Map of Bathurst Quay area
Bathurst Quay
  • Neighbourhood Study was initiated in response to Porter Airlines’ request to amend the tripartite agreement to allow jet aircrafts at Billy Bishop Airport and extend the runway
  • Porter Airline’s request was denied by the Federal Government
  • The City of Toronto proceeded with the Study to provide a framework for development and transportation pressures within the neighbourhood
  • City Council endorsed the guiding principles and action plan in July 2017
Access additional information at the Bathurst Quay Neighbourhood Plan project page.

Recent Council Reports

2017.TE25.55 – Bathurst Quay Neighbourhood Plan – Interim Report

Picture of Billy Bishop Airport from the air
Billy Bishop Airport

For information, visit the Billy Bishop Toronto City Airport Initiatives page.

Conceptual rendering of East Bayfront neighbourhood at dusk looking west
Conceptual Rendering of East Bayfront
  • 23 hectare, former industrial site extending from Lower Jarvis Street to Parliament Street and Lake Shore Boulevard to the water
  • Significant City ownership of lands
  • One of the first waterfront neighbourhoods to enter the implementation phase
  • Mixed-use district including Corus Entertainment, George Brown College, and a variety of residential projects

Additional information is available at Waterfront Toronto’s project web page.

Recent Council Reports

Overhead conceptual rendering of Garrison Crossing facing east with the CN Tower in the background
Conceptual Rendering of Garrison Crossing
  • Will provide a link to increase connections between the City, Fort York, and the Waterfront upon completion in 2018

Access additional information at the Fort York Bridge Project web page.

Recent Council Reports

An artist rendering of South Lake Shore Blvd. South Sidewalk, with planted trees and vehicles on Lake Shore
An artist rendering of the public realm on Lake Shore Boulevard East

For information, visit the Lake Shore Boulevard East Public Realm page.

Aerial view of Bill Bishop Toronto city airport terminal looking East, with CN Tower and sail boats and financial district.

The comprehensive vision for Toronto’s waterfront was last considered by the public in the 2000s as part of the Toronto Waterfront Revitalization Task Force Report. Based on Council direction, the City is undertaking a public consultation and stakeholder engagement process throughout 2022 that will contribute to a renewed vision.

The renewed vision will set a path forward for what Toronto could achieve along its 43 km waterfront, from Etobicoke to Scarborough, including through the following priorities:

  • Strategic economic development;
  • Truth, justice and reconciliation, including through Indigenous engagement;
  • Equity, inclusion and access, including through housing; and,
  • Climate resilience and sustainability.

In addition, a complementary engagement program with First Nations Rights-holders and urban Indigenous communities is ongoing and will identify opportunities to advance the actions of the Reconciliation Action Plan through the next phase of waterfront revitalization.

For more information and to get involved, please head to the Next Phase of Waterfront Revitalization project page.

Map showing 12 Districts within the Port Lands
Port Lands include several districts including Media City, Turning Basin District, Warehouse District, East Port, South Port East, Maritime Hub and South Port, South River, Villiers Island, Polson Quay, McCleary District and Ports Toronto.


  • The Port Lands Planning Framework and the Port Lands Official Plan Modification, adopted by Council December 2017, provides land use directions for the “Regeneration Areas” in the Central Waterfront Secondary Plan
  • Council also directed staff to develop more detailed plans in key areas of the Port Lands including;
    • an update of the zoning for approximately 2000 hectares of employment lands to increase as-of-right permissions
    • the creation of urban design guidelines for Media City District and the Turning Basin District
  • Public and stakeholder consultations begin Winter 2019

Additional information is available on the Port Lands web page.

Recent Council Reports

Aerial photo of Quayside area
Aerial photo of Quayside area

Quayside is a 4.9 hectare parcel of land on Toronto’s waterfront, located at Queens Quay East and Parliament Street. Quayside will be a master-planned mixed-use complete community that builds on the development in the adjacent Bayside and Dockside lands, and the emerging Keating Channel West Precinct. A key driver for Quayside is the provision of affordable rental housing units, estimated to deliver between 800 and 875 affordable rental units and approximately, a further 200 affordable ownership units.

For more information, visit the Quayside project page.

Map of the Bentway project area, spanning from Strachan Avenue in the west to Spadina Avenue in the east
Map of the Bentway
  • Thanks to a $25 million private family donation, the City of Toronto and Waterfront Toronto are transforming lands under a western segment of the Gardiner Expressway into a 1.75 kilometre vibrant gathering place
  • Known as the Bentway, the initiative extends from approximately Strachan Avenue in the west to Spadina Avenue, knitting together a number of waterfront destinations and the neighbourhoods of Exhibition Place, Liberty Village, Niagara, Fort York, Bathurst Quay, Wellington Place, and City Place
  • Upcoming programming includes a skating rink, terraced gardens, public markets, festivals, theatre and a continuous multiuse trail

Additional information is available through the Bentway Conservancy.

Recent Council Reports

Conceptual rendering of the West Don Lands neighbourhood with a focus on Corktown Commons
Conceptual Rendering of West Don Lands
  • 32 hectares of former industrial lands that are being transformed into a sustainable, mixed-use community
  • Key feature is 8 hectare flood protection landform that provides critical flood protection for the downtown and serves as the foundation for Corktown Commons park
  • Upon completion, will feature approximately 6,000 new residential units, employment and commercial space, an elementary school, childcare centres, and 9.3 hectares of parks and public spaces

Access additional information at Waterfront Toronto’s project web page.

Recent Council Reports

Western view of Toronto’s western waterfront, specifically Western Beaches area

  • The Western Waterfront Master Plan (WWMP) was approved by City Council in 2009. It was developed to provide a vision for the Western Beaches of Toronto’s Western Waterfront and to guide future decisions related to improvements in the area.
  • Almost 15 years later the City is formally reviewing the Plan with a staff team from City Planning, Transportation Services, Parks, Forestry and Recreation, Corporate Real Estate Management and the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority to check in on implementation progress and update the project’s priorities with fresh input.
  • The Western Beaches Public Realm Plan is part of the Western Waterfront, with the study area extending east of the Humber River to Ontario Place, including Sir Casimir Gzowski Park, Budapest Park, Sunnyside Park, the Lake Shore Boulevard Parklands, and Marilyn Bell Park.
  • The team is: checking in with the community about their current experience of the Western Beaches; taking stock of which initiatives should be advanced; considering emerging issues and priorities; and refreshing the list of implementation items.

Get Involved

Interactive Map

Thank you so much for your input! The comment period ended December 13, 2023. The interactive map and the comments can still be viewed on Social Pinpoint.

For more information, please visit Waterfront Revitalization – Western Beaches Public Realm Plan.