City of Toronto Logo Minutes

Property Standards - Toronto and East York Panel

Meeting No. 36   Contact Gail Fowler, Committee Secretary
Meeting Date Thursday, April 15, 2010
  Phone 416-338-5848
Start Time 9:30 AM
Location Committee Room 2, City Hall
  Chair   William J Dolan  

William McDonald assumed the Chair.





Ward: 30 

655 Broadview Avenue - Order to Comply - 10 106350 PRS 00 IV

Committee Decision

The Property Standards Committee, Toronto and East York Panel, Confirmed the Order to Comply, dated February 1, 2010, regarding the property at 655 Broadview Avenue; and doing so granted an extension to July 31, 2011 for the completion of all matters listed in this Order.


Appeal of Order to Comply (February 1, 2010) for the property known as 655 Broadview Avenue, from Lorne Burk, Property Standards Officer, Interior. 

Background Information
Order to Comply - 655 Broadview Avenue

Letter of Appeal - 655 Broadview Avenue

(April 15, 2010) Submission from Stephan Tetrault, Officer, Municipal Licensing and Standards (SZ.New.SZ36.1.1)

Stephen Miller, Supervisor, Municipal Licensing and Standards
Stephan Tetrault, Officer, Municipal Licensing and Standards
Gerald O'Grady, M & R Property Management
Lisa Solish, Solicitor, Legal Services, Prosecutions

1 - Motion to Amend Item moved by Lavonne McCumber Eals (Carried)

Confirm the Order to Comply, dated February 1, 2010, regarding the property at 655 Broadview Avenue; and doing so grant an extension to July 31, 2011 for the completion of all matters listed in this Order.





Ward: 30 

655 Broadview Avenue - Order to Comply - 10 106385 PRS 00 IV

Committee Decision

The Property Standards Committee, Toronto and East York Panel, Confirmed the Order to Comply, dated February 1, 2010, regarding the property at 655 Broadview Avenue.


Appeal of Order to Comply (February 1, 2010) for the property known as 655 Broadview Avenue, from Lorne Burk, Property Standards Officer, Interior. 

Background Information
Order to Comply - 655 Broadview Avenue

Letter of Appeal - 655 Broadview Avenue


Stephen Miller, Supervisor, Municipal Licensing and Standards
Stephan Tetrault, Officer, Municipal Licensing and Standards
Gerald O'Grady, M & R Property Management
Lisa Solish, Solicitor, Legal Services, Prosecutions

1 - Motion to Amend Item moved by Yim Chan (Carried)

Confirm the Order to Comply, dated February 1, 2010, regarding the property at 655 Broadview Avenue.





Ward: 30 

655 Broadview Avenue - Order to Comply - 10 110978 PRS 00 IV

Committee Decision

The Property Standards Committee, Toronto and East York Panel, Confirmed the Order to Comply, dated February 3, 2010, regarding the property at 655 Broadview Avenue; and doing so granted an extension to July 31, 2011 for the completion of all matters listed in this Order.


Appeal of Order to Comply (February 3, 2010) for the property known as 655 Broadview Avenue, from Lorne Burk, Property Standards Officer, Garage.

Background Information
Order to Comply - 655 Broadview Avenue

Letter of Appeal - 655 Broadview Avenue


Stephen Miller, Supervisor, Municipal Licensing and Standards
Stephan Tetrault, Officer, Municipal Licensing and Standards
Gerald O'Grady, M & R Property Management
Lisa Solish, Solicitor, Legal Services, Prosecutions

1 - Motion to Amend Item moved by Lavonne McCumber Eals (Carried)

Confirm the Order to Comply, dated February 3, 2010, regarding the property at 655 Broadview Avenue; and doing so grant an extension to July 31, 2011 for the completion of all matters listed in this Order.





Ward: 30 

655 Broadview Avenue - Order to Comply - 10 110716 PRS 00 IV

Committee Decision

The Property Standards Committee, Toronto and East York Panel:


1.         Rescinded item 15 of Schedule A of the Order to Comply, dated February 3, 2010.


2.         Confirmed the revised Order to Comply, dated February 3, 2010, regarding the property at 655 Broadview Avenue; and doing so granted an extension to August 31, 2010 for the completion of all matters listed in this Order.


Appeal of Order to Comply (February 3, 2010) for the property known as 655 Broadview Avenue, from Lorne Burk, Property Standards Officer, Garage.

Background Information
Order to Comply - 655 Broadview Avenue

Letter of Appeal - 655 Broadview Avenue


Stephen Miller, Supervisor, Municipal Licensing and Standards
Stephan Tetrault, Officer, Municipal Licensing and Standards
Gerald O'Grady, M & R Property Management
Lisa Solish, Solicitor, Legal Services, Prosecutions

1 - Motion to Amend Item moved by Yim Chan (Carried)

That the Property Standards Committee, Toronto and East York Panel:


1.         Rescind item 15 of Schedule A of the Order to Comply, dated February 3, 2010.


2.         Confirm the revised Order to Comply, dated February 3, 2010, regarding the property at 655 Broadview Avenue; and doing so grant an extension to August 31, 2010 for the completion of all matters listed in this Order.





Ward: 19 

711 Bloor Street West - Order to Comply 10 122412 PRS 00 IV

Committee Decision

The Property Standards Committee, Toronto and East York Panel, Confirmed the Order to Comply, dated February 24, 2010, regarding the property at 711 Bloor Street West; and doing so granted an extension to June 15, 2010 for the completion of all matters listed in this Order.


Appeal of Order to Comply (February 24, 2010) for the property known as 711 Bloor Street West, issued by John Sophocleous, Property Standards Officer.

Background Information
Order to Comply - 711 Bloor St W

Letter of Appeal - 711 Bloor St W

(April 15, 2010) Submission from John Sophocleous, Officer, Municipal Licensing and Standards (SZ.New.SZ36.5.1)

Stephen Miller, Supervisor, Municipal Licensing and Standards
John Sophocleous, Officer, Municipal Licensing and Standards
Stefan Zariczniak

1 - Motion to Amend Item moved by Lavonne McCumber Eals (Carried)

Confirm the Order to Comply, dated February 24, 2010, regarding the property at 711 Bloor Street West; and doing so grant an extension to June 15, 2010 for the completion of all matters listed in this Order.





Ward: 29 

151 Springdale Boulevard - Order to Comply 10 116386 PRS 00 IV

Committee Decision

The Property Standards Committee, Toronto and East York Panel, Rescinded the Order to Comply, dated February 9, 2010, regarding the property at 151 Springdale Boulevard.


Appeal of Order to Comply (February 9, 2010) for the property known as 151 Springdale Boulevard, issued by Wade Pierre, Property Standards Officer.

Background Information
Order to Comply - 151 Springdale Blvd.

Letter of Appeal - 151 Springdale Blvd.

(April 15, 2010) Submission from Steven and Anabella Cunningham (SZ.New.SZ36.6.1)

Stephen Miller, Supervisor, Municipal Licensing and Standards
Wade Pierre, Officer, Municipal Licensing and Standards
Ana  Bernardo-Cunningham
Steven Cunningham

1 - Motion to Amend Item moved by Yim Chan (Carried)

Rescind the Order to Comply.

Vote (Amend Item)


Result: Carried Majority Required
Yes: 2 Chan, McDonald (Chair) 
No: 1 McCumber Eals 
Absent: 1 Dolan 





Ward: 27 

15 Dundonald Street - Order to Comply 10 123668 PRS 00 IV

Committee Decision

The Property Standards Committee, Toronto and East York Panel, Confirmed the Order to Comply, dated March 4, 2010, regarding the property at 15 Dundonald Street; and doing so granted an extension to June 30, 2010 for the completion of the remaining matters listed in this Order, as follows:  5, 6, 13, 18, 19, 20, 25, 32, 33 and 36.


Appeal of Order to Comply (March 4, 2010) for the property known as 15 Dundonald Street, issued by Douglas Robinson, Property Standards Officer, Interior.

Background Information
Order to Comply 10 123668 PRS 00 IV - 15 Dundonald St

Letter of Appeal - 15 Dundonald St

(April 15, 2010) Submission from John Tsangaris, Vice President, Operations, MetCap Living Management Inc. (SZ.New.SZ36.7.1)
(April 15, 2010) Submission from Douglas Robinson, Officer, Municipal Licensing and Standards (SZ.New.SZ36.7.2)

Stephen Miller, Supervisor, Municipal Licensing and Standards
Douglas Robinson, Officer, Municipal Licensing and Standards
Kamran Nizami, Officer, Municipal Licensing and Standards
John Tsangaris, V P Operations, Metcap Living Management Inc.

1 - Motion to Amend Item moved by Yim Chan (Carried)

Confirm the Order to Comply, dated March 4, 2010, regarding the property at 15 Dundonald Street; and doing so grant an extension to June 30, 2010 for the completion of the remaining matters listed in this Order, as follows:  5, 6, 13, 18, 19, 20, 25, 32, 33 and 36.





Ward: 27 

15 Dundonald Street - Order to Comply 10 124244 PRS 00 IV

Committee Decision

The Property Standards Committee, Toronto and East York Panel, Confirmed the Order to Comply, dated March 4, 2010, regarding the property at 15 Dundonald Street; and doing so granted an extension to July 31, 2011 for the completion of all matters listed in this Order.


Appeal of Order to Comply (March 4, 2010) for the property known as 15 Dundonald Street, issued by Douglas Robinson, Property Standards Officer.

Background Information
Order to Comply 10 124244 PRS 00 IV - 15 Dundonald St

Letter of Appeal - 15 Dundonald St.

(April 15, 2010) Submission from John Tsangaris, Vice President, Operations, MetCap Living Management Inc. (SZ.New.SZ36.8.1)
(April 15, 2010) Submission from Douglas Robinson, Officer, Municipal Licensing and Standards (SZ.New.SZ36.8.2)

Stephen Miller, Supervisor, Municipal Licensing and Standards
Douglas Robinson, Officer, Municipal Licensing and Standards
Kamran Nizami, Officer, Municipal Licensing and Standards
John Tsangaris, V P Operations, MetCap Living Management Inc.

1 - Motion to Amend Item moved by Yim Chan (Carried)

Confirm the Order to Comply, dated March 4, 2010, regarding the property at 15 Dundonald Street; and doing so grant an extension to July 31, 2011 for the completion of all matters listed in this Order.





Ward: 27 

15 Dundonald Street - Order to Comply 10 125108 PRS 00 IV

Committee Decision

The Property Standards Committee, Toronto and East York Panel:


1.         Modified the Order to Comply, by:

            -           amending Schedule 'A', by rescinding Item 5;


-           amending Schedule 'A' Item 9, under the heading "Section", by inserting after the number 19, "E.(4)(c) to now read: 19.E.(4)(c).


-           amending Schedule 'A' Item 10, under the heading "Section", by inserting after the number 19, "D.(1)(e) to now read: 19.D.(1)(e).


2.         Confirm the Order to Comply (March 4, 2010) respecting the property at 15 Dundonald Street, for items 1, 2, 6, 7 and 8.


3.         Grant an extension to June 30, 2011 for the completion of the following items listed in the Order; as follows:   3, 9, 10 and 11.


4.         Confirm the Order to Comply (March 4, 2010) respecting the property at 15 Dundonald Street, as amended.


Appeal of Order to Comply (March 4, 2010) for the property known as 15 Dundonald Street, issued by Kamran Nizami, Property Standards Officer.

Background Information
Order to Comply 10 125108 PRS 00 IV - 15 Dundonald St

Letter of Appeal - 15 Dundonald St.

(April 15, 2010) Submission from John Tsangaris, Vice President, Operations, MetCap Living Management Inc. (SZ.New.SZ36.9.1)
(April 15, 2010) Submission from Douglas Robinson, Officer, Municipal Licensing and Standards (SZ.New.SZ36.9.2)

Stephen Miller, Supervisor, Municipal Licensing and Standards
Douglas Robinson, Officer, Municipal Licensing and Standards
Kamran Nizami, Officer, Municipal Licensing and Standards
John Tsangaris, V P Operations, MetCap Living Management Inc.

1 - Motion to Amend Item moved by Yim Chan (Carried)

The Property Standards Committee, Toronto and East York Panel:


1.         Modify the Order to Comply, by:

            -           amending Schedule 'A', by rescinding Item 5;


-           amending Schedule 'A' Item 9, under the heading "Section", by inserting after the number 19, "E.(4)(c) to now read: 19.E.(4)(c).


-           amending Schedule 'A' Item 10, under the heading "Section", by inserting after the number 19, "D.(1)(e) to now read: 19.D.(1)(e).


2.         Confirm the Order to Comply (March 4, 2010) respecting the property at 15 Dundonald Street, for items 1, 2, 6, 7 and 8.


3.         Grant an extension to June 30, 2011 for the completion of the following items listed in the Order; as follows:   3, 9, 10 and 11.


4.         Confirm the Order to Comply (March 4, 2010) respecting the property at 15 Dundonald Street, as amended.

Declared Interests

The following member(s) declared an interest:

Lavonne McCumber Eals - Rents a parking space at this location.





Ward: 27 

15 Dundonald Street - Order to Comply 10 124308 PRS 00 IV

Committee Decision

The Property Standards Committee, Toronto and East York Panel:


1.         Confirmed the Order to Comply (March 4, 2010) respecting the property at 15 Dundonald Street, for items 4, 6 and 7.


2.         Granted an extension to July 30, 2011, for the completion of the remaining items listed in the Order; as follows:  1, 2, 3 and 5.


Appeal of Order to Comply (March 4, 2010) for the property known as 15 Dundonald Street, issued by Kamran Nizami, Property Standards Officer.

Background Information
Order to Comply 10 124308 PRS 00 IV - 15 Dundonald St

Letter of Appeal - 15 Dundonald St

(April 15, 2010) Submission from John Tsangaris, Vice President, Operations, MetCap Living Management Inc. (SZ.New.SZ36.10.1)
(April 15, 2010) Submission from Douglas Robinson, Officer, Municipal Licensing and Standards (SZ.New.SZ36.10.2)

Stephen Miller, Supervisor, Municipal Licensing and Standards
Douglas Robinson, Officer, Municipal Licensing and Standards
Kamran Nizami, Officer, Municipal Licensing and Standards
John Tsangaris, V P Operations, MetCap Living Management Inc.

1 - Motion to Amend Item moved by Yim Chan (Carried)

The Property Standards Committee, Toronto and East York Panel:


1.         Confirm the Order to Comply (March 4, 2010) respecting the property at 15 Dundonald Street, for items 4, 6 and 7.


2.         Grant an extension to July 30, 2011, for the completion of the remaining items listed in the Order; as follows:  1, 2, 3 and 5.

Declared Interests

The following member(s) declared an interest:

Lavonne McCumber Eals - Rents a parking space at this location.





Ward: 20 

52 Oxford Street - Order to Comply 10 109169 PRS 00 IV

Committee Decision

The Property Standards Committee, Toronto and East York Panel, Confirmed the Order to Comply (January 26, 2010) respecting the property at 52 Oxford Street; and in so doing, granted an extension to May 31, 2010 for the completion of items 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11 and 12 as listed in the Order; and further granted a extension to June 30, 2010 for items 6, 7 and 8.


Appeal of Order to Comply (January 26, 2010) for the property known as 52 Oxford Street, issued by Corinne Morgan, Property Standards Officer.

Background Information
Order to Comply - 52 Oxford St

Letter of Appeal - 52 Oxford St

(April 15, 2010) Submission from John Romano, Supervisor, Municipal Licensing and Standards (SZ.New.SZ36.11.1)

Stephen Miller, Supervisor, Municipal Licensing and Standards
Cristina Enrietti-Zoppo

1 - Motion to Amend Item moved by Lavonne McCumber Eals (Carried)

Confirm the Order to Comply (January 26, 2010) respecting the property at 52 Oxford Street; and in so doing, grant an extension to May 31, 2010 for the completion of items 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11 and 12 as listed in the Order; and further grant a extension to June 30, 2010 for items 6, 7 and 8.

Procedural Motions
1 - Motion to Adopt Minutes moved by Lavonne McCumber Eals (Carried)

That the Minutes of the Property Standards Committee held on March 11, 2010, be confirmed.

Thursday, April 15, 2010
William J Dolan, Chair, Property Standards - Toronto and East York Panel
Meeting Sessions
Session Date Session Type Start Time End Time Public or Closed Session
2010-04-15 Morning 9:30 AM 12:30 PM Public
2010-04-15 Afternoon 12:35 PM 1:00 PM Public
2010-04-15 Afternoon 1:05 PM 2:05 PM Public
Members were present for some or all of the time period indicated.
Date and Time Quorum Members
9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
(Public Session)
Present Present: Chan, McCumber Eals, McDonald (Chair)
Not Present: Dolan
12:35 PM - 1:00 PM
(Public Session)
Present Present: Chan, McCumber Eals, McDonald (Chair)
Not Present: Dolan
1:05 PM - 2:05 PM
(Public Session)
Present Present: Chan, McCumber Eals, McDonald (Chair)
Not Present: Dolan