City of Toronto Logo Minutes

Sign Variance Committee

Meeting No. 3   Contact Yvonne Davies, Deputy Secretary
Meeting Date Tuesday, September 21, 2010
  Phone 416-396-7288
Start Time 9:30 AM
Location Committee Room 2, City Hall
  Chair   Ted Yao  





Ward: 27 

Application by Streetlife Media Inc. for Five (5) Third Party Sign Variances With Respect to a Third Party Sign Proposal on a Northerly-facing Wall of an Existing Building at 2 Queen Street East

Committee Decision

The Sign Variance Committee:


1.         Refused the variance requested from § 694-22. A. to allow the issuance of a sign permit authorizing the erection and display on the northerly-facing wall of the premises known municipally as 2 Queen Street East of third party wall sign displaying electronic static copy.


2.         Refused the variance requested from § 694-22. C. to allow the issuance of a sign permit authorizing the erection and display on the northerly-facing wall of the premises known municipally as 2 Queen Street East of third party wall sign erected on a designated heritage building.


3.         Refused the variance requested from § 694-22. D. to allow the issuance of a sign permit authorizing the erection and display on the northerly-facing wall of the premises known municipally as 2 Queen Street East of third party wall sign within 100.0 metres of another third party wall sign.


4.         Refused the variance requested from § 694-26. B.(1)(d) to allow the issuance of a sign permit authorizing the erection and display on the northerly-facing wall of the premises known municipally as 2 Queen Street East of third party wall sign exceeding a sign face area of 20.0 square metres.


5.         Refused the variance requested from § 694-26. B.(1)(a) to allow the issuance of a sign permit authorizing the erection and display on the northerly-facing wall of the premises known municipally as 2 Queen Street East of third party wall sign erected within 30.0 metres of the intersection of a major street with any other street.

(September 8, 2010) Report from Manager, Sign By-law Unit, Toronto Building

To obtain the five separate variances to Chapter 694, Signs, General, required to allow Streetlife Media Inc. to make an application for a sign permit to allow for the erection and display, along the northerly-facing of the existing building on the premises with the legal description of Lot 1 & Part Lot 2 RP 22-A Lots 179, 181, 183 & 183 ½ RP 384 and Part of Park Lot 8 Concession 1, From The Bay, and known municipally as 2 Queen Street East of one third party wall sign, which:


-           Is illuminated.


-           Is erected within 100 metres of other lawful third party signs.


-           Is erected within 30.0 metres of the intersection of a major street with another street.


-           Is not erected within 30.0 metres of any premises located, in whole or in part, in an R, RA, or OS sign district.


-           Is the only third party ground sign erected on the premises.


-           Is at a height of 12.2 metres, and contains only one sign face, said sign face being 4.57 metres wide by 6.1 metres high for a sign face area of 27.88 square metres, and displaying electronic static sign copy.

Background Information
Staff Report - Third Party Sign Variance Application - 2 Queen Street East - TP-10-00003


Robert Bader, Sign By-law Unit, Toronto Building
Dan Starnino, Director, Streetlife Media Inc.
Carrie Ashfield, Senior Property Manager, Brookfield Properties
Marilyn Miller, Preservation Officer, Heritage Preservation Services

1 - Motion to Amend Item moved by Marco D'Angelo (Lost)



A.        Recommendation 1 in the report dated September 8, 2010, from the Manager, Sign By-law Unit, Toronto Building, be deleted.


B.        Recommendations 2 to 5 be renumbered and amended to read as follows:


1.         Approved the variance requested from § 694-22. C. to allow the issuance of a sign permit authorizing the erection and display on the northerly-facing wall of the premises known municipally as 2 Queen Street East of third party wall sign erected on a designated heritage building, on the condition that Streetlife Media Inc. apply for and receive the required heritage permit under Section 33 of the Ontario Heritage Act through Toronto Heritage Preservation Services.


2.         Approved the variance requested from § 694-22. D. to allow the issuance of a sign permit authorizing the erection and display on the northerly-facing wall of the premises known municipally as 2 Queen Street East of third party wall sign within 100.0 metres of another third party wall sign.


3.         Approved the variance requested from § 694-26. B.(1)(d) to allow the issuance of a sign permit authorizing the erection and display on the northerly-facing wall of the premises known municipally as 2 Queen Street East of third party wall sign exceeding a sign face area of 20.0 square metres.


4.         Approved the variance requested from § 694-26. B.(1)(a) to allow the issuance of a sign permit authorizing the erection and display on the northerly-facing wall of the premises known municipally as 2 Queen Street East of third party wall sign erected within 30.0 metres of the intersection of a major street with any other street.

2 - Motion to Amend Item moved by Marco D'Angelo (Lost)

That Motion 1 by Marco D'Angelo be amended to provide that the face of the sign not exceed 14 ft. by 19 ft.

3 - Motion to Adopt Item moved by Robert Pletsch (Carried)

1a Application by Streetlife Media Inc. for Five (5) Third Party Sign Variances With Respect to a Third Party Sign Proposal on a Northerly-facing Wall of an Existing Building at 2 Queen Street East
(September 14, 2010) Report from Manager, Sign By-law Unit, Toronto Building

Providing comments from Heritage Preservation Services on the application for five third party sign variances with respect to a proposal at 2 Queen Street East.

Background Information
(September 14, 2010) Supplementary Report - Application by Streetlife Media Inc. - 2 Queen Street East





Ward: All 

Administration - Implementation of Procedural Rules for the Sign Variance Committee Concerning Adjournments of Hearings

Committee Decision

The Sign Variance Committee:


1.         Amended Sign Variance Committee By-law No. 1, Rules of Procedure for the Sign Variance Committee, substantially in accordance with the amendments set out in Appendix A to the report dated September 10, 2010, from the City Solicitor to provide for the consideration of adjournment requests, with the following amendment:


a.         the list of relevant matters which may be included as generally relevant considerations for the Committee in determining whether an adjournment is required, as set out on page 3 of the report dated September 10, 2010, from the City Solicitor, be included in Sign Variance Committee By-law No. 1, Rules of Procedure for the Sign Variance Committee.

(September 10, 2010) Report from City Solicitor

The purpose of this report is to respond to a request from the Sign Variance Committee (the "Committee") that the City Solicitor report with respect to the procedures for the granting of adjournments.

Background Information
Staff Report - Implementation of Procedural Rules for Adjournments

1 - Motion to Amend Item (Additional) moved by Ted Yao (Carried)

That the Sign Variance Committee amend the recommendation contained in the report dated September 10, 2010, from the City Solicitor by adding the following:


a.         the list of relevant matters which may be included as generally relevant considerations for the Committee in determining whether an adjournment is required, as set out on page 3 of the report dated September 10, 2010, from the City Solicitor, be included in Sign Variance Committee By-law No. 1, Rules of Procedure for the Sign Variance Committee.

Procedural Motions
1 - Motion to Adopt Minutes moved by Marco D'Angelo (Carried)

That the Minutes of the meeting of the Sign Variance Committee held on July 27, 2010, be confirmed.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Ted Yao, Chair, Sign Variance Committee
Meeting Sessions
Session Date Session Type Start Time End Time Public or Closed Session
2010-09-21 Morning 9:35 AM 11:44 AM Public
Members were present for some or all of the time period indicated.
Date and Time Quorum Members
9:35 AM - 11:44 AM
(Public Session)
Present Present: D'Angelo, Janzen, Pletsch, Saati, Yao (Chair)