Toronto is exploring ways to improve its 70+ dogs off-leash areas to accommodate a growing population and the many different ways Torontonians want to use our parks.

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Phase 1 explored what kinds of features and maintenance approaches could support and protect human and dog safety, health and enjoyment, harmonious relationships and the natural environment.

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September 2020

Final Stakeholder Meeting

Public Survey

A second survey was conducted that asked for feedback on potential strategies for addressing common issues.

October 2019

‘Pup’ Ups in 10 Sites

The City organized drop-in sessions at 10 diverse off-leash area locations.

Review the summary of feedback and pup-up panels.

Stakeholder Meeting 3

September 2019

Public Survey

A survey was conducted that asked for feedback on common issues and potential strategies to address them.

Stakeholder Interviews

Interviews with user group representatives from each of the 10 off-leash area pup-up case study locations were conducted.

August 2019

Stakeholder Meeting 2

June 2019

Stakeholder Meeting 1

So far, lessons learned have informed:

In Phase 2, the City will assess the physical condition of all 70+ off-leash areas in Toronto. The assessments will examine the state of surfaces and drainage, tree protection, entrances and fencing, seating, shade and other amenities. Results will assist the City in identifying where repairs and upgrades are needed, as well as estimated costs for the identified work.

In October 2023, Council directed the City of Toronto review and update the City’s approach to planning, locating, funding, building and maintaining Dogs Off-Leash Areas (Item 2023.IE6.8). This comprehensive review builds on the work undertaken in Phase 1 and will be informed by the condition assessment outlined in Phase 2.

This review will also include public consultation, in addition to those undertaken in Phase 1 to ensure the results are up-to-date and encompass all areas outlined in the council-directed review.

Consultations in spring 2024 for the Citywide Approach to Dogs Off-leash Areas explored design, siting, maintenance and operations, bylaw education and enforcement and volunteer models through a variety of means outlined below. Additional consultations are taking place in fall 2024 regarding Commercial Dog Walker use of off-leash areas. All consultation activities will inform the report to Council and a summary of the findings will be published as an attachment to the report.

May 2024

Public Survey

From May 3 to 24, a public survey collected feedback on off-leash areas (OLAs) and potential solutions to address them. Additionally, OLA users were asked about how and when they use OLAs, and for input on various potential changes to improve OLAs and community involvement in them.

Focus Groups

Three focus group meetings were held with stakeholders representing local and citywide organizations including dog owner associations, advocacy groups, and school boards. The presentation materials and meeting summaries will be uploaded to this page in advance of the report to Council.

June 2024

Toronto City Council asked City staff to develop criteria to determine sites acceptable for Commercial Dog Walkers (CDW) and to propose a list of acceptable sites across the City (2024.MM19.3). Recommendations will be included in the Citywide Approach to Dogs Off-Leash Areas review (2023.IE6.8), due in spring 2025. A Commercial Dog Walker (CDW) is a person who walks or has control of four to six dogs for commercial purposes. CDWs are required to apply for a permit from the City on an annual basis.