Project/Study Description
Avenue Road Study The City of Toronto is studying Avenue Road, between Bloor Street West and St. Clair Avenue West, to find opportunities to improve the street, with emphasis on safety, mobility choices and enhancing streetscape.
Bartlett-Havelock-Gladstone Cycling Connections The City of Toronto is preparing to install bikeways and other road safety improvements on Bartlett Avenue, Havelock Street, and Gladstone Avenue from Davenport Road to College Street, as well as associated changes to short sections of Bloor Street and Lindsey Avenue.
Basement Flooding Investigation Environmental Assessment Studies The City of Toronto’s Basement Flooding Protection Program (BFPP) is a multi-year program that is helping to reduce the risk of future flooding by making improvements to the City’s sewer system and overland drainage routes.
Bathurst Street and Lake Shore Boulevard Construction The City of Toronto and the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) are renewing aging streetcar tracks at the intersection of Bathurst Street and Lake Shore Boulevard. The City will also replace the 105-year-old watermain at the intersection of Bathurst Street and Lake Shore Boulevard West and complete streetscape improvements on Fleet Street including sidewalk widening and addition of public seating.
Bathurst-North York Complete Streets

The City of Toronto is planing to install new bikeways, sidewalks and safety improvements between Bathurst Street and Keele Street in North York from 2024 to 2027. The project pages are Bathurst Complete Street, Champagne-Alness Road Safety Improvements, and Steeprock-Bathurst Manor Cycling Connections.

Bathurst Manor Neighbourhood Mobility Plan The Bathurst Manor Neighbourhood Mobility Plan (NMP) will identify, prioritize and recommend short-, medium-, and long-term improvements to traffic operations and road design to support safety for all modes of transportation, including people walking, cycling and driving.
Beltline Gap Connections The City of Toronto is inviting residents to learn more and provide feedback on the Beltline Gap Connections project. The project proposes a safe and connected route for people cycling and pedestrians over the Allen Road Expressway closing the gap between the York Beltline Trail and Kay Gardner Beltline Trail.
Black Creek Drainage Improvement Study The City of Toronto has completed a Municipal Environmental Assessment (EA) Study to achieve the following for the Black Creek Sanitary drainage area
Bloor Street West Complete Street Extension The City of Toronto is initiating the Bloor Street West Complete Street Extension project to make travel on Bloor Street West safer, more inviting, and attractive for everyone. The project proposes to implement complete street features, including bikeways and safety improvements on Bloor Street West in two phases: phase one extends from the terminus of the existing bikeway at Runnymede Road heading west to Royal York Road; and phase two extends from Royal York Road heading west to Six Points (Resurrection Road) to connect to an existing bikeway in the Six Points redevelopment area.
Bloor Street Construction The City of Toronto will replace the 142-year-old watermain and the City-owned portion of substandard water services, on Bloor Street West between Bathurst Street and Spadina Avenue.
Bluffers Park Forcemain Replacement Study The city of Toronto is undertaking a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) Study to explore opportunities to improve reliability of an aging sanitary forcemain that serves the Bluffer’s Park Sewage Pumping Station (SPS). A forcemain is a pressurized sewer pipe that transports wastewater from a lower to a higher elevation. The existing forcemain is located on Brimley Road South, near Bluffer’s Park in the city of Toronto.
Broadview Avenue Extension Environmental Assessment The Broadview Avenue Extension Environmental Assessment (Broadview Extension EA) continues work completed in the 2017 Port Lands Transportation and Servicing Master Plan (TSMP), which satisfied Phases 1 and 2 of the Municipal Class EA process.
Cabbagetown Cycling Connections The City of Toronto is proposing cycling, pedestrian and road safety improvements in the Cabbagetown neighbourhood. The proposed changes include new contra-flow bike lanes on Sumach Street and Sackville Street, and parts of Winchester Street and Ontario Street.
Casa Loma – Transportation Management Mitigation Plan The City of Toronto is undertaking a Transportation Management and Mitigation Plan (TMMP) to evaluate potential traffic management improvements in the Casa Loma neighbourhood, due to the growing popularity of special events at Casa Loma and the associated traffic and parking demands.
Centennial Park Cycling Connections

The City of Toronto is proposing a new bikeway connection to Centennial Park from Mississauga’s Burnhamthorpe Trail at the border of Toronto along Burnhamthorpe Road and continuing on Mill Road. The proposed project includes an extension of the existing multi-use trail on Burnhamthorpe Road, new on-street cycle tracks on Mill Road and intersection improvements at Burnhamthorpe Road and Mill Road.

College Street Upgrades The City of Toronto has planned TTC track replacement work on College Street between Bathurst Street and Bay Street in 2022. This work provides an opportunity to rethink the existing roadway design and consider changes that will improve safety for all road users. Proposed safety improvements include upgrading the existing bike lanes on College Street with physically separated bike lanes (cycle tracks).
Complete Street & Multi-Use Feasibility Studies The City of Toronto is advancing several Complete Streets and multi-use trail feasibility studies intended to inform future planned works. Feasibility studies represent one of the first steps in the development of capital projects by defining the project purpose and objectives, conducting preliminary design and other analyses to determine the potential viability of the project, and identifying the benefits and costs associated with the project. These studies help identify the most promising candidate projects for further advancement in the project development process.
Danforth-Kingston Complete Street Extension The City is initiating the Danforth-Kingston Complete Street Extension project to make travel on Danforth Avenue and Kingston Road safer, more inviting, and attractive for everyone.
Davisville Avenue Complete Street The Davisville Avenue Complete Street project is an opportunity to reimagine Davisville Avenue from Yonge Street to Mount Pleasant Road as a Complete Street. 
Don Mills Crossing Trail Bridge A new pedestrian and cycling bridge over the Canadian Pacific Rail (CPR) corridor to connect the existing Don Mills Trail to the Wynford Drive Extension within the future Crosstown Development at Don Mills Road and Eglinton Avenue East.
Douro Street & Wellington Street Road Safety & Bikeway Improvements The City of Toronto has implemented road safety improvements on Douro Street from King Street West to Strachan Avenue and on Wellington Street West from Strachan Avenue to Blue Jays Way, to increase safety for all road users.
Dufferin Street Bridges Replacement The City of Toronto is planning to replace the Dufferin Street Bridges over the Gardiner Expressway and the Metrolinx Rail Corridor.
Dunn Dowling Bridge Replacement Study The City of Toronto is conducting a Bridge Replacement Feasibility Study for the Dunn Avenue and Dowling Avenue Bridges.
East Don River Sewer Connections & Creek Improvements The City of Toronto will be starting construction to replace and install sewer connections, remove an existing concrete weir (similar to a dam), install an underground storage tank and pumping station and stabilize the river banks in East Don River.
Eglinton East LRT The City of Toronto and Toronto Transit Commission are working to bring rapid and reliable transit to Scarborough. The Eglinton East Light Rail Transit is a proposed 18-kilometre light rail transit (LRT) system in Scarborough.
eglintonTOday Complete Street Project The eglintonTOday Complete Street project proposes to implement complete street features, including bikeways and public realm upgrades on Eglinton Avenue between Keele Street and Mount Pleasant Road.
Ellesmere Complete Street The Ellesmere Complete Street project aims to make travel safer and more connected for everyone along Ellesmere Road. The project proposes cycle tracks, multi-use trails, safety and accessibility improvements, and other design elements.
Emery Village Link 2A Environmental Assessment The City is planning a new road in the Emery Village neighbourhood to connect Toryork Drive with Finch Avenue West.
Fairbank Silverthorn Trunk Storm Sewer System The City of Toronto is planning to construct a new storm trunk sewer system in the Fairbank-Silverthorn area. This new sewer system was recommended by the Investigation of Chronic Basement Flooding – Study Area 3 Environmental Assessment, completed in 2010.
Fenmar & Kenhar Watermain Relining The City of Toronto will be cleaning and relining the watermain on Fenmar Drive from Steeles Avenue West to Weston Road and Kenhar Drive from Fenmar Drive to Weston Road.
Ferrand Drive Area Safety Improvements The City of Toronto invites residents to learn and provide feedback on opportunities for road safety improvements in the Ferrand Drive area, near the Don Mills Road/Eglinton Avenue East intersection. These changes would expand the cycling network into the northern part of Flemingdon Park and improve road safety for pedestrians and people cycling to access local destinations, rapid transit and cycle tracks in the growing and evolving community.
Finch West Goods Movement Study The City is looking at ways to improve commercial shipping and freight transportation in the Finch West area of Toronto, in part because of the new Finch West LRT.
German Mills Creek Geomorphic Systems Master Plan The City of Toronto has initiated a study to identify sewer and watermain infrastructure within German Mills Creek that is at-risk of erosion from high flows dues to storms and snow melt.
Glen Road Pedestrian Bridge and Tunnel Study Replacement of the existing pedestrian bridge and tunnel located between Bloor Street East and South Rosedale.
Gerrard East Complete Street The City of Toronto is planning cycling, pedestrian, motor vehicle operations, and road safety upgrades on Gerrard Street East. The project proposes to replace the painted cycle tracks with two-way cycle tracks from Sherbourne Street to Parliament Street. Although outside the scope of the current project, there are future plans to improve safety and accessibility from Parliament Street to St Matthew’s Road and Blackburn Street.
Highland Creek Village Transportation Master Plan The City of Toronto is studying a series of transportation projects, initiatives and policies to support the vision of the recently completed Highland Creek Village Area Study and re-development of the Highland Creek Village area. The mobility needs of local residents, employees, businesses and all road users will be considered.
Huntingwood Drive Road Upgrades: Pharmacy Avenue to Kennedy Road The City of Toronto is inviting residents to learn more and provide feedback on opportunities for cycling, pedestrian, motor vehicle operations, and road safety upgrades on Huntingwood Drive from Pharmacy Avenue to Kennedy Road.
Improving The Esplanade and Mill Street The City of Toronto is proposing to install cycling infrastructure on The Esplanade, Mill Street and Berkeley Street as well as associated improvements for pedestrians and motor vehicle traffic.
John Street Corridor Improvements The City of Toronto is working to transform John Street into a “cultural corridor” by redesigning the streetscape between Front Street and Stephanie Street.
Kensington Safe Streets The City of Toronto is exploring opportunities to leverage scheduled watermain and road work in 2023 to install safety improvements for all road users in the Kensington Market area.
King-Queen-Queensway-Roncesvalles Construction The City of Toronto and Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) have coordinated various infrastructure upgrades in the area of King Street West, Queen Street West, The Queensway and Roncesvalles Avenue (KQQR). The infrastructure improvements started in September 2020.
King Street West Construction  The City of Toronto and Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) plan to renew aging streetcar tracks along King Street West between Dufferin Street and Shaw Street. The City will also replace the 146-year-old watermain that runs east-west on King Street between Dufferin Street and Shaw Street.
Knox Avenue Bikeway Connection Knox Avenue, from Eastern Avenue to Lake Shore Boulevard East, is scheduled for road reconstruction. The roadwork provides an opportunity to redesign this section of Knox Avenue and install a separated bikeway that would connect to the existing contra-flow lanes north of Eastern Avenue.
Lake Shore Boulevard East Public Realm We’re planning improvements along Lake Shore Boulevard between Jarvis Street and Logan Avenue. This will include enhanced sidewalks, a new bi-directional cycling trail on the north side of the street and additional planting.
Lawrence Park Neighbourhood Road and Stormwater Management Study The City of Toronto is studying different ways to address deteriorating road conditions, traffic problems, pedestrian safety, road drainage problems and basement flooding in the Lawrence Park neighbourhood.
Lawrence Park Transportation Plan The Lawrence Park Transportation Plan will assess neighbourhood traffic concerns and identify improvements which can be implemented along with planned road reconstruction.
Leaside Bridge to Danforth Avenue Cycling Connections The City of Toronto is proposing a new bikeway along Logan Avenue, Cosburn Avenue, Broadview Avenue, O’Connor Drive and Hopedale Avenue connecting to the Leaside Bridge.
Leaside Neighbourhood Transportation Plan The Leaside Neighbourhood Transportation Plan will identify, prioritize and recommend short, medium and long-term improvements to traffic operations and road design to support safety for all modes of transportation, including people walking, cycling and driving.
Leslieville Traffic Management & Mitigation Study The City is undertaking a Traffic Management and Mitigation Study within the Leslieville Community. The objective of this study is to identify the key congestion areas and propose innovative short and long-term projects to mitigate transportation issues.
Lower Simcoe Flood Protection Study The purpose of the study is to address flooding issues at the Lower Simcoe Street Underpass, from Front Street to the Lake Ontario Shoreline.
Malvern West Streets Plan In consultation with the local community, the City is developing a Neighbourhood Streets Plan (NSP) for the Malvern West area that identifies, prioritizes and recommends short-term actions and long-term changes to traffic operations and road design to support safety for all modes of transportation.
Maple Leaf & Rustic Neighbourhood Streets Plan The City of Toronto is developing a Neighbourhood Streets Plan (NSP) for the Maple Leaf and Rustic area that identifies, prioritizes and recommends short and long-term improvements to traffic operations and road design to support safety for all modes of transportation.
Martin Grove Road Cycling Connections The City of Toronto is inviting residents to learn more and provide feedback on opportunities to connect existing on-street and off-street bikeways along Martin Grove Road between Eglinton Avenue West and the Kipling TTC and GO stations at Dundas Street West.  The project will also include opportunities to improve safety for people walking, people cycling and driving on Martin Grove Road.
Mid Humber Gap Trail Study Originally a 1.4 km gap in the Humber River Trail (HRT) near Weston Road and Lawrence Avenue West, approximately 800 metres of trail remains to be completed. This gap constitutes a significant barrier to a continuous multi-use trail system both along the HRT and in the future Loop Trail. The Loop trail is a 65 km off-road, multi-use ring that will connect multiple ravines, neighbourhoods and trail systems throughout Toronto.
Military Trail Road Reconstruction The City is reconstructing Military Trail from Ellesmere Road to Highcastle Road. The road reconstruction will include the construction of a sidewalk on the west side and a reduction in the speed limit from 50 km/h to 30 km/h.
Millwood Road Safety Improvements Millwood Road provides a vital connection between Thorncliffe Park, Flemingdon Park and Leaside neighbourhoods and Downtown. The upcoming projects provide an opportunity to redesign the street and make improvements.
Mimico Creek Restoration and Water Infrastructure Protection Study

The City of Toronto is carrying out a study to identify sewer and watermain infrastructure within Mimico Creek that is at risk of damage due to erosion impacts as a result of high flows from storms and snow melt.

Mimico Neighbourhood Mobility Plan The Mimico NMP will identify, prioritize and recommend short and long-term improvements to traffic operations and road design to support road safety for all modes of transportation including vulnerable road users (e.g. seniors, school children, people walking and cycling) in the Mimico study area.
Newtonbrook Creek Geomorphic Systems Master Plan The City of Toronto has initiated a study to identify sewer and watermain infrastructure within Newtonbrook Creek and Blue Ridge Creek that is at-risk of erosion from high flows dues to storms and snow melt.
North York Centre: Doris Avenue Extension (South Service Road) – Bonnington Place & Tradewind Avenue The need for the completion of the North York Centre Service Road south of Sheppard Avenue was first established in 1996. After several revised plans the City is now proposing the following: (1) a single intersection linking Doris Avenue to Tradewind Avenue, (2) the road would bisect the green space north of Sheppard Avenue and (3) Bonnington Place would be converted to a cul-de-sac north of Lyndale Drive.
Oakwood Village Streets Plan In consultation with the local community, the City is developing a Neighbourhood Streets Plan (NSP) for the Oakwood Village area that identifies, prioritizes and recommends short-term actions and long-term changes to traffic operations and road design to support safety for all modes of transportation.
Oakridge Neighbourhood Streets Plan In consultation with the local community, the City is developing a Neighbourhood Streets Plan (NSP) for the Oakridge area that identifies, prioritizes and recommends short and long-term improvements to traffic operations and road design to support safety for all modes of transportation.
Overlea Boulevard Bridge A reconstruction of the Overlea Bridge deck and Don Mills Road intersection is planned in the coming years to keep them in a state of good repair. This is the most cost-effective opportunity to make improvements.
O’Connor Drive Improvements The City of Toronto is planning a number of improvements to O’Connor Drive, from Glenwood Crescent to Bermondsey Road that help to address basement flooding, pedestrian safety and streetscape.
Palmerston-Tecumseth Cycling Connections The City of Toronto is proposing cycling, pedestrian, and road safety upgrades on Palmerston Avenue, Palmerston Square and Palmerston Boulevard as well as Tecumseth Street.
Park Lawn Lake Shore Transportation Master Plan The Transportation Master Plan (TMP) will provide the first step in a multi-year process to evaluate solutions to create more transportation options in the Park Lawn Lake Shore area.
Parkside Drive Study The City of Toronto is studying Parkside Drive between Keele Subway Station and the Martin Goodman Trail to identify interventions that could improve safety and mobility along the corridor with a focus on people walking, cycling and other vulnerable road users.
Peanut Streets Plan

The City of Toronto is developing a Neighbourhood Streets Plan for The Peanut area that will address road safety for vulnerable road users (e.g. pedestrians, children, older adults and people cycling), excessive speeding and motor vehicle traffic on local streets.

Peel Avenue & Gladstone Avenue Road Reconstruction The City of Toronto is working on the design details to improve mobility options on Gladstone Avenue and Peel Avenue, including pedestrian improvements, vehicular traffic changes, cycling improvements, parking changes and sustainability/green street features.
Port Union Road The City of Toronto will be widening Port Union Road from Lawrence Avenue East to Island Road.
Portland – Dan Leckie Cycling Connections The City of Toronto is proposing a new bikeway that will connect Queen Street West to Queens Quay West. This new cycling route will run along Portland Street, across the Puente De Luz pedestrian/cycling bridge and down Dan Leckie Way.
Raindrop Plaza The City is reconfiguring the intersection of Coxwell Avenue and Dundas Street East. This project includes realignment of the roadway and various public realm improvements and stormwater management facilities to create Raindrop Plaza.
RapidTO: Bus & Streetcar Priority The City of Toronto and Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) are enhancing bus and streetcar transit across Toronto by studying and implementing transit priority solutions that improve service reliability. RapidTO: Bus & Streetcar Priority will guide the study, evaluation and delivery of bus and streetcar improvement projects in Toronto.
REimagining Yonge Street Environmental Assessment Yonge Street is the central corridor within North York Centre, one of four mixed-use and transit-accessible centres identified in the Official Plan where jobs, housing, and services will be concentrated.
Rehabilitation of Eastern/Adelaide Bridges The City of Toronto is rehabilitating the Eastern Avenue Bridge, the Richmond Street East
over King Street East Bridge, Adelaide Street East over King Street East Bridge, and
the Don Valley Parkway Ramp over the Don River. This work will ensure that the bridges
meet today’s standards and remain safe into the future. The work also includes construction of a
multi-use trail on the Eastern Avenue Bridge.
ReNew Golden Mile: Reconfigured & New Major Streets Environmental Assessment Study The City of Toronto is carrying out a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) Study to determine the design of new major streets and for the design, realignment and/or extension of some existing major streets identified in the Golden Mile area. The Study will complete Phases 3 and 4 of the EA process.
Richview Reservoir Rehabilitation The City of Toronto will be carrying out waterproofing and structure rehabilitation work on the Richview Reservoir at Richview Park.
Road Safety Improvements on Scarborough Golf Club Road In 2023-2024, Scarborough Golf Club Road from Ellesmere Road to Lawrence Avenue East is planned to be reconstructed due to the poor condition of the road. This presents a unique opportunity to make changes to improve operations and safety for all users. The City will also evaluate options for upgrades between Lawrence Avenue East and Kingston Road as part of the consultation process.
Rosehill Reservoir Rehabilitation The City of Toronto will be carrying out waterproofing and structure rehabilitation work on the Rosehill Reservoir at David Balfour Park.
Rouge Park Bridges Transportation Master Plan The City of Toronto is undertaking a Transportation Master Plan (TMP) that will study five bridges within the Rouge National Urban Park.
Rowanwood Transmission Watermain Construction In 2023-2024, a new transmission watermain between Macpherson Avenue at Yonge Street to Roxborough Street East to replace a 100-year-old 900 mm cast iron watermain.
Sanitary & Storm Sewer Upgrades on Old Mill Drive & Catherine Street The City of Toronto is modifying and upgrading the storm and sanitary sewer system in the area in order to reduce basement flooding. This work also involves replacing the City-owned portion of substandard water services and sanitary sewer laterals. Work is planned on Old Mill Drive, Catherine Street and Etienne Brule Park.
Scarborough Bluffs West Project: Eastern Beaches to Bluffer’s Park The Scarborough Bluffs West Project: Eastern Beaches to Bluffer’s Park will explore opportunities for improved waterfront access between Balmy Beach and Bluffers Park along Lake Ontario, while enhancing the protection of sensitive shoreline and natural areas.
Scarlett Road Bridge In 2008, the City completed a study to address the safety and traffic operations in the area around the Scarlett Road Bridge. The study recommended making changes to the bridge and surrounding roads in order to improve the road capacity and reduce congestion.
Scott Street Pumping Station The City of Toronto is looking at ways to remove sources of clear water (groundwater and stormwater) that enter sanitary sewers, which can cause sewer capacity concerns and potential overflows into the lake.
Sewer Connections & Creek Improvements in the East Don River The City of Toronto is carrying out work in the East Don Parkland which includes replacing and installing sewer connections to service the surrounding area, constructing an underground storage stormwater tank and pumping station, removing an existing concrete weir from the river (similar to a dam) and stabilizing the river channel.
Silverthorn Cycling Connections In 2024, road resurfacing is planned on Silverthorn Avenue from Rockwell Avenue to St. Clair Avenue West. Road resurfacing provides once in 25-year opportunity to make changes to improve road safety.
Six Points Interchange Reconfiguration Following more than 10 years of planning, consultation, engineering, and design, the City of Toronto began construction to reconfigure the Six Points intersection in March 2017.
Southwest Agincourt Transportation Connections Study The City of Toronto is studying ways to improve transportation connections in the area between Village Green Square and Sheppard Avenue East, in anticipation of future development. Improvements that are being considered include a new north-south street and new multi-use trail.
Steeles Avenue East Complete Streets Steeles Avenue East between Midland Avenue and Brimley Road is scheduled for road resurfacing in 2023. The roadwork provides an opportunity to review the street for changes to improve safety and operations for people driving, taking transit, walking and cycling.  As part of the roadwork, the City of Toronto is proposing cycling, pedestrian, motor vehicle operations, and road safety upgrades on Steeles Avenue East from Midland Avenue to McCowan Road.
Steeles Avenue Widening and Morningside Avenue Extension The City of Toronto is beginning to develop detailed engineering designs for a 1.5 km widening of Steeles Avenue East from Tapscott Road easterly to Ninth Line and the extension of Morningside Avenue to Steeles Avenue.
Stormwater Charge and Water Service Charge The City of Toronto is undertaking consultation with water customers and stakeholders on the possible implementation of a water service charge and a stormwater charge and credits program.
Thorncrest Village Neighbourhood Improvements Over the next few years, the City will be undertaking a number of projects in Thorncrest Village.
The Queensway Complete Street In 2023, parts of The Queensway between Mimico Creek and the Humber River will be reconstructed and the watermain will be replaced. The road and watermain work provide an opportunity to review the street for changes to improve safety and operations for people driving, taking transit, walking and cycling.
Topham Park Basement Flooding Protection Program As part of the Basement Flooding Protection Program, the City of Toronto is upgrading storm and sanitary sewers on St. Clair Avenue East, east of O’Connor Drive and in the Topham Park neighbourhood. The work also includes some watermain replacement, intersection safety improvements on Westview Boulevard, and a rain garden installation on Valor Boulevard.
Trethewey Drive Complete Street The City of Toronto is proposing to install a complete street on Trethewey Drive, which includes road safety improvements, bus stop enhancements and a bikeway, between Eglinton Avenue West and Jane Street. Complete streets enhance road safety and accessibility for all road users, including pedestrians, people cycling and driving.
Wallace Emerson Neighbourhood Streets Plan The Wallace Emerson Neighbourhood Streets Plan will identify, prioritize and recommend improvements to traffic operations and street design to improve local streets and create a safer neighbourhood.
Warren Park Forcemain Replacement Study The City of Toronto is undertaking a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) Study to explore opportunities to improve reliability of an aging sanitary forcemain that serves the Warren Park Sewage Pumping Station (SPS). A forcemain is a pressurized sewer pipe that transports wastewater from a lower to a higher elevation. The existing forcemain is located in Warren Park in the city of Toronto.
West Humber River Geomorphic Systems Master Plan The City of Toronto has initiated a study to identify sewer and watermain infrastructure within the West Humber River that is at risk of erosion from high flows dues to storms and snow melt. This study will look at how the current stream conditions are impacting the storm sewer and watermain infrastructure within the river and identify solutions to help reduce or prevent future impact to ensure the City’s water and sewer infrastructure can continue to operate and service residents and businesses.
West Parkdale Cycling Connections

The City of Toronto is inviting residents to learn more and provide feedback about West Parkdale Cycling Connections. The project proposes to connect a gap in the cycling network from The Queensway to Brock Avenue and improve cycling access to destinations like High Park, St. Joseph’s Health Centre, retail, transit, and schools.

Weston Cycling Connections

The City of Toronto is inviting residents to learn more and provide feedback on the first on-street cycling facilities within the Weston neighbourhood. The Weston cycling network will connect local destinations within the community and neighbouring areas, and enhance safe, active mobility options for residents.

Yellow Creek Geomorphic Systems Master Plan The City of Toronto has initiated a study to identify sewer and watermain infrastructure in Yellow Creek that is at risk of erosion from high flows due to storms and snow melt runoff.
yongeTOmorrow This study will develop and review design options intended to improve streetscaping and increase pedestrian space, along with other possibilities to improve the way people move through and enjoy Yonge Street between Queen Street and College/Carlton Street.
Yorkdale Transportation Master Plan Study to identify and address the long-term transportation improvements needed to support all road users within, and surrounding, the Yorkdale Shopping Centre site.
York Gate Cycling Connections The City of Toronto is inviting residents to learn more and provide feedback on opportunities to install bikeways along York Gate Boulevard between Jane Street and the existing Finch Hydro Corridor Multi-Use Trail. The project will include opportunities to improve safety for pedestrians, people cycling, and people driving on York Gate Boulevard.