To get the Waste Wizard while on the go, download the TOwaste app.

Know Before You Throw!

Use Waste Wizard to find out what waste items go where.

If you live in an apartment, condo or co-op, check with your Property Manager or Superintendent to find out where to properly dispose of garbage, recycling, organics and other items in your building.

Consider donating items that are in good condition. Find out where to donate gently used clothing, toys, books and more.

Currently, Waste Wizard is only available in English.

waste wizard logo
  • Typing slowly will reveal a dropdown with all the related items. Selecting Enter or the “Ask the Wizard” button will show all the related items with instructions.
  • To see the full database, select Enter or the “Ask the Wizard” button when the search bar is blank.
  • If you don’t find what you’re looking for, you can request an item to be added through “Feedback” below