Expand the drop-down menus below to view a list of active city-wide planning studies and studies by city district boundaries (e.g. Etobicoke-York, North York, Scarborough, Toronto & East York).
Name of Study | Description |
Addressing the Loss of Dwelling Rooms | Creating new policies to address the loss of dwelling rooms and help for displaced tenants due to redevelopment. |
Bill 97 – Area of Employment Official Plan Amendments | Amendments to the Official Plan to respond to legislative amendments made to the Planning Act through Bill 97 that amends the definition of “area of employment” and introduces a transition provision for uses that are excluded from the amended definition. |
Changing Lanes | How the City allows and regulates laneway suites on the numerous laneways within the Toronto and East York District of the City of Toronto. |
Committee of Adjustment Review | KPMG, a third-party consultant, is leading a review of the Committee of Adjustment to improve participation in the public hearings process. |
Eglinton Connects | The Eglinton Connects study, covering the area from Jane Street to Kennedy Road, is currently being implemented. |
Expanding Housing Options in Neighbourhoods | Expanding Housing Options in Neighbourhoods is a City of Toronto initiative to expand opportunities for “missing middle” housing forms in Toronto, ranging from duplexes to low-rise walk-up apartments, to meet the needs of our growing city |
Expanding Uses in Employment Areas | A study to consider expanding permitted uses in Employment Areas to include places of assembly, places of worship, and sports and recreation uses on a site or area specific basis. |
Garden Suites | The Garden + Suites project is one of several studies that the City of Toronto is leading to increase housing options in low-rise neighbourhoods. A Garden Suite is a detached housing unit, usually located in the rear yard, and is separate, or detached from the main house. |
Housing Action Plan: Avenues, Mid-rise and Mixed Use Areas Study | The Avenues and Mixed Use Area Review is an initiative born from the City of Toronto’s Housing Action Plan 2022-2026 to expand opportunities for housing along Avenues and Mixed Use Areas in Toronto. |
Inclusionary Zoning Policy | Creating policies to require new housing developments to include a certain percentage of affordable housing units. |
Incorporating Low-rise Residential Lands into Zoning By-law 569-2013 | A study exploring potential changes to Zoning By-law 569-2013 with the aim of removing barriers, easing administration, and enabling the creation of more housing with the goal of bringing approximately 1500 parcels in low-rise residential zones into Zoning by-law 569-2013. |
Licensing & Zoning Review for Restaurants, Bars & Entertainment Venues | The City is reviewing the licensing and zoning regulations for restaurants, bars and entertainment venues in response to directives from City Council, and recommendations from the Auditor General. The review takes into consideration the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and aims to support businesses while addressing community and public safety issues. |
Local Neighbourhood Retail & Services | Local Neighbourhood Retail and Services addresses the important role that local retail and service uses play in Neighbourhoods to support current and growing populations in walkable complete communities. |
Major Streets Study | To permit gentle intensification of residential units in areas designated Neighbourhoods by the Official Plan, that directly abut Major Streets. |
Mandatory Pre-Application Consultation | Amendments to the Official Plan and Municipal Code to require pre-application consultation between potential applicants and City staff. |
Multiplex Housing | The Multiplex study is one component of the City’s Expanding Housing Options in Neighbourhoods (EHON) initiative. This study focuses on permitting multiplexes – residential buildings containing up to four units – across Toronto’s low-rise neighbourhoods. |
Next Phase of Waterfront Revitalization | The comprehensive vision for Toronto’s waterfront was last considered by the public in the 2000s as part of the Toronto Waterfront Revitalization Task Force Report. Based on Council direction, the City is undertaking a public consultation and stakeholder engagement process throughout 2022 that will contribute to a renewed vision. |
Office Space Needs Study | The City is undertaking a study to analyze the current office market, understand the benefits and risks of converting office space to alternative uses, and explore policy options that would balance office needs in the short- and long-term, while ensuring the City’s economic role remains competitive and resilient. This study will consider the office market City-wide by sub-area and property class. |
Official Plan Map 4 Review | The Official Plan Map 4 Review is the first comprehensive review of the transit corridors identified in the Official Plan since its adoption in 2002. This provides an opportunity to identify new corridors to address identified gaps in future higher-order transit service; review existing proposed corridors; and propose priorities for advancing work on higher-order transit corridors. |
Pet Friendly Design Guidelines for High Density Communities | Create Pet Friendly Design Guidelines for Toronto’s multi-unit, high-density communities. |
Priority Retail Streets Zoning By-Law | A study to update the Priority Retail Streets Zoning By-Law to reflect the retail policy framework in the Downtown Plan. |
Provincial Planning Statement 2024 Consistency Exercise | The consistency exercise is an initiative to bring the Official Plan into consistency with the Provincial Planning Statement, 2024. |
Rail Corridor Site Official Plan Amendment | A planning study of the rail corridor to determine how this site can help support growth in the Downtown and contribute to prosperous, liveable and accessible communities. |
Regulatory & Compliance Framework for Multi-Tenant (Rooming) Houses Across Toronto | The City is proposing the creation of a comprehensive city-wide zoning approach and enhancements to licensing and enforcement to encourage and regulate safe, liveable, well-maintained and affordable multi-tenant houses across the city. |
Review of Parking Requirements for New Development | A review of the requirements for automobile and bike parking in newly erected or enlarged buildings identified in the city-wide Zoning By-law 569-2013. |
Review of Zoning Regulations for Outdoor Patios on Private Property | A comprehensive review of zoning regulations for outdoor patios which are located on private property. |
Secondary Suites | Proposing a draft zoning framework to simplify and help facilitate the creation of secondary suites across the city. |
Strip Plaza Study | A study on commercial strip plazas (or “strip malls”) across Toronto to understand their role serving local communities, and the impacts of their loss through redevelopment. Study outcomes will help inform potential policy interventions, programs, or initiatives to support and improve their role in the city’s economic and community landscape and avoid displacement. |
Thermal Comfort Study | The Thermal Comfort Study is intended to address thermal comfort in the public realm, taking into consideration future climate projections and the impacts of surrounding built form. |
Updating Policies for Infrastructure Projects in Parks and Open Space Areas | Public consultation on the proposed Official Plan Amendment policies intended to provide clarity regarding when an Official Plan Amendment is required for dispositions of City-owned lands in Parks and Open Space Areas and the Green Space System to deliver essential public works and utilities. |
Waterfront Transit Reset | A comprehensive assessment of needs and options for transit improvements for the waterfront area. |
Zoning By-law Simplification and Modernization for Low-rise Residential Zones | The Zoning By-law Simplification and Modernization in Low-rise Residential Zones Study is a component of the City of Toronto’s Housing Action Plan that seeks to achieve or exceed the provincial housing target of 285,000 new homes over the next 10 years. The proposed changes aim to remove barriers, ease administration, and enable the creation of more housing. |
Zoning Conformity for Official Plan Employment Areas | A study to bring the City’s zoning by-laws into conformity with Official Plan Amendment 231 (OPA 231) |
Name of Study | Description |
Allen East District Plan | Develop this district as a mixed-use district with non-residential development near Downsview Subway Station and residential development to the south. |
Baby Point Heritage Conservation District Study | Evaluate the Baby Point and Old Millside neighbourhoods located on the eastern banks of the Humber River to determine if designation as a heritage conservation district is warranted, and provide recommendations for any other heritage conservation. |
Bathurst Quay Neighbourhood Plan | The Bathurst Quay Neighbourhood Plan provides a long-term vision for improving one of Toronto’s oldest central waterfront neighbourhoods, and is supported by an implementation strategy to start delivering the Plan’s vision. |
Beaches-East York Missing Middle Pilot Project | The Beaches-East York Pilot Project will review appropriate City-owned sites in Beaches-East York and work with the community and development industry to build “missing middle” demonstration projects that could be used as models for missing middle projects on other sites within the City. |
Billy Bishop Airport | The Billy Bishop City Airport Review, the Billy Bishop Ground Run-up Enclosure (GRE) and the Bathurst Quay Neighbourhood Plan are some of the initiatives happening in the area. |
Bloor Street Study – St. Helens Avenue to Perth Avenue | Developing a planning framework to guide future development to ensure that growth occurs in a well-planned manner in the Bloor Street West, St. Helens, Perth Avenue and Sterling Road area. |
Bloor West Village Avenue Study | Develop a recommended planning framework to guide future development and infrastructure improvements in the study area. |
Bloor West Village Heritage Conservation District | Evaluating this neighbourhood through research, a built form survey, analysis and heritage evaluation to determine if the study area warrants designation as a HCD. |
Bloor-Yorkville Secondary Plan | The Secondary Plan will build on existing policies and the Downtown Plan to provide direction on the area boundary, built form, area-specific policies and a public realm vision in the Bloor-Yorkville area. |
Cabbagetown Southwest Heritage Conservation District | Evaluating this neighbourhood to determine if designation as a heritage conservation district is warranted, and provide recommendations for any other heritage conservation measures. |
Casa Loma Heritage Conservation District | Evaluating this neighbourhood to determine if designation as a heritage conservation district is warranted, and provide recommendations for any other heritage conservation measures. |
Chinatown Planning Study | The Chinatown Study is to gain an understanding of what makes the neighbourhood unique, preserve the elements that contribute to its uniqueness, and plan for new development that will complement its unique nature. |
Christie’s Planning Study | Establishing a development framework for a new community at Park Lawn and Lake Shore that focuses on transit, built form, housing, infrastructure and community services and facilities. |
ConsumersNext | A project that will look for ways to enhance the Consumers Road Business Park and areas around the Sheppard Avenue and Victoria Park Avenue intersection. |
Danforth Avenue Complete Street and Planning Study | The City of Toronto is undertaking a Complete Street and Planning Study of Danforth Avenue, one of the most recognizable and major avenues in the City. The full study area will span a six kilometre stretch of Danforth Ave. between Broadview Avenue and Victoria Park Ave. |
Don Mills Crossing | Examines ways to focus and shape anticipated growth around the intersection of Don Mills Road and Eglinton Avenue East, anchored by transit infrastructure being constructed as part of the Crosstown LRT. |
Dufferin Street Secondary Plan | Examining the mixed land use and built form potential along Dufferin Street, between Highway 401 to just south of Lawrence Avenue West. |
East Bayfront | This 23 hectare, former industrial site extending from Lower Jarvis Street to Parliament Street and Lake Shore Boulevard includes waterfront views intertwines residential, retail, institutional and commercial developments with parks and public spaces, creating an inviting gateway to Lake Ontario for visitors and residents. |
Eglinton GO Area Study | The City is undertaking an Urban Design study to guide growth and future development within the Eglinton GO Station Area. The study will include the evaluation of appropriate built form, pedestrian connections and streetscape, and include direction on public realm and open space improvements. |
Exhibition Place | The Exhibition Place Master Plan exercise will study potential improvements to the public realm, open space and mobility networks to and through the Exhibition Place lands, informed by the Cultural Heritage Landscape Assessment completed in 2019. |
Garrison Crossing | As Toronto’s downtown core continues to grow and evolve, the City continues to plan for new ways to enhance accessibility and connectivity around the expanding communities. Aware of the needs for a strong connection around Fort York, in the early 2000’s, the City initiated a project to develop a bridge to allow pedestrian and cycle access from Trinity Bellwoods to the Fort York. |
Geary Works Planning Study | A study to determine how to best support businesses and creative enterprises on Geary Avenue and improve the public realm. |
Golden Mile Secondary Plan | Develop a vision and comprehensive planning framework in the Golden Mile Secondary Plan Study to facilitate and support appropriate residential and non-residential growth while protecting and encouraging new employment and office development. |
Growing Glencairn | The City is studying the area around Glencairn Subway Station to guide growth, align with provincial density requirements around transit stations, and provide for a sustainable and inclusive complete community. |
High Park Apartment Neighbourhood Area Character Study | A study of the Apartment Neighbourhood located north of High Park to assess the physical character of the area and develop a policy framework to guide future change and compatible infill development. |
Highland Creek Flood Remediation Study | A Stage1 Feasibility Study to identify flood remediation options to facilitate the development of the lands at the southeast corner of Corporate Drive and Consilium Place. |
Historic Yonge Street Heritage Conservation District | The Historic Yonge Street Heritage Conservation District Plan will help to conserve cultural heritage resources and manage change within the District. It is currently under appeal to the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT). |
Jane Finch Initiative | A participatory planning exercise for the Jane Finch area to maximize the benefits of investment in light rail transit, encourage appropriate kinds of development, and advance social equity and economic inclusion for current and future residents. |
Junction Phase 1 HCD Study | Evaluating this neighbourhood to determine if designation as a heritage conservation district under Part V of the Ontario Heritage Act is warranted, and to provide recommendations for any other heritage conservation measures. |
Keele Finch Plus | Planning for the future of the area and how to best leverage investment in rapid transit (subway and LRT) for the benefit of the community and city. |
Keele-St. Clair Local Area Study | Develop a recommended planning framework to guide future development and infrastructure improvements in the study area as part of the Growth Plan (2019) conformity exercise. |
Kensington Market Heritage Conservation District Plan | Evaluating this neighbourhood to determine if designation as a heritage conservation district is warranted, and provide recommendations for any other heritage conservation measures. |
Kennedy Station Public Realm Master Plan | City Planning is undertaking a public realm master plan for the Kennedy Station Area. This plan will provide a public realm vision for the area to guide changes as growth and future development occur. The study will include the evaluation of appropriate pedestrian and cycling connections, streetscape, transit integration and include direction on public realm and open space improvements. |
Kennedy Crossing Regeneration Area Study | A study to set out a new vision for the Kennedy Crossing area as it evolves from employment uses to a new mixed-use community. |
King Street Transit Priority Corridor | This Priority Corridor between Bathurst Street and Jarvis Street aims to improve transit reliability, speed, and capacity by giving priority to streetcars over private vehicles. |
King-Parliament Secondary Plan Review | The review will build on the Downtown Plan, providing specific direction on built form, the public realm and heritage for both the King-Parliament Secondary Plan area and the north side of Queen Street East, between Jarvis and River Streets. |
King-Spadina Secondary Plan Review | The review is about how growth can positively contribute to the liveability of the area, is better supported by hard infrastructure and community infrastructure, and more carefully responds to the strong heritage and character of the area. |
Kingston Road Guildwood Planning Study | Given the complexity and size of the development application at 4121 Kingston Road, the City of Toronto has launched a Planning Framework Review to guide and inform its recommendations on the application and the surrounding area. |
Laird in Focus | Developing a vision and planning framework to guide future development for the Laird Focus area including lands along the west side of Laird Drive. |
Lake Shore Boulevard East Public Realm | Toronto’s exponential growth over the past decade has increased demands for more walking and cycling facilities, and green and open spaces. To help address these needs in one of the most challenging areas beneath the Gardiner Expressway, the City of Toronto and Waterfront Toronto have completed a Public Realm Phasing and Implementation Plan for Lake Shore Boulevard East from Jarvis Street to Logan Avenue. |
Lake Shore Boulevard West Avenue Study | Assessing the land uses, built form, transportation network, streetscape, and public realm for Lake Shore Boulevard West from just west of Brown’s Line to Dwight Avenue. Evaluation of existing conditions, development of a vision for the study area and set out recommendations for an area-specific planning framework that will guide future development, enhance laneway networks, and public realm improvements. |
Liberty For All | Liberty Reforged was initiated in 2024 to establish a comprehensive planning framework for Liberty Village and set out a long-term vision for the achievement of a complete community centred around transit investment. |
Liberty Village Public Realm and Community Services Study | A study to address the need for more open space and community services and facilities resulting from significant residential and commercial growth in Liberty Village. |
Little Jamaica & the Eglinton West Neighbourhoods | The Eglinton West corridor Little Jamaica Study is a study led by City Planning and Economic Development & Culture to: determine how to best support businesses on Eglinton Avenue West; develop a local planning framework; and create and designate a Caribbean and West Indies-focused cultural district including development of a variety of strategies, programs, guidelines, and implementation plans to support a cultural district. |
Main Street Planning Study | This Study is examining built form and public realm improvements around the area of Main and Danforth to ensure appropriate planning policies are brought forward to guide development and change for this important transit hub and community. |
Malvern Town Centre Proposal and Planning Framework | Developing a planning framework to guide the proposed future redevelopment of the Malvern Town Centre. |
Mimico – Judson Regeneration Areas Study | A revitalization framework to accommodate employment and residential population growth which capitalizes on the lands’ proximity to Mimico GO Station. |
Next Stop: Davisville | A feasibility study on decking the Davisville Yard with a signature public park and mix of land uses. |
North York at the Centre | A review of the North York Centre Secondary Plan that will recommend updates to the vision and planning framework guiding growth and investment in community improvements. |
Parkdale Main Street Heritage Conservation District Plan | Evaluating this neighbourhood to determine if designation as a heritage conservation district is warranted, and provide recommendations for any other heritage conservation measures. |
Picture Mount Dennis Planning Framework Study | Develop an updated planning framework to guide future change and development while supporting healthy and inclusive communities, local business activities, and preserving the historic fabric and character of Mount Dennis. |
Port Lands | Update the zoning for employment lands, and increase the as-of-right zoning permissions for port, industrial, and production, interactive and creative uses to be consistent with Port Lands Planning Framework. Also creating urban design guidelines for production, interactive and creative uses. |
Quayside | Quayside is a 4.9 hectare parcel of land on Toronto’s waterfront, located at Queens Quay East and Parliament Street. Quayside will be a master-planned mixed-use complete community that builds on the development in the adjacent Bayside and Dockside lands, and the emerging Keating Channel West Precinct. |
Ready, Set, Midtown | A study in the Midtown area to update zoning regulations to ensure conformity with Yonge-Eglinton Secondary Plan policy directions and advance parks and public realm improvements. This includes a detailed background review of current zoning, an updated built form study, infrastructure assessments and a parks and public realm implementation strategy. |
ReNew Sheppard East (Sheppard Avenue East Planning Review) | This study for the Sheppard Avenue East Corridor from Bayview Avenue to Leslie Street assesses the streets and block network, parks and open space, an enhanced public realm, heritage, compatible land uses, transportation and servicing infrastructure, community services and facilities, built form character, and redevelopment potential of the area. |
Review of Zoning Regulations for Public Spaces on Private Property | The Review of Zoning Regulations for Public Spaces on Private Property will explore potential changes to the Zoning By-law to permit public spaces on private property, such as in parking lots in low-rise commercial plazas across the City. |
Review of Zoning Regulations: Nightclubs in Ward 20 Scarborough Southwest | Zoning Regulations for Nightclubs in Ward 20 – Scarborough Southwest. |
Review of Zoning Regulations: Nightclubs on Lake Shore Boulevard West in Etobicoke | Zoning Regulations for Nightclubs along Lake Shore Blvd W in Etobicoke. |
Scarborough Centre on the Move | Undertaking a transportation master plan to support the vision and evolution of Scarborough Centre as a walkable connected urban centre with an efficient, safe, and balanced transportation network. |
Scarborough Centre Review | A focused review of the Council approved 2005 Scarborough Centre Secondary Plan to update and further articulate the secondary plan. |
Sheppard Avenue Commercial Area Secondary Plan Review | To update the Secondary Plan and establish a comprehensive planning framework to guide future development along Sheppard Avenue East between Bonnington Place and Clairtrell Road. |
Sherway Area Study | The secondary plan for this area updates planning policies and provides a development framework for the Mall and surrounding institutional, office and employment lands that total 200 hectares. |
The Bentway | The City of Toronto and Waterfront Toronto are transforming lands under a western segment of the Gardiner Expressway into a 1.75 kilometre vibrant gathering place. |
TOcore | TOcore is about how Toronto’s downtown should grow, ensuring that it has the necessary infrastructure to remain a great place to live, work, learn and play. |
Unilever Precinct / East Harbour Proposed Employment Development | Comprehensively consider the transformative vision for a new employment node for approximately 50,000 workers put forward by the commercial developer First Gulf. |
University of Toronto St. George Campus Secondary Plan | Official Plan Amendment application to establish a new University of Toronto St. George Campus Secondary Plan that would replace the existing University of Toronto Secondary Plan. |
Update Downsview | The Secondary Plan update will provide a land use and policy framework for the creation of a complete community, including updated policies for the public realm, built form, environment and enhanced connectivity between existing and planned communities. |
Upper Jarvis Neighbourhoods Study | Preparing planning framework to help evaluate development applications for Neighbourhoods and Apartment Neighbourhoods designated lands in the Upper Jarvis Area. |
Visioning Study for Jane & Wilson Area | This study for the Jane and Wilson area assesses the land uses, transportation and servicing infrastructure, community services and facilities, built form character, and redevelopment potential of the area. |
Ward 23 Multiplex Study | The Sixplex Study builds on the Expanding Housing Options in Neighbourhoods (EHON) initiative by exploring the opportunity to permit residential buildings with up to six dwelling units on properties within Ward 23 that are designated as Neighbourhoods in the Official Plan. |
Waterfront Revitalization – Western Beaches Public Realm Plan | The Western Beaches Public Realm Plan will provide an updated vision for the Western Beaches in Toronto’s Western Waterfront, based upon the changing conditions and priorities since the completion of the 2009 Western Waterfront Master Plan. This update to the 2009 Plan will provide an update on progress to date and current initiatives, reconfirm project objectives, refresh priority actions, and identify new opportunities for improvements to the parks, trails, roads, and other facilities that support the Western Beaches. |
West Don Lands | 32 hectares of former industrial lands that are being transformed into a sustainable, mixed-use community. Upon completion, will feature approximately 6,000 new residential units, employment and commercial space, an elementary school, childcare centres, and 9.3 hectares of parks and public spaces. |
West Queen West Heritage Conservation District Plan | An evaluation of the West Queen West neighbourhood to determine if designation as a heritage conservation district is warranted, and provide recommendations for any other heritage conservation. |
Weston II Heritage Conservation District Study | The Weston II Heritage Conservation District Study area is a residential neighbourhood with a collection of houses in a variety of architectural styles built from the mid-19th through the early 20th centuries located in the former Town of Weston. |
Weston in Gear Planning Study | The City is undertaking a planning framework study of the Weston area. The study will engage with the local community to create a renewed vision and buit form, public realm, streetscape and community benefits plan for the area. |
Western Waterfront Master Plan Update | The Western Waterfront Master Plan (WWMP) was approved by City Council in 2009 and was developed to provide a vision for the Western Waterfront, and to guide future decisions related to improvements in the area. |
Woodside Square Planning Review | The planning review will evaluate the appropriateness of permitting additional land uses on the site. The planning review will also establish the policy framework to guide any future redevelopment on the site. |
Wynford-Concorde Focused Area Study | The goal of the study is to develop a planning framework, with a focus on an enhanced public realm and streetscape for the area that integrates with a multi-modal transportation network to serve the existing and anticipated residential and employment populations of the area. |
Yonge – St. Clair Apartment Neighbourhoods Study | A study of the Apartment Neighbourhood within the Yonge-St. Clair area including an evaluation of appropriate built form, pedestrian linkages, and public realm and open space strategy. |
Yonge Street North Planning Study | A vision for the future of the Yonge Street corridor between Finch Avenue and Steeles Avenue in response to existing and anticipated development pressures in the area. |
Yorkdale Shopping Centre Block Master Plan | A development application that involves three conceptual block master plan options for Yorkdale Shopping Centre that include a range of retail, office, hotel and residential uses and an internal private street network to be phased-in over 20+ years. |
Search by address or select a pin to view the study description and a link to the study details page.
(Please note: The map is updated as information becomes available. The study boundaries shown are continually subject to review and can change based on the status of the appeals before final adoption. Please contact the Planner assigned for clarification.)