It is important to make the right call at the right time for the service you need. Knowing when to call 311, 211, 911 or the non-emergency line or even when to file an online police report, will ensure you get the right help at the right time.

Contact 311 for City Services and Programs

Poster describing to contact 311 when my neighbour is having loud parties all the time.
  • Injured possum, skunk or raccoon that needs rescuing? Contact 311 for non-emergency Toronto city services.
  • The 311 Contact Centre operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
  • 311 staff provide information and refer requests to the appropriate City of Toronto division for response to the resident/situation; response times from divisions will vary depending on the service request.
  • 311 offers assistance in more than 180 languages and has a 711 relay service for the hearing impaired.
  • Some service requests can also be made online. Examples of City service requests to 311 include noise and property complaints, animal complaints, waste collection, road, sewer maintenance and tree requests.
  • If you need emergency shelter, call 311 or Central Intake at 416-338-4766 for assistance. If you see someone living outdoors who needs support call 311.

Call 211 for Mental Health Supports

Poster describing to call 211 when my friend needs help finding support for substance use
  • Have a friend or relative who needs mental health support? Call 211 to be connected with local mental health resources.
  • Findhelp l 211 helps people connect to the complete range of government and community-based health and social services available in their communities.
  • Partnering with more than 200 community organizations, they’ve created a comprehensive human services database with thousands of resources, allowing them to provide individuals with the most appropriate referrals.
  • The Findhelp l 211 multilingual contact centre operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
  • Learn more about how the City of Toronto is supporting community mental health through the Toronto Community Crisis Service.
  • You can also contact 988 if you or someone you know may be thinking about suicide and need a safe place to talk.

Call 416-808-2222 for Non-Emergencies

Poster describing to call non-emergency 416-808-2222 when my neighbor is having a party that's spilling onto the street.
  • Call 416-808-2222 for non-emergency police matters.
  • This line is staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

File an Online Report for Non-Emergency Police Matters

  • The public can file many police-related reports online, such as damage to property under $5000, driving complaints and parking complaints.
  • For a full list of police related online reports, please visit for more details.

Call 811 for Minor Medical Issues

  • Call 911 immediately in a medical emergency, such as shortness of breath, chest pain, severe bleeding, unconsciousness or symptoms of stroke.
  • Call 811 for minor medical issues such as cough, cold and flu symptoms, or other non-urgent health care information, referrals or to get advice from a registered nurse.
  • Call 811 to access health advice and supports, 24 hours a day, seven days a week or chat online at (TTY: 1-866-797-0007)

Call 911 for All Emergencies

Poster describing to call 911 when I'm concerned that my neighbour's house is on fire.
  • Only call 911 in an emergency.
  • An emergency is any situation that requires immediate assistance from a police officer, a firefighter or a paramedic. Where people or property are at risk and Police, Fire or Paramedics are required call 911 immediately.
  • Remember, calling 911 for non-emergency situations could cause a delay in someone else getting life-saving help in time.


This program is a partnership between the City of Toronto, Toronto Police Service, Toronto Fire Services, Toronto Paramedic Services and Toronto Community Crisis Service.

Logos of Toronto Police Service, Toronto Fire Services, Toronto Paramedic Services and Toronto Community Crisis Service.