City of Toronto Logo Decision Document

Board of Management of the Toronto Zoo

Meeting No. 5   (Special)   Contact Rosalind Dyers, Committee Administrator
Meeting Date Thursday, May 20, 2010
  Phone 416-392-8018
Start Time 12:30 PM
Location Committee Room 3, City Hall
  Chair   Councillor Raymond Cho  

The Decision Document is for preliminary reference purposes only.  Please refer to the Minutes for the official record.
How to Read the Decision Document:

•           Recommendations of the Board appear after the item heading.
•           Declarations of Interest, if any, appear at the end of an item.






Collective Bargaining Ratification
Committee Decision

The Board:


1.         Ratified the amendments to the Collective Agreements for CUPE Local 1600, proposed by the Management Negotiating Committee, contained in the Confidential Attachment 1 to the report dated May 20, 2010, from the Chief Executive Officer (which is now public), and including the following key changes:


-           the term is April 1, 2010 to March 31, 2013;


-           wages for permanent and non-permanent staff to increase on April 1 of each year, as follows:


2010 - 1%;

2011 - 2.25%; and

2012 - 1.75%;


-           employees currently working 35 hours per week to change to a 40 hour work week;


-           improvements to pregnancy and parental leave, providing a top up to 65% of earnings; and


-           introduction of an illness and injury plan. 

(May 20, 2010) Report from the Chief Executive Officer
This report outlines the key terms of the tentative settlement between the Board of Management and CUPE Local 1600 and seeks the Board of Management's approval of these terms.
Background Information
ZB5.1 - Staff Report - Collective Bargaining Ratification

ZB5.1 - Staff Report - Collective Bargaining Ratification - Attachment 1

Meeting Sessions
Session Date Session Type Start Time End Time Public or Closed Session
2010-05-20 Afternoon 12:50 PM 12:51 PM Public
2010-05-20 Afternoon 12:52 PM 1:15 PM Closed
2010-05-20 Afternoon 1:16 PM 1:17 PM Public
Members were present for some or all of the time period indicated.
Date and Time Quorum Members
12:50 PM - 12:51 PM
(Public Session)
Present Present: Ainslie, Cho (Chair), Grimes, Mammoliti, Torzsok, Yelle
Not Present: Cheung, De Baeremaeker, Kelly, Tessier, Williams
12:52 PM - 1:15 PM
(Closed Session)
Present Present: Ainslie, Cho (Chair), Grimes, Mammoliti, Torzsok, Yelle
Not Present: Cheung, De Baeremaeker, Kelly, Tessier, Williams
12:52 PM - 1:15 PM
(Closed Session)
Present Present: Ainslie, Cho (Chair), Grimes, Mammoliti, Torzsok, Yelle
Not Present: Cheung, De Baeremaeker, Kelly, Tessier, Williams
1:16 PM - 1:17 PM
(Public Session)
Present Present: Ainslie, Cho (Chair), Grimes, Mammoliti, Torzsok, Yelle
Not Present: Cheung, De Baeremaeker, Kelly, Tessier, Williams