(August 16, 2010) E-mail from John Tabone (PW.New.PW35.17.105)
(August 16, 2010) E-mail from Lorraine Csenge (PW.New.PW35.17.106)
(August 16, 2010) E-mail from Keagan Gartz (PW.New.PW35.17.107)
(August 16, 2010) E-mail from Julia Greenbaum (PW.New.PW35.17.108)
(August 16, 2010) E-mail from David Smiley (PW.New.PW35.17.109)
(August 17, 2010) E-mail from Deanna Bickford (PW.New.PW35.17.110)
(August 13, 2010) E-mail from Bill Eadie (PW.New.PW35.17.111)
(August 17, 2010) E-mail from Frederic Fellouse (PW.New.PW35.17.112)
(August 17, 2010) E-mail from John Caliendo and Ian Carmichael, Co-Presidents, ABC Residents' Association (PW.New.PW35.17.113)
(August 17, 2010) E-mail from Sheryl Gordon, Instructor, Information Management, Ontario Medical Association (PW.New.PW35.17.114)
(August 17, 2010) E-mail from Linda Liutkus (PW.New.PW35.17.115)
(August 17, 2010) E-mail from Adam Ahmed (PW.New.PW35.17.116)
(August 15, 2010) E-mail from Toby Bowers, Bikechain Coordinator (PW.New.PW35.17.117)
(August 17, 2010) E-mail from Peter Raynes (PW.New.PW35.17.118)
(August 17, 2010) E-mail from Alex Grenzebach (PW.New.PW35.17.119)
(August 17, 2010) E-mail from Patricia O'Hara (PW.New.PW35.17.120)
(August 17, 2010) E-mail from Mary Patridge (PW.New.PW35.17.121)
(August 17, 2010) E-mail from Avi Soudack (PW.New.PW35.17.122)
(August 17, 2010) E-mail from Helene Mackenzie (PW.New.PW35.17.123)
(August 17, 2010) E-mail from David Simmons (PW.New.PW35.17.124)
(August 17, 2010) E-mail from Sylvia Tulloch (PW.New.PW35.17.125)
(August 17, 2010) E-mail from Michael Miller (PW.New.PW35.17.126)
(August 17, 2010) Fax from Helen Hansen (PW.New.PW35.17.127)
(August 18, 2010) E-mail from Erhard Kraus (PW.New.PW35.17.128)
(August 18, 2010) E-mail from Brian Gabor (PW.New.PW35.17.129)
(August 18, 2010) E-mail from Michael Shapcott (PW.New.PW35.17.130)
(August 18, 2010) E-mail from Lisa Quirke (PW.New.PW35.17.131)
(August 18, 2010) E-mail from Stephen Morgan (PW.New.PW35.17.132)
(August 18, 2010) E-mail from Linda Read (PW.New.PW35.17.133)
(August 18, 2010) E-mail from Denis Grey (PW.New.PW35.17.134)
(August 18, 2010) E-mail from M. Arkin (PW.New.PW35.17.135)

Alan Heisey
Andrea Garcia, Director of Advocacy and Operations, Toronto Cyclists Union

Meeting Sessions
Session Date Session Type Start Time End Time Public or Closed Session
2010-08-18 Morning 9:45 AM 12:30 PM Public
2010-08-18 Afternoon 1:40 PM 2:45 PM Public
Members were present for some or all of the time period indicated.
Date and Time Quorum Members
9:45 AM - 12:30 PM
(Public Session)
Present Present: Carroll, De Baeremaeker (Chair), Lee, Palacio, Perks
Not Present: Giambrone
Also present (non-members): Bussin, Kelly, Vaughan
1:40 PM - 2:45 PM
(Public Session)
Present Present: Carroll, De Baeremaeker (Chair), Palacio, Perks
Not Present: Giambrone, Lee
Also present (non-members): Kelly, Vaughan