Toronto Public Health is hosting community clinics to help students catch-up on their school-based vaccines. Clinics are appointment based and residents are encouraged to book an appointment.


The following vaccines are available at School Immunization Program (SIP) clinics:

  • Meningococcal vaccine (prevents meningitis)
  • Human Papillomavirus vaccine (prevents cancers)
  • Hepatitis B vaccine (prevents liver disease and cancer)

In Ontario, the Immunization of School Pupil Act (ISPA) requires all students to be up to date with meningococcal vaccines or have a valid exemption even if they received a meningococcal vaccine as a child. There are two meningococcal vaccines routinely given as part of Ontario’s Publicly Funded Immunization Schedule:

  • Meningococcal C vaccine: children get this vaccine at one year of age
  • Meningococcal ACYW-135 (quadrivalent) vaccine: students get this vaccine in grade 7 through the Student Immunization Program (SIP)

Hepatitis b and human papillomavirus are strongly recommended but are not required. Learn more about SIP.

School Clinic Schedule

We will be returning to schools to provide students in grade 7 and 8 their next dose of the hepatitis b and human papillomavirus vaccines. Students who have not yet received these vaccines and/or the meningococcal vaccine can also get vaccinated at these clinics. Please note, these school-based clinics are offered during school hours to students who attend the school. These clinics are not open to the public. Please check back for more information.

Read about the benefits of receiving these vaccines, and review the hepatitis bhuman papillomavirus (HPV) and meningococcal vaccine fact sheets for more information. Speak to a health care provider if you have questions or concerns.

There are many ways your child can get vaccinated:

  • All grade 7 and 8 students who are behind on these important vaccines can get vaccinated during school hours through SIP.
  • Toronto Public Health is hosting community clinics to help students catch-up on their school-based vaccines. These clinics are appointment based and residents are encouraged to book an appointment.
  • Contact your health care providers, who can order vaccines from Toronto Public Health to vaccinate eligible patients in-office. Report vaccinations received from health care providers.

Vaccines are safe, effective and one of the most important ways to improve health worldwide and prevent the spread of infectious diseases. Vaccinating children and youth helps protect them against infectious diseases and some cancers, and can prevent children and youth from passing on an infection to other vulnerable people in their family or school community.

Vaccines offered to teens and young adults are safe and protect them from:

  • meningitis (brain infection) and septicemia (blood infection) from meningococcal bacteria
  • liver cancer from hepatitis b virus
  • cancers caused by the HPV virus

Prevent Meningitis

Meningococcal disease is very rare, but it can become life threatening quickly. It is the leading cause of bacterial meningitis in teens and young adults. The bacteria infects the lining of the brain leading to strokes, hearing loss, seizures or blood infection. This vaccine is required to attend school in Ontario, and may be needed for travel and/or postsecondary education.

Meningococcal vaccines are 80 to 85 per cent effective at protecting against four types of bacteria that cause meningitis.

See the Meningococcal Vaccine Factsheet to learn more.

Prevent Liver Cancer

The hepatitis b virus is spread by infected body fluids. This can include improper cleaning of spa, tattoo, medical and dental instruments. Many people with infection may not have symptoms and can continue to spread the infection to others. Some infections can cause permanent liver damage, cirrhosis and cancer. This vaccine is recommended before travel and when working in some industries, like health care.

Hepatitis b vaccines are over 95 per cent effective at protecting against hepatitis b virus infections.

Students 11-15 years of age need two doses, given six months apart. Students aged 16 and older will need a third dose. Students with a weak immune system may need additional doses.

See the Hepatitis B Vaccine Factsheet to learn more.

Prevent Other Cancers

There are different types of human papillomavirus (HPV). Many people do not know they are infected and never get symptoms. HPV infections cause many cancers of the mouth, head, throat, neck, cervix and genitals.

The HPV vaccine (Gardasil®-9) is over 95 per cent effective at protecting against nine types of HPV infections. Students ages nine to 14 years old need two doses, given six months apart. Students with a weak immune system or those who are 15 years and older at the time of their first dose will need a third dose.

See the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccine Factsheet to learn more.

Available for free at school immunization program clinics or some health care provider offices.

Vaccine Who is Currently Eligible? Impacted Cohort Remains Eligible for Missed Doses Until Special Considerations
Hep B
(Recombivax or Engerix)
All grade 7 to 12 studentsa Students who graduated in the 2022/23 school year

(born in 2005b, and 2006b)

Aug 31, 2024 (must complete series) These vaccines are typically provided through school-based clinics; however, if health care providers have eligible patients requesting a vaccine, contact the local health unit for a special release access to administer the vaccine(s) directly
HPV-9 (Gardasil 9) All grade 7 to 12 students Students who graduated in the 2019/20c, 2020/21c, 2021/22 and 2022/23 school years

(born in 2002, 2003, or 2004, 2005 and 2006)d

Aug 31, 2024 (must complete series)
All grade 7 to 12 students and those born in or after 1997 N/A Remains eligible until vaccine is received

a As of September 2022, all students in grades 7 to end of grade 12 are eligible for the publicly funded Hep B vaccine.b Individuals aged 16 years and older require a 3-dose Hep B immunization schedule as per the Canadian Immunization Guidec Females only as per publicly funded program criteria. Males in grade 7 became eligible in 2016. These males were born in 2004.d Individuals aged 15 years and older require a 3-dose HPV-9 immunization schedule as per the Canadian Immunization Guide

Grade 7 & 8 Students

Toronto Public Health hosts SIP clinics for grade 7 students, and offering catch-up opportunities to students in grade 8 who are behind on meningococcal, hepatitis b and human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines in schools across Toronto. These clinics are held during school hours and no appointment is needed. Information and consent packages are sent to families through their schools. Parental consent is required.


Secondary School Students (Grades 9-12)

During the COVID-19 pandemic, SIP was paused and many children and youth did not receive these lifesaving vaccines. Toronto Public Health is planning high school clinics to help students catch up on these vaccines. More information will be provided soon.


  1. Read the vaccine fact sheets: hepatitis b, human papillomavirus, and meningococcal disease. If you have questions about the vaccines, speak to a health care provider.
  2. Fully complete and sign the vaccine consent form* for each student being vaccinated (see below for instructions):
    • Can be signed by students 14 years of age and older
    • Must be signed by parent/legal guardian for students under 14 years of age
    • If getting vaccinated at a school-based clinic, have your child return the signed consent form to their teacher as soon as possible and before the clinic date
  3. On the day of the school-based clinic, students will need to:
    • Wear a loose sleeved shirt and eat something before the clinic.
    • Masks are not required but encouraged.

*Completing the Vaccine Consent form:

Step 1: Student Information

All fields should be filled out including:

  • Student’s full name (first and last) and personal information.
  • Parent/ guardian cell phone number, the full name of student’s teacher and school they attend.

Step 2: Student Vaccination History

  • Choose the names of the vaccines your child has already received and provide date(s) that each vaccine was given.

Step 3: Health History

  • Check off “Yes” or “No” for each item about your child’s health. Explain any “Yes” responses.

Step 4: Consent for Vaccination

  • Check off “Yes” for each vaccines you give permission for your child to receive or “No” for the vaccines you do not give permission for your child to receive.
  • Sign and date the form.

Consent forms submitted to Toronto Public Health through your child(ren)’s school for SIP vaccines are valid for two years.

Please refer to the SIP Checklist for more information.

If students received hepatitis b, human papillomavirus (HPV), and meningococcal vaccines from a health care provider other than Toronto Public Health, please report these vaccination(s) to Toronto Public Health online:

  • Create an account on the Immunization Connect Ontario (ICON) tool. You will need the Ontario Health Card of the person whose vaccination record you’re updating in order to access the record on ICON.
  • The records you submit will become available to view in ICON once processed by Toronto Public Health.

Why report vaccination records to TPH?

Vaccination records for meningococcal vaccines must be reported under the Immunization of School Pupils Act in order for students to continue attending school in Ontario.

Reporting vaccinations with hepatitis b and human papillomavirus HPV vaccines is not required, but helps students in a number of ways, such as:

  • Ensuring their medical records are complete
  • Keeping an updated list of their vaccinations if they need it (e.g. to volunteer or work at a health care facility or to travel)

Learn more about the free vaccines available for children. Some of these vaccines are required for children who attend school and childcare, or to have a valid exemption.