Many items we use on a daily basis cannot go down our toilets or drains. Several products, even those labelled “flushable” or “biodegradable” do not dissolve and putting them down the toilet or drain can cause:
Damage or blockages to your home plumbing, which could lead to basement flooding.
Damage to the City’s sewer pipes located under the streets, which could lead to basement flooding.
Damage to wastewater treatment plants.
Harm to the environment and aquatic habitat in the lake, local streams and rivers.
To help keep the entire sewage system working well and prevent sanitary sewer blockages and/or sewer service line blockages that can result in basement flooding, it’s important not to flush or put the following products down drains:
Car and garage products (e.g. motor oil, antifreeze).
Below is a detailed list of what not to flush and instructions on how to properly dispose of these materials.
If you see a spill to the environment or the sewer system, please call 311 immediately.
Below are the top hygiene items that should not be flushed and where to dispose of them safely:
Where it should go
Wipes of any kind (e.g. bathroom, baby and cleaning wipes)
Even those that say “flushable” and “biodegradable” can cause problems
Tampons and sanitary napkins/liners
Green Bin
Cotton swabs
Dental floss
Facial tissue
Green Bin
Paper towel
Green Bin
When fats, oils, and grease are washed down the sink or toilet into the plumbing system, they cool, harden and stick to the inside of sewer pipes. Over time, the grease will build up and can block the entire pipe – both on your property and on City property.
Where fat, oil & grease can be found
meats and bacon drippings
lards, shortening, cooking oil, butter and margarine
food scraps and baking goods
sauces, salad dressings and gravy
dairy products (milk and cream)
sandwich spreads
What can you do to help prevent sewer system blockages
Never pour grease down sink drains or into toilets, as it can cause sewer backups in your home and neighbourhood.
Do leave it to harden or saturate with a paper towel and then place in the Green Bin.
Do put baskets/strainers into sink drains to catch food scraps and other solids. Empty the drain basket/strainer into the Green Bin for disposal.
Grease traps for food service establishments, child care centres & mobile food vendors
Under the Sewers By-law, it is mandatory for all restaurants and other food service establishments, child care centres and mobile food vendors to install a grease trap (interceptor) on any fixture or drain that discharges wastewater. This includes sinks for washing dishes, and drains serving cooking equipment and self-cleaning exhaust hoods.
As a result of better measurement instruments and techniques, traces of pharmaceuticals are being detected in the environment. One way this is happening is by consumers flushing medication, such as pills and liquids, down the toilet or sink. This can harm the environment and aquatic wildlife.
Let the grease cool and harden, then scrape it, along with food scraps from trays, plates, pots, pans, utensils, grills and cooking surfaces into your Green Bin. Small volumes of liquid cooking oil can be placed in the Green Bin as long as oil can be absorbed by the other organic materials or paper towels. Larger amounts of liquid cooking oil should be collected into a sealed container labelled “cooking oil” and can be brought to a Drop-off Depot, Community Environment Days or you can request a Toxic Taxi pickup for waste between 10 litres/kilograms and 50 litres/kilograms.
Return medication to your local pharmacy. They will take it for free and dispose of it properly or take it to a City Drop-off Depot or Community Environment Day.
Household hazardous waste
Take household hazardous waste to a City Drop-off Depot or Community Environment Day, or contact Toxic Taxi to arrange a free pickup.