City of Toronto Logo Report Item

Considered by City Council on
July 6, 2010
July 7, 2010
July 8, 2010

Toronto and East York Community Council

(Deferred by City Council from June 8 and 9, 2010 - TE34.9)




Ward: 20 

16 York Street - Request for Direction Report
City Council Decision

City Council on July 6, 7 and 8, 2010, adopted the following:


1.         City Council approve a new capital project, Bremner Boulevard Improvements, totaling $950,000 to be added to the Transportation Services 2010 Approved Capital Budget.


2.         City Council approve funding for the project, resulting in $0 debt impact, as follows:


a.         $500,000 from Section 16 Reserve Fund (XR3031) provided through the Section 16 Agreement for 16 York Street;


b.         $338,272.41 from developer cash-in-lieu payments for transportation infrastructure (Account 61990024); and


c.         $111,727.59 by temporarily reallocating debt funds from the Sidewalk Project included in the Transportation Services' 2010 Approved Capital Budget until appropriate development contributions become available, at which time this funding will be restored back to the Transportation Services Capital Budget.


resulting in an increase to the Transportation Services' 2010 Approved Capital Budget of $838,272.41 gross, $0 net.


3.         City Council authorize the sole source award of the design and contract administration of the Bremner Boulevard road modifications to Riaboy Engineering Limited, up to an amount not exceeding $100,000 inclusive of taxes.


4.         City Council authorize the sole source award of the construction of the Bremner Boulevard road modifications to UCC Group Inc., up to an amount not exceeding $850,000 inclusive of taxes.


5.         City Council authorize the appropriate City officials to give effect hereto.


Committee Recommendations

The Toronto and East York Community Council recommends that:


1.         City Council authorize the appropriate City officials to amend the Section 16 Agreement for 16 York Street as follows:


a.         Deleting the requirement for a $500,000 payment to the City for Bremner Boulevard streetscaping, and replace with a requirement that the owner reconstruct Bremner Boulevard at no cost to the City, to the City's specifications, from York Street to Lake Shore Boulevard West.


b.         Requiring that the owner provide a letter of credit in a form satisfactory to the Executive Director of Technical Services as security to cover the cost of such reconstruction, upon execution of the agreement, with such letter of credit to be in an amount of $850,000.


c.         Providing for the refund of the $500,000 Section 16 funds previously paid by the owner for Bremner Boulevard streetscaping, upon execution of the amending agreement and provision to the City of the letter of credit.


d.         Reducing the amount of Section 16 funds required for Railway Lands Streetscaping from $500,000 to $150,000 and requiring the owner to incorporate streetscaping improvements in the reconstruction of Bremner Boulevard such that the total value of the reconstruction is approximately $850,000.


e.         Requiring the owner of 16 York Street to contribute any remaining amount to streetscape improvements in the Railway Lands including the Simcoe Street Pedestrian Promenade, if the Bremner Boulevard reconstruction work can be completed for less than $850,000.


2.         City Council require the owner enter into an appropriate agreement for the reconstruction of the road to the satisfaction of the Executive Director of Technical Services.

(May 20, 2010) Report from Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District

The purpose of this report is to seek Council authorization to amend the Section 16 Agreement for 16 York Street to delete the requirement for a $500,000 payment to the City for Bremner Boulevard reconstruction, and replace with a requirement that the owner reconstruct Bremner Boulevard between York Street and Lake Shore Boulevard West, and that $350,000 for Railway Lands streetscaping be reallocated to this project.

Background Information (Committee)
TE34.9 - Staff Report - 16 York Street - Request for Direction Report

TE34.9 - Staff Report - 16 York Street - Notice of Pending Report