Toronto continues to be in the midst of a drug toxicity epidemic. The unregulated drug supply is unpredictable, increasingly toxic, and currently dominated by fentanyl. The unregulated fentanyl supply contains varying concentrations of fentanyl, as well as unexpected drugs such as benzodiazepines.

Toronto Public Health is taking action to prevent overdose deaths, and operates the city’s first supervised consumption service, providing a safer environment for people to inject their own drugs under the supervision of trained health professionals.

We also worked with partners to develop Our Health, Our City: A Mental Health, Substance Use, Harm Reduction and Treatment Strategy for Toronto which is a comprehensive strategy to reduce substance use related harms and promote mental health and well-being. Toronto Public Health continuously provides updates to the Board of Health on actions to address the drug toxicity epidemic.

Prevent & Respond to Overdose

Learn how to prevent, recognize and respond to an overdose.

Naxolone Training

Where to find naloxone kits and get training.

Toronto Overdose Information System (TOIS)

Timely information on overdose activity with a focus on opioids.

Supporting People Who Use Drugs

Learn more about substance use and how to be supportive and respectful of family members, friends, colleagues and clients who use drugs.

Integrated Prevention and Harm Reduction (iPHARE) Initiative

Learn about the City’s efforts to reduce the risk of opioid-related deaths in Toronto’s shelter system.

What Your Agency/Business Can Do

Find out what your organization can do to support people who use drugs and how to become a naloxone distributor.

Needle Safety

Learn about safe needle handling.

Programs & Services

Learn about offered programs and services.

Substances & Susbtance Use

Learn about substances and substance use.