The mapping reference tool has been updated for Streetscape Manual to show each streetscape type in colour, and when you click on the map a pop-up box with the applicable specification will appear. Other information can be turned on or off by clicking the button in the legend.


The Streetscape Manual guides the design, construction and maintenance of sidewalk and boulevard improvements on Toronto’s road network. The Manual follows a hierarchy of streetscape types and assigns a set of standard or specialized design treatments for; paving, trees, medians, lighting and street furniture. Please use the Streetscape Manual User Guide  (opens in new window) for a description of streetscape types and design treatments.

View the tree planting in hard surfaces webpage for design options. Selection will be determined according to site conditions, in coordination with the Planner and Urban Designer on file. Tree grates to be determined in coordination with the Forestry unit.

Toronto Hydro must be contacted prior to selecting luminaire and pole types for Roadway Lighting by email at

Transportation Services must be contacted prior to selecting luminaire and pole types for Pedestrian Scale Lighting type by email at

Please contact, if you have difficulty viewing plans, drawings and diagrams in the manual.