On May 31, 5 p.m., Mayor Olivia Chow, Members of Council and representatives from Pride Toronto raised the Progress Pride flag at City Hall.

In addition, the Progress Pride flag was raised at all civic centres for Pride Month.

Pride Month brings Torontonians together to celebrate the history, courage and diversity of Toronto’s Two Spirit, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Intersex, Queer and Questioning (2SLGBTQ+) communities. Torontonians are encouraged to reach out, connect to support each other and celebrate together. To honour Pride’s history, highlight Toronto talent, foster community, promote or support diversity and acceptance of 2SLGBTQ+ communities among residents and City staff, the City:

  • funds community agencies such as the 519,
  • supports organizations such as Pride Toronto,
  • supports events such as the Pride Parade.

The Toronto Sign will be lit rainbow during the month of June.

The City is committed to addressing the unique challenges facing 2SLGBTQ+ communities and building a more inclusive and equitable city, recognizing that they include some of the most vulnerable populations in our city. The 2SLGBTQ+ Advisory Committee provides advice to City staff and City Council on identified priority issues to support the elimination of barriers and inequities experienced by 2SLGBTQ+ communities in accessing City of Toronto programs and services.

Show Support

Hang a flag in your window.

Show Love

Check in with 2SLGBTQ+ folks in your lives and each other.

Have Fun

Join Pride Toronto’s 2024 programming.

Get Involved

2SLGBTQ+ issues don’t go away after Pride Month is over. Turn a monthly tradition into year-round activism. Stay informed about key 2SLGBTQ+ Awareness dates, participate and give back to your community. There are many ways to volunteer through organizations such as The 519.

Pride Month

June 2024

WHEREAS during Pride Month we proudly celebrate Toronto’s diverse Two Spirit, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, and Queer (2SLGBTQ+) communities. Pride Month is a time for unity, a time to celebrate 2SLGBTQ+ communities, and an opportunity to honour and uplift the many community voices who have and continue to drive positive change for Toronto’s 2SLGBTQ+ communities and this city.

Pride in Toronto has its origins in the years after the June 1969 Stonewall uprising in the United States. In the early years, activists first gathered at Hanlan’s Point to mark Pride. Toronto’s 2SLGBTQ+ community would organize around defending the “Brunswick Four” in the mid-1970s, later in reaction to the bathhouse raids in 1981, and then come together to respond to the HIV/AIDS epidemic. These movements and 2SLGBTQ+ communities collectively fought for their rights decade after decade, gaining recognition for 2SLGBTQ+ rights, while experiencing systemic barriers, discrimination, oppression, and violence. This month we recognize and reflect on the sacrifices made by those who began the fight for equity as we continue to support those who fight for the rights of 2SLGBTQ+ communities today.

Thanks to the enduring spirit and resistance of Toronto’s 2SLGBTQ+ communities, Pride in Toronto has now evolved into one of the largest celebrations of its kind in Canada. This month, everyone is encouraged to show their support and allyship for 2SLGBTQ+ communities by participating in all of the wonderful events planned. Toronto is proud to honour and celebrate Pride and 2SLGBTQ+ communities.

The City of Toronto reaffirms its commitment to protecting the rights of 2SLGBTQ+ communities, recognizing that work is still needed to ensure the equity and safety of these communities. We are stronger when we work together to make Toronto an equitable and inclusive place for all and a city where everyone feels welcomed and valued.

NOW THEREFORE, I, Mayor Olivia Chow, on behalf of Toronto City Council, do hereby proclaim June 2024 as “Pride Month” in the City of Toronto.

Mois de la fierté

Juin 2024

ATTENDU QUE pendant le Mois de la fierté, nous célébrons fièrement les diverses communautés bispirituelles, lesbiennes, gays, bisexuelles, trans et queers (2SLGBTQ+) de Toronto. Le Mois de la fierté est un moment pour se rassembler et célébrer les communautés 2SLGBTQ+. C’est l’occasion d’honorer et de promouvoir les nombreuses voix qui ont mené et continuent de mener à des changements positifs pour ces communautés et pour la ville de Toronto.

La fête de la fierté à Toronto trouve son origine dans les années qui ont suivi le soulèvement de Stonewall, en juin 1969 aux États-Unis. Dans les premières années, les militants se sont d’abord rassemblés à Hanlan’s Point pour marquer l’événement de la fierté. La communauté 2SLGBTQ+ de Toronto s’est organisée autour de la défense des « Brunswick Four » au milieu des années 1970, puis en réaction aux descentes de police dans les bains publics en 1981, avant de se rassembler pour faire face à l’épidémie de VIH et de sida. Ces mouvements et ces communautés se sont collectivement battus pour leurs droits durant plusieurs décennies, obtenant la reconnaissance des droits des personnes 2SLGBTQ+, tout en étant confrontés à des obstacles systémiques, à la discrimination, à l’oppression et à la violence. Ce mois-ci, nous reconnaissons les sacrifices de ceux qui ont entamé la lutte pour l’équité et nous y réfléchissons, tout en continuant à soutenir ceux qui luttent aujourd’hui pour les droits des communautés 2SLGBTQ+.

Grâce à la ténacité de ces communautés, la fête de la fierté à Toronto est devenue l’une des plus grandes célébrations de ce type au Canada. Ce mois-ci, on vous encourage à soutenir les communautés 2SLGBTQ+ en participant à tous les formidables événements prévus. La ville de Toronto est fière d’honorer et de célébrer la fête de la fierté et les communautés 2SLGBTQ+.

Elle réaffirme son engagement à protéger leurs droits, tout en reconnaissant qu’il reste du travail à faire pour assurer l’équité et la sécurité de ces communautés. Rassemblons nos forces afin que Toronto devienne une ville qui encourage l’équité et l’inclusivité, et où chaque personne se sent accueillie et valorisée.

IL EST RÉSOLU QUE je soussignée, la mairesse Olivia Chow, proclame au nom du conseil municipal que le mois de juin 2024 sera le Mois de la fierté à Toronto.

Explore family-friendly Pride celebrations and activities all month long at Toronto History Museums.

Pride Flag Raising

Wednesday, June 5, 3 to 4 p.m.

Montgomery’s Inn, 4709 Dundas St. W

Participate in a joyful celebration of Pride during the Montgomery’s Inn Farmers’ Market.

More information.

Family Pride Celebration

Saturday, June 8, 1 to 4 p.m.

Colborne Lodge Museum, 11 Colborne Lodge Dr.

2SLGBTQ+ families and allies are invited to an afternoon of outdoor games, activities and crafts, including a Drag Queen Storytime hosted by Lucy Flawless, in celebration of Pride Month.

More information.

Pride Month Knitting

Saturday, June 8, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Gibson House Museum, 5172 Yonge St.

Knitters are invited to show pride in their craft and celebrate Pride Month by adding to the rainbow flag decorations on Worldwide Knit in Public Day.

More information.

Zine Making Workshop

Saturday, June 22, 1 to 3 p.m.

Scarborough Museum, 1007 Brimley Road

Join The ArQuives for an interactive zine-making workshop and learn about the history of zines and their role in DIY and queer culture. Learn how to create and reproduce your own zines. Materials provided.

More information.

Family Pride Festival

Sunday, June 23, 11 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Spadina Museum, 285 Spadina Rd.

Listen to children’s stories read by The 519 Glitterbugs program, learn about Toronto’s Queer history and plan to spend the day enjoying cotton candy and treats for children of all ages while celebrating Pride.

More information.

Family Pride Flag Workshops

Saturdays, June 8, 9, 22 & 23, 2 to 4 p.m.

Montgomery’s Inn, 4709 Dundas St. W

Design and decorate a flag to share how you and your family celebrate Pride. Families will participate in a workshop led by artist Yahn Nemirovsky using pre-made flags and various materials and paints.

More information.

Pride Month Weekends

Saturdays and Sundays in June, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Scarborough Museum, 1007 Brimley Road

Enjoy Pride celebrations all month with the museum’s library of books celebrating Indigenous and 2SLGBTQIA+ stories, authors and illustrators. Try out button-making with historic and modern materials and enjoy family-friendly kitchen demonstrations.

More information.

It is important to recognize that 2SLGBTQ+ people have existed throughout human history and across all cultures. European and Christian colonization of many parts of the world imposed their views onto the peoples they colonized. This included prescribing strict heterosexual and male-female gender standards. As is the case with many non-mainstream groups in society, 2SLGBTQ+ people are often singled out and persecuted.

The North American 2SLGBTQ+ rights movement that shapes modern understanding of 2SLGBTQ+ people was part of many social justice movements that pushed back against power structures starting in the middle of the 20th century.

The practical and symbolic social justice milestones shared below illustrate the correcting of wrongs, not the giving of extra rights. As an example, Canadians over 50 years old lived during a time where police could arrest, jail, and convict an adult for their private behaviors within their own homes.

While progress has been made, 2SLGBTQ+ people still face a great deal of inequity and exclusion today in Canada and around the world.

Major Milestones within 2SLGBTQ+ communities in Toronto

1971 – Toronto’s first “Gay Day Picnic” was held at Hanlan’s Point Beach on the Toronto Islands on August 1 and was organized by a group of gay and lesbian activists.

1981 – Four bathhouses in Toronto are raided by the Toronto Police Service in Operation Soap. The event is now considered one of the crucial turning points in Toronto, and Canadian, 2SLGBTQ2+ history, as it led to demonstrations, protests and community activism. The protest march is generally recognized as the first Toronto Pride event.

1991 – Toronto City Council officially proclaimed Pride Day (part of anti-discriminatory measures).  Kyle Rae is elected as the first openly gay member of Toronto City Council.

1993 – Rainbow Flag is first raised on the courtesy flagpole and Pride Week is proclaimed and presented as part of the ceremony to Pride Toronto.

1995 – Barbara Hall becomes the first Toronto Mayor to march in Pride Parade

2000 – Women’s Bathhouse Raid: an all-female Pussy Palace party held at Club Toronto in September was raided by six male police officers.

2003 – The City of Toronto adopts a new Vision Statement on Access, Equity and Diversity that reads in part “…the City will create an environment of equality in the government and in the community for all people regardless of their race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, disability, citizenship, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, same sex partnership, age, marital status, family status, immigrant status, receipt of public assistance, political affiliation, religious affiliation, level of literacy, language and/or socio-economic status.”

2005 – On the 25th anniversary of Toronto’s Pride Week, Bill Blair becomes the first Toronto Chief of Police to participate in the parade.

2010 – Kristyn Wong-Tam is elected as the first openly lesbian and racialized member of Toronto City Council.

2014 – The City of Toronto hosts World Pride in June (making Toronto the first City in North America to host World Pride). The Rainbow Flag flies at Toronto City Hall to protest anti-gay laws in Russia in relation to the 2014 Winter Olympics.

2015 – Toronto hosts the first ever Pride House at a Pan American Games event.

2016 – Toronto Police Chief Mark Saunders issues an official statement of regret for the Operation Soap raids of 1981. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau marches in Toronto’s Pride parade, becoming the first PM of Canada to attend a Pride event. The Toronto chapter of Black Lives Matter stages a sit-in as the honoured group of the parade, demanding more funding to events for racialized people at Pride, and removal of police presence as participants in future Pride festivals in Toronto.

2017 – Toronto Police Service raised the Rainbow Flag over its headquarters.

2019 – Toronto City Council approves the formation of an 2SLGBTQ+ Council Advisory Body.

Major Milestones within the 2SLGBTQ+ community in Canada

1969 – Canada decriminalizes homosexual acts between consenting adults with the passage of the Criminal Law Amendment Act (received Royal Assent on June 27).

1987 – Sexual orientation is included in the Ontario Human Rights Code as a prohibited ground of discrimination.

2003 – Ontario’s Court of Appeal rules that the Canadian law on traditional marriage is unconstitutional. Ontario becomes the first jurisdiction in North America to do so and becomes the first city in North America to perform same-sex marriages.

2005 – Canada legalizes same-sex marriage.

2012 – Ontario includes gender identity and gender expression as protected grounds under the Ontario Human Rights Code.

2016 – Canada includes gender identity and gender expression as protected grounds under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

2017 – Prime Minister Justin Trudeau offers a formal apology in the House of Commons to 2SLGBTQ+ people affected by Canadian policies between 1950 and 1990 including civil servants, military members and criminalized Canadians who endured discrimination and injustice based on their sexual orientation.

Federal Government (Parliament Hill)

The Rainbow Flag was first raised on a temporary flagpole on Parliament Hill June 1, 2016.

2017 – The Pride Flag was again raised on June 14, 2017 to mark the passage of Bill C 16 by the Senate. In addition, the Transgender Flag and the Canada Rainbow 150 flag were also raised.

2018 – Flag Raising Ceremony for Pride Month on June 20, 2018 on the Front Lawn Parliament Hill with the Prime Minister.

Legislative Assembly of Ontario (Queen’s Park)

2014 – The Rainbow Flag is first flown as an exceptional case. The Rainbow Flag also flew during the Sochi Olympic games in February of that same year (the subject of a special motion in the House).

2015 – In 2015, the House approved a motion which added the Rainbow Flag to the list of approved flags – making it an annual event. As per this motion the Rainbow Flag is flown for the duration of Pride week.

2016 – The Transgender Flag was fist flown in November 2016, to mark Transgender Day of Awareness.

2017 – The Rainbow Flag, with the Transgender Flag underneath it, was flown during pride week. This is the only time on which 2 flags were flown from the same pole. Staff initially denied the request as it runs counter to accepted flag protocol but were overruled by the 3 political parties. The Transgender flag was also flown in November 2017.

1. Reflect on yourself

  • We all develop values, beliefs and attitudes throughout our lives.
  • Be aware of your own personal biases.
  • Understand where your ideas about 2SLGBTQ+ people come from.

2. Speak up

  • Stereotypical comments can lead to discrimination towards 2SLGBTQ+ people.
  • Do your part to combat gender and sexual stereotypes.
  • Make it known that homophobic and transphobic jokes and teasing are offensive and unacceptable.

3. Use inclusive language

  • Language has the power to validate and acknowledge identities, but also to deny them.
  • Respect the language people use when speaking of themselves and of their relationships (e.g. “Husband”/”Spouse”/”Partner”/etc.)
  • If unsure, always use inclusive and gender neutral language (without assuming gender or sexual orientation).

4. Ask for pronouns

  • Gender can be very important to a person’s sense of self.
  • “Misgendering” (incorrectly gendering) someone can cause them to feel disrespected and alienated.
  • Always ask for pronouns to prevent emotional distress and to set an example of respect.
  • Do not assume you know someone’s gender by how they look or sound.
  • When asking someone for their pronouns, it can help if you share your own (e.g. the City’s email signature standard permits the inclusion of pronouns in signatures).
  • You are invited explore The 519 resources: Gender-Specific and Gender-Neutral Pronouns and Starting Conversations.

5. Respect self-identification

  • Gender identity can be deeply personal; it is not something to be questioned nor is it up for discussion.
  • Respect the terminology a person uses to describe their identity.

6. Being an “Ally” is about our actions

  • “Ally” isn’t a name we can call ourselves; it’s about our actions and how we show up for 2SLGBTQ+ communities.
  • Be there to support 2SLGBTQ+ communities when celebrating their success as well as during vulnerable times.
  • Do your research; it is much easier to work towards improving 2SLGBTQ+ inclusion when you are aware of the relevant Pride history.