Many items we use on a daily basis cannot go down our toilets or drains. Several products, even those labelled “flushable” or “biodegradable” do not dissolve and putting them down the toilet or drain can cause:

  • Damage or blockages to your home plumbing, which could lead to basement flooding.
  • Damage to the City’s sewer pipes located under the streets, which could lead to basement flooding.
  • Damage to wastewater treatment plants.
  • Harm to the environment and aquatic habitat in the lake, local streams and rivers.

To help keep the entire sewage system working well and prevent sanitary sewer blockages and/or sewer service line blockages that can result in basement flooding, it’s important not to flush or put the following products down drains:

  • Hygiene products (e.g. sanitary napkins/liners, tampons, condoms, wipes, cotton swabs, dental floss, diapers and rags).
  • Fats, oils and cooking grease.
  • Medication (e.g. pills or liquid).
  • Household hazardous waste (e.g. paints, pesticides, cleaning products).
  • Car and garage products (e.g. motor oil, antifreeze).

Below is a detailed list of what not to flush and instructions on how to properly dispose of these materials.

If you see a spill to the environment or the sewer system, please call 311 immediately.